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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1939)
i;k;nt DAILY NEBKASKAN WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 1939 Fly weather just around the corner. .. .and everybody hoping against hope that spring vacation won't blow in with a snow-drift or rain cloud. . .yesterday lota of the kiddies took their afternoon off to start their sun-tans and relax from the strain of winter. . .con vertible tops are now being worn down, if you have a convertible . . .but three Sigma Nu's went the next best thing to a convertible or even a car by buying a '26 Pontiac a mighty fine little auto, even if it is slow on the pickup ...and spending their afternoon at drill was the Pershing Rifle Crack Squad, practicing in the Union ballroom and creating lots of attention. . .downstairs in the Crib the business zoomed, as cokes were drunk for thirst and not just past-time by such as DU Avery Forke and Alpha Chi Eunice Halm (hand-in-hand, by the way)... and Oil Omega's Edie Huston and Betty Flory were getting their re freshment. . .Delta Gamma Vir ginia Wheeler and Sig Ep John Scofield were talking over the Best Dressed Girl candidates and picking their winners for tomor row night at the Coed Follies... on the up-beat in the affair of Kappa Casey Campbell and Phi Psl Warren Ractke, with his rush ing her for many dates in ad vance... Pi Phi Mary Bell Bates is now wearing the Sig Alph pin of Wally Reusch, come spring and things... and the Alpha Chi's are wondering why Alice Bai'num wasn't wearing John Wenke's Sig Ep pin though she might just be kidding them. . . last minute flash Wasserroaras show 100 negative North Dakota has little syphilis, tests show GRAND FORKS. N. D. (LP.) Not one positive reaction to the Wosserman test for syphilis has been discovered among the 1,631 University of North Dakota stu dents who have taken the test dur ing the past two years, reports Dr. C. L. Nutzman, campus health tlirector. Last February when half of the 1,813 students had been examined and not one positive reaction had been found, University authorities were of the opinion that a national record for colleges and universities had been established. An important factor contribut ing to the absence of syphilis on the University campus, believes Dr. J. M. Gillette, professor of sociology, is that venereal diseases are apt to be less common in rural areas, and North Dakota is one of the two most rural of the 48 states. In addition educational institutions have a considerably lower per centage of affected persons than does the country as a whole. Dr. E. F. Powell leaves for West Lafayette Mich. Dr. E. F. Powell, instructor in zoology and anatomy, left Mon .day evening for West Lafayette, Mich., after receiving news of the serious illness of his father. BULLETIN All Coed Follies saleswomen are requested to check in tickets nnd money tomorrow afternoon at 5 o'clock in Ellen Smith. Orchcsis meeting will be held tonight in the dance studio of Grant Memorial at 7 o'clock. ShiahL Iow Shoicing! Fields Brrirn ti McCarthy in "YOU CANT CHEAT AN HONEST MAN" Sail . . . "Utile Prince" with Shirley Temple Now Showing! "ST. LOUIS BLUES" with Dorothy Lumonr COMING! "FAST AND LOOSE" I tells us that among-cars-just-bought are two new smooth jobs at the Zeta Beta Tau house. . .and won't all the boys be popular now . . .among the b'g parties this week-end are the Sigma Kappa Hit Parade party Friday night, open, . and the DU closed house party following Initiation. . . Chi Omega announces Mary Elizabeth McConnell as a new pledge. Miss Poiley speaks to charm school group Speaking on "Music in the Home," Miss Lillian Poiley of the school of music, addressed Charm School members, yesterday eve ning In Ellen Smith. Charm -School, an orientation group for freshman women, meets on the second and fourth Tues days of each month under the leadership of Helen Catherine Da vis. The next meeting will be April 5 University of Pennsylvania an nually stages a "Good Will Week" to promote understanding among the students of various nations. Matinee dancers mutt show identification cards To make sure that there will be plenty of room for all the stu dents at the matinee dance this afternoon at 5 o'clock, Social Di rector Ylngcr asks that every one bring his identification card. Dr. Henzlik, Dr. Rosenlof attend Chicago meeting Dean F. E. Henzlik of the teach ers college and Dr. G. W. Rosenlof, professor of secondary education, plan to attend the North Central Association meeting in Chicago, March 28 to April 1. Phi, Kappa Phi initiates to enrerram cnamrer New initiates of Methodist sorority bcsJwsfa. esses to the chapter Wednesday at 7 p. m. at Ellen Smith hall. Modern day sacrifice and its place In the Lrenten Beason U. the theme for the meeting. Eilee" 'nt. Claudia Baker, and Tex- will participate i Reports from the ference at Beatri. by Eva Mae Cron president of the c; Larrabee. Rounds ussion. -at con e given iva Mills, and Marie Miss Jo Chapman is the men's basketball coach at Martin college, 7 Lady from Barrow A winsome young lady from Barrow ARROW TlfS ARE SMART Hated ties that were stringy and narrow, WUMI1 IIW MRS llflHIXI n.. .i..j .ii f- vui ant u tan iui nit cciiu ere irrist .Mlf. VCTio showed thrift and good sense 5" THI WEEK'S POST And alwavs wore neckwear bv Arrow. Wvmm WHO SAYS THE CIRCUS IS DEAD? Killed by union warfare? De pression? Not yet I Cata and Kinhers brings you the story and two pages of circus photo graphs in natural color. A NEW MYSTERY NOVEL Colonel Primrose investigates a case of automatic murder in False to Any Man, by Leslie Ford. Sec ond of six installments. SMALL-TOWN BANKER. John M. Gale has never failed to pay a check with real money, never once foreclosed a mortgage I Jesse Rainsford Sprague tells you about him. ALSO: Short stories by T. S. Stribling, Donald Hough, and Margaret Weymouth Jackson . . . Caret Garrett reports what happened when labor locked horns with West Coast farmers (see Whose Law and Order?) . . , serials, editorials, fun and cartoons. 1 !!!fm im.. Ll i I IF X Wilis , nn.YSr' te Mmf ' I j 'Khi't'""""'"T'-'eA Cj v . ri ' - 1.4 nii,.,,.. UM- !, TO. ,s , I , : l' VJ . " I I III! r.yi a i ...... w- arSbru- I r! BlLZ 3 8rccn 'arm bov I' A - . 8i8nedonashin.anlo..I.Jm bf ii A- wUd. , ine"orM-'iththe 1 ' l! ,dnotionofmeetJnrtti,'r.e 3 'pmil Peror of Russia u " t n "i "ere " eenn!! Peror of Russia ... Ift sompffi;., j-tr ncrentina 8 one you'll enjoy. To Whipple, the A heEmperorofRJZ WALTER DEDMONDS v. c AW MM I ' Ml - ilsW.- ,SES he's 1 ''Sure you're Sam Blade's v I . i. for 1: ol rules allergic to beauties! him." So "'odern wmancc. ,and wrote anew S 25 - ItS AUK 'PEeJ4. SveetTalkJrueTa i r,