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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1939)
FOUR DAILY NEBKASKAN WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1939 Dull days packed very full of' nothing, especially society... which means, we suppose, lots of study or sleep or play... on the other hand, such forthcoming events as the Prom, and the ATO and Kappa Dclt formals bring great anticipation. . .an unusual event, concerning the Prom, took place at the Sig Ep-Pi Phi hour dance the other night, when John Scofield asked Mary Bell Bates to the Prom, one of the few dates ever resulting from an hour dance acquaintance, we think.. . .It's on again and off again with the af fair of Sigma Kappa Gerry Hub bard and Duke Finnigan, who have now decided that the whole thing is definitely off again... but on again it is or do we dare say it, knowing how hearts change over night, with Alpha Phi Tat Jensen and ATO Claude Wilson. . .they are dating now, and Phi Delt Culver Brooks is none too happy about the whole thing. . .steadies are really steady when the girls have the boys dine at their soror ity for dinner, as Martha Whclan and Jane Ellis, Tri Deltas, had Ed Segrist, Chi Phi, and Bob Ad ams, DU, at their house the other night... and the mention of Chi Phi brings to mind that during Preparation Week (Health to some, Hell to most), their pledges were sent to bring back a blonde ...and they did bring a very charming Peggy from one of the Uni Terrace houses... It seems that a highly prized baseball bat belonging to the Sigma Chi's was taken by erorr to the A O Pi house, and when they returned it, the boys presented them with a flag. . .raving about what a good stiff sport skiing is, is blonde Delta Gamma Gerry Wallace... "Good morning, John," provoked by the ad in yesterday's rag, has been the by-word of countless gals with any kind of blonde hair to countless boys with any sort of a brief case.. .and now that B. D. O. C. is revealed, many of the boys are sprucing up fit to kill who will be the winnah . . . and today BULLETIN Corn Cob3, men's pep club, will meet tonight in room 316 of the Union at 7:30 o'clock. The meeting is important and all actives and pledges are urged to attend. Archery club will meet today in Grant Memorial at 5 o'clock. Tibet-- (Continued from Page 1) and philosophical sense. He ad mita of faith in the philosophical principals on which the sects of modern Buddhism are based and subscribes to the teachings of Buddhism on the basis of sound reasoning rather than on basis of miraculous happenings. Learned to slow up heart beat During his studies of the Yogi practices Bernard learned to stop breathing for an indefinite length of time, eo without sleeping, slow up his heart beat and halt the flow of blood to a segregated vion at will. He al.v mastered the feat of living on four hours of sleep eating only one meal a day. In the way of explanation lie .'tale that "it is only a question of train ing the body to renew itself as it do-s in sleep while wide aw.'iko In his forthcoming book "Pent house of the Go Jm" will b de scribed the tinu.i'ial accounts oi his adventures and Fme of the results of the studic? lie i,i ile of this land and its reli;on. Admission to Ihcou IVrnnrd's lectures will be ten cents per person. Fri., Feb. 24 STURHPfKES Gives you Ol.Jack Crawford J." O yv famous urcnesua X Great Orchestra 2 Lovely Girl Vocalists is the day of the tea dance at five. . . Pi K A announces the pledging of Stanley Lind of Lexington. There were candy and cigars Mon day night at the Alpha Chi and Sig Alph houses when Marion Cushing and Ralph Bristol turned out the treats. Alex McKie, a national officer of Pi K A, visited their chapter last Saturday and Sunday. Studio group acts tonight Two plays scheduled for Temple stage at 7 A double-header is scheduled for the Studio theater program to night at 7:00 in the Temple. Com bined with "Slave of Two Faces," an allegorical fantasy, will be four scenes from "The Women," Claire Booth's embarrassingly accurate portrayal of the deadlier species. Because there are so many parts in this gloiificd feminine cat-ses sion, each girl will have several parts, with the exception of Jean Morgan, who will portray Mrs. Stephen Ilaynes, the nice wife who manages to hold her man, in spite of the strenuous efforts of Crystal, played by Hollis French. When not husband-snatching, Miss French will take the parts of a broken down counti 3s and a gossiping manicurist. Rowena Beadle plays gossip. Chief scandal-monger will be Rowena Bealdle as Sylvia. Tex Roselle Rounds will take parts of Peggy, who i3 being renovated, and a hair-dresser. Nancy, an au thoress, will be played by Barbara Birk, and Miriam, a friend of Mary Ilaynes, will be played by Grace Elizabeth Hill. In "Slave of Two Faces" Verne Geisinger will be Life; parts of the two girls will be taken by Tex-Roselle Rounds and Barbara Birk. Attendance is limited to those students who are taking speech cburses, according to Richard Rider, director of the Studio the ater. . Your Drug Sto e Include In your novt phone order one of our drlirimi. Tender UnNed Vlr Kinln Hutu Snndwielica, loo, Toasted or l'lalii. THE OWL PHARMACY P St. at 14th Phone B1063 FREE DELIVERY 6. o o o 4 hours of Superb Music X Both bands arc Victor He-.. 25 Musicians KNOTS YOU ALL HAVE SEEN t) & S 1 TheDoor-Knob Knot 2 The Pig-Wee Knot 3 The Pomp Handle Knot I The Skew-Gee Knot S The Arrow Knot ARROW TIES 7 SEE THIS WEEK'S POST if Enjoy the Post tomg htl IS THE U.S. PREVENTING (or provoking) A NEW WORLD WAR? What one country worries Europe most today ? Germany? Italy? Russia? Japan? No, the answer is the United States. A brilliant foreign correspondent reaches this conclusion after gathering evidence from behind . the European scene, where statesmen fear that Uncle Sam may upset the bomb racks. See Undo Sam Scares Europe, by Demaree Bess. They toy with DEATH UNDER THE RIVER "Sand hogs"have their choice of three quick, easy ways to die. They can be drowned, trapped by fire, killed by compressed air. No wonder they call river tunneling a man's job a crazy man's I Here's the story of the young mechanic who licked a job no old-timer would touch. You Can't Stop a Guy Like Tliat, says Borden Chase. THE SPY they wouldn't believe It was March, 1026 . . . and I filler was moving into the Rhincland. Would he back d'jwn if France mobilized? Only one Frenchman knew and the Army wouldn't believe him I A dramatic story of espionage: CrLia by William C. White. BAGPIPE MUSIC in n swamp? It give Dr. Mi-iCally the tliock of his life. Here's the strange story the Doc learned one night from 7Vie Pipe hi a jor of Lit t lo Sorrowful. A short story by Clcnn Allan. "IMAGINE THAT HIRED CIRL making eyes at our son 1" said Mrs. Timble. "Why, I think that just shows tar.te, nutura! good taste," said her husband. Dorothy Thomas tackles a farm problem that might stump even the AAA. Sec Thank You, Roiie. ., , ) 2 years cld.and the f 2 years dd, and the Here's a new kind of heroine slim young Phoebe Titus, who had reddish chestnut hair and a ready hand with a Sharps rifle. Fighting her own way through Arizona of the 60's ... a land overrun by Apache raiders, Mexican ban dits, gamblers, murderers, and riffraff from the States. Fearing no man In the Southwest yet finding there the one man she could love. Start an exciting new novel in this week s Tost. I irst of eight installments. eyr A smashing, action-packed romance of the old Southwest "Art. izona by CLARENCE BUDINGTOfl KELLAND I ' ' "I Li , 1:1 ' - . i 1 luiien n Busincssmnn ounnuis poinmnns that's nciis! I- i Duiinessmrn uu- . .... : m mitted v.nsiii"i!"" their master nc Ramcofword5.Dutone dissente.l-Wcnd L. Willkic. And New Dealers, after the TV A- Commonwcaitn &Southrrndcal,na mitted i"y had met their master. The Man Who Talked Back by ALVA JOHNSTON -rr!i VfrM hotvdoyottsfiooin ... wmi HYPOTHETICAL BUUtl i l O Suppose you were VFhV .n mitiaircraft gunner. And were ordered to beatoffatham attack with "hypothetical" iviUc ts. and no search- V l'lihts ! what would you :S -fi do? That's the puzzler Vl.-ar i v. Dorean's regi- sfr ment faced. You'll laid W-j -5i ti,cir solution in Luke Brings Home the Beacon to WILLIAM CHAMBERLAIN o o tsss mummaw mmum pern itnrrllnr A NEC & CBS Artiste. O Adm. onlr 53c per TcrsonO 7