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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1938)
mi; daily Mlkkaskav tiiiksuay. vm. t, vxmx !'A(,t IIIKLE fclwood. RandoL j SOONER TRACKMEN RLET, SET THREE HEW MARK DOWN SCA Third Place Poiuis Beat Huskers The proverbial dope bucket went sailing: all over the lot Tues day at Norman when the Sooner track squad piled up a 12 point margin to defeat Coach Schulte's tinder artists. Scarlet tracksters grabbed first honors In seven of the 15 events and annexed the same number of second spots but only gained four third place wins. This cost the Huskers the meet as the Oklahoman mane up the mar pin of victory from the third place winners. n only four events did the Schulte men place two men. Frank and Gish placed one, two In the 120 highs and reversed the order with Gish first in the 220 low. In the javelin throw Frank and Munson copped the second and third spots to limit the Sooners to one place and in the broad jump Neuman and Dawson annexed first and sec ond respectively. In the remain ing 11 events the Huskers Disced only one man. One of these events, however, was the mile relay for which Nebraska received no points. This shows that every place counts and if a team does not have a sufficient number of third place winners, many close meets will be lost. Cage Coaches Rule. Immediately after the lust bas ketball season there was quite a hit of talk floating around about the rules. Some coaches were a bit dissatisfied with them while a few others said that they were ail right. The National Association of Basketball Coaches in session this week has taken up the problem of rule changing with the following results. The continuance of the elimination of the center jump was approved with little or no discussion. They voted 71-1 to in- Bob Neuman Breaks Record for Huskers; Oklahoma Leads, 71 to 60. Four new meet records were set up and one tied as the Okla homa Sooners downed the Husker trackmen in the first dual meet of the outdoor season by a 71 to 60 count Tuesday. Of the new marks, three were set bv Okla homa men and one by Nebraska. Bob Neuman won the pole vault wun a new record of 12 feet 10H inches. Thim Finley, Sooner soph omore, scored a surprise win over Husker Bob Simmons in the 440 yard dash, to set up a new mark of :4N.9 for this event. Another Oklahoma sophomore, John Shirk, heaved the discus for 146 feet 8 inches and a new meet record. Nathan Andrews, Oklahoma, hung up a record of 194 feet S inches to win the javelin. Ok!ahoma"s Krnest Haskell tied the 110 yard dash record of :09.7. Finley Piles Up 11 U Points. Pinley, with a total of 11 ' points, edged out Eldon Frank for high scoring honors. Frank had 11 points. Finley scored victories in both the 220 and 440 yard dashes, and was a member of the winning mile relay team. Frank took first in the high hurdles, sec ond in the lows, and second In the javelin One point Fronk. Roy Gahan of Oklahoma. and Husker Bob Neuman were tied with 10 points apiece. Gahan scored a double in the mile and the half mile, and Neuman in the broad jump and pole vault. Frank and Bill Gish took linns placing first and second in the hurdles. Frank won the highs in :15 flat with Gish second. Gish did the lows in .24.3 with Frank second John Biownlee won the two mile run in 10:3(5.2. Al Kuper was second in the mile, finishing behind Gahan, who was timed in 4:46. Bob Mills won the shot put with a heave of 47 feet 3:,i inches, and was third in the discus Ray Baxter won the high jump at 6 feet 1 inch. He tied for second in the Texas Relays with a leap of 6 feet 2 inches. The summaries: YICU DlAImI COACH, REPLACING LATTA Fred Shiivy, All America Husk-1, er tackle last fall. Friday was j named director of athletics and head football coach at Beatrice high school, succeeding Bob Lata, who resigned a couple ot weeks ago after serving there for five years. Shirey, who is to be in full charge of athletics there, will be assisted by Ed Higgenbolliam, former Doane college .star, and Max Barrett, ex-We.sleyun uni versity athlete. After a year at Washington & Jefferson univers ity, Shirey, whose home is in Latrobe, Pa., matriculated here, f He will receive a salary of $1X0 a year. RAY BAXTER IS E HUSKER FIRS! AI AUSTIN THE WKATHEK Whatever full house the Weatherman may have been holding out. he has at last played his hand, with wind, sleet, rain, and snow laid on the table in a real show-down. For today the forecast is more snow, with Friday fair and tem perature rising. C. II. Oldlutlirr lo Attorn! I)euM Mee! Apr. 11, 12 De.ii! C. ti Oldfalhvr, dean l the -olli'se ot nits and sciences, will attend the meetings of the Dean of Libei al Arts colleges of schools in this aiva to be held at the University of Michigan April 11 iind 12. hv Ha.-koi! (Oi: I tnril. Truelilnod 100 yrd 1fh: Wnn scrond. D.iwsnn Ni; 10). Time :(. 7. 2o nrd wush: Won t( Kmifv o: ?M'ond, HHskt'll Oi; third, Pnwsnn (N). Timf :S1 n. 440 yrd (lush Won hv Kuiliv in,; ;,.p. nnl Simm"ns (Ni; third. Harrett 00. Tinif :4fc 9 (now meet record i. hsu vnri run: Won hv Cariim (Oi; spc nnrt. Rurrrtl (Oi; third. Andrews (NI. Tim 2-u.V.V Mile inn: Won hv (ixhan iO: second. tNi; thr.l. Id. well (III. Time 4 18. Two rnilc run: Won hv i N l : second. Howell iui; third. Lochner (0). Time 10:32. 120 nr.l high Won hy KiMik lM; (".cord, (Huh iN; third, Muriljs tOl. Time flat. 2211 nrd lown; Won hv r.ish iNi; sec ond Frank (N; third. Morns (Oi, Time :24 .3. Mile relav: Won hv Oklahoma (Kinley, Tiurhlourt, Barren. Haskell). Time 3:liV Shol put: Won hv Mills iN'i; second. Pritchard (O); third, HhukI) (Oj. Distance 47 feet 3 Inches. i msciis: Won hv Sh!ik io: second. I 'Biffer' Uses Films of 1936 Indiana Game to Show Basic Errors. Films of the 19.16 Ind'ana gnnie were shown to the squad yester day as the gridsters were forced Indoors by the snow, rain, and cold weather. Major Jones particularly pointed out the fine passing and kicking of Vrnon Huffman, Hoosier back and later All Big Ton choice as its most valuable player. Huffman nevei played football in high Trackmen Take One Second. Two Thirds in Texas Relays Saturday. Nebraska's nine man track team took one first place, one second and two-thirds m the Texas Relays, neld at Austin last Saturday. Ray Baxter took the lone Husker I first by t ving with six others nt 6 feet 2 in ches in the high jump. Bob Mills took second in the shot put with a toss of IS feet, 4'j in ches. A heave of 201 feet got third place lor Fldon Frank in tht Javelin. medley team. RAY BAXTER c o 111 p osed Of Uiicu.ii Journal. I Bob Simmons, Wilson Aruiiews. Al Kuper, an I John Brownlee, took the secon 1 Husker third. No points were awarded in this meet, but the University of Texas won six firsts and tied for two i 7 w'l in u Ji Dl. i Baptists two ench. Texas C'hris- I tiiiii, cciiHSKa, L.iciKe, rummii appointed by Harry Stuhldreher, Wisconsin U. coach, to member ship of the American Football Coaches association. This body : serves in the capacity of an ad-1 visory commission which makes recommendations on rule changes : to the national rules committee. I school, according to the major Pritch.nd (i: thi-d. Miiis iN). l ustance i who then pointed out the heights ! others to pace the university ciivi Javelin? w,: ; hi TlideVVon Vo); .cond. 10 h'rhan inexpci lencea man Rire nad four tirst)i, Non Frank N- thir.l Vun.i.n 1V1 In...,,.. . UlllV tlllllO. 1 T.i.ii TdaA.n un.l DLlnknnvi nenind 'i' r't s m.n. mew meet record i. Two of the better known Ne- ond.": K.i'eoeiVv .';ri.,'v.h1rtX!,M.ii!r.' u7. biiiska sound candidate who firs! Heitht a i.ct i nu, sampled football in the university i paVn. nf Rinu.onH ivv ami nS:;: M.:o'' GloW. from Fitch-j Yankton college of Yankton. S. u feet no, mehes i tow meet record. burn. Mass., and h orrest l.chm. m., took one first a piece. -'"" n of Lincoln UlSlt. UOetOWSKl. leu Seven now nit iwnni "" j tackle, was unable to go out for set up and one old one was tied. . I athletics in high school because it ' The outstanding performance of interferred with his work. Behm. . the meet was turned in bv Fred who still bears the marks of burns I from a childhood accident, and ! also a tackle, is making a strong ' bid for a hirth on the seconds, and i will certainly play some time next fall for the scarlet and cream. Won hv Neuman ond paw son iN: third, (j.ltjiter httmncr 22 feel 1(1 Inrhcs. i Wokott. of Rice Institute, who ibetteied the accepted woild's rec ord in the 120 yard hish hurdles, i running them in :13.9 Twenty minutes later. Wolcolt won the i 100 vard dash in :09.K. A. L ti : ' vSi:! The V I I hi VJ Sa .),,nc I W V them . P.l I)C,K r-tc - t K: 1 X GLOVES Pliable even-tcx-turcd doeskin to be exact . , . gaily colored for your Easter outfit. completely wash- if course in a mild and luke warm wu Thcir choice "Dusty ' will stay at lovely day you bought I lit III III Dusty Pink Marine Blues Indo Clay Roseberry Navy Sulphur Natural White )2'li ft tit i t 2.25 Pair Rndie & GueazcJ Cr. NeVr:LPTore97a-nrs-a$lAmen'S H'U'n9 Fa'IS tion during last season's grid cam-1 t0 Prevent Nebraska patgn, started the Bruins on ai n , . -t n n c batting rampage in the first base-j UeieaiS, h3f U'D. ball game of the season by clout-. crease the time out periods from j ing a homer in the first frame to' In the second game of the Ne on e to two minutes in length and j lead Cal. to a 13-1 victory over I hraska-Baylor baseball series bv a vote of 5.-(. the court nun-1 ManTord tors recommended five time out periods instead of four as the Tvrent rules nrovide This all seems to indicate that eleven on the field next fall next the coaches are in favor of the ' fall. Husker fans will long remem new style of play and are anxious ber bose first three quarters of to make rules which will further! the game last fall when the Cy- Coach Jim Yeager. I-State, expecting to put an 1 played at Waco. Tex., last Tues- . ! day afternoon, the Scarlet men ' w'Pte nn th. sll-rt orwl nf a Clli an-vcicran develope this new style rather than Stifle it. By providing more and longer rest periods, the play ers will be able to withstand the terrific pace of the game. Ad Lindsey. head football coach fct Kansas university, has been clones outplayed the Scarlet and held the Jones men to a 7-7 dead lock before the Huskers broke loose for two counters to win the game. If next year's Iowa State team is any better than the 19371 edition, the Huskers will be in for' plenty of trouble next fall ' I T li I . ' B . Mt.-. -Si 111 i I I n 1 3 ( i .I'jr-J?.! PAUL AMEN Lir.-o.n Jc um: scoie. Tommy Fine. Baylor pitcher. stood out as he struck out nine m e n. allowed five hits, and walked one man. Denning. Srh m a d e k e. Behr, and An drews, the four Husker pitch ers, allowed seven hits. Ne braska failed to make a run after McDer mott forgot to toiuh a base while goir.g around i on a triple. In Mon iays game, dropped by Nebraska 9-7. Paul Amen, Husker .vnior and former Olympic short stop, was the leading hitter, col lecting three sir.tles and a homer. Captain Ross H:ghtower led the Bais with three s;r.:lfs and a triple. This was the opening gam" of Nebrs.-kas season. The Huskers meet Oklahoma university t Norman today and Friday in Eig Six tilts, and Sat urday iomry to StiKwater to play the Oklahoma Aggies. Scoie by V ..r-:i. US Vhr-k Kr ... NTiHl ....... , ft '' l Bn,'r '"O 12 " -2 IS. T ? Z 1 f.x - K 4 1 4 The New Palm Beach Suits They're smarter, coolir, better than ever be fore. The latest in men sport backs and lounge models. The newest stripes, checks, plaids and solid colors. The smartest whites... and the brand new Airtones. Smart for campus and classroom-smart for Saturday night dates. for all nest sum mer. Easy to wash and clean... shapely forever... and marvelous values at See them at your fjvorite clothier today, uhilc se lections are at their best. And be sure he shows you the new Palm Beach Evening Formal at $20, ind the handome Palm Beach slack at 5.50. STANLEY TO TALK EEF0EE SIGMA KI. P.B.K ON APRIL 12 iOnt:nu-d from Tage l i proprtK i of how hnnz an'i non-living matt-r. Dr. H. W. Mar.ti. p.irastolo gist at the!iy. is piM-i'-. t ot S:g.i,a Ni th: y-ai. "Dr Sttr.ley'f Ci;t0e! 'if riidtenal that s-eTr,.s to le nor.-lr. ir.g und. r fcori.e romutioiiK and living under other h;s iniuvl much popUrr ir.ler'st.' sy Dr. Maxiter. "The gret of lh virus in me in ir.e is apparent when it " iml.7,K that ftji h ii.4-as-s as in fluD7.s. the common coid. mea.-l' . muu p. w drift fever, inlantlle pHialyxn ar.'! yellow fever are t'jed by vilusex '' In I'r. St-n'iiys e fert !i('ive)ii. die editor of a liL" tr.i-a7-i:ie utated. "Ih'' 'l'fincvr ( h:i discovered I an a .aj. nt bn letwieri liv i ing an ) non-liing n.attcr." The nam of She tfiiviiity of Mii-higan. given m 1M7 (barter, is C'athobpii'temia'l or L'r.ivemtv of Michigar.ia." if f v n wm S d u- v ''--'-. y i i k r l ) ' i I 7 'I ' c m " ' v K Y. " . . . . ) VV 7 UrrklX r. vOvt .c-N i ah. w in H i.n VL Oll-MT.tllOK the pkf li Vettminr college )ja a i(d a courw in We avir.g to its curriculum. ir it mn this unt il i OLSUSt fALM ILAt-H COODALL COMPANY-CINCINNATt The ki.kt rlas gift at Tarleton agricultural c.llege thin ynr if a rierin f;gn fur one of the caiiiptic building!. FOR SALADS THAT PLEA5E v for rcfrcshin4 mildness first for plcasinf taslc and aroma that smokers like only cigarette about which smokers say "They Satisfy The mild ripe tobaccos home grown and aromatic Turkish and the pure cigarette paper used in Chesterfields are the best ingredients a cigarette can have. They Satisfy. Pi Creamed , COTTAGE cheese Let your body breathe in Palm Beach Cot) lii, Uiin k Muu ToiAcco Co.