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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1938)
7 TIIE DAILY NEBIUSKAN. FHIDAY. MARCH 1. 1938 PAGE THREE TRAC 1 TITLE AT STAKE IV CYCLONES FAVORED TO COP SWIM TITLE CHILL VJIUD LIUEFIS PRACTICE SESSIONS 111 PIGSKIN CLASSED E A. h. N NEBRASKANSFACE LOOP AND IN TODAY SATURDAY Br i COACHES SOUNDED ON CH ANGES America's No. 1 basketball au thority, Dr. F. C. "Phog" Allen of Kansas has set out to ascertain Just what the coaches in this re gion think of the present setup un der which tne game operates, the K a n s a n has sent out q u e s tionaires which are to ask the instruc t o r s of the game just what they think of the present rules and what s u g g e s t ions they can make for changes. Last season the national rules committee abolished the and that is what of the rumpus. IJIMnMIWII.MMM.MMMI Mil Mizzou, Kansas State Set for Effort to Grab Husker Crown. K-W.X, AU.fcN Lincoln Journal. center jump has started all Now Phog asks if putting the ball in play immediately after the basket is satisfactory. There is also the question of whether or not it is fair to pen alize the team with the ball Just because they score. During the season just closed, we watched the workings of the new rules and on many occasions we noticed that one team would usually score immediately after the opponent. That is. as quick as one team got the goal, the oppo site team was given the ball and that team scored malig no dif ference in the relative score but increasing the total scoring of the two teams The team getting the hall after a field goal has been tnaHc has an ndvnnt,ire nver the other team because the team re-mird,es- trieving the ball quickly throws 1t j upcourt and someone dribbles into the basket before the opposing team has had a chance to form Its defensive formation. The rule was intended to speed up the game and that is what it has accomplished, but in speeding The Husker track team opens the defense of its indoor cham pionship this afternoon when the qualifying trials for the quarter and half mile are. run off in the Big Six meet at Columbia, Mo Last year the Huskers set a new scoring record to annex the in door championship. Nebraska will have a harder time this year than they did last Strong competition is expected from both Missouri and Kansas State. Nebraska and Missouri have both defeated the Aggies by a narrow margin. Iowa State Kansas and Oklahoma are not even conceded an outside chance of winning, and are expected to fight it out among themselves for the last three positions. Honor Schulte. The Husker 440 and so men left for Columbia yesterday. The remainder of the squad pulled oat early this morning. Qualifying trials for all events other than the 440 and 8S0 will be held to morrow afternoon, with the finals being run off tomorrow night Henry Schulte, present track coach of Nebraska and former track and football coach at Mis souri from 1913 to 1919, will be honored bv the athletes who com neted under him at Missouri, in special ceremony before the fin als. Among those honoring him, will be several men whom Schulte has not seen since he left Missouri and came to Nebraska in 1919. The following men will wear the Scarlet and Cream in this year's meet: 60 yard dash: Jack Dodd, Mar vin Ploek and Harwin Dawson; Bill Gish, Eldon Frank and Charley Brock; 440: Bob Sim mons, Elwood Fankonin, and Jack Calnon; 8S0: Bob West and Paul Owen; mile: Al Kuper and Wilson Andrews; two mile: John Brown lee. Pole vault: Veil Athey and Bob Neumann; high jump: Ray Baxter; ' "r mi' aur 4tk 3 zoo Befnr 35 ftUBH I OWA Mmmm STATE p:ltp$ll J-:J tudoiuu. t LA ' f i) M J A h ... It.' :i:: , , 1 ii - I H 1 if l"--v I -I II ii i ii iMiriirifcmiinihihviri U ! Bifter Stresses Pass Attack as Foundation for Next Year's Strategy. Fundamentals still occupied the spotlight yesterday as Maj. "Biff" Jones sent his football charges thru a light passing, punting, run ning and blocking drill on the var- s it v practice field. Brisk weath er, reminisent of November, livened the practice as a few spectators These members of the favorite Iowa State swim team will be 1he mainstays o fthe Cyclone bid for their fifth conference title since 1929 wlien the loop teams meet at Norman this weekend. Hald eman, record holder in the 200-yard breast stroke has broken his own record twice this season and has clipped 1.6 seconds off the mark set by Husker Jack Barry in the 100-yard free last year, Allen is a sophomore dash man, Bob Wempe is a free style anist hailing from the Canal Zone and Capt. Harris and Noland are the Cyclone's ace divers. The first string line remained i. -tact with Grimm and Kah'.er ends, Schwartzkopf and Thomp son at tackles, 1'feiff and Dobif i at guards and Broi k nt renin. Bob Mills the first string ta-.s is with the indoor track team .it Columbia and did not report ter practice yesterdaj. In the backfield comhiiuttiun were Phelps, Callihan, Hofima:! and Rohrig. Dodd and Plock were absent, too, because of the B'; Six track meet. Phelps was in his old loim heav ing out the pigskin into the wait ing arms of Rohrig. Hoffman or Andreson with such deadly ac- CUrflCV thttt thi roreivnr hud tittle braved the chill j trouble in plucking the pill out ot winds to watch j tne olone all(j heading toward pay the Huskers i run thru their j Huso Hoffman and Bill exercises. The , j,,, turned in good performances Major mayt plugging the mythical line dis have to depend ! playing superb form and speed, on quick passes ; Vike Francis, brother of All next Season to 1 Amorimn Sam' nlsA litnbo.l owl THURSTON PHELPS bring him vie- at the full position and doubtlessly Lincoln jour, i. tory. and it was will crowd the veterans before the this phase of the game that re-1 fall season rolls around. ceived a good deal of attention at ; Swivel-himied Harry the beginning o." the practice ses sion. The backfield combinations were split into two groups, and the full backs received special instruction in line plunging while the half backs were drilled in cutbacks and offtackle plays. Link Lyman took his linemen thru blocking and charging exer cises while Browne gave the squad practice on the tackling dummies. H o p p , fi-osh from Hastings, showed ver satile ball handling and clever running. Center candidates had a busy afternoon as the Major used them most of the day to snap back the oval for the backfield drills. Bob Burress was snapping the ball with accuracy, and. with Bob Ramey. should provide ample re serve for Iron Man Brock's pivot position. mm up the game it has removed some I nroa lumP: uhw PU:l i, -.oi. f.rv,otir, .r,H : mann: shot put: Bill Pfeiff and , plays and put more stress on i tnTrtWoidc jump -thtetic. at Nebraska, .in be thejim Knight Leads Nebraska! E j for iiile j PREPARE FOR TOUGH in nm oiv mitt LUNrtKtNLh 111 m OIA KL PON ; Bob Mills. Herb Gish. former director of the team that controlle d the tip , would have the advantage and could build their teams and plays around the center. i Phog also raises the question I f extending the space behind , the goal to four feet instead of the two feet that are now in j vogue. This would give the I piaye-s more room to fight for , the ball under the basket and would probably make the game rougher but this is what the fans are asking for so it will probably make more box office appeal. At least the game could not be any rougher than it is this year with the increased speed of the game due to the elimination of the center Jump. Biff Jones likes to haee his Upring drills as free of spectators ds possible. Sometimes he locks the gates to everyone. During the last few days the Biffer has had little trouble with crowded side lines as the nippy weather has Ivcpt the crowd to a minimum. It's interesting to note that before an important meet all of the coaches are anxious to an nounce that their respective teams don't have a chance to win. Maybe they want to throw suspicion on another team and they themselves will slip in and cop the meet. Vike Francis is following in his brother's footsteps. Vike has to live up to the reputation estab lished by Sam. The job will be un usually hard because on the foot hall field Vike looks and arts like brother Sam. Against Three Strong Conference Foes. BIFF SHOWS FILMS AT RED GUIDON MEET Coach .Terrv Adams and his Field Artillery Sponsors H.1Sker nifit t(.arn iPft pa,iv lhiS (JllOlS at SetJion j morning for Ames, la., where they Wednesday. i"" "'tempt to dethrone the con- Major Lawrence "Biff" Jones ; ference champion Iowa State Cy showed pictures of the East-West clones in the Big Six wrestling game to members ot tne Kea Guidon association, military hon orary, and their guests Wednes day evening. Mar. 2. After the meeting was adjourned, field ar tillery material and equipment were displayed. Gu-sts of Red Guidon for the first time were the Field Artilleiy meet which is being held today and tomorrow. Other schools entered in the meet are Kansas State and Oklahoma. Iowa State is doped to carry off the lion's share of the honors, with the Aggies and Sooners be ing their only real compel n inn. sponsors. Other guests included ! Those who know say that Ne Colonel and Mrs. W. H. Oury, braska will do no better than a Major and Mrs. R. G. Barkalow, I Major and Mrs. W. R. rhilip! Captain W. R. Grove and Cap-1 tain W. J. Gardner. i Need for Hurlers Urgent as Ball Team Shows Early Promise. The 1938 edition of the Com husker baseball squad is gradually taking shape as they work out in the confines of the coliseum. Some of the players were on the basket ball team, and were not able to repoit until this week, but at pres ent the squad is almost at full strength. Practice has been con fined to indoors, but they have plenty of time to round into con dition as the open'-.g game is more than a month away. The fate of the team rests large ly upon the way the pitchers de velop, and the ability of young sters to fill some of the key posi- ' tions. The shortstop post, along with two outfield positions are wide open, and if the men who win these positions come thru, the ' Huskers should give a good ac count of themselves. Jaunt to Texas. The season will be inaugurated REVIEW SECTION REBUILDS POOR FRENCH FOUNDATIONS (Continued from Page l.t second year course saw the ad vantages of the grammatical re view and chose to register for it. "While the results in 1935-36 ! revealed a spread of 33.6 percent : B between the averages of the high est and lowest groups in the final , examination and about 30 percent on the semester grades, the last I year markings show a difference : of only 23.6 percent for the ex 1 animation and about 20 percent 1 for the semester grades." says Dr. Wadsworth writing in the ! French Review. "There were no semester failures and only one condition among students regis- ! tered in the special review section, i In at least two-thirds of the cases j the student who followed the five hour course not only passed but considerably improved his rank ing in the class as a whole." of failures at Hie end ot each Educators in the Romance lan-'mesler in second year French. guagcf department are convinced that such a course is a remedy for the more inefficient system which turned out a considerable nuni)er SPECIAL OFFER TO STUDENTS Webster's Unabridged Twentieth Century Dictionary Including Addenda with Slang Words and Phrases, and Exhaustive Appendix Given with 3 Leading Publications PUBLISHER'S GUILD, Inc. Represented by R. S. Larson or Inquire at the Daily Nebraskan Business Oliice "1 .3 by a road trip to Waco, Tex., where iof Iowa Siate, who was conference they will meet the powerful Baylor runneruD last year. He also de- team in a two came series, on ; SIG ALPHS COP CLASS B CAGE HONORS FROM ATO DeWolf, Fate, Schock Show Way to Maple Victory in Greek Compet. Sims Alpha Rpsilon won the Clans B intramural basketball championship Wednesday night by defeating Alpha Tu Omega 16-14 In a game that was hard fought thruout. The A. T. O.'a surprised by extending the favored Sig Alph quintet to the limit before losing. Two A. T. O.'a, Egley and Vierigg, tied for high score honors by trsrnoring five apiece. For the new champions, PeWolf, FHte and Schock scored four points apiece to put their team on top. The box score: Blrma Alpha .llm. poor fourth. Knight Unbeaten. The Husker's strongest entrant will be Jim Knirht. 135, who is MAESTRO GRIFF WILLIMS I unbeaten in conference competi- rrcurfce attt iqia prtp i l,r,n-n-"'R ,m,, u"raicu MAL SEASON AT PROM TdNTfiHT Icisioned Warner of Kansas State April 4th and 5th. On the way i , i who was co-chamnion in 1934. The bac k they will meet Oklahoma U. i Oeister LaVerne Mareey Gene- Husker's main strength is the at Norman in a two game stand vieve Hoff or Peggy Pascoe will I lower weight divisions. Fred Web- on the 7th and 8th, and then finish step onto the stage to reign over , "ter. Charley.Mjegel. Jim Knight ; the trip with a single game against .h n-,i,i,.. frr,ii and Bill Luke, wrestling from 118 Oklahoma A. & M. on the tth. only the Student Council members j to 145. are Nebraska's best scor-1 The complete schedule, which i ho ronntH the vntpa Tuesdav ' ing bets. Luke is the second high will include 20 games, has not as, and the chosen coed herself know. scorer on the team this year. The dance will be broadcast ov-, Tne HusKer lineup inc iuues. I1h tmunrti: Fwi WptrTr T2R n"""!: C'hiBrlp Ml.'1! inf ?Munfl: Jim Knifcht i4d iwiutwlp'. Bui l.ukf lMi iHiutirln: lv Clare 11f lvmnlh: Km T"rniM 17ft pounrtu: I'mil Klilli-r Hi-HVjwolKhl: ritlfli J'iliii'm K7 QmpDhicuiL kittle JlUUfA, J0A. SpAUlCf in fi pr ts XarKivt. f ii 1 U 1 IvWcilf, t S 2 4 Kt. c i 1 Hmvn. 10 3 2 PurruM, K II 1 1 1 fcchook, S 1 1 4 Total 4 1 Alpha Tan Omtia. fK t pr ii Si-v. f o o o o Jniimon, f 0 I) 1 0 fcilfv, r 3 J fi Lrwttrrtt. o .....2 U i 4 Vnrrn, ( 8 10 6 larllin, ( u 0 0 0 filmoB, g 0 0 0 0 Total! H Th DAVIS SCHOOL SERVICE 'A Good Taaehera Agsncy" 1918-1638 Cnmm In anil Set V$ Ml (tuart Bldp. Lincoln. Mbr. er radio station KFOR from 11 to 11-30 o'clock. This will be Griff Williams' first broadcast over a midwestem station, altho his mus ic hHS been regularly heard in the past from stirtions in Dallas and the west coast. Williams comes to the Nebraska campus enroute frcm the Mark Hopkins hotel in San Francisco to the Kdgewater Beach hostelry in Chicago where he will replace Orrln Tucker. Three Proms In Three Week. Williams will he reniaced at the Mark Hop!.' ! i " T : It Jurgens who furnished the mumc for the Interfraternity .hall .here .last month. A veteran rnantro, Wil liams Is a favorite with college students. Three weeks ago he played for the University of South ern California prom and tomor row night he will wield his baton over the last formal ball at South Dakota university. "In bringing Griff Williams and his orchestra to the Nebraska campus, the prom committee feels that it is presenting prom-goers with one of the best bands avail able today," stated Stanley Brew ster, co-chairman of the commit tee delegated to select band for the affair. "We consider Griff Williams due for a swift boom in popularity." I yet been completed. One ol the 'highlights of the season will be a I clash with California's Golden 'Bears, at Lincoln, on May 17. CHIPS i Continued from Tage l.t was discounted, what could you say then?" Just This. Answer: "That emotions play j just as big, if not a bigger, part, I in an individual's life as the exer cise of intelligence, and that j whereas dancing and the sense of j rhythm might be an emotional de-1 light of some, the love for other animal sensations such as old wine j or good food might dominate other j persons. Question: "What are you going to do tonlflht7 ! Answer: "Gonna dance." As long as we're on research, you'll lie Interested in this bit from the University of Oklahoma's women's counselor: "The popular opinion is that the university is so ciety mad. But the fact is the girls who have three or four dates a week are isolated cases." See! This kind of research really does seem to be wanted. !;iu:i:iit:::ui!i:i::i:ttiii::i:iiiiii;i:m:ittiii:::::: STEAKS cut from qnv ii rnmnt Impacted CORN FED bfef. Wenaonably priced. WHITE HOUSE. N. E. on 77. j; Open All Wlnti-Warm Intidt t!i!:!!ii!itttrf!!!:i:tti!i:r:!:!it:!!:!::;tttii:r!!:!rrt;:; Qps)c ike Phum. . . . Swing, to. HOTEL CAPITAL where the Food is Best where Service and Hospitality blend to cieate an atmos phere you will enjoy. CAPITAL COFFEE LOUNGE WOMEN'S HATS All Styles and Shapes , Cleaned Reblocked You curi 1mve lint renewed for only. . . . your 50c Thoroughly cleaned . . properly rcihnjied. Send nil of your churning to the MODERN CLEANERS Soukup & WfKtover CaH F2377 Service Ever Sinoe 1904 RIGHT ON TOP The HEAD EVERYTHING IN The HAND COLOR TO The THROAT 1 RAH H.i in fare f raming poke bonnet. .ailor and little brrrt t?pn. Dlkl Ol . t for t 11 L35 cr? beM var. Miu-hrd. liitc or Ixtife. Pair ful for rar villi mil- 4r Itii'k-tm m i nr jiiott, poke them t i them -ru.h them a joii le 7 1.95 rtkl (.Imm In bright i-pring kkaitm.. I'laiii and fane? 9 9 lip-on Mjlr. Vr. pUJtRS Gardenias daiie. loleu. and col orful ta tniitiirr i'r 50c Half xiiede -up is , . . . in neh pring -iior lor rampti ith 1.25 I aKrie rippi-r. and iiou-i Milrlird Pair Iruna. lnn leatlirr CI t,1l Jl t. t.LRV Nwrlt of pin, r 1 p and tiUlaee. iilli -ol- ired tnn. (ft Q9 . t'l . j V (001 s 11 il H IS I I? A u IS Y f 4 I I