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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1938)
PACE FOUR THE D.V1LY NEBUASKAN, MUDAY. MAKCll I. l,).iK jit "" ' nlw ; 1. n I,,, 1 CJiV BY HIE llAr.NTKKSS j Haunters ;iiul hauiitressos lo have t lit-if cdicl noinls sometimes. W'.'uiiOMlav Kd Steeves ilul his I daily I d.ed by subtly (V) n;ggostin: that Koith Baird's date io!' tonight might enjoy taking in tne nroni ir.stead of sitting thru a movie. Well, that very evening I'i Phi pledge, Marian Johnson, was hifoi :ued that the movie deal was to -..? postponed in favor of the hop. 'Tis said that 11 A. T. O.'s turned tip for a barb hour dance last week end and had a whoe of a time. The onlv trouble was that thev ,ouldn't make anv dates ' with some of the queens thev met! because thev nil m ti-P' ;,m,, cur. Since then, have heard some i-aroriiy gals remark that they wi:.h they'd crashed the party be cause t:..y Pc;s h, Ben Bushman. At Promt. Clarence Simon and Wayne Cramer were among the 11. What wo have been trying to 1 f:guie out is the name of the D.I P. who s.ts in the reserve room1 ct the library every afternoon waiting li.r some girl who scarce ly ever shows up? Heard on good authority that fvvliu Anderson has decided to wear Vow Wilsons pin just to n h -w o ,Pm J , hf already a PUy pood deal. our haunts got finite a shnrl nl'n tat 1-ict ' wh'n Lurile turned up wearing a Sigma Nu pin. Later found out, however, that it was onlv Louise ...ickeve brothers pm she T, ,;)V f,. a ,,r5r,.t , ,.or'-f.n V rCnlV,e from the!ar.d hu,me.-s n.ectir.z. Out ct town suea.or borrowed. .mothers present were Mrs. Paul M.'tckcv This isn't exactly Theta day, but did yo-1 know that it has been rumored n'r.'v.i that Marian Kidd has j-.r.-.e S:.T..a Nu's jeweled star? H.irrv E;-person sincerely hrpes :: t a-, he has been devoting ' quite a jr., 0f his time at her ! ho;. so of i i'. I - 1 S'r.en.,.-. '.-ah's and inctdetitally ! D. T'.'s (..:; E.J Mav has a r.ev i bhek Ch.evio w;;h :a;)o. er. '. may re th.'.s he.-i 1 . ::: i to f.i, to i e vr ".v bl : i !:,-.. seems roadster complete 1 Hou.-. -n, to Kt all the breaks. rumble seat, j During th recent snow A. G. R. j :i orar.ces. but ''pled: ej look it upon themselves ! - point. What we ' to shovel the yr.r.-.v off their walks. ll.;:t he ought 1 i: '.tei ial for .t'n fre.-.;men, only i be a gal back in f I'.v.a who f his weekends. t.-.- ga: ' la,n:s s;. r. ,.- ,. t !-.;-. T! Lei tint vn-i li f.ither 1 . r. 111''. v Y.r ere i .i: .tva'-t ' -i-.c th v ii i. b? done about be si,n.e way to ; ' er. D. G.'s. And oil s iy. nj "like : :.'" I ' shcejl ir.'t r., o:.!'.erv r'v!:wv . as con-' Low, :; whxh '.r:e I'-" p. Pi P. t- En: v v. U'M ition of fon.e ve rememu-r so very long i'g ldiv v.a- '! Phi Der But the Eft a n- ila'ion w:r, i !.:e Phi h. it If v e ren.en-.U r ".I 'f.r.,:a-1f,rt u:-r, i'i Pm i !.-.e Phi P. It I .' ti iU;. but I ,i. i i.:.-' ov r -.hat J-k-r '-.vmg a h.t i,' U-.,r.-' be;-" Ci t:... three or f .i.r v.e. ks ' a ; h,e is. He r w .' r.j ,,n v.j.j. li h : .- ii'Mji-ssv s ;.n ! - so t!,:t ev.-iy : ' .' n V..' h hi t.- . e ,jt 'i t . '.'..'.i: 'i':ii::g ;:. .li (;..- i in: w i:iiim: A t:jrry of mow wis e ptttrd to mvads taitern Nt bfitaa T-jrV'l3y night, but trrnpfi: juv for today art tx. j.-t'-d 1o risr wth a nunimu'ri o.' ,2 o rt -. . 11 t W ! A Facial to Carry in Purse or Pocket! ESCORT CLEANSING PAD! A g;ci-j -: i c.i'-:.M5 Lit'.. pi:t I -t I'i I 'i v.':; q l-f-v.ol ' k-1 ., z. I. :. qj t-wr po: : ,. - ... jc-.-y Ivr j:-'.:.t t'ttr l-, r. il'v:. ; t. . . .cf i.i.'. , iK:u:e. ti'.-cic CltlM'. t, . '. T-l:tr:.ta! Lo-fcr ht. f j-- Cos.;-.-'. CLd Vf) P'j-ir, Qn c-E ;. OOC Refill Jr d II tjiJi 47. C.cmj.i.t rt li Putt JT,i CHEAPPER SYSTEM, Inc. 1J?5 O St. Lincoln SOCIETY The eighty-sixth anniversary of the founding of Phi Mu will be observed Saturday by the Lincoln chapter. The Founders' Day ban quet will be held at the Corn husker Saturday evening. Loraine Klniborg, president, is chairman of the Founders' Day functions. Toasts at the banquet will be given by Doris Cochran, repre senting the alumnae, Mary Laura Beavers, for the actives, and Phyllis Jean Hurst, the pledges. About seventy-five members will attend the celebration. Lu,,lll Cox- Chi Omega, who has lx'en :,t 1,10 Lincoln General hospital for about a wee!;, has returned to the Chi Omega house well and able to get about again. 1 1- At the P.eta house party last Friday night, (only a week behind time i. Both Howley and John Stoddart. Beta, had fun with otic of Johnny's brothcis, Kd Ilu v.aldt. F.d's love goes to Stephen?, and Both pretended to be the gal calling long distance. Ed called her pet names and told her how much he still thought of her. Beth couldn't keep up with the seriousness any longer, and came out with a vcia annoving laugh. I Now Kd isn't speaking to Johnny. The decoration of pink and blue ,. .. stiwnw , aIlll hluc n lights were slightlv mo- lested, but we won't mention anv names. Chi Oinegt mothers club in't pr. Pascoc ar.d Fremont. Mrs. J. E. Dalv of I ) rman is Ali-GUAYATIONS Rr.s-l Feathers" R;. the! i new lookirg for : doesn't care if pastures, lit ; they are green or i r.ot. just so they are nut over- grazed. The girls from Loomij othcrwi. - e known as the Hall. I Co-op 1 For good measure they dug the;1" i'.c nevenin nour when thev girls a path thru th A. G. R. b.-.ckyard so tl.. v could have a short cut to classes. According to reports going around the campus Jimmy Saun ders and Marjoric Fve are going it quite steady these ths. There go another pair of heart throbs hibernation. Carl Royer ;,:,, M:ujoiie Lind- qu:st are s-en here ai. l there to- )rit-:v. L'o v.c have another romance bt;d iirg undi-r our eyes, or is it ;nst another c'-:r.cidfr.-e ? Ail be changing. Evelyn an! MaiMii Srmt.a en g'ii' i m a vcrv sn:rited foot racv ''i i:t.1 of As Hall at the same li.v.e ;;.ry were supposed to be in A-l class. Th-s may be art, but t lie type i;,os-t of us are ae-cu.-'omed jo. (',' nn Kl.r : ...n ::o I: x E'own r.ght out at es- r.. - .i. - t rate ! vin. Ti. v a :z w.-.v f ,::.:: v rne r.r.vs. V. ' he U eaiiv I th Be' eekend. rr.v B.i w th.ngs in a Phi A!;.h How vou do .vithor ks L;.v '.' y. I r.f lor 1 :.r;n:st a ' K- evf i y j.. rpii :-ng h t up i:i Bo-;-. las-. !; i.lw.iys has hr. f ? Il.e kind. nswcj :t ::' r ;.!,e. Is the or j. M.:i- I. : 1 M.-.gda-.z N.,;: the V. hole a; ij ' i r lighten us Pm -l -l.ij or, tlie twk I" ..' ...-,!,. kldii.r.g 11V '' Tt.i- i an-.pu r.. ' ds a f h- i. ,::: art of s-lf ,;i I..' , ( V ' T'-'i- e ;.j,-r;l f '; and I.jge;.e Sn.ith. Youri, The Aggraater. INITIATION FCR SATURDAY Literary Society Accords Wtr..bcrfchip to Four ia Ccic:r.or,:cs. B, I a- J . .,.;. .: ef . 1). I i " ! ' !.'!.: . tn.g ,,f 1 h .).-..-. .at, ari V,',li:,a' i. at, J h. V. i'. : 1,.'; to t-- '.'..tiitej are Violet Ji.-Uli P' ll-iM.'.e Ar:u- . ir.'j i '..'.. y.i-T. ti,-rr iii-: ef ttic oi j-r.i.j. i-f ;i i-t f.m, h-d -d:ting t.nd ..: - i " it li'' : at v J 'i( -:i.e '"T.-,'.lej ." "i'j-jih tnaga ' it.' e j Vet v VI :,J . is IM!l,e. I- I. or Tl.o rar in !, 1 d o ; a.n.s mhij- m an. v. II as l,ti i:,rv i oiitjilnj. t:ol.' JHOTEL d ?(cls c Jnj-t O'ul liief to K L Wilbur. UanKj;r. HOLD FINAL TRIALS IE Tanksterettes To Determine Members of Team on Saturday. To discover which of the Tank sterettes will best represent Ne Nebrnska in the National Inter collegiate Telegraphic Swimming meet, the final elimination contest will take place tomorrow after noon in the coliseum pool. Open to the public, the tryouts will be held between 2 and 2:15 o'clock. Winners will be chosen in eight different divisions: 100 yard crawl, 10 yard crawl, 40 yard breast, 100 yard breast. 40 yard back, 100 yard back, 100 yard free style relay and the 75 yard medley relay. Contestants in the 40 yard crawl will be Marjory Lincoln, Virginia Alder. Elizabeth Waugh, Bessie Grossman, Kathryn Kelli son, Jane Alvey, Helen Young, Mary Jean Westcott, Elizabeth Callaway, and Sara Kaseveer. In the loo" yard crawl. Elizabeth Waugh. Virginia Bergman, Fran ces Steele, and Doris Patterson have entered. Jane Cook and Martha Jackson will be the only entrants in both the 40 yard and 100 yard breast stroke. In the 10 yard back stroke will be Marion Bradstrect. Elizabeth Waugh and Marjory Lincoln. Misses Bradstrect and Lincoln will enter the 100 vard back. ' . Officials for the meet will be Miss Allene Good, Tanksterette sponsor, the starter: Bettv Clem ents, president of the swimming K - 'oup. ardson. referee; and Miss Rich timer. UNIIVERSITAS BOAT BUILDERS CLAIM nTTT t tttt?t 'o .T7-PVT,nt u wuux un, k) rti iiiii nun : (Continued from Pago 1.) cither have failed to protect their materials from the ravages of time and the elements or have carelessly selected these materials. perhaps forgetting to take oars without which they can not gmd" their boats or taking a surplus of nar5 failing to obtain some other part equally necessary. inf'n "" some of those who come here forget, in the pleasures an'' activities of the present, the 'lll'P',"t necessity of giving a good I"1''"'" "i meir ume ana effort t0 tno creation of a boat sturdy cnugh to carry them across the sea ar.d they neglect this job un- must ne0,js rto t,e joh hurriedly and r.ot at all well enough. To sec thern start out on the sea is a sad sight for one knowing too well that their chances of reach ing land safely arc slim as the hair of a frcg." Boat Builders Catalogue. Becoming more interested in this sea journey which was a mat ter of life or dath to the transi tory ir.hab:'ant.s of U.niversitas Nebraskansis. I asked mv in- forrr.ant how the were chosen and raw materials how the boat was rr.a.:e. "W'c have compiled.'1 I !'. the raw materials avadabl'e. ralle'l I l.'"i;'T.arL a C'.:-A.c.'.'we l:i-.ef a bulletin. From this heterogeneous ' coiieciion, ine oKer, experienced ; anl rr.ore permanent members r.f our con,:;, have s-le-ted . homogenous assortments ailed curneula whir h include all the rere.cs.aj-y equipment to make (,(. teii-r.l kinds of boats v.hah the individual is free to , jiooe whatever kind suts j.:u; ust. Neccssiticj. ),'; .. the V.'ili'tV of J,., ;,t :.'! or:, the l,ii:l....r nd a bilge Ji.-ut of his time hen- g,-,!.r. :ng tl.-- ma', aroj si. a; u,g th( in II. tO a Well propOI' Vessel. Ti.eie are --taiii j.atts Without v, hi'h no voyager :,n . av- tiu ' land ' to rear h J:c.j v.-jth ;.; i.'gree of certainty. We have. g..-e,i tl:es(. part certain i.arii'h -i that our bu.lder Will have j,o;i.i i'le,i of how to use t.:s ts.a-r.hh.. Vc tall then.: 'il nil Jt t.i think lefixlj, . r..,f i,f il.f wriii.ii i tr n . inn. Mi t'lfMrr ui lirmr tt!4l ,r...,. i I III II I KIM-ral brwidlrdi- f llif H'.rld .,. tiiM-rimiimtiiic tabt. -in ri.lifaiM.a i,f itw MI ft,r.i t iiidn'rf .11 t.Hilid. fi' r i, ;l a Sa cf Compttition. -.':! V.j.-it, Dull, :S the J..,li,i t !" ' Willi II I' KO .,:., l , to e- , :,t, 1) I- jjj. hit, nn til i -O..J' j.lJit.k l-s tii'..-. Hi tin- ..,:,t v, id .,f.-:y p;it. mi r it?' 1 11 it t :.e H it I.i II.! ' li It Jroli, :i- and , ).:.! ; It '.i h', to vou v. ho t an ' 't.'v t ::-,iy ifn v.atejii fioui this i.a:,d but to thoM! v.-J:o bae craM-l it i,r who ate now h'ru;;. f.l:r.g In it r.; D.-ik-r ia of competition it narut-d ne;tj;.r i.a.vt-ly t.or mear.iiiirl'-i-fly. It u al-d that by thon who ha-.' gon. before a wan ing to thoM? v.Jj wjll follow after." A)i-r b had (said this. I.jmi- t'-i,aj,t Halthein laphi-l m'o a re f lectie i-iii-tK e and I hH X that Jiottilj.; n.oje Wi'h to tx- jvoMijj flora toi that day. I took my J -:v of him to watidt-r atnait tJ iflatid and Jearn mote ,f ,. LINCOLN (DiAtinction. Zafurdoy Phi Delta Theta Qiv Uisl CWl Still more names for that "Ber Mier Bist Du Schon" thing from the WOW News Tower we learn that these three have been added to the lengthy list of versions for that title- My Mere Bits of Shame By Me, You are Grand Mr. Barney McShane. : -r ....Bob Crosby and his swing kings will succeed Kay Kyser and his band at the Blackhawk res taurant in Chicago, with his first broadcast from that famous eat ing place scheduled for March 30, over Mutual. ....Here's one program that's proved its worth Bob Becker's Sunday afternoon program, about dogs and such, recently received a request fmm a snowbound family in the California Sierras whose pet bulldog had developed disturbing symptoms.. Bob wiled instructions and the dog recovered. ..Tomorrow's program includes four naticnal sports broadcasts... two by Husing. At 2:30 p. m. and 3:45 p. m., mellow voiced Husing will describe the finals of the Na tional indoor Tennis Champion ships from the Seventh Beginient armory in New York, KFAB... To morrow evening at 0:00 Bing Cros by, movie and radio idol and the owner of a stable of race horses, will assist Joe Hernandez an nounce the Santa Anita $100,000 handicap, .at 3:15 tomorrow after noon, Bryan Field, Columbia's ace turfcaster will describe the $50, 000 Widener cup race from Hia lcah park in Miami These turf casts arc the inaugural of Colum bia's nationwide horse racing broadcasting program planned for 193S... Races from Arlineton. La- tonia, and other famous ovals will be on deck for CBS listeners ! j Alice Faye, Gregory Ratoff, i Joan Davis. Marjoric Weaver and Tony Martin are to be featured on 1 the Hollywood Hotel broadcast to- ."'S"' t over KFAB.... also Frances ranees Langford. Jerrv Cooper, Anne Jameson, Ken Niles and Raymond Paige's orchestra. ..Other highlights today: H t All. 1 1 .:vi a.m. Mu In . Hill 1:31 t. 111. ttniiTlrim N-IhmiI of Ihp Air. ft:l. p.m. linn n Hip Mrrrl. I'm ll..:il,f. I arl. r. 6:IXJ .in. NiirthniMiTn Iniirmlly lliwli hlf. p.m llammmlrln Vmli- Hull. ::vi p. ni. ; ill MiH,mi:iii', urrhiini. Il:liil p.m. Hull hih,iI I:lm p.m I'nrllr Mi li.ilin. l':4.i p.m. fM-urni. nli'fi iirrhi.lra. 1 1 :ihi p m. viimnii Kai.-'ii nrrr,ni. Il:.1 p.m. ilrrin 'Turkrm i.rilir.lrH (It s K'mmJ i . hKIR. r.:l.i p.m. Viuirrrl Ilil2rr. 2:wi p.m. I . v. Marlnr H.inil. n:1 p.m. M..IO kimhI lllihlithla. I:l p.m. Jminti lliirw)'i iirrhrfm. in ::w p.m. I'lrtn-M of lt.,r era of un in tiriH,!. I arm. p m. l.nlf Mlliani nri'hrtm Hi Ihr 4iinM,r-M.n,,r hilt )i,ii IkmiIiI hr m Ihe rnm: holl , S:lm p.m. Mnuriri. Vpitalnf' nrrhritn. ":iMip.m. I, rami 4 fnlral Matliut. " p m. Iliml, hIIi-, llav. :! p.m. HimMv Harr Harlanil boul. ll:HU p.m. H,,rae Hrldl and hl hnna- Il:lfl p.m. mv yimhadro' ori-hi1ra. Il:.l p.m. ha Iimt i,r lir-'ra, WOW. p.m. Ktlph Watnrr. ":imi p in. it i- Vinln- (on'wrt. ::!' , m. 1 mi- Murii-v :hi p.m. lifl Nitlitrr. :W p.m. Mrddkr I idkr I'oimi p.m. Hnn. and ndi. Im::ui im,-Nu. .,.f. I'I: 15 p.m. On llanrr Mum . JOHN CUKRY SPEAKS AT ART ASSOCIATION SPRING SHOW K.'or.tinued from Page .) urJ,i''tic wot k hs been of Kansas fa: R1 s' f'nes ar.d p ople. Kansas iiowever. was slow to recognize ! her tahnted son. At the time I that the ur.iveiMty puit hased i Curiy's "l'.oad:i.en.:i I ' Camp," j none of bis paintings had as yet l-!i purchased in Kaiisas. Later. I howevt r. the friends t.f ait in, 'Manhattan, Kans. Jught one of n:s wtiiKs lor a pMmane.nt coiicc- ti'.n th'-ie. I After varied t :-ri nee as Hn , artist in this ooi.ntrv and abroad, i Curry r.o-v has an ir.teie.-tmg as i sigi.u.errt at the I'r.iveisity of Vi5onsi!i. Designated as 'artist ft large." under the jurisdiction 'f the roih-ge of agiit ulture. he I doe l,;t iegar teaching. He is, allowed the utmost freedom in 1 J I'Uinj.t of hu artistic infer-i ;ess. a a, i yM maiti voj k for tne ! ' iijuversi'y f o.'.K.-ts in making o:i- j t.v's with the f.eopie of the Mate j -f -tnejs, m the main -thru ex-i f'.it.on ir.'o luial Jle lues to t t i r -; tu 'vrii a sense of. bi-aiity V.I..1I1 inav be found in 'h-ir r 1 ,' 1 r. vii 01,11. ot. froiii tli pon' 1,1 view of ti,e I'm-vir-ity of ',' 1 , . 1 1 : .-: 11 ;o cm ..itiL' to 1 -f m ,j t -, ti c aj j r v iti J t if mu - ' I.--1 ,i ,,.,J ;.: i ,,1..,, u, ,.. Etcntive Art Program. P. Ian j'. ;. .I'.bti .c,i uait Cur 1 y '0 l.ii.ioln M.ijih 1.'!. the Ne. Ait a-1..11011 is tariy-' n.iig out a part of the ilijcat lonal piv'i.iin v.J.ah has been liadi-1 tional v.ifil tii" 01 j.'iiiZat ion Mjice jf i:;ei ;, :o:i 4!l yi-nir h((j. In jr. ( cnt lui,f 'i aj'i pac.h. Arnold Bonn' h-, ), All in Tiue. ;iant Wood.'er f;aidni-r ieorgt i Buht, and '.'her artn'K and fnti'it bae heen broLjVht here by 'he ahfoeiattjin. Lat-t year , Uw-n thY'r ' ",'-org B.d'jif, ' prommeiit A men' an m'jra'i:-t. When APPEARANCE Mailers . . . '. I.i ant In t i;r ic'' sunns Only IOC vtlh B lt.l'jr P.vwjit Di 1 LIBRARY BUYS 21 VOLUMES Univcrsity Adds Pearson, Mansfield to Shelves. The university library an nounces the addition of 21 new books to Us stacks. They are as follows: "Red Star Over China," Edgar Snow. "I Knew Hitler," K. G. Lu deckc. "New Chapters In New Testa ment Study," E. J. Goodspeed. Stories," Katherine Mansfield. "History of Rome," Max Cary. "Government in Fascist Italy," H. A. Stciner. "Give Your Heart to the j Hawks," Robinson Jeffers. ' "The Arts," H. W. Van Loon. "The Proletariat: A Challenge to Western Civilization," Goetz Briefs. "Understanding The English," J. H. Wellard. "Economics of Cooperative Mar keting." H. H. Bakken. "Southern Album," Sara Haardt, "American Diplomatic Game," Drew Pearson, "Through Science to Philos ophy," Herbert Dingle. "Practice and Finance of For eign Trade," W. W. Syrett. "Girl Reserve Movement of the Y. W. C. A.." C. S. Vance. "Theory and Practice of Psy chiatry," W. S. Sadler. "Unemployment in The Learned Professions." W. M. Kotschnig. "Ojibwa Sociology," Ruth Lan des. "Types of Aesthetic Judgment,' E. M. Bartlett. "Ulrich von Hutton and The German Reformation," Hajo Hol born. ( OKI) COLINSELOR CANDIDATES Balloting for the election of the 1933-39 Coed Counselor board and officers will take place Monday between 9 a. m. and 5 p. m. in Ellen Smith hall and on the agricultural campus, at Ag hall. All university wom en who present identification cards are eligible to vote. The list of candidates is as follows: PRESIDENT. Phyllis Chamberlain. Jean Marvin. SENIOR MEMBERS AFFILIATED. (Two to be elected) Bonnie Bourn. Jane Goetz. Lois Cooper. Elizabeth Smith. SENIOR MEMBERS UNAFFILIATED. (Two to be elected) Marjorie Churchill. Esthermae Helm. Virginia Nolte. Arlene Williams. JUNIOR MEMBERS AFFILIATED. (Two to be elected) Virginia Clcmans. Maxine Lake. Fern Steuteville. Dorothy Swoboda. JUNIOR MEMBERS UNAFFILIATED. (Two to be elected) Marie Knickrehm. Betty Ann Duff. Faith Medlar. Mary Sherburne. SOPHOMORE MEMBERS AFFILIATED. (One to be elected) Mary Bullock. Anne Hustead. SOPHOMORE MEMBER S UNAFFILIATED. Ruth Clark. Helen Elizabeth Claybaugh. CAUTKCje S UNION P Or mini zed ft I'nion ItnnilH tiira-JuiiKtilutli I'ltlMrtt ?tTA .. i.-.iii I hintu. tun lnhti f , 4 i anlly i lab ttr.l tut Sii. it'll In:.t, rikinr. mu . ;mh ti-i,t n I ari I ll.11. tir s hi. .. hm:;i llaiC IO.IIII. WIH Hi,, kill . IW K-tl SHn. f.VH M -t . HtliKl. I iiii Milxria. Hi: I . . HIM tiri rotrr. nam . h:iu Mima 14 a-rirrt. f.Vt I trrHI I 'nit J I or tli- extra Kpecial oca ion wlitn you want to look your Ix-f-t, tlif;p:' a profef bional fini1-!! to Evanri' Dry Clf.'ininy wliidi oi.s you tho ftatitfyin knml-tjf! t!j;-.t yotir wardrobe is smartly correct. ts? tl WOMEN TO ELECT COED COUNSELOR BOARD OFFICERS (Continued from Page 1.1 votes and the office of seci clary mid treasurer is filled bv the highest sophomore candidate. Candidates for the two senior , memberships on the board from sororities are Bonnie Burn, Lois Cooper. Jane Goetz, and Elizabeth Smith. Candidates for the two senior barb places are Marjoric Churchill. Esthermae Helm. Vir ginia Nolte. and Arlene. Williams. Virginia Clemens, Maxine Lake, Fern Steutcville, and Dorothy Swoboda are the nominees for the two affiliated junior positions, and Marie Knickreiim, Betty Ann Puff. Faith Medlar, and Mary Sher burne are the group from which the two unaffiliated members will be chosen. Running from the sophomore class are Mary Bullock and Ann Hustead from the Greek group and Ruth Clark and Helen Eliza beth Claybaugh for the barb posi tion. All women may vote for both the affiliated and unaffiliated members from all classes. The election committee has stipulated, however, that when two choices are given in a group of four can didates, both choices must be indi TUXEDO SUITS for Rent 1 Vvrfttl hit at a ( harc That's liiulit ABLE CLEANERS 223 No. 14th I dry. ,a,h. ..iv.-'V (lit ni' .i.'jj m'j m mp ..." j-.miir ippRF5 TO So swing your fancies j TONIGHT at the Jmiiior-Senior Prom FRI erf hd who n TOPS IN i RHYTHMI X " r w Heard On the Airlines Nightly From Peacock Court 1 1 1. 1 I 1 fj jV1 '"" C"P'-I'' hn.trrtj' C "a- adiii ai n ia. 1 1 -a in person! ! 7 - mwm (utdtUORCU ESTRA r 1. r C lu Ti'ktt Si . Vi 0 Presentation of ms Prom Girl Who will it be? ? ? cated and that one alone ,e discarded. Election officials will !, ,hi, present senior members of the board, Jean Marvin, the out gnj,, president, Kay Kisser. Mary Vri? cilia Stewart. Martha l'.ewrrs" Mary .lean Birk. and Helen ,n, Howie. Pistim tivv Corsages YULE FLORAL CO. 147 No. 33rd St. (jiiii mill (ilir.mj; , ,M1j Fi.if. -.' 7 7. THE MOGUL BARBERS llaircuti 127 North 12th B2772 CARBURETOR tl S. Put No. 1,082.106 New way of burnini tobacco better, coolrr. cleaner. Carburetor-Action cools smoke. Keeps bottom of bowlahnoufev Treated with honey. Get the genuine. 4 MARCH J 'A A wr uvLi f 3 I J U TONIGHTS THE NIGHT! t t-v