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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1938)
THE DAILY NEBKASKAN THURSDAY, FERKUAKY 17, 1938. PAGE THREE in 1 1 if r aptly. HIE HAUIS TRESS It seems that simply everyone Is bound for the great out-of-doors nowadays. The Alpha Chi's, I've heard, planned a sleiph ride for last nipht, tho whether it panned out as per arrangements, I couldn't say. The Phi Pelt's have laid deep m hemes for a similar treat for the chapter and their dates if they aren't snowbound tonight. Yester day quite a skirmish took place right out in the middle of the street in front of the drug when a couple of Beta's, Paul Bradley and Johnny Bass, made an issue of something or other and when the snowballs began to fly thick and fast, Paul, every inch a gentle man usually, hid behind some girl for protection. Nadine Lucas, it is said, came back for a visit at the Phi Mil house Monday and incidentally to pass the caiiuy with Acacia, Bill Miller, he of the golden voice, do ing against all tradition, minia ture flower pots were supplied for the girls, and these brought in wrapped in a huge heart-shaped box. The boys across the street from the governor's however, came in for the usual cigs. As loner as we've pone way back to Valei.tine's day, we might as well add a touch about the Chi Hurry! Ends Tonight! Starts Friday! BY Were you ever swept away by Love? Children of nature living enchanted lives in a South Sea paradise for lovers . . , Thrilling adventure drama by the authors of "Mur der On The Bounty!" All In Technicolor! THE UN WITHOUT A CO TNTRY" XAVIER CUCAT and hi Orcfttra popular Sc'cntc fMtws il Omega's. Two of their more re sourceful pledges gathered all of the masculine photographs in the house last Monday and strung them about the mantel and on the piano in a most conspicuous dis play so that when the gals came home from the basketball game with dates, they were confronted with the countenances of all their ancient flames. The two pledges, Ruth Stephens and Jean Rimon son, were p etty well taken care of for their prank, I might add. More unclassified advertising. Pick Young, Delta Oopsilon, wish es to inform all interested parties that he now finds himself more or less in circulation again. In fact, he s on the lookout for some new queens to whip out with in the very near future. Form a line at the right girls. The A. T. O's have decided that starting Friday, a few issue are to be settled with the pledges before initiation. So at first all the fresh men were instructed to break their dates for the week end. On actual count, however, it was found that a number of the boys had dates with Kappa's and Pi Phi's to the girls' own sorority formal, so now they're allowed one date. One of the youngsters complains, though j that both ft Kappa and a Pi Phi have asked him. and he doesn't I "HOLLYWOOD HOTEL' J ;;5 , (-Xj ,; - -:;,. ;.: . ' 2 - SWELL S2ErWS - 2 .' if? wTV'H) Ml15 fifef- Vm iim , 1,7,7,.,' th L t R;:Sn DOROTHY LAMOUR JON HALL MARY ASTOR C. AUBREY SMITH THOMAS MITCHELL JOHN CARRADINE want to show partiality. We sup pest he flip a coin, but maybe he'd rather not be so flippant about the whole deal. Buekey Prime, he of the fltim iiiR top, is already thinking of sending his A. T. O. pin to the Thota house as soon as he Rets his hands on one, whiih, I think, is erossinjj his bridges before he conies to them. RY THE HAUNTER It wasn't a fit night in for -The Chi Omegas had one of the belter snow fights of the season Tuesday night. It all happened in the absence of house mother Prouty. Betty Klory and Joyce Malzacker foolishly oposed a quin tet of snow stingers made up of Peggy Pascoe, Harriet Stearns, Edie and Ruthin Huston, Huth Stephens and Dixie Davis. As the rugs of the house began to take on tho appearance of a well-used blotter, Miss Stearns was locked out on a balcony and left to the mercy of the howling wind. A merciful foe handed her furt coat out to her, hut left her out to shiver. When dinner time approached, Joyce and Betty were made pns oner in their rooms. The other five trekked off to their victuals HAXONlTEHpr,lhK,,w. (The infrn IN THE HANDS OF A MADMAN! "BULLDOG DRUMMOND'S REVENGE" ih hits ViV'vJ yy 'J, JOHN RMUIMORK 1" t ' i V u JOHN HOW A Kit t , v ' ' -?-T? JACK -vJVuth ,r '1 5" RANDALL V,? r'f. "' lO? ln VA " 4M 1 ".rat W " "danger Mn '" cA n m l s 1 l Vjfc ''X & M i 1 1 iiAtft1 1 l- - - . Starts Friday! and sat down in their places, piling their plates full of snow balls. Well, the two gals left upstairs not only missed their food, but one also missed a tassel meeting, while the others patioled the halls shout ing the time at regular intervals. Harold Athertoii. I dare not mention his fraternity, had a date with one fine Mnrg Houser, Theta, this last week and so we are told, made all the time of a streak of lightning with bees in its trousers. In short, the text of his conversa tion was, "Let's vou and me quit school and settle down." Im't tell anyone we told vou. A standing joke in the Delta Gamma house has been Shenan doah, la. However, that sorority meant the joke only as a joke, if Starts FRIDAY 'Carole, dar- Mi"?. I could iff l hold you m you big I if X my loving 1 V gorilla!" I t ix arms or" v .far v f I Yy. UJ y ' 2 Madeleine Carroll Heibert Marshall in "I WAS A SPY" -.t fi- you know what I mean. Karl E. May. you probably know, oper ates one of the farm country's bigger enterprises and radio sta tions in that young city. Currently, his daughter, who is a DJ else where, visited the Lincoln chapter and the idle jibes at the seed cen ter came to the surface of the con versation once again. Miss May said nothing to the girls, but car ried the story back to her father, who immediately sent the Lincoln Delta 0,'s a long friendly letter ac companied hy a huge package of citrus fruit and a promise to be down and tit at all the ferns of that chapter to steak dinners. We don't like Shenandoah, either, Mr. May. "You say tbV cutest thing's, . RICHARD ARl EN MARY ASTOR LIONEL STANDER - II U for 7.. EHITH FELLOWS LEO CARRILLO - in Little M;f.s P.oiu hr.c-ck' TTQJA' PHIt Rtr.A1! and t ;ie M id R .,' (j 'Out.i-c of Fa.. .'Lie" &S1 e.-i '