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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1938)
PAGE FOllR TlIF DULY NF.RUASKVN. Till HSIUY. FKBKl'AKY IT, 1M8. faJxA, io. yoiL By Emory Burnett. It seems as Iho: Klwood Randol chose the wrong- name for his col umn. In my estiniHtion, something like "Jaws to You" would have been much more appropriate, in view of the fact that Randol con tracted the mumps shortly after starling ihis column. In this column yesterday, Ver non Packard made a plea for in crease;! interest in intramural spoils. Today. 1 have something to offer which 1 believe will serve to increase interest in the univer sity intramural sport program. All American, All Big Six, and All any other conference you want to mention teams are regularly chosen at the close of a sports' season. Why not have an All fraternity basketball team, chosen by vote at the end of the season of the men who have taken part in that sport? After the team has been chosen, a game could probably be ar ranged between the All-Star team and either the Frosh or the Nubbins The Daily Nehraskan would sponsor such a vote. Kaeh fra ternity team would chose its All opponents team, and submit that team to the Nehraskan sports de partment. The Nehraskan would then have the votes counted, and award places on the All star team to the men receiving the. largest number of votes for All opponent tennis. H. fi, Felz, director of intra murals, is in favor of this plan. He feels, however, that it would he undiplomatic for the intramural department to select the team. He feels sure that, if a team is chosen, a same ran easily be ar ranged with the freshmen basket errs, and possibly :t t:uiie with the Nubbins. I feel that this plan would in evitably increase interest in the intramural sports program among the student body. These would then be something besides the end of the season to look forward to. Everyone would be pulling for his or her favorite to make the All star aggrega tion, and would take in more of the games. The fiml game with the frosh or nubbins would prob ably draw a very large crowd for intramurals. Think it over, you fraternity players. If you have any sugges tions, the Nehraskan " will be gl id to consider t hem JOURNALISM GROUP SCHEDULES ADDRESS I EY LASELLE GILMAN j (Continued from I'age 1 i LaSclle CiIiiliii. editor of a news paper in Sli,inh;ii. China, speak of liis work and experiences. Ml ;ilni;ui, VI.M'ltlg lchitives and friend- In re in Lincoln, was ! graduated Nelua.-ici univer sity in lli.'i'J He wrote a short stoiy which was printed in the Jan. '."I issue of Collier's. Oilman is also a friend of Johnston Snipes, university graduate, who i- iinw in China. Kl Murray. president of tbe jiiiiiiiali.stir organization, will ex plain the purposes of Sigma licit a Chi and plans (or initiation of new Members will be discussed Prof. ;,iye f. Walker sponsor of Sig ma Delta ("III. will give a short talk ribout tbe fraternity Plans will also be brought up for the second annual gridiron dinner, first successfully stag'-d last April 1. Today's luncheon, to be held in the Kgvptian room of Hie Lincoln hotel, is open to all sophomores. I juniors and seniors in the school of journalism. Water Colors Show Water ) in Static, Motile St.ttes j lOorililliird from Page 1 I scene done by bis own brush ( Holler's Mistv Night" portrays a teiii'iia i t dis'ru l with dim gu y figuies silhouetted against dim Scarlet Cagers Meet Loyola U. Here Saturday K-Aggies Prepare for Final Game Ag-ainst Huskers February 21. Coach W. II. Browne and his Scarlet eager will talte time out in the Big Six basketball race this week to play a non-conference game with Loyola university of Chicago in Lincoln Saturday night. Feature One-Man Defense. When the Huskers play the eagers from Loyola they will run into a virtual one-man defense. Mike Novak, reputed to be one of the biggest players in the country, will be the mainstay of the Loyola defense. Six feet nine inches tall, Novak is famous for his leaps into the air to block opponents' shots just before they reach the basket. He is an important cog in the Loyola offensive machinery, too. Wildcats Complete Season. MANHATTAN, Kas., Keb. 18. Kour Kansas State basketball players, all on Coach Frank Root's first seven, will play their last Bob Thornton Enters 200 Yard Breast-Stroke After Operation. Friday the Nebraska .swimming team makes a second trip, this time to Ames, where they will en gage in a dual meet with Iowa State. Iowa State probably has the strongest team in the Big Six con ference. They have outsplashed Ciiistavus Aldopluis and Charleton colleges. Minnesota trimmed Iowa State 47 to 2S but decisively whipped Nebraska 64 to 11. Pete Hagelin. swimming coach, can't see much hope for Nebraska. He state that "Iowa State should beat us by 10 or lo points." Wimpy of the Cyclones took second in the Big Six meet last year in the 220 free style while llaltermrin, who swims the fiO and the 100. took third in the breast st roke in the meet last year. Both veterans are back on the Iowa squad again this year McCaffrce New Coach. Charles MiCaffrce, coach for the Cyclones, is a new man in the Big Si Circ le. For tbe past six years lie bus mecess-fuiiy coached win ning teams of the Battle Creek, Mil b.. high school. One f. i piece of rices has put joy in Hagelin's lie:, it. Bob Thorn ton, two year l.tterman anil con ference champion in the joij yard I reastst ro!:e .is having an opera tion on bis nose, and expects to he able to swim in the Big Six meet. Thornton did noi report to th. squad this ve:,r because of sinus trouble. grey buildings in a dim grey mist i Only portrait in the collection is j "Cornine" by Klsie 11 Ktwin. a1 study ni B handsome young won. an wi! h h st nut hair. In connection villi ibe water, color display is a group of litho graphs by P.oliert l;i-gs from tin- j V. M Hall collection ,, the I'-ii- j versity. Three ol Ins plaies are 1 Mack Mid whites of prize fighters. essentially action pictures. Other' of bis plates show landscapes, i some of Kutopean origin, but his most amusing lithographs are taken fiom circus life and depict' rlow.'.s and te robat s. FOR SALADS THAT PLEASE f college court game here Monday night when the Wildcats complete their 1938 season against Ne braska. This senior quartet, all ln37 let termen, includes Kd Kllmek, Manhattan, forward; Allen Burns, Kansas City, forward; Howard Cleveland, Muscotah, all Big Six football quarterback, guard; and Gerhard Poppenhouse, Manhattan, guard. All have been mainstay? on the K-State team this year and their places will be hard to fill when the next cage season rolls around. Nebraska jumped hack into the conference race last week by knocking- over the previously un defeated Oklahoma five and is ex pected to show the Wildcats a busy evening. The K-Staters have shown considerable improvement in the past two weeks and promise to close their 1938 campaign with a good game against the Corn huskers. Wildcat Coach Frank Root has juggled his lineup recently, but the Wildcat mentor will" likely start his all-letterman five against Nebraska. AG BLOCK, BRIDLE CLUB-PLANS JUNIOR LIVESTOCK SHOW (Continued from Page 1.) to the conventional blue, red and white ribbons. Also on the tentative program of the show are a bidding contest and a number of special features. F.nt rants in the bidding competi tion will be judged on their ability to evaluate purebred and market livestock. Cash awards, medals, ties and ribbons will be given in two groups, one for students and one for other entrants. Judges in every event will be men from otit.stte who are quali fied as experts in their respective subjects. Officers of the Block and Bridle club are Karl Hedlund, president: Jim Bunting, vice president; Cari Swanson, secretary-treasurer. In charge of the arrangements for the Junior Ak-Sar-Ben ball are Karl Heady, Philip Sutton and Paul Fidler Schumadeke Manages Show. Officials working on the stock show are Karl Hedlund, master of ceremonies, Lester Schmadeke, manager; Tom Aitken, assistant manager; Ted Doyle, ringmaster. Committee chairman are as fol lows: Russel Jacobson, decora tions; Don Magdanz, clothes and cards; Carl Swanson, special fea tures: Iway Corman, program, music and prizes; Jim Bunting, building and arena. Superintendants of the livestock showing classes are: Horses. De Los Johnson; dairy cattle, Chris Sanders; beef cattle, Jim Sanders: hogs, Tom King; sheep, John Ioruiquist. tt. THf eon t,'OTc that t wfowr riCHf! too cn IS YOUR FORMAL READY FOR THE NEXT PARTY? I Sanitone Cloan int will renew all of 3-our garments I I a t s, Gloves, Suits. Knits. Modern Cleaners Souk up & Westovcr Call F2377 Service LUTHER IH 65-34 SCORE TUESDAY NITE Doniver Lund Chalks Up 27 Points in Brilliant Otic-Man Stand. Despite the 27 points scored against them by Doniver Lund, the Nubbins downed the Luther college basketball team Tuesday night by a 65 to 34 count. Lund was the whole show for the Luther five, scoring all his team's 17 points the first half and dropping in 10 more the second half. The Nubbins left no doubt as to their superiority as the starting lineup aeoeunted for 57 of Ne braska's points. Tallman lead the Nebraska scorers with 19 points. Tn second place was Hulbert with U. Nubbins Play Hebron. Wilson, Campbell and Duncan were best defensively for the the Huskers, while Kjkif, O. Gus tafson and G. Larson looked best for Luther. The Nubbins play at Hebron to night. Hebron features another "one man team" in Jimmy Dutch er, consistently high scorer. Ne braska downed Hebron 60 to 27 early in the season. The summary: Nubbin fit ft f Lnlhrr f ft f Tnllmnn f k I 4 Kklol 1 14 Wlln f 4 S I (.iiMln f 1 S nffr f 1 II i I .find III 1 II Kllhtll S I 3 Johnaon ( 01 Thrrl-n e ft 0 M Idmnn c ft ft 3 J 'nmpHH! f 111 I . I.Hrin fl 4)01 llultx-rt t 4 3 S KtlMMn f 0 0 1 IHincnn 4 1 0'. I .nrton f 19 2 Kli'hnrl-Mn (113 Total 27 II 11, Total. IS It 11 i ..,.5M ' 1250 to 29.00 TJioJL JailohsxL . . . Suits for Spring The mannish suit hit won a popular place in every smart woman's wardrobe. They like the clever tailored lines that lend an indispensable air of sophistication. Suds are carefully tailored of fine men's wear fabrics including plain and fancy woi,t--1 and (j.ib.irdini-s. Sires 12 to 20. HUSKER MATIN MEET CYCLONES THURSDAY NIGHT Nebraska Listed Underdogs Against Strong Iowa State Squad. Coach Jerry Adams and his Cornhusker wrestling squad will leave tomorrow morning for Ames, Iowa, for a dual meet with Iowa State. On Saturday, Nebraska will meet Iowa State Teachers in another dual meet at Coe, Iowa. The squad which will make the Iowa trip wil probably be changed slightly from the team which rep. resented Nebraska so far this year. Bill Horn and Jim Brownell have been working out regularly and one of them may replace Jerry Adams in the 165 pound division. Nebraska will be the underdog for both meets. The two Iowa schools are two of the strongest wrestling schools in the state. Iowa State has a record of six matches won and one lost this year in con trast to the Husker record of one match won and four lost. NEW DEAL BARBER SHOP Hair Cut 35c 130 "0" St. B-6154 1 BILL BARRETT For Better Haircuts 1017 P Creamed COTTAGE A V CHEESE .nr7 'tft'lffpY-iiiJl M