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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1937)
PAGE TWO TTTF, DATIT NERRASKAX. SUNDAY. NOVEMRER 21. 1937 Sounds as If the Army W ent Too To the Editor: Now it is wry possible thai my humble folks noRlooted my upbnnRinR fcroatly and that my environment has boon exceedingly uVfioiont in those things whion effect character attributes, but nevertheless, I was alw.-vs brought up with the simple idea that peace is not fighting, and that education is a term, vague though it may lie, that has to do with the process known to use. 1he less glib, as thinking. And so when a plump, if not opulent, member of that renowned body known as the "service" tells me that the sure way to peace is a large army, I can't desist from indulging in a bit of heresy; that is. mentally questioning 'the reasoning of this erudite patriot. Now far be it from me to be a doubting Thomas, but when another member of this self made aristocracy informs me as well as fifty other basics, thus killing many birds with one stone that pacifism is a racket and that all pacifists are treach erous, sissies who don't know what the score is, I am greatly tempted to elevate my nostrils in noble disdain. So I arouse si'ffic ent courage to inquire of the ni ntlemnn as to how he so adroitly arrived at his deduc t on;. : and I am favored with the repiy that the army says iO, and tne army can tell no lies. I cuul i figure mit h.m- the hoys who wear the ribbons ;md the ie,!'ils mi the siime because the ones w ho deserved I hem are dead could justify themselves as teach ers of honest to Coil learni'ig Many times the "service" has told me that the army trains men to be ri" n em is, upstanding, success ful, country loving. God fearing men. So you can understand my iiritaiioii when so illustrious a personage as our own beloved I ?i colonel behaves in so ungentle i,:mily a fashion as was recently displayed, namely employing' most violent language in referring to a former colleague. Editor's note: The reference here is to a story in the Ne braskan which quoted Colonel Oury as condemning Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler in most un gentlemanly lauguage. The Ne braskan is glad to take this opportunity to apologize to Colonel Oury for this quotation: Colonel Oury stated very em phatically after the story ap peared that he had not meant his vituperative opinion for publ cation. Consequently the repo -ter who wrote the story was at fault. The colonel is entitled to both his opinion and his lauguage, and neither can be used as evidence that the colonel is not a gentleman, if he confines the same to his own private office. o continue with the letter.) Or could it be that the army dis-lil-.s people who question its statements and that suppression is the best way to spread un truths. You see. I am entirely too innocent to realize that army men could be something more than i a ft KlU ii i c A wnnilirful hand. .ii.i,ll.nul uu-lniralem At Klnc'w llfti-mmin anil evening I1hv. SUNDAY MATINEE mrt nt S p. in. Nlijlil (Ihm,I, K:SI I I '?:. ('otitliiitiMii hiifl trvlee to door. EVER SIHCE 1904 Ure have cleaned and renewed thousands of garments for N-U Students. You will get more service from your garments by having them serviced by the MODERN CLEANERS Souknp & Westover 21 & G Streets Phone F2377 Tar bencficient clod like creatures who sacrifice their all for the sake of iheir native land. This is no bet, but I don't think that all the doves in Hod's fan kingdom it is fair, isn't it ? could make a peaceful world when there are guys, yes, just ordinary guys, who would smack over somebody who refused to salute the flag, or who show kids how to kill other kids so sometime no kids will have to shoot other kids. And I don't think that all the women in hell that's the type the army boys po around with - and all their babies could make a colonel's heart g-entle. And as far as pa triotism poos, there are a hell of a lot better men than the colonel who don't salute the flag. You know, I don't like this com pulsory stuff-it's like Foster said, that is, every little thing, no matter how small, that embodies the suppression of free thought and free expression is inherently damaging to democracy, the very thing that the "service" is pledged to uphold. And I personally don't think that you particularly admire the military stuff yourself. Po far as most issues, I reckon you have done iike Foster- - what you damn please; so tell me, whv not sometime, when the fuel of thought is burnt low, don't you pull the old firebrand of compulsory drill out of the casket and rehash it a hit, and rally a fi w of us humbh ones with simple thoughts, and let us know that there is another sissy around who is a wise traitoi rather than a patriotic fool. So what say. Mr. Kdilor. to a period of revival for the blasphem ers; the prospect of a hell is much more exciting than Hie suretiess ol Heaven, especially when thai hell is the combustion of the remnants of the things known on -earth as the gentlemen of the army bril liant, respected, celebrated. God fearing, country loving, but craz ier than an asylum inmate and more corrupt than the devil him self, if I may be so bold as to ex press my own thoughts. A. II. O. W. Company M Sophomore. The editor would like to remind the above pulse writer that his own languag'e is not especially gentlemanly, and some of his allu sions might have been kept as pri vate as the colonel's vituperation was intended to have been. As for dragging the old corpse ol compulsory drill out and rehashing it, we decline to do so. The pres ent editor, like his predecessors, believes compulsory drill indefens ible. But he also believes that one semester of rest for Nebraskan readers from the tirades against ! drill will do no harm. We wel I come occasional pulses to keep the i issue alive. Your Watches efficiently re paired at prices you will be pleased to pay. 1KW1XS 237 So. 13 nbc liin,n rvir Wed., Yr., Sm. iihI MunrlHi Hflarnon an( nlcttt FINEST FLOOR IN THE MIDWEST Daily Nebraskan Vntervd n Mvond cl? mutter at the poMrttftce 1n l.m.'oln, Nohrahfc, urnlcr hc o.nnvn Vttivh 3 1"."H. M hf" rial rntf of piwiuv provide Tor fn pvi ton 1 1 on, art oi O. iui pi- 3, 1017, nuthoruMi Jftnuftry 20. 1W!2. H. G. Wells Names 1940 Year of Greatest War Dangers (Continued from Tage 1.) sons may examine any book in ex istence in miniature by means of a projector and electro-film," 1e clared the imaginative author. Prophesies Federal World State. International reorganization will be along the line of consolidation. "This is the line along which we are being- forced a federal world state as sure as the sun rises." Wells declared that 1940 would be the danger year for war, but qualified this statement, "1 don't mean to say that Inevitably there will be an international conflict in 1940. However, present conditions and forces seem to point to 1940 as the year of maximum danger." The only hope in preventing war, according to Wells, is to at tack it at its source, mis-education. Reorganization of educational methods and the spvead of knowl edge to every locality in the world would enable' humanity to meet the problems 1hat are threatening its destruction. LIBERTY-Today! The Bigqcst and Best Show In Town ... at any Price! inr inn's I'p Axiiiint 4 hill-Cm-y f.Vipv'er.' PP WARNER OLAND t 10c 15c TRIPLE THREAT FOOT BALL THRILLER! . . . . .WIINNIK. TMS ' Tl. MnlMtnrf kill tif vkni'i show: Mickey Mouse Last First Donald Duck Charter Chapter "The Clock "Robinson New Cle.mers" Crusoe" Serial In Color Also Latest News STARTS TODAY! The biggest and most entertaining 4 n i (V. I n Ulll .... i. Mvuuib will WC P I V C ever shown!! "C.prlnin V itman "Su-Un Unlit,... now Ihr frnnil- She made t utorr of I I A" k mistake . . , loneliness her alibi. . . VOU CONDEMN thrm nil: Starring GLADYS GEORGE : " Warren William 15C Mat. 20C Eve. John Beat ROGEKb AG DRAMATICS CLUB WINS SILVER TROPHY IN COLL AGRI REVUE i Continued from Tage 11 Farm House's skit represented Ihe "revolution of the Corn riant." Rope Twisting Winr A clever exhibition of rop? tiicks won curtain act honors for Melvin Peerman, while an act en titled "Redemption Road" won second place for Farm House. Other organizations and individ uals who entered acts in the revue included: Alpha rtamma Rho, the Ag- Cafeteria club, the 4-H club, the Ag College Hoarding club, the Home Kconomies association and Maijoiie Francis. Rhythm Ramblers. Judges who announced winners of the competition were: Miss Marjorie Thomas, Miss Virginia Amos and Rav Ramsay. Coll-Agri-Fun hoard members who had charge of the revue in cluded: Al Xore, manager; Paul ine Walter, assistant manager; Ray Cruise, secretary; Lois Lioh litcr, treasure); IVggy Faseoe and Carroll Carey. Faculty sponsors of the board are: Frof. t,. K. Crowe, Prof. A. W. Medlar, Miss lionise Ijcaton and Miss Marian Reinke. Paneing to Ihe music of Kcim's Rhythm Ramblers closed the en tertainment for the evening. IT'S LOVE SHE'S AFTER... ) it'i lov ihe gH . . . mir than trie tin handlel &t ihe last of K' V PRANK MOPf.N - JFSSIC RM.PH f ' - T. a mi-ft. UArilUL i 15c "til 6:30 p. m. ft F ' i I L one COULD HER 7 - aln . . i. cheer u - ith step'" ;- i i w A L.N NOW!! STAN W LAUREL OUVER HARDY In their full-length feature OUR RELATIONS, plus Akim Tamiroff THE GREAT AV GAMBINI TO-DAY!! Wow What a show ! ft 1ff-.mlmit, wl"r-erftoklnK eomiily hlt fr sun-1! PAT 0 BR1EN JOAN BLONDELL "BACK IN CIRCULATION" With Margaret Lindsay PLUS "The C.ise ol the Stuttering P.g Cflrtoon "The Littlett" In Col-., 'extra" Footba" pictures KC I! WAX M O viesttandt theatre w NOW SHOWING - Hnsddaiw, GOES WILDER ! k--V iV1 IRENE Uy-J'I GRANT 1 to l Mter i; no i :ui Any Seat Any Time Two Ooh out to Ow ner the Market on. . . BUnK8! KIT NO. 1 "SW1XO IT SAlLOir with isbki, v:i.i. rav mavch HIT NO. 2 wh FICTION'S GREATEST SEA DOGI Rip-Rearing Action ana Rollicking Romance! C . At y.t. mit viuti. '1MI IH World New VNlU fnini 1 M. y i . . n : EXTRA! AdntlNMkvfiii A ... Ifl rHtKbiirrh In FnothHii I !! 3HfL IT 1 i r - rrsM .