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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1937)
huseers stymie iowa, 2 3-0 Daily Nebraskan Official Student Newspaper of the - University of Nebraska VOL XXXVI I, NO. 13 T11K DAILY NKBKASKAN, SUNDAY. NOYKMRKlt 21, 1937 University Concert Season LENTZ 10 WIELD Emanuel Wishnow to Play! Violin in Coliseum At 3 O'clock. ORCHESTRA CONCERT. The concert season of the uni versity opens today at 3 p. m. in the coliseum with the first presentation of the symphony orchestra under the direction of Don A. Lentz. We are particu larly interested In this initial concert because It marks the first appearance of Mr. Lentz in the role of conductor. Emanuel Wishnow of the violin faculty will be the soloist. We are happy to present this outstanding pro gram and take this opportunity to invite all friends and alumni In Nebraska to be our guests. Chancellor E. A. Burnett. The audience which gathers at the coliseum this Sunday afternoon (Continued on Page 3). FARM LEADERS MEET AT AG DECEMBER 9, 10 1937 Organized Agriculture Sessions to Feature Talk By Washington Dean. Two general sessions for or ganized agriculture, annual winter meetings of all farm societies at the Nebraska college of agricul ture, were planned yesterday. They come on Dec. 9-10. Plans in the meantime for the gatherings which will attract farm leaders from all parts of the state to Lincoln for the first full week in December were progressing. Tentative programs are being printed this week and are ex pected to b available within the next few days. Two of the leading speakers on the general session programs were announced. Dr. William C. John stone, Jr., dean of the Junior col log"' of George Washingtoon uni versity ano assistant professor of political economy, is the chief out of state speaker. He will appear on Friday, Dec. 10. W. H. Brokaw, agricultural ex tension director now in Washing ( Continued on Page 4). BATON INITIAL SYMPHONY TODAY H. G. Wells Names 1940 Year of Grealesl War Dangers British Author Prophesies Federal World State To Northwestern. By Ellsworth Steele. Britain's prophet of future po litical ami social conditions, H. G. Wells, Journeyed to Northwestern College this fall to attack modern education and Rive his idea of "The World Community of Tomor row." He forecast HMO as the year of greatest danger of world war, hut qualified his statement by saying that war was not Inevi table. "We have to make a new world for ourselves or suffer and perish Cathedral Choir Opens Seiison This Afternoon Lincoln Cathedral choir will open its second choral vesper season this afternoon at 5:30 in the ballroom of the Hotel Corn husker. Guest speaker will be Dr. Harry Kurz, university depart ment of romance languages. Lincoln String orchestra will assist the choir. According to John Rosbor ough, director of the choir, the choir's object In these services is to combine a universal wor ship with the arts. Beauty of music, poetry, and other forms will be used to create a wor shipful atmosphere for both audience and participants. AG WINS SILVE IN COLL-AGRI REVUE oorman Captures Curtain Act Honors; Farm House Places Second. The Ag Dramatics club, Melvin Beerman and Farm House walked off with honors as the 1937 Coll-Agri-Fun show was climaxed Fri day night in the ag activities building. The silver trophy, de noting a first place win in skit competition, went to members of the dramatic club, while Melvin Beerman won top honors for his curtain act. Farm House captured second place in both skit and cur tain act competition. With a skit entitled "What! The British?" the dramatic club por trayed a humorous version of Paul Revere's famous ride to warn the countryside of British advance. The conquering of a British regi ment thru the wiles of a group of fair maidens climaxed the net. (Continued on Page 2'. Pharmacology Journal Will Publish Article Hy IVIcIntyre, Sievers Dr. A.' R. Mclntyre and Dr. R. F. Sievers of the department of physiology and pharmacology at the medical college are authors of a recent article appearing in the Journal of Pharmacology and Kx perimental Therapeutics entitled "The Toxicity and Anaesthetic Po tency of Some Alkoxy Benzoates and Related Compounds." Dr. Mc lntyre addressed Sigma Xi last week on "The Pharmacology of Local Anaesthetics." and our minds are not yet equipped for this job, the job of going on atnl living as a species." Advocates World Encyclopedia. To help the educational muddle which now sends ".students out to meet the challenges of life equipped with only bows and ar rows against modern bombing ma chines," Wells advocated a world encyclopedia which would hold all of the knowledge and philosophy of mankind. It would be printed in microscopic type and could be stored In one room thus making available to students all of the in tellectual achievement's of man. "In the future, we shall have microscopic libraries where per ( Continued on Page 2). BLUEPRINT ISSUE L Engineering Publication To Feature Article By Waddell. The November issue of the Blue print, engineering college publica tion, will be out the first part of the week. Among the stories fea tured are two based on talks given before engineering groups this fall by Dr. J. A. L. Waddell, interna tionally famous in the profession, and Dr. Phillips Thomas, industrial research engineer from the West inghouse laboratories. Will Reedy, senior in civil en gineering, is author of the article describing Dr. Waddell's address entitled "Future Prospects of En gineering." Marion Thomas, senior in electrical engineering, has pre pared the article dealing with Dr. Thomas' lecture and it is called "Adventures in Electricity." Boulder Dam, A pleasing frontispiece features the November Blueprint with a poem, "The Engineer," surrounded by illustrations of the works of the profession. A two page center spread depicts Grand Canyon and Boulder Dam as representative of the greatest masterpiece of nature and the greatest engineering feat of man. Regular features also appear iu the issue, Including the Dean's Corner, Engineers, Nebraska's En gineers, Alumni Notes, and Sledge Jr., and O. C. Reedy, graduate in civil engineering In 1932, has an article entitled "Forecasting Run off by Snow Surveys." Harry Langston is general man ager of the Blueprint this year, Gerald Gillan is editor, and Jay King is business manager. Prof. M. I. Evinger is faculty adviser for the publication. Director Quick Receives Watch For Band Service While loyal Nebraska supporters stood bareheaded during the sing ing the "Cornhusker" between halves of the Iowa-Nebraska game Saturday, the military department expressed the gratitude of the campus to William "P.illio" Quick, retiring bank director. As a tribute to "Billie's" 20 years of devoted service to the building of a fine military band. William Crittenden, cadet colonel, presented him with a gold pocket watch. When the varsity band reached the center of the field during then regular game maneuvers, they formed an N faring the student cheering sections. On the grid Iron in front of the band stood ex-Director Quick, Quick's succes sor, Band Director Lvle Welch, and Colonel Crittenden who presented the gift. Quick, who has been affection ately nicknamed "Billlc" by his band members since his ansump tion of the position of director in 1918, was forced to relinquish his work because of a prolonged illness which he suffered last winter. He still retains, however, one connec tion with the band, that of director of the university orchestra which plays for the University Player. 1 GO SALE EARLY THIS WEEK Biffers Triumph As Dodd, Plock Do Scoring TO FROSH DEBATERS 0'Hanlon, Kalin, Basye, Kerl, Rollins, Turkel, Turner, Davidson Entered. Drawings have been made for the freshman debate to be held Dec. 2, when aspiring freshmen will compete for the honor of possessing, for one year, and hav ing their name engraved upon the Long debate trophy. Those assigned to the affirma tive are Clark O'Hanlon, Sidney Kalin, Wendell Basye and Robert Kerl. Negative speakers will be Calvin Rollins, Harold Turkel, Cortez Turner and Samuel David son. Further entrants will be assigned to the affirmative and negative alternately. Judged by ex-debaters of Ne braska and other colleges, the speakers wiH be given eight min utes in which to impress the judges with their excellence in both thought and delivery. The first affirmative will have two speeches, one of five and another of four minutes for refutation. All others will have a single speech including both construction and rebuttal. The order of speaking, determ ined by lot, will be disclosed as the debaters convene for the con test in room 126 of Andrews hall. OMICRON Nil TO ENTERTAIN Sorority Will Honor Ten Home Ec Sophomores. At its meeting on Thursday eve ning, Omieron Nu, honorary home economics sorority, made plans to entertain the ten home economics sophomores who will be honored at the honors convocation Monday. These ten girls attained the high est scholarship in their class dur ing their freshman year. The en tertainment, to be In the form of a tea or buffet supper, isplanned for Sunday afternoon, December the 12th. Classics Club Discloses Errors in Vallee's Song Director's Theme Song Is Great Disillusionment, Says Prof. Rapp. Until the university Classics club met last week, most ?. U. students had listened or swayed to the staccato rhythm of Rudy Vnl lee's theme song, "Veni, Veni, Tu Sei Bella, Bella, etc.," blissfully unaware that It was a horrihlj inaccurate translation of the Ital ian sour "Paula." Credit for the disillusionment of young Americans in Crooner Val lee's ability as a linguist Roes to Prof. Albert Rapp who poked a number of mean anecdotes for the entertainment of tho classicists, and to Sarah Miller who trans Opens Callihan English Placekicks Three Points After Tallies In Last Home Tilt. - BY JOE ZELLEY. Unleashing its most effective offense of the year, Major Law renee Jones' Cornhusker eleven, scoring 14 points in the first seven minutes of play, resumed grid re lations with Iowa by swarming the Hawkeyes, 2S to 0, Saturday ut Memorial stadium before a shiver ing crowd of 28.000 fans. Iowa was the third P.ig Ten foe to be squelched by Nebraska this year, Minnesota and Indiana re ceiving beatings by the Huskers earlier in the season. This battle was the finalo for Coach III Tubbs' Iowans anil the last home contest for N. U. Four minutes and 30 seconds of the game had elapsed when the Huskers hit pay territory. Frank Balazs, Iowa fullback, received Thurs ton Phelps' opening kickoff OACK DODO and toted it to From Lincoln Journal, the Hawkeye 30 yard stripe. Quarterback Nile Kinnick made one yard, and on the next play he threw a 14 yard pass to End Robert Lannon, but the maneuver was called and an offside penalty was assessed against Iowa. Klnnick't Punt Blocked. Seeing that his team was tumble to pierce the invulnerable Husker line, Quarterback Kinnick decided to kick, and this decision proved (Continued on Page 3). Injuries Will ("onfinp Campus Auto Victim To Month in Hospital Injuries which Mrs. J. F. Thomp son of the university extension di vision received when she was struck by an automobile at the crossing of 13th and S streets on Thursday will keep her in confine ment foi the biggest part of lh5 month it was learned today. Mrs. Thompson sustained severe hip in juries in addition to numerous bruises. She Is being treated in Lincoln General hospital lated the !otK from the original Latin into English. The club mem bers then sang the latin nn, cor rect Knglish versions but dis dained to vocalize Rudy's. The Ijitin words: "Veni, veni, veni, veni, veni, tu sei bclla, bclla, bclla. bella, bclla, bclla, admirnta a me. Vcnl, veni, veni, veni, veni, tu sei bclla, bclla, bclla, bclla, bclla, uella, adorata a me, "Paula, cara puclla, to es tain bclla, te multum atno, volo can tare et proclamare de te." English Translation. The correct Knglish translation: "I came, I came, I came, I came, I came, you are beautiful, (Continued on Page 4). -) ClH frij