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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1937)
PAGE THREE hy Johnny IIoiccll and Mary Anna Cockle Three-Day Specials for Yisiting Teachers DAILY KEBlftSKAN. THIKSDAY. OCTOHKK 2. I il -" ! AS JOHNNY SEES IT. Corn Cobs and Tassels took me to task yesterday after reading a creek in the column about a very dry weekend. It seems this week end will be far from dead with the Corn Cob-Tassel Truckin' Car nival on the books for Saturday eve. Between six or seven indig nant pepsters have convinced me that the affair will be top-flight. Among the several games of skill will be a baseball booth at which the object is to throw balls at the head of your favorite prof. The only catch is that the heads are pictures. Anyway, the time is ripe to get even. Yea. that's right, down slips. Vexed no end were members of Kappa Alpha Theta by the dry weekend crack. That makes me batting about .272 for yesterday. The Thetas arc house-partying this weekend and extend the usual. New material for paddling- swincing Soph s of Dclt is found in Don Bayles, Charles West, Walt Schlicting and Leo Benson. Dean H. H. Foster, dean of law college, gets my compliments along with a host of others for his iron constitution. One day this week we saw the cigar-smoking dean at lunch. With the perpetual stogie clamped securely between his teeth, the clean proceeded to whack the victuals into small bits, Then, holding a fork in one hand and his cigar in the. other he would take a bit and then chew the food and the cigar combined After the meal, Dean Foster arose with a satisfied look and went back to the department of justice smoking a cigar, odd as it may seem. Will somebody please take Miss Cockle into a corner and explain some of the intricacies of this brutal world. Mary Anna, still try ing to blot my character, took a line of choice baloney about mc from dead - panned footballers and as usual forgot to check up. Ah well, the good must suffer. No cracks will be forthcoming from Wise Guy Paul "Larry Kel ley" Amen this week. If he doesn't pick up pretty soon we'll have to fall back on that old dependable, Charles Brock. AS MARY ANNA SEES IT Two Sensational Groups of Fur-Trimmed Dress and Sport jiiiii iiii! Let me tell you about the peo ple who drive out to Antelope to see if the Tark is closed yet. It seems to be one of the better linra of the season. In fact, it worked so well for one Fhi Gam that he spent three evenings successfully at the quest. But his Waterloo came when he slipped and asked the same girl twice. His date, a PI Phi, reminded him that theyd settled the matter the week be fore, HER SHADOW. Alpha Thi pledge, Mary Stod dart seems to be following directly in Botty Groth's footsteps. Betty dated D. U. Max Lake almost con stantly, now Mary's seen with him occasionally. Betty had no sooner started going with Bill Kinnamon than Mary picked up where she left off. "Its all in good clean fun. of course," says Betty, "But some day I'm going to find her a man of her own." DEDICATED TO. When the Kappa Sig's sneaked Monday, they took all the silver ware and bedclothing in the house and hit out for parts unknown. The rest of the evening, corres pondence was carried on via KFOR broadcasting station. The pledges had the studio dedicate "Alone" and "I've Got My Love to Keep Mc Warm" for the, sole benefit of the actives, who by that time were getting very burned up or should I say pretty chilly toward their freshmen, so they countered with dedications to the pledges of "That Old Feeling" and "Unt'I Tomorrow." HUSK THE HOOSIERS Sorority girls will be racking their brains Friday to outdress , everyone else on the campus, but this time it'i their cars they'll be decorating. It doesn't matter whether the body's by Fisher or not, hut the gayest hacks will be awarded prizes for the Corn Cob Tassel Truckin Carnival, and you don't want to miss that. It's to be one of the biggest Coliseum parties of the year. NOW SHE WEARS THE DIA MOND. Kav Huwaldt wore a very plain boat neck sweater yesterday. It was black, just the kind that shows a pin off best, and it wasn't Just her D. G. anchor that she looked so proud about, but the lat est addition, Bing Crosby's Beta pin. She's had it ever since Mon day night. KEEP YOUR FINGERS CROSSED When you turn out for the Chi O house party Friday night, you'd better watch vour step. There'll be ladders to walk under, broken mirrors and all other manner of evil omen. They're planning to triD people uo with all the old superstitions that even their rrsndmothers can remember, so you'd better be careful. AT LAST Finally the rumpus raised by the D. G. pledges has been heeded, A certain sign that winter 11 aen nltelv unon us and almost Christmas present were the pledge pins which the 20 girls from block east of the silo now so proudly display. After midnight serenades, and constant griping about being the last sorority on the campus to be pledged, the ac tivea finally came across. 2 ST -tszl to iiiiii S-W Hi I i iiiiii 'm; -. 1 lA, I Coats Shining Examples of Magnificient Furs on Winter Coats llgF r$ $26 and S 46 Imagine coats with: Cross Fox, Kit Fox, Persian Lamb, Squirrel, Martin and other superb furs... on dressy fleeces, nubs, shags and fine woolens. Pencil silhouettes, fitted fashions and swaggers in black, brown, green and wine, all crepe and satin lined and warmly interlined. i - 4. , 1 Warm, Colorful Untrimmed Sport Coats CA tree-Day Special Feature Price $ 16 50 Coats you want for hard, practical wear... the coats that always look smart because they're casuals. Fine wool fleeces, shags and diagonal in Doxy swaggers or fitted styles. Coats taken from our regular stock and specially priced for these three days. Exceptional quality f,ne linings and super warm interlinings. Sizes for Juniors, Misses and Women. WELCOME state TEACHERS! You'll like the values in this While you're here.. select your new shoes fiom these stunning Multl-Col-or Suedes .... Sof toes .... Ribbon Shoes Hi-Ties ..."Illusion" Ties.... and others. They're very, very special at these prices. i V. ! of Regular to $4.95 Connie Shoes $133 Olie Peak of ' Value-Giving In Two Unmatchable Groups of Special Values in Sew Hats Group No. 1 Hats Worth $5 and Over $269 Group No 2 $3 and $3.95 Hats $ 69 Fine fur felts and suede velours i.i an Incompar able assortment of silhouettes, colors and sizes. Al luring high-crowned models with veils. .. .reveal ing off the face types... and gjillant new brimmed models. Hats that look the higher priced hats that they are. ur Coats fcrji,i and t Caraculs Mink Dyed Marmot Russian Pony Northern Bonded Seal Moire Seal Mendoza Beaver "Dyed Coney t . . " M VNew L ! n I u Stylish Gloves Gloves Viat are in high fashion when you change accessories or dressier dates. Four button pull on warm gloves for school in goat skin and pigrkin. And for those dressier occasions fine suede and kids. $195 t0 $350 Bags I (Brilliant New Fashion Dresses At Two Sensational Low Prices Special for Nebraska Teachers $990J$1490 Uvauhir 16.50 to 19.50 Values R (Hilar 22.50 to 20.50 Value Regular io $7.75 'f Jacquelines $J.85 u 4 mM 1 III 111 1U.111 1 II ill II illU l' " I I Charge Purchases Will Be Posted on Your December 1st Statement Velvets Crepes Sheer Wools It is a dress sensation exquisite higher priced dresses at a sub stantial savings for Nebraska teachers. Styles for school, busi ness or dates. Youthful styles just full of trimming tricks. Jut Un dresses that can go from class to P. M. dates. Junior Sizes 9 to 15 Misses's Sizes 12 to 20 Women's Sizes 38 to 44 .- .i ... -1- ' Suedes, calfskins and fine grained leathers. Faithful copies of expensive Paris designs. Top handles, bark straps, pouches and en velopes $295 $5 Monograms 25c to $1.50 Truly Lovely McCallum Hosiery i::--- McCallum has always bocii famous for loveliness in stock f Ings. We admit tliey are s few cents more expensive per pair than ordinary sale stockings: but the combination of real bciuty and wear in these new r three and four thread stock ings shows their ecenomy. :85c-sl35 For your lull and winter ward robeblend your hosiery tones from this famous make, and find that you buy less pairs save more pennies. Cosmetics Worthy of You by Kathleen Mary Quintan Charge Purchases Will Be Posted on Your December 1st Statement Ml) , lb