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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1937)
page rorn THE DAILY NKBKASKAN. TlllUSDAY. OCTOBKK 2R. 1037 Jonesmen Work On Aerial Attack To Nip Hoosiers Davis Slated to Supplant Huffman as Indiana's Triple-Threater. Had Memorial stadium boon , rquippod with floodlights. Coach 1 Hiff Jonos would have tinned them I on Wednesday as he hied his Husker gridmon thru their re hearsal far into the evening in preparation for, the Indiana tussle Satur day. Pleasant1 to the ears of , Major Jones were the words ; that lanky Kl-j iner Duhrmann. end, who in- i jured his leg in : the M i z z c u ' contest, would j be reailv fori ELMER the HoosiertMt I OOHQMANN The versatile' i r .m i.mooiii jwimai. fiankman don r.od sweat clothes yesterday and merely exercised his ailing limb. 1 Tt is highly problematical, how ever, whether Marvin Plock. who n!.o hurt his leg at Columbia, will be ready to show his heels to Indiana tacklers this Saturday. Marv's leg has been responding slowly to treatments. Mcllravy Returns. Cheer covered the faces of Corn husker gridsters yesterday when they learned that Kldon Mcllravy. injured in the Gopher game Oct. 2, had returned home from hos-, pital. fully recuperated from a : brain concussion. Altho he will no longer carry Scarlet and Cream colors in grid wars this season, fullback Mcllravy will sit on the bench and view his colleagues ' tangle with Indiana. Offense, that phase of gridology j hioh is Indiana's forte, stood out on the Jonesmen s schedule like a sor thumb. Hearing that Bo Mc-: Milin's lads had completed 21 out ' of 44 passes for 257 yards, the N'ebraskans devoted a full hour to ' pegging aerial heaves, many of which found receivers. i Since the Hoosiers are famed ( for their guile in the way of odd ! line formations, quick kicks, and unexpected snapbacks. Line Coach j Roy Lyman instructed his forward i wall to be on the watch for this ! trickery. Fast snapbacks. for the ! purpose of drawing opponents off-! side, were especially accentuated. Grimm on No. 1 Squad. I Lining up on the No. 1 varsity! were Amen and Grimm, ends: I Doyle and Shirey. tackles: Meh- j ring and English, guards; Brock. ' renter; Podd and Andrews, half- j backs, and Callihan, fullback. Vengeance is reeking on the 13 1 o omington campus this week, and the Hoosiers are riled up about a v enging their 1"-9 setback at Lincoln last season by Ne braska. Hopes of an Indiana triumph reach ed a new pin nacle with tid ings that the McMillin squad would be intact FRED SHlRtY Ywm Lmro'n Journnl for the first time Fiti'-e the Gopher game. After Minnesota had reversed the Blonmington outfit. 6-0. Ray King Gopher leader, hurried to the I. U. dressing room. It was here that Saturday's adversaries made the statement, "We'll take Nebraska for you." That asser tion has been converted to a slo gan to be carried to Lincoln. Vernon Huffman Lost. Like all coaches. Bo MiMillin is using the crying towel before each game. He sheds most tears when irminiscir.g of Vernon Huff man, quarterback lost last June by graduation. It was he who roamed the greensward here last fall and flipped a tou.hdown puss In-fore the Huskers leashed him. In his stead is Corby Davis, a fullback hooked for All-American laurel. At present, this keen diagnostician and deadly tackier Is pacing Big Ten scorers with "0 points. He is five feet one inch c LASSIFIED ADVERTISING 10C PER LINE Tr-iK KLVS are entitle the (ikr rx rni x. Vur rout n. IIht. Htid tl" Siitrflny It it lwi't rum. C r p 'M." f "IV ty n;v mints AH Itandard naUe for tn'e or rpnt. l!ed and rebuilt mach i et on easy tenna. Nebraska Typewriter Co. no no. 12 st. B2'57 Lincoln, fMrbr. The A I'M" STIJIIEXT IS OUT Supplement of Late Registrant In Back. Own your own. AT TI1K ROOkSTOHK i tall and is playing his third year as a regular Frank 'Schnozr.le" Filehock, a good passer, is at Huffman's quar terback berth. Another good pass receiver is Capt. Bob "Jick" Ken derdine. Weighing over 200 pounds and standing six feet two inches. Frank Pet lick, junior end, is rat ed the best pass snatchcr on the team. Haak. Srabo Wily. Bui ley Robert Haak. 220 pound left tackle, and Joe Szabot bald pated guard, are two wily tackles whom the Comhuskers must watch. This duo caused Minnesota and Illinois plenty concern. Mentor McMiilin has been stressing pass offense in workouts this week as has Major Jones. Since both elevens believe in dot ting the sky with passes, fans watching the classic Saturday should see a wide-open game com parable to that played in the Southwest conference. IDSUElCi 1jdjHkJ j 1 I yc m no lon(;ek CONVALESCING; j W LLLKK HKAOS STATE I COPS. Eldon Mcllravy, the Husker who has seen no football since Oct. 1 and does not remember that, was released yesterday from Lincoln : General hospital. He is now stay- ing at home with his parents here j in Lincoln. Concerning the Min- ' nesota game, he only vuely re- . members that there was to be one. He doesn't recall any of his play- j ing or above all know that the j Huskers won! The sandy haired fullback I now realizes that he can play I no more football and regrets it i deeply, but he is planning on next year like a little kid on his first Sunday school outing. As his parents said shortly after Mac's injury, "He's always been crazy about football and thought ! of little else." When reporters called on him j yesieraay ror me first post in jury photo, he consented to a j pose only after he was allowed j to obscure his shavrd and painted j skull with an old felt fedora. i j All during his sickness. Mcllravy j has been the objective of a migra- I jtion of friends who have trekked! ' to the hospital since the day he ' jwas carried from the field, riianv j , of them being turned awav. Eldon i has enjoyed his multitude 'of visit ors, but the things he liked best I was the first time he recognized J ! his parents and brother bv his bed- j ! side " I Now that the Tecumsch back's I release has been made public, ; though he has not made a mouse j trap, there will be a beaten path ! to his door. ! After Kansas had made the upset that shook the noggin of -the football world last Satur day by downing Oklahoma in the last five seconds, the Jays ' went, went well, jl(St plain . "nutz." They waited, in none too good 1 conduct, till the very wee hours ! of the morning for their vali- ! ant warriors of the sod to arrive i via rail. Almost before the train ' Ben Heitkotter's MEATS FISH POULTRY Phone B-1273 1450 O St. STUJUDEKTS: ni: m ii, Fon vu ithes has been movkii I V AMI OMV A VERY FEW HAYS AltE LEFT Mcllravy Leaves Hospital 1 V rvf 1 4 1 fJ I! .1 It l Unrestrained joy pervaded the i Husker locker room Wednes.lav ! with the announcement that Eldon Mclli avy, pictured above, varsity fullback, who has been hospital ized because of a brain concus sion received in the hectic Minne sota game, Oct. 2. had returned home. On the Husker bench this Sat- j urday will be Mdlravv watching ! his teammates clash with Bo Mc- had come to a squeaking stop, the throngs of students had piled onto the train and hoisted every last gridder to its shoulders. Not a single pla' s feet touched the ground till he was carried safely, not home, but someplace for the rest of the night. One Oklahoma paper carried the following banner, "Football Is A Great Game at times." Bub Wei lev of about 1921 and '22 is the man that the late Knute Rockne used to announce as the best lineman he ever saw in action. Wcller was the All America tackle on the posedly Husker team that sup- stopped the powerful Honey in the fcow Tht " V Ho Bol" tirtimr nt rfl honey m the bo$ jivfi thu pipf a "rll broltrn in" tantf immfdi f "i- 1 t i3-"j H'Sk take me to 7 7 .-; y. Uvliirticd for I he First Hint tit Popular Prices .1 Have your 1938 CORNHUSKER PIC TURES taken IMMEDIATELY at the Townsend Studio, 226 South 11th St. Samples will be made of those pictures taken now, and much more care also will be exercised in the pictures taken immediately. . V'rom Lincoln JournHl. Millin's potent Hoosiers. He has avowed to give i.p football for this l season, and plans to meet lus classes Monday. Not until recently was the in jured fullback aware of the fact that Nebraska had won the Min nesota game. 14-9 and that he had played a hangup performance before receiving the injury, late in the third quarter, that put him in the Lincoln General hospital since Oct. 2. Notre Dame "four hossmcn" single handed. Being of lolly pop age at that time, we will have to take their word for it. j At this time the ponderous ex-tackle is chief of the new ! state highway police. He is now in a training camp at Ashland ' teaching the rookie state troop I ers how to shoot, jig jitsu, and . wear brass buttons. Incidentally, a nephew of Wel ler's. Harry Pitcaithley, is now en ; rolled in Nebraska and will vie for honors on the basketball team this 'winter. Tlaying as all state at lackson high and all star at Kear- ! ney Normal the young Fit s ; chances are rosy. irry, AND impregnate the briBrwood thormthly ? you tmolce, to it wonderful flavor i presented permanently Special attachment t'vea (1 auto matte free draft 1?) double action condenser YELLO - BOLE lSO "CtlUIITOI ' STfMIITft '. "IMPIIIHl" VtUO IOlCJ, Jl 331II3 Yes, if you "ROMEO and JULIET" a b tor yucu.i a. Starts MONDAY 4 Days Only JLincoln ?! First 'lYrm Down Slips . (o Into Mail Saturday Down slips, will be in the mail Saturday morning, accord ing to an announcement from the office of the dean of stu dent affairs. RALLY, CARNIVAL PROVIDE OUTLETS FOR STUDENT PEP (Continued from Page 1.1 will wind around fraternity and I sorority vow and down O st., over to the stadium where the program will be held. Coaching Staff Speaks. Elmer Dohvmann, Husker game captain, Coach "Biff" Jones, Coach Henry F. Schulte and Coach "Link" Lyman will appear on a platform in front of the east sta dium which will be opened for the occasion, and each will speak shortly. Rally committee members last night were endeavoring to secure Henry MoLomorc, United Press humorist and sports writer who will cover the Hoosier-Husker tilt, to speak on the program also, A request to all fraternities and sororities was made hy the com mittee to postpone hour dances and other social events until after the rally. Decorated Cars Feature. Feature of the downtown rally will be festooned cars from each organized house In the parade. Passes to the Corn Cob-Tassel "Truckin' Carnival" will be award ed students whose ears arc ad judged best decorated for the oc casion. AG BARB ATIvTS ELECTS Unaffiliated Women Meet at Five Today. All ag college barb girls inter ested in becoming members of the ag barb A. V, S. league are requested to meet today at 5 o'clock in ag hall, room 206. Flec tion of officers will take place at this meeting. Work on the membership drive will be plained and begun imme diately so that the drive may be a success. Plans and work on the Coll-Agvi-Fun skit will also be taken up this afternoon. Official Kullotin. BARB COUNCIL. Barb Council will meet today at 5 o'clock in room 111 of U hall. TYPEWRITERS For Sal and Kent .any Trrmt Underwood ELLIOTT FISHER CO. 1342 P St. B2535 Lincoln, Ntbr. A smart step-ln pump with crossed front straps. An Ideal shoe for street or for semi-dress occasions. 1 1Q(UD:&(15 jl l.tirnllr Oirmrf , , , Lornlly t.ontrollml jj ' iN-VJ w Vp I SHOES ! K F l A j"t hlark surrlc with thu f 4i' 3 f J '' ,rnn' utrar rrosu'd ovrr I tr f i ,hr ""trp. Nrw. umart, idml LrLS A V. fordrcs. W 3 A lightweight giil).,.-(Jino f J I that ii ever to cleverly I Uyled. Just the shoe you I , J want for gay football wrek. (' nd. When they kick off to Indiana, you'll want to be ready for a big football week-end, There'll be a round of parties and gayety ... a host of placeR to po . art! you 11 want to put your brst foot lorward A p-ur of these po clever Louise shoes will assure your sue cess in any fathering. ill nf tVincia an 1. T -i.. ... ' ur 'rntrr inri lLi.I. r .nnrl lAMMALS. 1MKDS, COLONS MARK ! NAMKS 1 OH GIUMKON KLLVKNS Hoosier, Husker Monickers Shine in Vernacular Headline Class. The colorful college elevens that j take part in the greatest nauonm sport all have their distinctive nicknames that give evidence of their prowess on the gridiron. Ani mals and colors arc the most fre quent in the array of names that excite the imagination. Most common in the football menagerie are Wildcats, Bears, niilldoes Titers and Lions. Other picturesque names borrowed from the animal kingdom are mc zlies, Bobcats, Wolves and Wolf packs, Loboes, Beavers, Panthers, Gophevs, Owls, 'Gators. Hams, Wolverines, Bronchoes and Mus tangs, Coyotes, Jackrabbits, Long horns. Horned Frogs, Catamounts, Cnncrar Re.l Cats. Gobblers, Knz- orbacks. Yellow Jackets, Fagles. Bison. Bearcats. Bluejays, Drag-1 ons. Wasps, Badgers and Game-1 cocks. Hurricanes, Terrors, Avalanches. Color, color and move color flashes across the field as these J teams line up: Cardinals. Maroons, Red Raiders, Blue Devils, Purple! Orangemen, Green Wave, Golden , Avalanche, Violets, Big Reds, Gol-1 den Hurricane, Green Terror, Red Cats, Blue Demons and Purple Hurricane. The contest for piety lies among j the Quakers, Friars. Pvayin' j Colonels, Deacons. Lutherans, and Rishons Fsneriallv dreaded by: their opponents are the Panthers, , Lions, Tigers, Titans. Dragons, j Horned Frogs, Gators, Huiri- canes, Cyclones, Vandals, Wolves, and Spartans. ' Gridiron politics are earned on by the Diplomats, Statesmen. Gen tlemen, Farmers and Presidents with a helping hand now and then bv the Generals, and since the , revival of the Ku Klux Klan. by the Night Riders Flying Ichabods, Squadrons. Kxploiting the airways are the Flying Squadrons, Flying Icha bods and Flyers. Early American history lives again as the rioneers. Have Your Fall Toal ricaiHMl for I In tonne PROMPT RELIABLE SERVICE Vhonv 10li:it I LEAXEHS S0UKUP & WEST0VER ,'illh vr in l inioln Frontiersmen, Cavaliers. Queens men, Royalists. Colonials, Mar quises, IVns, Voh-nteers, Muske teers, Commodores, Mountain Men and Rivermen boot the elusive pig skin. The great national sport invades the realm of fairy land to name its elevens Dragons, Blue Demons, Titans, Blue Devils, Dillikans, Jumbos, and Rockets. Most consci entious and perservcring of all teams are the Trojans. The "pansi est'' squads are the Violets and Webfeet, or Ducklings as they are culled. In the colorful football vernacu lar of the newspaper headlines the football fan sees Galloping Gaels, Hoosiers, Hawkeycs, Jay hawkers, Buckeyes, Jaspers, Ter rapins, Hayas. Skihos, Johnnies, Rebels. Tommies, Huskies, Soon evs, Boilermakers, I-arries, Cru saders. Shavetails, Tar Heels, and last but not least, Huskers. BASKETEERS START WORK EARLY TOJDEFEND CROWN Coach W. H. Browne Tutors Squad in Defensives Wednesday. Nebiaskiis basketball quintet, was called to order, for the second workout of the season, last, slanting the firs! meeting with ball handling. Defense was in order last night. Using Boh Parsons. All-Big Six conference giK'.vd. f.n a "stoog," Coach Harold Browne demon strated fundamentals of defense, reviewing with the IS members of the squad the finer points of the game lost during the summer. Haircuts 35c BILL BARIJETT 1017 P St. A snappy multi-colo r.'"-d that n clrvrr iDort I'll r.'"-d that n clrvrr with 'rntrrt and fckirtt or uport frocks for class and games. 2.95 I I I j,