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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1937)
HE A 11 V S1hT-VR A A 1T V X 1 t- W - . V . - - 1 M 4 i Sarah J, M Louise Life and I-ovc IVrsoiial-izril. We have long suspected that a cross section of all the problems of man and womankind are reflected In the "Personal'' columns of a large metropolitan paper. So we checked our hunch. And, as life as is is more intriguing than life fronted up, we investigated the Denver Tost. We found it all there "a moving human document." It's not all pretty picture, this slice of life deal. Indeed pastels are often omitted. This is a glimpse of the famous "succer" recking, the business getting of "questionable" enterprises. Least pleasant to contemplate, perhaps, are the shady or quack medicine advertisements. "EXPECTANT MOTHERS, who write or call for booklet explain ing complete obstetrical service... "OBESITY treated safely, no dieting, no exercising, licensed physician, Consultal ions free. Weight Control Clinic. . . "CLINIC for diagnosis, surgery, confinements, gen. treat... "RUPTURE PILES. FISTULA successfully treated without con finement or loss of time. NON SUKG1CAL, CLINIC . "MEN! GET Official Student Newspaper of the University of Nebraska VOL. XXVII. No. 12. LINCOLN NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, SEl'TEMBEK 30, 1937 PRICE MVECENTS Future Activity Leaders Attend Reception Today A.W.S. Board to Serve as Host to Women Students In Ellen Smith. Prospective activity women will be guests at the annual all activi ties tea sponsored by the Associ ated Woman's Society board this afternoon from 3:30 to 5:30 in Ellen Smith hall. With leaders from all major women's organizations to greet the new girls, attendants to the tea will be conducted through display rooms. A representative from each woman's group will describe her activity. Alpha Lambda Delta, honorary freshman scholastic sorority, and Sigma Alpha lota and Mu Thi F.psilon, honorary music sororities, are also setting up displays. In the receiving line will be Dean Amanda Hcppncr, Miss Klsie Ford Tiper, Miss Ada Westover, RED FEATHERS AVAILABL E TODAY TO STUDENT BODY Sign Helps Shaller Mark Mrs. K. A. Burnett. Maxine Dur- NEW VIGOR AT land, president of Mortar Board; ONCE! NEW Ostrex Tonic Tablets j Jane Barbour, president of the A. contain raw oyster invigorators I V. S.; Marie Katouc, president of and other stimulants. One doseiW. A. A.; Martha Morrow, Tassel peps up organs, glands, blood. Keg. ! president; Winifred Nelson, Y. W. price, -ft. introductory price. ?;ic. c. A. president., ami Jean Marvin, Innocents, Mortar Boards Urge Undergraduates To Secure Quills. 1 amaaiMriiriiiiYMiniMM' Student Athletic Ticket Sale Tops Record at 4,750 Call, write. . . "YOUR PERSONALITY may prevent your success, socially and financially. All facial defects cor rected with or without plastic surgery. Our methods indorsed by famous stars of screen and stage, business and society men and wom en. Consultations free and confi dential. Established in Denver 2S years. . . "CANCER, goiters, prostatitis, fibroids, treated successfully with out operation . . . "NUDISTS Enjoy our fine mountain camp. Colorado Sunshine Club. . . "LIQUOR HABIT? A treatment that has aided thousands, given secretly or known. gly . . . Maybe Marry the Girl. Every bit as serious, but a bit ; less sordid arc the countless matn- j ninny steering ads. There are mar-1 riage bureau, correspondence agencies, true love magazines president of Coed Counselors. Tassels Aid. For the first hour the Misses Dauline Gellatlv, Winona Perry. (Continued on Page 3.) Every Nebraska student and every Cornhusker football fan is able to get his red "N" feather today. To date, only members of Innocents, Mortar Board, Corn Cobs and Tassels have been wear ing these plumes. Boys may obtain their feathers by asking for them at the Ne braska section, first floor of Gold's department store, 11 and "O" streets. Girls will be given feath ers upon asking at the Kampus Korner, third floor of Gold's store. Organized groups may secure the feathers in blocs if they wish. Quills for Viking Game. Students are urged to get their i quills before the Minnesota game j Saturday, so as to add more color and enthusiasm to the Cornhusker ; sections. Although proportionately j small, the red feathers cannot be ! appreciated until seen "en masse. The Innocents and the Mortar Above is one of the factors in strumental in breaking the Ne braska athletic ticket sale this year. This sign, situated on 14th and O streets, was donated by the Robinson Outdoor Advertising company and the Iowa-Nebraska Light and Power company. The former furnished the board and its painting, while the latter gives the current that keeps the poster illuminated until 12 midnight ev ery ninght. BARBS SPONSOR INITIAL VARSITY ; Activities Office to Issue Season Books Today I In Coliseum. DANCE SATURDAY Surmounted with a giant neon thermometer and showing a deco-1 ZuMrSn-lSclEly Rice's All Negro Swing sign may be seen from four prin cipal highways running through downtown Lincoln. A survey by the Robinson company revealed the fact that over 85,000 people view the display daily. The project was given impetus Tickets will be issued today to some 670 student buyers of seas son athletic books, a record break ing number, according to an an nouncement from the student ac tivities office. These buyers made, arrangements for more than 4.7.tO books, either individually or in blocks. Drawings for scat locations both for individuals and group blocks were made at noon yesterday by Ed Murray, editor of the Daily Nrbraskan. Ticket sales will con tinue however as long as the seats The university coliseum will don hold out. the only stipulation be lts decorations for the. first time ; ing that late nuycrs must De sai- Band Plays for Hop In Coliseum. his isficd with the locations that are. SEA! RESERVATIONS L .Y vy u.c ju,,,,. u,u ui u. iu. """ ' . : loft. Identification cards must be l"u """ jlamous colored nam. win swing , prosfintcd fo,. eacn ticket pur- oir Miuiiwy nigiii rti uic i - .cr,asod at the time the money varsity pariy. BARB AWS TO ORGANIZE j UNAFFILIATES IN GROUPS First Student Presentation Slated For Oct. 11. Faith Medlar Begins Task Of Listing Women's Activities. Definite plans were made for organizing groups of barb girls at the barb A. W. S. board meeting. Thnotrirnl ! Wednesday afternoon, at Ellen chased at the time tne money is n.iid at the student activities of- Barbs, Greeks and alumni all fir. will dance to the rhythms of this Representatives Call tor Blocks. 14 piece orchestra, which comes j students who bought their tick direct from the exclusive Ehtchc s cts jn a b0ck mav not receive garden in Denver. The band is : thPm imljVi(iualV from tnc 0fiCe, slopping in Lincoln for the Var- j u bcinff necessarv for the group's sity party and will then proceed to , representative tocalI today to ro ues .Monies wncie 11 win yty ' ccive them. Smith hall. The new board mem ber will be announced after thc next meeting. A file containing accurate m- engagement at thc new $50,000 Tromar ballroom. Tickets for thc affair, which is scheduled to begin at 9 o'clock, are priced at 40 cents for men and 3j cents for women. Decorate Coliseum. The dance is sponsored by rep Armene Kuhlman was the lucky person whose name was drawn (Continued from Page 4.) RELEASE TILL OCT. 4 Bruce Campbell Promises September Number Monday Morning. formation of all active barb girls resentatives from the Barb A. V. i i is being formed under the direction ; S. board and the Barb Inter-club , !of Faith Medlar, chairman of the i council. The coliseum will be ac- Due to mechanical difficulties. th fi fn I t m h e r iemir rif the Most of these, for a listed nominal ; . armoar on he sum, .furnish inquirers with de- Ptands until Monday. Oct. 4. Fri srriptions. names, addresses. and!riav morning was the release date , photos of prospective husbands, t planned upon, as published in the wives or sweethearts These prom-1 Daiiv Nebraskan. but unforeseen ise to banish lonely hours, assure ; mechanical obstacles force thc Scats for University Tlayers will Board, sponsors of the movement. co reservc Mondav mornirg at 01 "n aienmr. cnairman 01 me counc. . me coi.scum ,i ....j.- j 011 resmc 'lmuay nluln" mcrabershi) committee. All barb beautifully decorated, and. their feathers to not onlv' the Min-1 8 'clock folowing the five day WOmen are urged to visit the Barb ' cording to Dean Worcester, chair- Iv bv Tassels organization. The'tea this afternoon at Ellen Smith of arrangements, no expense has Ant In it fit-mrr unii MWn'inff the tickets has been changed from nesota game, but every game at tended. BIFF BIERMAN! El Friday, as is stated on the re-' ceipts. to the later day because of unavoidable complications that ; have arisen in the printing of the! tickets. For choice locations, theater go-, era are advised to reserve tickets j promptly next week to avoid a i last day rush before the opening , of the Players first piescntation Oct. 11th. ! been spared to make the party an 0u,s,andingesuccess.ii0n . p,. Whjte M& Try-OutS Worcester that partygocrs will get much enjoyment from watching the Rice band perform as it is ' famed for its flashy style of i playing. BIFF BIERMAN! SET OCT. 12 AS OKIE rnn r a i i n rnnnM run.rHLLLLCUMUl1 : DELTA SIGMA PI VIEWS In Three Weeks to Find Husker Delegates. the loveliest results. But the. most fun to rad, thc most pathetic "personals" to re flect upon are the matrimonial yearnings of ind:viduals. Most of these concern ladies and gen tlemen, and arc addressed to such. Most claim or seek wealth. Many plead loneliness, some de mand refinement. Thc majority are for and by those beginning life after 40. Some are surpris ing: "GENTLEMAN, r.r.. alone: lone some, wishes to meet lady: friend ship and result: possible niMtii niony. No agencies. ' WANTED - Gill, attiactive, : ft. f or P. wt. 1 o0 lbs., age 2."i. to escort gentleman to ToM base ball tournament Of Shooting as Sport; To Open Range. I postponement of the issue date, according to Editor Bruce Camp bell. j Readers of thc Awgwan will be treated to more and better en graved cartoons during thc com- , ing school vear due to the fact jthat Nebraska's humor magazine flay jn Nebraska .lias mane an arrangement wun the College Magazine Editorial ! Group. Inc. This arrangement ! gives local cartooning, art and lit erary talent a paying market for their services and also raises thc level of material, j More Cartoons. ' A page of cartoons will tu s be made available every mom.i in addition to the cartoons and art ! work printed in Lincoln. The full MaiOr SDeer TellS HistOrVi spring w be given first considera tion as well as me seais requesicu, on the reecipts of thc past drive. All requests will be satisfied if it Reserved Last Sorina. ' Places reserved bv cards last! Students to Vote for Class Presidents. Colonel, Sweetheart. ! , , . . . . , , "WniOWTR 4." neat good ' l'il-r "i""" standing, meet smnll. settled. 'y matter will be printed, along hnn,P.l,,nnP h,lv or, sonalil v. No ; with the national advertising, in acenrv ' U"' Nrw Yo,k offir,,s- "LOVAB1.K LADY, with money. ! Material in the September Awg caves sweetheart. Write. !'n is the product, except for "WANT some man. help widow. ih' "toons. of kn-al talent. S mos., securitv. true friend. ! "'"r pHC were printed . n New mal jYork, carrying a short story en- -LEADING lonelv life Have , tit'ed "Ge ntlenie n rrefened" and cash. car. home m mountains. ' f "."rtic'r. "A Pitvipw of Ncbras bealthy. Like : lende, lady. 4S. ka s Gridiron Campa gn. .rs. J Jim foreman is the artist on ' "GENT, middle aged. desires the September ; cover. The coyer arnuaintance of ladv same ,ce ltir:""' ." " V Date for the fall electi"ns when to pal and companion. "WIDOW. 4.V teacher: like meet Christian gentleman. "YOUNG American ihhii in , business. Meet nice looking young Spanish girl. Must be neat, re fined. "JOLLY, refined widow, 4.1. wealthy, good looking; will nuui.V- "REFINED woman desires meeting genteel man. fifc-O.-i, r. "LADY. 3fi. smaV dean h-dy snd mind, bun; and cheerful. Meet capable gentleman of Den ver, 45 to 60. who hfis home. To all this srrambling for rpouses there are two follow Uirough bits of information: "ZEK'S SCRAP BOOK OF WISDOM. At any book store. Onlv $1. "MEXICAN divorces. Licensed sttnrnry. BIFF BIERMAN! Rill Farrens contributes two rye filling pages of fair females. Ed Sleeves, well known campus car toonist, also reappears in the magazine. Over 100 students attended the meeting of the Rifle team yester- hall. John V. Cattle, president pro tern, pre sided. Announcement was made that upon payment of $1 membership fee. any student may shoot in thc rifle range in the basement of An drews hall under the instruction of Sergeant McGinsey and Sergeant Engle. Ammunition will be fur nished free to the extent of SO rounds per week. The war depart ment furnishes the rifles. Members of the rifle team still in school were introduced to those attending thc meeting. Shooting Sport History. ; Mai. Charles Speer. who has! YMlA charge of thc rifle fam, recounted the history of shooting. He said that shooting was recognized as a sport soon after the Spanish Amer ican war. and the first small bore rifle match was in 1924. "Like golf, shooting requires concentration and accuracy and is a sport that one ran participate in until death." Sergeant McGinsey stated that the riile range would be open on Oct. 4. During the first week, members of the rifle elub would is at all possible. It is suggested to persons who have not previously i charted their desires in seats and , students will name honorary colo- j time that they choose Monday or , ncl, Nebraska sweetheart and jun- Friday evening or the Saturday ior arlJ senior cla?s presidents matinee wnen me nesi in scais is still available, and patrons are i was set for the second Tuesday Pontiac Presents Before 25 Members Of Bizad Group. Delta Sigma Ti, professional fra Four Nebraska tudents will journey to Topeka. Kansas to at tend the fourth annual Student Legislature to be held Dec. it, 10 jaxd 11. Try-outs for the Nebraska j delegation will be hel l in three ! weeks Trof'H. A. "White, director of debate announctd. The Ne braska squad will travel with their i expenses paid. I In Topeka one hundred stuui-nt -from twenty to iwenty-five cul Cjm i leges situated in the surrounding I Mill 1 , . .1Mi .r,,,-,- i'.( I chamber of the state house of repre 1 scntaiives which has been secured for the occasion. Kansas. Ne braska. Iowa, Missouri, probably : Colorado, ar.,1 South Dakota and at the chapter headquarters. About 20 of thc actives, pledges and i nishees were in attendance. I The nroriam which is a mouth- in ".TrtKt- Q1 Mia nioMltIP ri1 - , itnujiouo ..... urged not to be afraid of balcony jthe ptU((.nt Counrji iast night. I its flr?t n,ctiI1P professional pro-; ned. Each college may &nd Kiam "i in M'nirawr insi jour 'IcKgaie The Student Legislature de signed to give students practice in governmental procedure, v ill be organized and conducted lust as Iv occurrence, consisted of an in- n it were an elected bod v. dustrial film issued by the Pontiar ! crs wd, he oiganized pnd a wide Motor company and was shown ; variety of bills will be introd uce i by a representative of the local ar.d df bated. Reports w ill be given retail firm. -and bills pasftd. In the last session Study Business Methods. the youthful lawmakers pu-hcj Purpose of Delta Sigma r is .through Mils. to stud- modern business and in- ' ., . , n dustrial" methods and attempt to ! lllJoc19 Water bring students of the Eizad college I ',,r jr (iouditioilin: into closer association with the seats, many of which are even lnceling v as thc flIst of thc mArA tAciruhlA ihun rn fn main .. , -.o.. ....... fg!1 ff)I. thc frop , floor' i After considerable discussion ! i about thc date had been heard, Al ! Moseman, council president, ap pointed a committee, headed by IJane Barbour, to investigate changing the council constitution to postpone fall elections in fu- ture years, until later in October. ! Propose Trek to Mizzou. The Migrations committee pre Reveals srlllr'' 'ts irFl port on the pio- nf Husker fans be chartered for 1 1 the Missouri or Ames games. business world, as well as to en Al Moseman reported that the courage high scholarship in the present plan for using Student ' follege. It also is active in promot Union pledges will be to apply ! nc commercial activities and fur- theni upon a fund lor a public ad- I thering the interests of the dress system for the Student l'n- ' "f - at leajil l..)0U WOUIH DC Sf'ld O.l 111 I . . , , I ,.i,, ,., Inri,nni rnm talUa hv 1.600 printed, an increase of 100 : ounng u,e noon noui. ana. tests for od and gas which hav . . . . iionmiizni " - - - - oer iasi ears sdies . vv. min nf the student Sessional tours of Lincoln finances w, l pro ,a y ,ome for n,xl ! Omaha business firms, out a little ahead, said Mr. Hc.yes. . . , , r, . , Oninn if the President of Secretary Frosh Bought 1.250 Copies of Guide. With approximately 1.2.VI N books sold to date. C. D. Hayes, secretary of the t'niversitv Y. M. " preuineq uMi . I inn hniir . nmii m-ei.n m Artiv.ties foi the year include a col- At Omalia L'nivpri!y E. C. Ree l of the conservation and survey division spent Tuesday in Douglas county m connection with the water supply for air con ditioning at Omaha Municipal uni versity, and inspect i: drilling of and n n siaricT wiuun vile ya?v near Murray. be assigned to classes. The second ; ..a)lho,lRh a Ma,rn,;nt of the profit 1 Wednesday. Oct. 6, t which time Kninol Klul -4rtrri. MnM al Off ict Today All workers for the Kosmet Klub are requested to report for a meeting this afternoon at 5 o'clock according to announce, ment by Winfield "Doc" Ehas, president of the organization. Ths meeting will be held in the Klub office, room 14 in the base ment of the school of music building. week instruction would be given in safety precautions, correct pos jture, and how to adjust the sling. ! The third week would consist of shooting from the prone, sitting, ' kneeling, and standing positions. ! Eliminate Poor Shots. i copy to print and not meire : Al th end of six weeks every-' one out of eight copies is sold to ! one would be placed in a shooting "PI cjawmen for match, regardless of skill. Elinn ; ..,.-,., n ..,ii .. 'the local chanter. New Pledces are and loss for a period of ten y. ars ; ' ,-ates 1 James Crockett of Davenport and 1 A 1 ... ..l.,.V, The aim of the "Y" group, on and arrangements lor the football the campus in financing the N,"11'1 book I to break even. The book . costs about iwenty-five cents a i han Dale Monteen of Wahoo. I nivfrsily (irudnatr To Study in Uiicao BIFF BIERMAN! epiarter. received ' ; f ,,.l.,.li, i,,n nt in,-.h.n.r ,lr1 natmg the poor shots, those with' 1 grKd scores would be appointed to various teams. la,-s a page while organizations represented puy the printin? (ost oi four dollais per pae for their BIFF BIERMAN! 1 1 f ace. Catllf Judin Tram Plafft l'iflli in Ia Competing against eleven other teams, the university dairy rat tle Judging team placed fifth in this week. The team will return to Lincoln Wednesday evening. The Nebraska, which Judged nil breeds of dairy cattle. whk composed of Thomas King, Albion: ly.val Cormnn. Edgar, and Wallace Englund, Chappell. They were coached by R. F. Morgan, of thc dairy husbandry department. BIFF BIERMAN! Facial Dimensions Compared as Yiirtlslirk for Measuring Tunis Similarities by Dr. Reinliarrit Srabbard. Bladf Mffts Tonight at D. U. Houi.f A meetfng of Scsbbird and Blade will be held Thursday night at 7 o'clock at the Delta Upsllon house, located at 17th and E. All member are urged to be present to discuss impor tant plans pertaining to the work of the nent few week. Twins identical, fraternal and Siamese furnish Dr. James M. Rcinhardl, professor of sociology, a laboratory for his experiments nnil observations on the Bgc old question, which is the more impor tant, environment or heredity. In an article appearing in thc summer issue of "Character and Personality." an international psy chological quarterly, and In a new book which he expects to have published soon. Dr. Reinhardt makes a critical analysis of the data compiled by others in regard to various studies of several sets of twins, plus bis own observa tions. One out of every three pairs of twins are identical, or individuals from the same cell, according to Dr. Reinhardt. who draws this conclusion from the fact that there sre a third more twins of the same sex than opposite sexeg. Front Teeth Reveal Type. I To detect whether his spec imens ; are identical or fraternal, Dr. I Reinhardt compares thc dimen sions of the twin noses, mouths, fingers, ear lobes and chins. Par ticularly are the sizes and shapes of the front teeth decisive evidence as to the type of twin. Blood tests are also used. Fraternal twins or brothers and sisters may often have acme of these similarities, but only identical twins have the simi larities in combination. The evidence that Dr. Reinhardt sets forth in his article reveals that identical twins spend much more time together than frater naU. Outstanding was the notable absence of any competitive spirit between identical twins under ob servation whereas there was evi dence that in the case of frsternal (Oontmued on Tage 3.) HERBERT SCHMIDT GiVES OPENING MUSICAL RECITAL Weekly Program Includes Piano Works Written By Bach, Schubert. Herbert Schmidt of the t'niver sity school of music faculty pre sented the first in a series of weekly convocations when he gave a piano recital in Temple theater Wednesday afternoon. Theae con vocations are held regularly at four o'clock on Wednesdays dur ing the school year. The program presented by Mr. Schmidt was as follows: Havda Konnta in E flMt (All fro. imIukhi. and tmli. Nclmbert MiHiiriit Muftlral, f m&nnr, Op. 4. N. 1 ; Mnmrnt Mulml. A flt, Op. M, No. Si Impromptu, V Biluor, Op. 142, No. 4. Brld( Th Hour ",! iX. 1. Dunk; S. I. The Prw hliri S. I, Thl Mid nirhl Tldr.i ljnr4 hTnf r Two iJttl rnnrraJ Marrhra; lal For a Canary! (hi for a Rlrh A ant. rhllllp Kmannrl fflarh Hnnfl foprla Iva. SI minor. Jnhana Sfhanllaa Bach Toccata, P major. ratcrnal Dells Pledge Iii))ie As House Pels The paternal instinct at the home of Delta Tau Delta yester day increased the house roll by two. Some of the boys felt it their bounden duty to be kind to dumb animals while at the same time do a little novel publicity stunt lor the good of the "deah old frat" ripped to the city dog pound and picked up two of the cutest lit tle rat terriers you ever saw. The little twins, bless 'em. sre sur prisingly named Delta and Tau. Delt Babies. "Our babies," as they are no cunningly called by the boys, have a peculiar attachment fur each I other. One will not run away without the other, therrlore they take their evening walks alone, so that the corscicntious parents do not worry about their adopted offspring, knowing that one will not leave without the other. It il said that thc fellows have rather a ripping time at the house since the new visitors arrived. So if you see a worse-for-the-wear Delt, bear with him. He has not become old. broken, or worn down. Nor is he going to the dogs. The poor lad is merely beat up trying to do his duty at this thing called "bringin' up." THE WKATHKK Warmer weather was pre dicted for today in view of the fact that the mercury had risen to 80 degrees at 3 o'clock yes terday. Showers were also pre dicted for Lincoln and vicinity today. Thomas, Thi Bta Kappa, who graduated in February of this year left this week to attend the t'niversitv of Chicago giving up a years scholarship to the Univer sity of Wisconsin. Mr. Larson at tended the rrrir.g session at Chi cago after leaving Ljnroln this spring and decided to re'urr. t study under such instructors as Prof. Miriam. Prof. Laswcll and Prof. T. V. rr.ith. Girls Individual (ivm Classes and Sham Maladies Onlv Cause Problems in Upjierelass I)as Welt. heart murmur s nothing wrong with theni. and 1 had a ec uple f years ago. but its gmie i warn u. go r.i nr niniu 1 ,. , .. . . , , Better Swim Than Dane. now. Jhm. Dr. Jvlns Schn, k of, ..j,. j( ,,, for t,,r,n Hie sludint health service !- i scribed, with grimaces, as the tp- ical sorority girl's wad when she conies to the health tiff ice to ob tain permission to partake in in tramural activities. "The first question I ask th ui," Dr SihricU cxplaine-d. "was where they took gyiiiuiiSiuiii and what activity tiny took. Nor" stuttering anj blushing nieucs us the ma jority have to admit that they took individual gymnasium, ind there is a ruling that people who took individual gymnasium cannot carticipate in intramurals. Girls to spend two years l.arning 1o swim or play lenms than it is to spend two nights out of every week end dancing until th ir fert are fat! My j"b in the univrsity is slowly evolving into the one cf not ;i!lowu g girls to take sports." sh continued. Hoys, Di. Schrick int'm.'-ted, are much better al.Hiut coini'ig for their ( .' mil -:t' inns than the girls. She estiinateJ that Tiu-sd.iv '2 boys were examine J while only one girl came. Dr. Schrick sug gested that the sororities should send a list of all the girls who are BIFF BIERMAN! who come to the office weeping going to enter thc sport to the and begging to be allowed to take . student health office and thai me girls should men come over anu get thir examinations and pernus- individual whni tlit-y ere fresh men snd sophopiorer now come professing that they really had 1 sion cards.