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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1930)
TUF. DULY NFHHASKAN Tiinrn THOMPSON 10 SPEAK LINCOLN CHURCH Scries of Addresses to Be Given by Lecturer of Convocrtion. Pr. William Oxley TIiihiii"mi. president e met it us of Ohio Ft ale university, who vi ill l-tuie t the umveikity ronviH rtliin at the Temple Feb. 2.1. will i-ii'l a week in Lincoln anil uhe a nene i f lecture at the Mr-t Pi-hytci in church winch t epmiMii luii trip to Nebraska, sum. linn to r. II. C Koch, who haa t liaise of ih publicity for the ronvot-niion. Pr. Thompson will pive two Ice turca Sunday, Feb. '.M. two Mon day Feb. 84. and five evening lectures during the Intervening week. Feb. 23 hla topica will bo The Universal In Utrailanily" and The Challenge of Christianity." The r'neral title of hla talka dur tnt; the week will be "Modern Thinking on Great Thome" In eluding "0nrernlnf OihT Feb. 24; "Concernlnjr Jesua" Feb. 2S; "Co,. cernlnjr the Church" Feb. 20; "Concerning Morals" Feb. 27; an. I "Cont rnlrr Social Reforma" Feb. 28. Cueat of Avery. While In Lincoln. Dr. Thompson will be the pint of Pr. Samuel Avery, chancellor ementua of the The University Players IN "Enter Madame" (by Ci'd Varail and Dolly Byrne) A COMEDY TEMPLE THEATRE Feb. 7 to 13. 7:30 P. M. Tickets at Xoss P. Curtice I untveiKily A fnrndhip ha lrii? iwlwecn the two edmat.'H Mino Itie linw when eai h w ll . of 111 I.-.-)'! rllf m In mi Vmi O J iViftlimn. of the I'uifri i i tc colli , e n ml thmimtn ol tin- Fnmlit Mi im dull ha an- ii. Mini i-i a family l.iin-r lit homo if lr Thompson' M"inl iv. Feb In a.l.litiili lo I lu' umsrm.t v Im uliy. tii rtuliir ol bollt I'nlmr jimi Wr-I'Vin i-oii-Ki-a will I 1 - t i it the ilmni i . I l!i fori' ii'iHinu n lew vcai ai;i li Vli'ni-m w u.-i.Knl nf Ohio Mate loi tttinty five vein , He wn then tetired on full pay lul h;t innaim-d mini' in nlm a t.oiiil oik At I he pr--i-nt time ,tl Mudonl of Ohio si .He nre "eirclmn a 1 1 nl in Ihe en luilii i the i ntiius m Imnm ot tin Kinit Mivue mm lr. Ihomp- oii linn t: i i n the n h.xl Not only ila lr Thompson hoi. I a IukIi poMi'i.n in eiliu utioral mii.iii. Imt lu It h!mi pioniinetit lu the ii I ioiiM ii'M The Thump son Fi'uniiation lor religion eilu- . tat tun for nun of nil l-llKlonn la named in honor of Pr. Thompson jand malntiunid In conniption with Ohio Mate university. Burnett Letter. The following la a letter aent to Pr. Kock by Chancellor Ibirnctt on learninB that Pr. Thompson would appear a a convocation aMaker herre: Pr. II. C. Kink. The I'nlveraity. My dear Pr. Kock: I am very happy to learn that Pr. W. O. Thompson la to be In the city for a aerlea f public meet ing's In the near future. Pr. Thompson la one of the most Inspiring men I have known. A a president of Ohio State university he waa a national figure. Hla in terest In younjs men and women la deep and profound, and his phil osphy of life has an appeal in It which few men can command. I hope every student of the University will hear him while he la in Lincoln. Very sincerely vours. K. A. BL'RNKTT. Chancellor, Probation Week Abolition Relieves Nebraska Freshmen of Many Worries "Those daya are gona forever," lamented one uppen lannman to an other, refeirlng to Ihe traditional "bell week." "T!iank heaven for j that." exclaimed a panning fresh I man who happened to f el in on the remark. And it la true that neither one ill have to worry ' about the terror of probation this . year. StaitiiiK this year, those 4) odd i imped ive imliNtea Into the Creek 'Iter oigaiurntions on the Ne braska campus will not have to 'endure the arloua mild prank of the uppeu InHsmen that they have heretofore been subjected to. They , will not have to scrub the front . steps i if th fraternity houses with a ti tit brush, they will nut huve I to neep down dai k alleys In search I of nr-n 'ata w ith pink eyes, nor ' will they have to accost every ! puss-Mhy to find out hi name. aJ ' drcM. occupation and the name of his flrrt wife. They will nave no way of knowing the thought of a man dropped out of an automobile ten milea from town at midnight and told to report back at the house at 1?:1Y The wild and perturbing talea of "hell week" In the past do not cause the apprehension that they used to In the ranka nf the fresh men. No longer do they have to i carry clgiette for every active, no lonKer do they have lo chine from ten to twenty pane of ahoea , brfore retliing. no longer do they have to aland watch on me roi of Ihe house with a shotgun, rail ing out each quaiter hour with Mie gusto of the old town criers All such thmtcs were made a part of the past by the resolution adopted by the student council last spring; aioihmg probation. This yeai s pledge group Is the first to enjoy (he new tilling. Thla doe not mean, however, that paiMlmg will he discontinued. It will still le used as an Incentive to new men delinquent In their atudlea, or men breaking rulea within the house. ra.Mling la not considered a a part of the old pro ballon perlinl Ho far no suit aide substitute haa been found for piohation. Fach fraternity now make all arrange ments for it a own Initiation. Pen alty for the violation of the ruling aa aet forth by the interfratemlty council will be the suspension of pledging and activity privileges of the fraternity Involved for one eemester. Pecauae of the fact that the University of Nebraska la the first large educational Institution In the middle west to adopt such a ruling It will be Interesting to watch Ita outcome. 1 1 ji Shivering Mytteryi Delirious Comedy! With h Idol of th Screen RICHARD DIX in "SEVEN KEYS TO BALDPATE" -ON THE STAGE- Th Sliva of Fsihlon FRANCIS RENAULT" Fauntleroy and Van Ethel Ermine e Co. Every Coif Player In Lincoln Should See end Hear "HAPPY GOLF" Shows 1 to 6 7 to 11 Mat. 40c Eva COe Chil. 15c STUART Al Jolson Sayi: It la the best talking picture I have ever seen Warner Bros. " T -w Preaent f f4 george ir-: arliss r IN , , 'DISRAELI Added St Th Funny Boy YV Laurel & Ik Hardy J JO in "Blotto" VaiT ,ml ORPHEUM Now Shows 1-3-5-7-9 Mat. S5e. Eve. BOe. Child. 10c. The Great Lover of the Screen In Hi GreateH Role JO K With Lowell Sherman, Marian Nixon. Armida, Hobart Boworth FOX MOVIETONE NEWS Show 1-3-5 7-9 Mat. ISe. Eve. BOe. C.tild. 10c. V. A. A. INTRAMURALS BY JEAN RATH3URN. Believe it or not sorority girls don't date after 12:15 and college students do study. Well, what of it? Come to the Cornhusker car nival and learn the painful truth, and believe it or not what's the ditferencc. Here's your chance to lea:n your future whether street cleaner or a big social success. Don't pals up this opportunity a real kiss for five cents and cheap at the price It s a bargaiin you can't afford to miss Come in to Wonderland and wonder what's it all about we'll never tell. And have you ever seen a Hawaiian dance no? It's time to be learning. A perfect portrait for a nickle. Just imagine your own likeness in charcoal, just imagine! The big football and baseball games with an all star cast combine to make this a big social event of the year along with the Military ball and what not. Of course, there are added attrac tions giiess who? enought of such prattle and now to more ser ious problems. Kappa Dclts and N'Ergettes managed to successfully walk off with the first two games of the season Is it possible? Alpha Xi Delta and Delta Zeta came out on top as first rate hoopsters there roust be a chance for all of us! To date no casunlities have been reported and the games seem to be running off smoothly. In watch ing one of these contests one de cides a new set of rules have been installed, but it still seems to be basketball. Too many cigarettes are demoralizing to the game, but rest periods are given every two min'ites. By the way, it should be rest period now time out! Iowa Students l'lace on 'AH-Mnetv' Honor Koll AMES, la. Seventy-four State college students have been named on the "all-ninety" or scholarship honor roll for the fall term of 1029. according to an announce ment by J. R. Sage, registrar. These students made a grade of ninety or above in all the sujects in which they were classified and no students taking less than a full schedule were considered. ThU Week RIALTO- Daotfry Macka.ll nd an All-Star Cat including Ian Keith Myrna Ley Oeorg Faweett-Creighton Hale Mat. e Eve. J5e Chll.' 10c Shows t 1-3-5-7-9 Consistency Good l.'nlil.f Ihf actor nho playrtl H a in 1 : t, "Ten Xight in a llarrnom" anil Pinodili- (but piitorhtr brut), our banil hoys mid thrir uotcx and sit up and pay httrntion. Every Friday and Saturday at the Bill McCleery Is our guest Friday Night. LINDELL Party House Cornhnnker May Try Ticker Suggention Stock Is going down. The Nt braskan hat suggested a ticker. A wonderful suggestion and one that will b followed at soon as possible although w Insist that there be a three min ute limit. Nevertheless, there are ttill two tenlor and two junior spaces left In the panels of that lection. Students are urged to takt advantage of these tpacet Immediately since the time It quite limited. This COLONIAL Week CHARLOTTE GREENWOOD 'So Long Letty' with Grant Wither Patsy Ruth Miller ound Comedy "Sleeping Cuti" Metro-Goldwyn New Mat. 15e Eve. e CMI. 10e Show t 1-3-5-7-S LADIES FRANCIS RENAULT The Slave of Fashion Will Give a SPECIAL FASHION SHOW THURSDAY At the 8 o'Clock Show Displaying $50,000.00 WORTH OF GORGEOUS GOWNS POVT MTSS THIS STUART I TR1 DELTS, POPS WIN IN BASKET (MSI Defeat Aloha Delta Theta And I.X.L Teams in Wednesday's Games. PLAY IN WOMEN'S GYM Speedy floor work and clever plays executed with good team co operation won for DelU Delta Delta a victory over the Alpha Delta Theta basket ball team by a 19 to 18 score Wednesday. Fbi Omen Pi decisively defeated the I. X. L. team with a score of 22 to 8. Both games were played In the women's gymnasium last evening at 5 o'clock. n, th rieit-Alnha Delt Theta o-ama u-a ft nin and tuck battle to the last wtnsue. Liooa passing uu einnr uork bv Katherine Allen, running center, and acctfr- ate basket snooung Dy me i Vir-ti.-arria Marcftret Cook and Grace Koch, were responsible for . .. lf.. the final leaaing pomu mai m Havlichek, a forward on the oppis ing team played a good game. Phi Omega Tl's playing was featured by excellent team work, and although the game as a whole ufl not B9 sneedv as the crevious one, their win indicated a decidedly superior Drana or oasnei oau iu fhaf nf thoir onnonents. Oda Ver million, forward, was the outstand ing player on the winner s team. The schedule for the rest of the week is as follows: Thursday. Bancroft 5-6. T. X. L. vs. Sigma Eta Chi. Delta Gamma vs. Gamma Phi Eeta. Women's Gymnasium 7-8. Phi Mu vs. Pi Beta Phi. Alpha Delta Pi vs. Kappa Deita. Friday. Bancroft 5-6. Delta Zeta vs. Alpha Delta Theta. Chi Omega vs Kappa Kappa Gamma. Women's Gymnasium 5-6. Kappa Alpha Theta vs. Kappa Phi. Maxine's Group vs. Alpha Phi. COUNTRYMAN WILL COME OUT FRIDAY (Continued from Page 1). better attended this year than ever , lufAM la Cn main nnint hroilG'ht out in a story by Donald Facka, ! '31. on this annual atrair. nem-. istry in the Home" Is another; feature in the mae-azine and isi written by Miss May Mackintosh, i who is an instructor in iooas in the home economics department. ) xfi.u Mackintosh received her mas-. ters degree in the University of Chicago two years ago. A cartoon on "Coll-Agrl-Fun," annual stage presentation of the college, is drawn by Arthur Kozelka, '33. A full page etch ing of a recent portrait of "Dad" Perin is printed on the fly leaf of the magazine. The Cornhusker Countryman Is a member of Agricultural College Magazines associated which has its main offices In New York City. Because it is believed hell week ' is more dangerous to ine siuaenis than beneficial, the University of Oregan, haa started an investiga tion among the. old grade and also among other universities to deter mine whether the custom should be retained. CLASSIFIED WANT ADS. NEW TRACK STARS Lincoln Men Will Look Over Team at Noon Today In Stadium. Members of the Lincoln Lions club will meet this noon at the Ne braska stadium, where they will be given an opportunity to view new track stars of the university this year. A number of new men. most of them freshmen, and a few older ones will give the club mem bers a sample of what to expect of IXeDraSKS in iracn nrxi jrr. Luncheon Is to be served at the stadium. Those who will give exhibitions are: Sprints: Lee, Snow, Roby, Stef fen. High Jump: Lee, Roby, Bevard, Wurgler. Broad Jump: Lee, Wurgler, Roby. Javelin: Bevard. One lap race: Ostergaard, Mays, White. Hurdles: Linus Carrol, Leon Carrol, and White. 10 WILL SPEAK ON WATER CONDITIONING Will Deliver Lantern Talk In Chem Lecture. Hall Thursday Night. Eugene Vigo, district represen tative for the National Aluminate company of Chicago will give a lecture on "Modern Methods of Water Conditioning" In the lecture room of Chemistry hall, Thursday evening. Feb. 13, at 7:30 o'clock. Mr. Vigo will augment nis tain with a short film relative to the subject. The lecture and film will deal mainly with the methods of test ing water for its undesirable con stituents, the Interpretation of the results of these tests, the methods of correcting them and the meth ods of checking the efficiency of the reaction. All engineers espe cially interested in power plants and water works are invited to attend. After the lecture the chemical engineers will hold their first meeting of the semester. Reor ganization of the group will be discussed and a new constitution will be proposed. DUSKER TRACK IN WILL MEET BENGALS Ellcr Returning to Form; Currier to Run 440; Ossian Is Out. TRY0UT EARLY IN WEEK Nebranka's 103rttrak squad will get their fimt ile or conference competition vilu-n the lluxkeie ...... ...... tA fiuu.....l .. a a thai filllllfT l" iiiirn'Miii 1" . 1 1 " fc, in' lengai In a dual meet In the n"w Missouri field limine Saturday night. From the bai of compar ative showing In the K. C A. C. Nebraska would i--m to he the advantage on paper but the Iroulile about track meet la tint fiuies often lie. The Tiki have Iwen handicapped by Ihe late comple tion of their field house, having had only about three week ol practice. Bchulte sent h'a cnndldatea through a serle' of tryouta the early part of th week in an at tempt to determine the entries in the meet. Hairy Flier began to show that he la returning to form when he nosed out Smutncy In the Rd van! dash In 6.7 second. Filer baa been slow to round Into con ditions and this Is the best show ing he had made this year, liege and Stefan finished In the order named behind the leaders. In the 440 Cunirr. letter man from last year, finished in the lead with Mil ler, Mays, Rtofkti and White fin ishing close behind. Perl turned In the best record In the pole vault when he cleared 11 feet. Bill Ossian. who finished In a tie for second at the meet last Saturday, did not compete. In the broad Jumps, GKray turned In the prize, effort of the evening when he leaped 22 feet to lead Craig and Hege by several Inches. Craig s best Jump was 21 feet 2 luthes. while Hege got 2) feet 11 Inches. Cobe Tomson. Big Six record holder, did not compete, but will represent the Huskers In this event at Columbia. Slavton Pierce led the high Jumpers when he cleared 5 feet 10 1-2 inches. Jackson. Krause and Azarln went out at 5 feet 6 Inches. Bchulte haa not definitely de cided upon the men to make the trip yet, but this list will be an nounced late Thursday afternoon. AMES CONTINUES CHASE TO TITLE AMES. Iowa. Iowa State col lege wrestlers will continue their struggle for a second Big Six con rrwnr title thin week when thev meet Kansas State at Manhattan Saturday and Oklahoma at Nor niAn Mondav. Oklahoma has won two dual meets, Is tied with Iowa State for first place, and bom teams are undefeated. Antra Conrli May Allrr l.liirujt fur Dnil.f Mi AMi:s. It -lutk Wilcox. ie. nerve IoimsiiI, may emit at a guard position for Iowa smie to. lepe. In the bftnkelhnll tame with I'mWe at lV Moines W e Im t.tit y, act'oiding to t'oaih I.0111 .Mene lie' X n exhibited a tlivrt bland of floor play all eon and may he i hosen in place of tn ke or the H'ill.1. g eneountrr, ll he continue well in pi m th e. No other charges appear likely in the Cyclone lineup. Ftehteen i Ihe Ideal iijje f.-r univrimiv matriculation, iroml- ling to a survev conducted at tb ' t'niveiaily of Hyiamse. Rtudenla j I llnl iiifiiiiiiioii lieliev that mi- tin illation at the earlier age keeps turn In in to m il lea and prevents i h. in from enjoying college, ! u ilxn. mg is given at the U. C, ei elision division. j , "Your Drug Store" Mr u Ivltrintia reaatvlctte I t I tir l.lllll llMlllCll I ninian 1 aivll 14 j The Owl Pharmacy 1 1 ua N. iit a p. ato Special Noon Lunches RECTOR'S 13 A P. "Our Store Is Your Store" VALDiNTONES FOR Ftimily-Sweollieiirl-Frieiiils MANY TO CHOOSE FROM Comics by the Score EASTMAN KODAK STORES, Inc. 1217 O Street Going; to the game Saturclayl Better gol And fitted out with The hat that makes the college fella the winner at any game Yes, it's a fiords 5 DUCKS TRY DANCING Expert Inatructlon in the Latest Ballroom Dances Morning Afternoon Evening Phone B 4819 for Appointment BORNEFt SISTERS DANCE t STUDIO I 108 Nebr. St. Bk. Bldg. 15th A. O lllSSSlli w you want. OF COURSE" "your jiiwiuifaiMt from n.i-iti-.rra.&h FOR SALE Certs evnini gown. nver been worn. Florence LanU. .VIA C uih 1TS411 li'-j " ' 1 - - - KOoMS-In modern him, $8 tt monlli. i tl No. 27 Lb. B24a I Any Kind of Watch and Jewelry Repair Work Done Expertly by Skilled Artisans Parker's New Streamlined Shape ets Low in the pocket . . . Feels "At Home" in the Hand A Fine Assortment of Fountain Pens and Pencils Waterman Scheaffer Parker Wahl ja 17 A greater ink WfA p capacity than average A? - ',' ill amwrn) sp Junior Sit r st . " Reliability Is Our Strength Largest Display ol Fountain Pens In Mid-West- LATSCE1 STATIONERS . . Parker's new streamlined Duofold Pens (and Pencils to match) look neater and set lower in tha pocket than others because the clip starts at the TOP not halfway down the cap. The "mart, perfectly poised shape feels "at home" in the hand the hand-ground, heavy g-old point writes with our famous 47th improve ment Pressureless Touch. Like 2 Pens for the Price of One An exclusive convertible feature makes all Parker ens actually like 2 Pens in One. When you b.a pocket Parker you need only a desk base to convert it to a complete Desk Set. We include taper, free. If you buy pen and desk set together, you get a pocket cap with clip free, making the Desk Pen a Pocket Pen, too. See this revolutionary Convertible streamlined Duofold at any nearby pen counter. The name on the barrel, "Geo. S. Parker DUOFOLD," guar antees it for your life. THE PARKER PEN COMPANY, Janravlllt, WUconafa pejt guaranteed FOR LIFE rotters r; : .1118 0 Street Uu coiop lUGKGr-snean Complete Assortment PeA&KPenciI. STAT10NERS-1123 "O" ST. X? ft. aWklS& ft Fountain Pen Repairing