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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1930)
ATLY NEBRASKAN I HE Official Student Newspaper of the University of Nebraska VOL XXIX NO. R6. LINCOLN. NKHKASKA. I KIOAY. I KlUfUAKV II. 1M0 PKICE FIVE CENTS. BARB FEST WILL FEATURE VARIED STAGE NUMBERS Diversified Entertainment Is to Climax Fifth Party of Year. BECK WILL GIVE MUSIC Council Intends Us Red And White Motif In Decorations. A diversified Hot of entertain meat which will b riven ta tbe tb form of a stage show will corns at a climax to the barb valentine party given in the coliseum Fri day nlf bt. Tbia will be tb fifth All-University party of the year to be presented under tbe auspices of tba Barb council. Musio by Beck's band will be used for dancing throughout the major part of tba evnlng. Tbe stag abow will commence with a pedal tumbling act presented by members of tbe Y. M. C. A. Car los, a rblllplno student, will fur nish specialty numhtii with a steel guitar and a ukelele. Two girls dressed in hearts will give specialty numbers with tap danc ing. Beck Will Feature. They will be followed by John Milligan and Belva Asbury wbo will present a novelty arrangement of '"If I Had a Talking Picture of You." A special stage number will be furnished by Beck's band. A tiny girl dressed as cuptd and a little boy will serve as masters of ceremonies. Something differ ent la the Ideas of presentation will be used for all the acts. Tbe exact nature of this Li being kept a secret until the show Is staged tonight. Tbe decorative motif will be in red and white, featuring tbe val entine's day theme. Part of the plan of decorations will be tbe use of a canopy which will cover the whole floor and all sides of tbe ottllscum dancing area. It will be made up of red and white material, in accord with tbe general color scheme. . . ....... Balloon Art Favors. Background for the orchestra will consist of a large heart and favors for the evening will also carry out this idea. The favors will consist of something new in bal loons. One thousand red and white hearts will be used in the decora tions aside from all other material. Tickets will soli for tbe usual price of 35 cents and may be bought at the door. L SET FOR TUESDAY All Entries Must Be in By Noon; Dancing Will Follow Program. Entries for the third annual Cornhuskcr carnival, Feb. 31, will close Tuesday. Feb. 18. at 12 o'clock. Tbe men are to be in charge of the events and relays and the women will take charge of the ticket selling, the booths, and the all-university dance after the men's events have taken place. The booths will be graded by a group of judges on attractiveness, cleverness, and ticket returns. Ex hibitions will be given by N club representatives, the track squad, men's gym classes, and the rifle squad. The annual Cornhusker derby will be staged by the N club representatives. Another point of interest will be furnished by tbe championship game of the lntercollege basket ball tournament. The program is being planned and prepared by the men's athletic staff. Males Barred from Coed Follies; Femmes Arrange Unique Program , BY MARGARET TIN LEY. "Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise." but where coed follies are concerned, wisdom would be better than bliss. And many a masculine mind would like wisdom of the brand that can be gotten at the Temple theater Sat urday night when the Associated Women students sponsor their an nual vaudeville entertainment But this Is to be a purely feminine affair and all that men are allowed to do is to furnish any male attire needed by the performers. Six sororities and W. A. A. will each present a skit in the contest for the three money prizes. Each one is original aad together they rtake a pot pourri of entertain ment net seen before on the cam pus, even in the always varied coed follies. With her very best talent en rolled, Pi Phi Is putting on a "Mag axine Revue." most of the popular periodicals will be there aad of course the list will include Cclge Humor. Tri Delta will be repre sented by Mildred Orr. who will rea4 "White Shadows." a semi ttocjj. semldance number she used as an entertainer in New York. Gamma Phi Beta is turning time backward to put on a toy shop revue all the childhood friends Early Filings Show Lark of Candidates For Midyear Election Ssven applications have best made for Prom girl at the Junior-senior party, March 7. For the woman representative of the college of agriculture on the student council, one appli cation has been made to far. No applications have been mad for th other office. The deadline It I o'clock Friday, Feb. 14. Application must be filed at the students' actlvltlet office In the Collteum. .MISS ANDERSON APPOINTED HEAD OF CslKLS UXB Florence Anderson, of St. Paul. Nebr., was elected president of the Girls' Commercial club at Its meeting held Wednesday night In Kllen Smith hall, me ouier om cers chosen ire: Dorothy McCall. Alliance, vice president; Mary Florence Short. Lincoln, treasurer; Bess McClcl'im, Gothenburg, sec retary. F.velyn Robinson. Beaver City, corresponding secre tary. SEVEfTFEATDRTACTS PLANNED FOR FOLLIES Dress Rehearsal Scheduled Saturday; Tickets Cost Quarter. FOUR JUDGES SELECTED Complete dress rehearsal for the Coed Follies will be Saturday morning at 9 o'clock at the Temple theater, according to an announce ment by Helen McChesney. general chairman. Sponsored by the A. W. S.. the program to be presented Saturday evening will include seven feature acts, two of which are curtain skits. As judges of the performance of the groups competing, the com mittee under uie direction oi Betty Cook has secured Miss Alice Howell, director of University Players, Miss Margaret McPhee, associate professor of English. Miss Beatrice Richardson, instruc tor in physical education, and Miss Pauline Gellatly, graduate student In the department of fine arts. . .. Trl-Doits Have Skit. Delta Delta Delta's curtain skit, with Mildred Orr as master of ceremonies, will be so Interwoven with the other acts as to make a unified whole of tbe program, ac cording to tbe committee members who have seen the practices of the organisations participating. Pantomime featuring of popular magazines by Pi Beta Phi, a burlesque enUtled "Her Final Sac rifice" by Phi Mu, and a toy shop revue by Gamma Phi Beta will comprise three of the offerings. . Dancing and original songs make up the act, "College Melan choly." by Sigma Kappa, and the curtain skit, starring Grace Cathan. by Alpha Phi. Tickets, which sell for twenty five cents, may be procured at the door the evening of the presenta tion or from members of the A. V. S. board. RECEPTION PLANNED BY PHI BETA KAPPA One Hundred Expected at Informal Affair in Morrill Hall. Over a hundred members are expected to be present at an in formal reception of the Nebraska, Alpha chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. All members are Invited to attend the reception. Monday evening, Feb. 17, in Morrill hall gallery A, at eight o'clock. A program will be given follow ing the reception, consisting of music by several instrumental and vocal soloists and a lecture on color photography by Dwlght Kirsch, a member of the chapter. will be there, "Raggedy Ann. and "Andy," the dainty French doll, and not the least important will be tbe animated building blocks. Al pha Phi will present a "blues song and dance act that is said to be well worth seeing. 'College Melancholies, v. the name given to their entirely or iginal act by Sigma Kappa, Cleyer campus songs and dances are the features of this far from melan choly act W. A. A. has enlisted some agile tumblers for its num ber, there are some unusual cos tumes and every "type" of girl will be represented, everyone. "One laugh will follow another as the minutes pass." (why this is a quotation will not be known until Saturday night i when Phi Mu puts on its take-off of a historical play, a comical representation ot the battle of Lexington. Last but not least, this years performance will be unique for there is one feature of the whole show which is carefully kept se cret Helen McChesney, in chsrge of the coed follies baa let drop the hint that this year the follies will not be a series of disconnected skits, but that the variety of acts will be united by "the secret Tickets for tne follies may be obtained for twenty-five cents at the Temple theater Saturday night before the show opens at 7:30. DEAN THOMPSON TELLS STAND ON MINOR OFFICERS Says Faculty Committee Decided Leave Action Up to Students. COUNCIL PLAN TABLED Motion Was Not Refused; Classes May Decline Appoint Men. The stand taken by the faculty committee on student organlza tlons concerning the abolition of minor class officers was ex plained to The Dally Nebraskan Thursday by Dr. T. J. Thompson, dean of student affairs. Tabling the Student council's recommend Hon that minor class officers be abolished, the faculty committee came in for some censure from the editorial colunms of The Ne bras k an. "We simply left the matter up to the students," explained Dean Thompson. "The committee felt that perhaps it had been taking too many things In the way of ex tra-currlcular activities away from students. Minor claws officers, consisting of a vice president, secretary and treasurer for four claasts, ate uut elected at the regular second semester election, but as special mass meetings of each class. The failure ot the committee to act on this question will not interfere (Continued on Page 4.) 10 UNI COED VOTERS 'Family Too Large for Its House," Is Subject Of Address. Mrs. John Sennlng spoke before a meeting of the University League of Women Voters Thurs day afternoon in Ellen Smith hall. She spoke on the "Family Too Large For Its House," referring primarily to the divisions of de partments in our present day gov ernment. "William Hart rightly compared the government to a picture puz zle, as each department is so closely related and dependent on each other," declared Mrs. Sen nlng in opening her talk. "It is plainly evident that the depart ments need reorganization, and has been realized by the people because so many plans, some ri diculous have been submitted to the president," she said. President Hoover is slowly re organizing and redividing the de partments. For instance the bu reau of prohibition is under the treasury department, but congress is now working to change prohibi tion to the department of justice, according to Mrs. Sennlng. Following the talk, Virginia Jonas gave a reading, "The Re considered Verdict." Leone Ket terer, chairman of the efficiency in government group, was in charge of tbe meeting. A meeting of the group led by Leone Ketterer was announced for Thursday. Feb. 20, at 4 o'clock in Ellen Smith hall. VERNE HEDGE TALKS 10 SIGMA DELIA CHI Former Mayor Discusses His Experience With Newspaper Men. Honesty, optimism, accuracy, knowledge of his subject matter and acquaintance with current history were listed as qualifica tions of the good newspaper re porter by Verne Hedge, former mayor of Lincoln, former presi dent of the Lincoln chamber of commerce and former president of the Nebraska Alumni association, in an informal talk to members of Sigma Delta Chi journalistic fraternity meeting Thursday even ing at the Beta Tbeta Pi house. Mr. Hedge recounted some of his experiences with newspaper men and expressed his opinion of journalism today from his con tacts with newspaper men. Sigma Delta Cbl will meet next Thursday night at the Lambda Chi Alpha boue to to hear a talk by District Judge E. E. ChappelL Another meeting of the week fol lowing will be held at the Pi Kappa Alpha house. Dr. C H. Patterson of the university de partment of philosophy will speak at that time. Agronomy Club Sees World Tour Pictures Mnvinp- nictures were shown to the Apronomv club last night in the Dairy Industry building, on the college of agriculture campus. The pictures were shown by Dr. E. W. Rowe, of Lincoln Fight reels of film were projected upon the screen. t'anderhottf. Spinal Me n in fit it I ' id I in , (Ireatly Improved The condition of Thomas Vsnderhoof, university sopho more, who was stricken with spinsl meningitis, Feb. 2, Is considerable improved and he is now safely on the way to re covery, according to the latest reports from the Lincoln Gen eral hospital, where Vander hoof Is confined. The patient Is a member of Sigma Alpha Ep silon. His home Is at ftcotts bluff, Neb. .miss ihiag will talk at dinner 1 1: .vitkim; india Student volunteer will hold an Indian dinner from 6 to 8 o'clock Saturday evening at Wesley Foun dation. 'Miss Jcme Brag, who re turned from mlwuonary work In India lust March, will give a re port on Indian condition. Indian songs will be furnished by Fdward Thompson, son of a missionary, and Indian food will be served. The returned misMon arles will be dreswed In costumes. VOTERSWIlTSETECT IVY DAYORATOR 100 Nebraskan Discovers That May Fete Speaker Is Overlooked. ONLY SENIORS ELIGIBLE Applications for Ivy day orator will be received at the student ac tivities office until Saturday noon Ralnh Raikes. president of the Student council, announced Tues day. The announcement came as i result of The Nebraskan's dtscov ery that no mention had been made of this position In the lists or iu Intra published prior to this time. Student council members aver thev were not aware of the fact that the election of Ivy day orator is supposed to be held next Tues dav alone with the other elections They were under the impression that the spring balloting took care of this election. Here again the change in date for Ivy ceremonies to May 2 com nllmtea matters the speaker for the occasion must be selected be fore the exercises are bold. Hence the announcement this morning that the orator will be voted upon next Tuesday. VARIES IN CONTENT Short Stories. Poems, and Features Contained in Magazine. With a galaxy of short stories, feature articles and poems, the winter number of the Prairie Rrhnnnir Nebraska's contribution to the literary world, was released Thursday afternoon by its editor, Dr. L. C. Wimberly. Headlnz tbe contributions as listed on the frontispiece of tbe magazine is "Along a isanay Road," a story by an Omahan, El len Bishop. Her short story, "Morning," which appeared in the Rrhnfiner several issues aeo. was double-starred by the international short story critic, Edward J. O'Brien. Fred L. Christensen, a graduate stiirfent. is the author of "Come, All You Rounders!" the subject of which, according to tne eauor, 10 the bold, old man of the west." Joe Deralng and Jim Thomson, both students, have also written essays and poems. Three Nebraskans Listed. Three Nebraska faculty mem bers have material published in ths ifsue of the Schooner. Writ ing on "Lincoln, Defender of De i .cracy," Dean John D. Hicks of the arte and science college gives a word picture of the American (Continued on Page 4.) EDITOR OF 'POETRY' Harriet Monroe, Chicago Woman, Is to Speak At Convocation. Harriet Monroe, editor of the magazine "Poetry" In Chicago, will talk at the university in a fine arts convocation next month, according to reports from the of fice. Her subject will be "Poets of the Middle West." Through ber magazine a num ber of poets have gained national fame. This publication is the first successful one of its kind In Amer ica, Most magazines use poetry only as a filler, but the contribu tors are paid for their work In the "P'etry." Miss Monroe is well qualified to talk on her subject since she has known some of tbe most interest ing figures in modern poetry, in cluding Amy Lowell, Carl Sand burg and Edgar Lee Masters. CAMPUS CALENDAR Friday, Fe!i. 14. Vesper choir t'-'youts. Ellen Smith hall, 12:30 to I. Deadline for election filing. Coli seum, 5 p. m. NEW SCHOONER ISSUE 'SOB SISTER' TRIALS Forty Aspire to Principal Roles in Tryouts Wednesday. INTEREST IS MANIFEST Additional tryouta for principal parta In hmel Klubs spring show, "Sob Bister," will be lirld In the club rooms, located In the Annex building, at 5 o'clock Fri day afternoon. Forty men and women students tried out for prin cipal parts In the Temple Wednes day night. Due to the basketball game, however, some were unable to be present and so the additional trinla will be held this afternoon. Despite the fact that the game Interfered. Judges were kept busy from 7 to 10:30 a clock reviewing candidates fur the various posi tions In the musical comedy. Fur ther tryr,,,i 'r chorus aspirants were hrd in Wally Marrow's stu dio In the Knglo apartments Thurs day night. A number of individ uals took advantage of this pro- oniration of the chorus tryouts. originally held in the Temple Tuesday night. Eighty persons were reviewed for the choruses Tuesday. A number of extra characters. especially women, will be used In certain of the show's scenes, ac cording to club members. Names of all candidates for the show have been sent to the dean of student affairs office where they will be checked for eligibility. As soon as tbe lists come back a ten tative selection of the cast will be made. Active work on the piiu clpal parts will probably begin sometime next week. Club mem bers stale that tryouts so far have been very satisfactory for both chorus and principal parts. Much interest has been shown and a great array of material has pre sented itself. AG FUN FEST NEEDS L TALENT Wednesday Tryout Reveals Much Material; All Not Reviewed. Tryouts held Wednesday night for Coll-Agri-Fun, annual stage presentation of the college of agri culture, indicated that an abun dance of material is in the hands of the committee which will choose the acts that are to be offered. Four acts were watched by tbe committee during the first tryout and all of them were held over for consideration and possible revi sion. The selection committee in timated that it was well pleased with these first results. Many more acts have been sub mitted, but they could not all be examined Wednesday night. It is possible that half of those entered will have to be culled out or com bined with others in some way. Additional talent is still being sought by the committee in charge of Coll-Agri-Fun, T. H. Goodding. faculty member, announced. Last year, he added, the best acts were given by freshmen, but few first year men and women have sub mitted acts this year. Further tryouts will be held Wednesday evening, It was an nounced. PROM TICKET SALES Formal Committee Entrusts Pep Club With Handling Of Pasteboards. At a meeting of the Junior Sen ior Prom committee Thursday eve ning at the Delta Tau Delta house ways and means for distribution of the tickets for tbe final formal of the season were discussed. Tbe de cision of the committee gives to the Corn Cobs the exclusive fran chise to sell the tickets, with the exception of the members of the committee wbo will also sell tick ets. It was brought out that the Corn Cobs are the most represen tative activity organization on the campus and best fitted to distrib ute tbe tickets since there two cobs from each fraternity. To date of this writing there have been but seven girls file for Prom girl. Filings will close to night at. 5 o'clock for the election Tuesday. The Prom girl will rep resent the choice of the male stu dents who attend tbe ball. Don Carlson, a chairman of the Prom committee, says that the two ball rooms engaged at the Lincoln will amply take care of 400 cou ples. This is rather a new idea in parties and according to indica tions it should be well received. The tickets for the Prom are not to jro on sale until sometime next week and there will be only one selling campaign. SEVEN COEDS GET INTO KAPPA BETA, CHRISTIAN CLUB Seven university women were Initiated into Kappa Beta, crg&u- j irRtion of the DisciDles of Christ . church, at its founder's day ban-' quet Thursday nighL They are: Jamesine Bourke. Dorothy Wright, Helen Wilson. Pauline McClure, 'ieulah Sabin. Thelma Crandall, and Valleria French. Decora tions at the banquet carried out the rainbow motif. VIEWS GIVEN ON FELLMAN'S PLAN IVuIiy Manlier unl StmlriiU Connected With New Melliod of Student Council Representation Voice Opinions For ami Against. POLITICAL PARUKS Father of Motion Warmly Support Plan; IJarli Head l)tirr Change; Present Council Like Idea: Dr. St'iining See Many Loophole. By POLITICUS. I'roiMnlioiiuI i-i pn sinlntion comiH.sitioii of the University of Wl.nislui Student council ntn v or may not lo the rijrltt thinu' if th' opinions of Kovcrnl faculty ami KtiiJcnl iiiciiiIkis are to he considered nny criteria. In interviews obtained with tin- dean of women, denn of student affairs, the chairman of the pliti"al science depnrt- IAVER ANO AVERY SECURED AS ORATORS Charter Day Exercises Will Be Broadcast Over K. F. A. B. Saturday. ALUMNI PLAN PROGRAMS Governor Weaver and Dr. Sam uel Avery former chancellor of the university, will be the prin cipal speakers in the University of ..ebrasKa observance of Char ter day. Saturday, Feb. 15. The en tire program consisting of other talks and musical numbers, will be broadcast over KFAB, beginning at 10 p. m. The exercises at Lincoln will be supplementary to the meetings held by the alumni clubs thiuugh out the state and nation. A num ber of faculty members will ap pear before the various alunml bodies during the next two weeks, bringing messages froni the uni versity. The governor and Dr. Avery will each speak five minutes over tbe radio, while otners on me program will have to restrict themselves to two minutes. Tbe complete pro gram as given out by the alumni secretary is as follows: University band. Governor Weaver. Dr. Samuel Avery. Girls octet. Dr. L. A. Sherman. Miss Laura B. Pfeiffer. Dr. H. H. Waite. Prof. Clara Conklin. Prof. Elizabeth L. Reese. Dean G. A. Grubb. Dean O. J. Ferguson. Prof. C. A. Robbina. Prof. D. D. Whitney. R. D. Moritz. Dean W. W. Burr. Dean R. A. Lyman. Dean H. H. Foster. Prof. H. H. Marvin. Prof. J. E. Klrshman. Prof. J. E. Alexis. Prof. Paul H. Grummann. The band. AG. EXTENSION DIVISION PLANS OUTSTATE MEETS A series of thirty agricultural outlook meetings have been ar ranged by the extension division of the college ot agriculture. The purpose of these meetings is to show farmers throughout the state what is being done elsewhere. The north and west parts of the state are to be covered by H. G. Gould, district leader of tbe exten sion service, Ralph Cole, of the de partment of rural economics, and G. A. Klfer, of the bureau of agri cultural economics at Washington. R. E. Holland, district extension leader, and Harold Hedges, of the department of rural economics, will tour the east and south parts of the state. Average Valentine Is Far Too Sentimental Avers Star Snooper St. Valentine's day. descending upon tbe campus this morning, will find a few of the less popu lar coeds heartless. Others, bask ing In the warm sunshine of popu larity, may rate one or more of the lacy things known as valen tines. The Dally Nebraskan's star snooper reports that the average valentine is far too sentimental for average use and that breaches of promise suits might be caused by them. Heart balm, he reports, would be the least disagreable re sult of the distribution of valen tines. Anxious to assist the university lovers In the pursuit of their ac tivities. The Nebraskan offers a safe verse. I want you for my valentine Along with several others. I must admit I have a line, But so do ail the brothers. Hats are off to the lads who 'indulged in scraps with their fem inine friends about last Sunday, hence eliminating the necessity of scraping the coffers dry in an at tempt to purchase valentine gifts. The wireless valentine communi cations might be considered heart to heart talks. KXPKESS THEIR FAVOR tli- plan to revolutionize the nvnt. the president of tbe Student council, the fponsor ot the plan, and the head of the three student political fac.ons, divergent views on the .sc'jjecl have been found. Discuiiion is Rampant. Following the favorable action taken by the committee on student organizations Wednesday evening, much discussion has been rampant concerning the validity of the new sc heme. It was found among other things that the repoit in tho Thursday Daily Nebraskan of the subcommittee, after its confer ence with local political scientists, was erroneous. The subcommittee's report to the faculty committee was not In fa vor of the plan. It failed to find any cause for sanctioning the pro ject and therefore let the commit tee as a whole decide tbe matter. The result was that the committee approved the amendment provi sionallyreserving the right to re verse its judgment should the plan fail to meet the exigencies. Student Vote Tuesday. Eut now the fate of the wholo thing lie in the hands of the stu dents. They are to be given an opportunity "to accept or reject it at the polls in the Temple next Tuesday. What happens then will be final. The father of the bill, David Fellman, graduate college repre sentative in tbe Student council, cun see no reason that fairness and honesty cannot be manifest In politics as well as in other walks of life. "And proportional representa tion Is premised upon Just these considerations," he says. "Our Student council represents but half of the student body. The other half has no representation at all. Why not give all the students a voice in their only self-governing organ?" Barbs Are Important. That the Student council has suffered tremendously in prestige because it does not command the loyalty and support of all the stu dents is attested by Fellman. The unaffiliated group or the barbs ou the campus are too important to be ignored, he believes. "If the barbs are not admitted to tbe Student council." continued the sponsor of the plan, "they will strengthen their own council, as they have already done to some degree. This will tend only to solidify factional sentiment ou the campus, pulling apart and setting up barriers where tliey might be brought closer together. Propor tional representation, as a method of minority representation, is in the interests of the university as a whole, and the university spirit." Objections Are Raised. Objections raised during the course of discussion on the plan ever since it was taken up and some of which, incidentally, are brought out in subsequent inter views, are answered by Council man Fellman. The idea that pro portional representation would drag women into politics seems to him to be specious. "The plan does not require it; in fact, specific provision is made to make possible their continued par ticipation in student affairs inde pendent of politics. And I may add that even if it would Involve the women In politics (which it doesn't), what of it? This is an age of universal suffrage, women's leagues and equal rights, isn't it? Fellman Replies. "Tbe objection that the plan re moves representation by colleges is equally unfounded. All that is necessary to refute this is to refer to the clear text of the amend ment, which retains the present plan of representation by colleges." Regarding what he considers to be the greatest objection that the representation on tbe council will be all muddled up Fellman waxes warm in his reply: Students Mutt Consider. "The only muddling I can con ceive of is in the minds of those who won't take the time to sit down, read the plan, and think it through. The greatest hazard which lies ahead of the adoption of the plan lies in the fact that its comprehension calls for some thinking on the part of him wbo seeks to understand it. Thinking is, unfortunately, the most difficult of all the human processes." But strange to say, that's what everybody is complaining about the. pi Atj, They don't understand it. They have a vague idea of what it is all about, and therefore formulate their opinions on that basis. Blue Shirts Favorable. The attitude of the blue shirts, who now control tbe seats In the Student cCjncll, was sounded at a (Continued on Page 3.)