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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1930)
I Tt'KSI) Y. 1 KIIM MtV 11. 10. FOUR Tin: nui.Y m iuuskw SGMA KAPPAS N'ERGETTES WIN F RSI ROUND Dormitory A and Alpha O's! Defeated in Cage Tournament. i NO GAMES CANCELLED Upper Classmen Must Get Permit From Student Health Office. Sigma Kappa won from Dormi tory A by a score or jo io t. ana NFrgettes wou from Alpha mi cron PI, 10 to 1. In the opening l-ames of tbe women's Intramural basketball season. Tbe other two games scheduled to play at Ran i roft achool, wf re postponed be- csiie the floor was m use. With tbe first week of the women's Intramural basketball tournament In full progress, an an nouncement has been issued by the intramural office to tbe effect that all teams must report to tbe time and place ecbedulcd, or for leit their came. No tames already scheduled will be cancelled. It ts Important, according to Alice Buffet, basket ball manager, that upperclassmen evpectinr to may, and not reels tered for physical education work, must secure a permit from the students health office. Majors in physical education will act as of firm's in the ratnes. The following games have been scheduled: Tuesday, Feb. 11. 6 p. m. Majors, Women's gymnasium. Maxlne McCan's group vs. Delta Zeta, Bancroft. Alpha XI Delta vs. Kappa Phi, Bancroft, 7p.m. Alpha Oil Omega vs. Kappa Kappa Gamma, Women's gymna sium. Pi Beta Phi vs. Gamma Phi Beta, Women's gymnasium. Wednesday, Feb. 12. 5 p. m. Thl Omega PI vs. LX.L., Wom en's gymnasium. Delta Delta Delta vs. Alpha Delta Theta, Women's gymnasium. Dormitory A vs. Kappa Alpha Theta. Bancroft. Alpha Omicron Pi vs. Chi Omega, Bancroft, Thursday, Feb. 13. 5 p. m. I. X. L. vs. Sigma Eta Chi, Ban- i.roft. Delta Gamma vs. Gamma Phi Beta. 7 p. m. Pbi Mn vs. Pi Beta Phi. gymna sium. Alpha Delta Pi vs. Kappa Delta, rymnasium. Friday, Feb. 14. 5 p. m. Kappa Alpha Theta vs. Kappa l'lii, gymnasium. Alpha Phi vs. Maxine McCan's group, gymnasium. Delta ZeLa vs. Alpha. Delta Tbeta, Bancroft. Chi Omega vs. Kappa Kappa Gamma, Bancroft. t'ratvrmty IJatketball Schedule TUESDAY, FES. 11. Court 1 (Stage) Class A. 7 o'clock, Theta Chi vs. Beta Theta Pi. 7.25 o'clock, Delta Theta Phi t. Phi Delta Theta. 1:40 o'clock, Pt Kappa Alpha s. Alpha Tau Omega. Courtll (Nest to Stage.) Class A. 7 o'clock, Blxad college vs. Law college. 7:35 o'clock, Theta XI vs. PI Kappa Phi. 8:40 o'clock, Sigma Alpha Epsiion vs. Delta Tau Delta. Court III (Varsity.) Class B. 7 o'clock, Omega Beta Pi vs. Delta Sigma Phi. 7:25 o'clock, Tau Kappa Ep siion vs. Phi Kappa. S:40 o'clock, Phi Sigma Kappa vs. Sigma Alpha Epsiion. an: cm its wim. mi: I ok IIONOK IN w i.L .sij:.k at L.AWT.KNCK, Kan - Pjjht Rlie rluha will enter the Mimtuuil Vl- CORNHUSKERS PLACE IN FOUR EVENTS AT KRAI! TRACK MFFTf :: ll.U.n.U. I linUll MILL I Nrnutn rib. II. In addition to the I I'mvriMiy t'l Kaunas, the schools Iwlurh wiil fiitu are the Southern Ostergaard Wins 600-Yard . ,w, ':.:;v:r-.Y,i':t,,r:,f DaSh; OSSian TICS I0r jm.luhnnm. 1'iiivrrsity of MiH..uri. j Wuctnnclim university, and Kan sas Mate agriculture college. WYOMING OFFER WILL LIKELY BE RECEIVED FRESHMEN SB abelh Tbompion. president, ts baited on a national Panhellenic ruling which says there shall be no publication given to Panhel lenlc troubles. Tbe practice In the past, said Mrs. Thompson, is to exclude all news of sorority par ties to which men are invited. From The Nebraskan's Monday canvass it was found that eleven out of twelve who could be reached, were whole beartedly In favor of The Nebraskan publish ing reasonable accounts of soro rity parties. This number repre sents a majority of sororities m the Tanhellenlc council as there are twenty-one listed in the or ganization. Second in Vault. Nebraska athletes at the K. l A. C. ludor track meet Saturday night placed In four event: The 60-yard dash, the pole vault, the shot put, and the mile rrlity. Hob Oslergaard. soplioiimie from Gothenburg, started his col lege career as a runner auipicliu.--Iv when he won the tino-yard dah for tbe Shannon Doujjlus up in1 1:16. Bill Ossian. entering his thiid season of competition as a pole vaulter. sailed over the bnr at 12 feel to enter a t line-way tie for second, with Tmeblood of Kansas and Soults of Iowa, Iluxli Rhea, varsity football man. tossed the shot 44 feet 8 inches for a third place in that event. The Nebraska mile relay tram, composed of Rogers. Sictkes, May and Currier, defeated Kansas in 3 minutes, 31 second. There Is a possibility that a dual meet with the Missouri Tigers will be arranged for the Columbia track this week end, although the date Is still tentative. The next regularly schedule cUxli is with Probability That Rhodes Will Be Chosen for Head Coach. Iowa State. Feb. braslca track. 22. on the Ne- F Huskers Take All Events In Swamping lowans 55 to 20. GRINNELL. Ia.. Feb. 11. Tak- Insr first place In all individual events and winning both relays Nebraska's swimming team won from Grinncll. 55 to 20, in a dual meet here Saturday night. The long string of first pisees which the Cornhuskers copped was augmented by second place wins in every event save tne 4,u yara iree style and the 220 yard breast stroke. Amato. Nebraska flash, broke the Big Six conference record in the 100 yard dash, swimming tbe distance in 1:02.6. Summary: lSO-vard rlv: Won by Nrhraska Yours. Uu'herland, Cannon, Ammo.) Time: 1 :?.. . . 200-vart Ittast stroke: won ny ri- tavma. Nshraska: Chuc r ixn, unn nell. second; Eutlwrland, Nebraska, third. Time: 3:05. 40-yard daih: Wo.i br Amato. Nebraska; Youns Nebraska, conl; Dewey, Grin mil. third. Tine: :21.2. 44.VvaH trr etyie: Won bv Heetbeck, Nebru'ta;, Onnnell. second; Utile, Nebraska, third. Time: 6:24.7. 150-yard back tro.e: Won by Vnrk'.tr. Nebraska; Canron. Nebraska. .wood; Thomas, Grlnnell, third. Time: 2:01.2. 100-yard dash: Von by Amato. Ne braska: You.ic, Nebraska, second; Dewey, Grlnnell. rhlrd. Time: 1:02. . Fancy diving: Won by Sutherland. Ne braska; Ch ick De Long, Grlnnell, lecosd; Davis. Grlrnell. third. Medlev relay: Won by Nebraska (Mock ler. Pattavtna. Dlllel. Time: 3:47.4. Starter: Lannom. Judges: Ross. Carlej. Ijmrlnn rd W'lliams. Timers: Duke ar.d Truest Announcer: Pye. Scorer: Walt. 101 OFFERS NEW in Four Year Course Given Decorative Ceramic Engineering. A M E S, low a A four-year course in decorative ceramic en gineering will be offered at Iowa .State college for the first time next year, according to Paul E. Cox, head of the department of ceramic engineering. This course will deal with the mechanical methods of decoration of pottery, glass and other prod ucts of the ceramic industries. Lithography and engravir.g pro cesses, production of ceramic col ors, shape design and special glazes will be emphasized in the course. "The new course in decorative ceramics will train students to do work which in the pa-st has been done only by workers brought in from Europe," says Professor Cox. "It Is intended for the per son who bas ability in coloring and designing and is so planned is to give a complete picture of the making and decorating of ceramic products." SORORITIES SAY PANFEL RULING NEEDS REVISION (Continued from Page 1.) be mentioned and no cuier account b included. Rule Does Not Hit Feats. According to tbe Panhellenic rule, news of fraternity parties is not restricted as are sorority events. The ruling, however, in cludes every social affair of a so rority such as house parties, spring parties, dinner dances, and formats. The Daily Nebraskan not knowing it was violating tbe Pan hellenic regulation, commenced a column "On the Campus" at the start of the fir3t semester which contained accounts of sorority as well as fraternity parties. It was forced to discontinue the sorority stories when notified of the ruling. Requests have been made of downtown papers to keep out all news of this nature. Tbe local Panhellenic ruling saya that all publicity for sorority events to which men are invited must be given out by the chair man of the Panhellenic council. This rule, according to Mrs. Eli CLASSIFIED WANT ADS. AKTER ALL Its a Towusend fhoUgrapb you want. 5f C'lVRhK 'fau'k .ludta will p!.otorfrah fro.a ytjR KALE Onw! vnlni nTr ben worn. Fl')rtni.e I2W Bo. Itch. F 3411. Kvwn. Lanti. GETTING OUT OF THE VALLEY By Elmer Skov The above-mentioned John Bentley has come to the rescue with a suggested name for this thing, and were duly thankful. He also said "Skoll, Elmer.'" and I wasn't just sure about that, but a Swedish acquaintance said it was all right. Thanks.' The same make-shift name is still up there, though. When this column does come out under its rightful heading, it Is going to ap pear with a flourish fancy letter ing and all that. Bunny Oakes' freshmen received something in the way of variety in their rather monotonous prac tice diet when they scrimmaged the Doane college team yesterday afternoon in the Coliseum. The scrimmage was not scored, but it was apparent here to observers that the Tigers held no noticeable margin of superiority over tbe yearlings. That indicates one of three things: That Doane was off form, that the freshmen are better than Is generally conceded, or that state college basketball is an. of such a high calibre as it might ne. Take your choice. The defeat of the Nebraska basketball team at Lawrence set tled the conference championship issue as far as Nebraska Is con cerned. Before that. It was all fig ured out how, if Nebraska beat Kansas and then took Missouri and the rest of the games on the sched ule, the Huskers would be ir a tie for first if Kansas and Mis souri broke even on tbe two games they have to play. Another air castle gone! Nebraska athletic teams are again facing a full week. The basketball team, returning from Lawrence last night, has one day in which to prepare for hoped for revenge Wednesday night on the St. Louis team, which took the Cornhuskers when . they were on their holiday trip. And after that, there will be two days of practice for the Missouri game tn the Col iseum. That game, by the way, even though Nebraska has no chance at tbe title, should be in teresting, to say the least. While the basketeers are enter taining Missouri, Rudy Vogeler's swimming team will exchange splashes with tbe Kansas Aggie team in Lincoln, probably in tbe Lincoln High pool. And at the same time, John Kellogg's wrest lers will engage the grapplers from Iowa university in the Coli seum. The . meet will probably be held following the basketball game. In addition, efforts are being tnade to send the track team against Missouri at Columbia. W. A. A. INTRAM URALS BY JEAN RATHBURN Big sale! Big sale.' All prices cut in half: Come to the big Cornbusker carnival and save your money by spending it. Big chance don't miss this wonderful opportunity. You'll never see us equal (prabably truci. Great news sororities at last have an other way of making money and it isn't a tea either. Every group entering a booth receives one-third of the profits it takes in so read up on all the latest scientific methods of cheating. Don't forget to come and see Fiji, the only wild man in capitivity. And bring peanuts for the elephants and tbe football players. In spite of the effects of spring fever basketball is scheduled to begin Monday. Snap out of the daze for awhile and be prepared for a real workout. After months of practicing you should at least know the difference between the ball and the basket. However, the more you can get away with the better but it does take prac tice to find that out. Double headers will be run off every hour, so there'll be plenty doiug all at once. After a game is scheduled it absolutely cannot be cancelled and that goes. The Phys. Ed. majors will act aa officials which ought to prove interesting to say the least. There's going to be real cut-throat competition the gym during this week will be a scene of carnage and name labels will be duly ap preciated. All upperclassmen am bitious enough to play must have a health permit and they'll need it! All this week's games are in class A, but break away long enough to notice the hour and place. Guess that's enough of that. l'l.i'Mihiiitv that Jhn Vlmppy" Rhode would git the Hsitiou of head tom-h at the University pi Wyoming was ry strong yester day although the executive com mittee of the university trustees adjourned ovrr the weekend with out imikint: any linnl decision. The next meeting of the committee is set f'ir Friday. February SI. All member of the board will i l at that meeting when the nppli 'e.itmns of Rhode as well as the other enniliitatoM will be considered. Rhodes was in conference with President A. U. Crane and the exeeutive committee Saturday night. I'niveihity authorities re mained reticent as to the cause for delay in filling the vacancy. Rhodes is the only candidate to hiiw been invited to Iviramle for personal interviews Hnd it is gen erally believed that bis candidacy had i e ceiled the euduisemeut of President Crane. Rhodes is a former Cornbusker star football, track and baseball man. Since graduation he has coached varsity bust-ball and fresh man football. i First Year Men Prepare in Practice Came Before Meeting Midland. ALL MEN COm THROUGH Runny Onkes and his aggrega tion of freMinien hahketeers mixed in a lively piactice scrlmmaje nKainst the Donne Titcer on the field house hardwood floor jester diiy. Doane Is reparlng for an exacted difficult tussle against Midland. "Mutt" Davidson was the out standing man during the melee for the frosh. but all of tbe men were coming through in fine style. Bunny wns trying a new comMns- tlon at the guard posts, using Car velh and Farner. Paul Beattle, the outstanding guard on the year ling team, did not enroll for school the second semester and hi run ning mate. Stansberry. was absent from the practice. Doane was apparently tired from their heavy schedule of conference games last week, tut they got a real workout. They were employ ing a man to man defense, ami on several occasions the fiesnmen yearlings broke through the sys tem for two pointers. Oakes' ag gregation were employing a rune defense, and It was more effective than it bas ever been against tbe varsity. Behrcnds got the tip most ot the time on Werner, but wns un able to keep the Doane men from entering the scoring tables fre quently. Davidson and lloutchins were teaming at the forward beilh. Carveth and Farner were breaking up I ho IKMtne Hfeioove with consistent regularity, t'arr substituted for llehremii alter Werner bad worn the freshman center completely out. Runny bas been drilling the frosb Incessantly on f uiutanientals. but oceahionHlly they net a chance to mix with some team. There will probably be one or two cur tain iainer games arranged frlhe fnnh, leb played uefme tho var sity come on the floor. Nebraska Aggies banded tbe yearlings a one point defeat tin year, and h re turn game Is being pronute1 be tween the two team. the. and will put me prospruu players thrtuigh a training to de velop them for outdoor work as noon as the season open. The Jaybawk bas a schedule of fourteen conference fame. Includ ing four with the I'niverstty t Mw.-ourl. and will add lour inn conference game. Lettornien who nre out for curly practice Include: Paul lusher ol PiltHburgh; Bert lotga. Honolulu; Ralph McCov. Dodge City; fcxlgar Schmidt. McRoutn; lHaii Lit lily ler. Gordon; Rsbton Culp. Uelod. Tom C. Bishop. Oklahoma City, tiki., and Rub Thomson, Kansas City. Mo. Bishop and Tbom-on nrc devoting mot of their tlnur now to basket hall. JAYHAIS INITIATE Kansas Hr.s 14 Games Now; 4 More to Be AdJcd; 8 Veterans Out. LAWRENCE, Ka.,. Feb. John Bunn. coach of base, the University of Kansas. ; sued the first call for pnr II - Before That Date liii In mul hi us fix you o irul y.ii il lime tliut IrresUUble "It." Motrins our (eintty. i i. , v.v , t THE MOGUL 9jojs JnoA l 0JS "0.. d T 1 1 S.U0133U NEBRASKA TANK TEAM DEFEATS IOWA STATE (Continued from Page 1.) own record of 1 minute 58.8 sec onds in the 100 yard backstroke, when he paddled the distance in 1 minute .r8.7 seconds. M. Smith, Iowa State distance man, cuppen inieen seconas on the Big Six record for the 440 by finishing in 6 minutes 5 seconds. The Nebraska team won both the relavs and scored a clean sweep in the 200 yard breast stroke. The summary; ISO-yard relay: Nbraka. Car.nnn. SonOi- fr:anl, Young tnrt Amain, firi"; lona State, second, lime: 1 minute 23.4 sec ond. 2Hj-vard nrea't troK: raoaviu. r.e- hraska, flr.-t: Amato. .ehrtka. second: young, Nebraska, third. Time: 21.1 sec ond. 44'J-vard tree style: i. ixn. ioa State, firm: H"-sthecK. r.etraa. second; Kraser. Iowa K'ale. third. Time: l nun- nates 5 seconds. I Better bik ron- ferew-e record ft mlniltea 21 1 seconds IKId by Butler. Iowa State ) l.Wyard oacK StroKe; aiormer. .-.rnranK, firm; We.d. Iowa Hate, second; Cannon. Nehranka. third. Time: I minute Mi 7 seconds (Betters Rik Six conference rec ord 1 minute ".S seconds held fcy Mork- ler. I loo vsrd tree stvie: amain. .-NenraiK. first: I'nner, loa State, second: Burtner, loa State, th.rd. Time: 1 minute 3 aec- ondf. fancy divlnit: Kellit. loma state, tiro; Soijtnerland, Nebraska, second ; Chicken. owa Stair, third. .'100-yard medley relay: Nebraska. Vock- If-, f'attavme. cannon, f'rr: loa H'Ale, second. Time: niinutes 42 ft seconds. Referee and starter; J. J-., irwtn at Boone. WE SELL Mohawk Tires And TUBES BATTERIES and BATTERY SERVICE NEW DRIVE-IN SERVICE CAPITAL CITY TIRE CO. 11th and L B 4887 ft of Distinctioru Such a clever assortment of valentines are waiting for you here. Tiny ones, hui?e ones, medium sized ones. They are new and distinctive, and there are dozens and dozens of dif ferent kinds. Latsch Brothers 9 I IS 1 J! .pf ll I! (o H o) II EAVESDROPPING PIN HANGING JAIL OFFENSE University of Oregon Would you like to send a coed to jail fur a year. Then all you need to do in the state of Oregon is to 'hang" your pin on her. A clause in the Oregon code of laws, unearthed tbe other day by a law student, provides that any person wearing the badge of a fraternal society to which he does not belong Is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by "imprisonment for a term not to exceed one year, of a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars, or by both." 1.200 MILES IN FOUR YEARS The Creightonian Walking .six miles to and fro from school twice a day for the last four years may seem like quite an undertaking to some, but that is the record of Harry Walles, a senior law student at Crefgbton university in Omaha. Leaving bis home fat 7:l! a. m.. he arrives at the law school exactly on time for an eight o'clock class, after a brisk walk of 45 minutes. Walles, wbo lives in Council Bluffs and continues to Omaha daily, has never accepted a ride, and has braved the blatts even witn tne tnermometer registering 1 below zero. SI si 53 NOT A MERE FLICKER, BUT A SEARCHLIGHT For as llic Daily e f . oniv cnecine 29 years lilt; onl' Nebraska., has served advertising inediui ii between local and national merchants and the student consumer. Throughout all these years the advertising in this paper has been true and reliable. The merchants behind these ads are faithful, loyal boosters of the university. 1 PATE NI Z E THEM!