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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1921)
I THE DAILY NEBRASKA N CONAC CLUB DANCE , Lincoln Hotel Ballroom Friday, Oct. 21, '21 Beck's 6 piece Orchestra Adm. 1.10, Tax Included Get it at FILLER'S RESCRIPTION HARMACY HENDRY'S CAFE 136 No. 11th Serves Genuine Mexican Chile Con Came 15c. Hot Sandwich, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, 15c Headquarters for New York Count Oysters At your Service Day and Night Autumn Things from day to day are appear ing on our menu dislies that1 make you glad warm weather is over. Real, tasty, wholesome dishes, delightfully prepared and served on clean napery, and a real sincere courteous ness on the part of all at tendants. Once you eat here you will make it a habit. Central Hotel Cafe i BE AN ARTIST Comics, Cartoons. Knsblong. News pnper and Magazine illustrating, t'ominprcial I'astel, Crayon Por traits. Our simple method quickly develops your talent In vpure time. )!y mail or local classes. Write for terms and list of successful Btuclents. Courses endorsed by newspapers, magazines and famous irtisis. ASSOCIATED ART STUDIOS Flatlron Ride, New York City MARRIAGES. The marriage of Miss Hava Kmmlx I'nnstain and Peter Fredorlcksen took lace iSunday afternoon at Hamilton, Mo. Mr. Frederickson was graduated from the University of Nebraska last Juno. He is a member of the honor ary fraternity Alpha Kappa Psl and also of Lambda Chi Alpha. Two well known and popular peo ple of University circles were married Wednesday afternoon when Miss Ruth Fainham became the bride of Charles Vance Traphagen. Mrs. Traphagen at tended the University of Nebraska and is a member of Kappa Alpha Theta. She Is a graduate of Wellesley college in the class of '20. Mr. Traphagen at tended the University of Nebraska two years and is a member of Xi P3I Phi fraternity. He also attended Harvard two years. Miss Mildred Rhodes and Donnelly E. Langstou were married last Thurs day. Mr. Langs-ton attended the Uni versity of Nebraska and is a member of Lambda Chi Alpha and Phi Alpha Delta, law fraternity. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Itced have sin nounced the engagement of their daughter, Florine Anita to Avery B. Pickering. Miss Reed has attended the University of Nebraska where Mie is a member of Acholh sorority. Mr. Pickering has also attended the University of Nebraska and is a mem ber of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Announcement has been madg of the coming marriage of Miss Nadine Cain of Colfax, Iowa, to Harry G. Shodd of Omaha. Miss Cain is a mem ber of Delta Delta at Godfrey, 111., v here she attended school. Mr. Shedd is a graduate of the University of Ne braska and is a member of Phi Kappa Fsi. OR. A. E. HOLT HI GGNVLI CATlUf Social Service Secretary Scheduled to Speak In Temple, Tues day at 11 A. M. Arthur E. Holt, Ph. D., social serv ice secretary of the Congregational church, will .;peak at university convo cation this morning at 11 o'clock. Mr. Holt is a wi stern man, young, vig orous, thoroughly scholarly, and an emphatic speaker. He is 'i graduate of Colorado college, and has held pas torates at Manhattan, Kas., the seat of the Kansas agricultural college, and at Fort Worth, Texas, before be ing called to his present responsible position. Dr Holt is one of the fore most thinkers on social questions in tho ranks of the church today. He spent tho summer in Europe in com pany with thirty men, of whom B. M. Cherrlngton was the advance agent, in a thorough study of social and eco nomic conditions in Great Britain and on the continent. His special Inter est is co-operative societies. Dr. Holt Is spending two days at the university as one of a tcum of three which comprises Miss Win! liod Wygal of Minneapolis, and Ben B. Cherrlngton. They are giving a graphic and authoritative picture of Europe up-to-date. COMMITTEE OP 200 WILL GIVE BANQUET Four Hundred Tickets Next Week For Fall Dinner Next Week At Chamber of Commerce. The best yet, the committee say, will bo tho 'Fall Banquet,' under the auspi ces of the committee of 200, set for Friday evening, October 28, at tho chamber of commerce. Those respon sible for promoting this event have left nothing undone to make it an af fair of which every member of the University will be proud. The pro gram Is practically completed. There will be short spicy addresses by stud ent and faculty representatlces. When the principal speaker of the evening is announced, there will he a great de mand for tickets. The committee re gret that seating capacity will oe so limited, but it was impossible to se cure larger accomodations. Student sale of plates will be limit ed to 400. The chairman of arrange ments announces that the tickets will be put on sale on Friday morning of this week. The new party favors and noise makers are here. See them before- jyou decide on what to use for your party. George Bros., Stationers, 12 J 3 N street. Convocations. Arthur E. Holt of New York and Social Secretary of the Congregation al church is to speak at Convocation, Tuesday, October 18 at 11 o'clock at the Temple theater. 'l!l!IIII!::illlll!!:!l!!l!llilI!i:!i:il!IIIM The University School of Music m jf ADRIAN M. NEWENS, Director. jl Offers thorough training in Music, Dramatic Art. A If large faculty of specialists in all departments. Anyon may f enter. Full information on request. Opposite the Campus. 1 Phone B1392 11th & R St-. iiiiiraaiiiiM The College Trio riano, Saxaplionc and Janjo Spec ialties with singing and entertaining. For your house parties, dances and other social affairs. CALL DWIC.IIT J. (Slick. MEKKlAM, Mgr LD!) 15 Members A. V. of M. it it ,)t . KIJl 5 'ST Jifi 5?3f 5' ' j! 'ff k k : ; ' ): "HXBDGOt ti)t ii. it iQt. n : it it ft i it , g jt x HI a n ii !J g K 'it ! 9 Ik it ti J 'KJ ,:l ;: a a QUIGLEY PRESENTS SIGMA CHI WORLD SERIES BALL Ernest C. Quigley, National league baseball umpire and Missouri Valley Conference official, was in Lincoln over the week-end to umpire the Ne-braska-Haskell game After a season's strenuous work in the National league and the world's series, Mr. Quigley was on his way home to St. Mary's, Kansas. While in Lincoln, Mr. Quigley presented Sigma Chi fraternity, of which he is a member, with an auto graphed baseball whih was in the world's series of 1921. Just Arrive! Van Heusen Collars lit lit. a The comfort of a soft collar; the apearance of a startched collar. Will g not shrink, will not wrinkle, saves your laundry hills. Saves your shirts. DKKSSY CONVENIENT ECONOMICAL SHAPIRO'S MEN'S SHOP g HATTERS 1234 0. St. IIAHERDASIIERS MONDAY TUESDAY PfjigfY WEDNESDAY gSZTl .-n? THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY WHERE THOUSANDS MEET T HOUSANDS DAILY RUSS LEDDY & CO In the One-Aci Comedy "SURGEON LAUDER, U. S. A." Merian's Swiss Canines In the Screamingly Funny Play "DOG DAYS AT BEACH VILLE" Kurt and Edith Kuehn "Dainty, Different Doings' John West "Topsy Turvey Fellow" The Stanleys Tho Musical Brownie The Love Egg Eighteen Minutes of Laughs "Winners of the West" A Thrilling American History Chapter Hay INTERNATIONAL NEWS WEEKLY JACK GREGORY & CO. Presenting An Original Oddity "IN NOVELTY LAND" Alfred Powell & Co. The Acme of Class in a SONG AND DANCE REVUE Blanche Franklin Nat Vincent Famous Writers of Famous Song Mort Infield & Venza Nobilt Versatile Entertainers Al Stryker "Position is Everything In Life" "For Land's Sake" For Laughing Purposes Only "Miracles of the Jungle" An Amazing Adventure In Darkest Africa INTERNATIONAL NEWS WEEKLY BABICH AND HIS PRIZE ORCHESTRA SHOWS START AT 2:30, 7:00 9:00. MATS. 20c. NIGHTS 35c. GAL. 15c Store How This Helps You Save on Clothes W JTE make your money VV do more by having only the best quality; all wool fabrics and the fine tailoring that give longer wear: Hart Schaffner 6? Marx clothes. We price our goods at the lowest possible figure to give you extra value. We see that you get the latest and best styles. Satisfaction Guaranteed. A Fins it roe CLOTHING COMPANY Hart Schffner & Marx Clothes EVERYTHING FOR THE TABLE Peoples Grocery Capital Auto Livery Co. Burt A. Anderson Rent a Ford, Drlre It yourself- Open All Night 241 No. 11. B-2698 BERT STURM'S BARBER SHOP 116 So. 13th St. : i ! it 6 t , ! IB.