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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1921)
THE DAILY NEBRASKA N f. n - i THE DAILY NEBRASKAN I'libllslicil Siimlnv, Tiu'hiIiiv. Woilm-mlny. Thiirmlny iiiul Krl.lny of i-ui'li wi-ck by the UnlvtTKiiy f Ni'liniskn. OFFICIAL IMVKKKITY I'lUI.ICATlON I'ntlrr th direction of the Student Tub- llrittltillM liUliril. Entered an (.ccond rliiim nuitter nt the poiitiilllre ill Lincoln. M-liriiHKit, uiulvr Art of ('inirrrsH. Murcli 3. 1H.U. i BubBvriixioti rati' per year Vl.UO mt Ht'ini'ster Single ropy - - 8 1.D1TOKIVL STAFF JACK Al'STlX Ldltor-ln-C'lilcl OHl l. I1ASTOX MrtiiiiBlii FdlloP t;:,lj; FAKMAX AsHOidate Kdltor Llilrldite Lowe XiKlit Kuitor llrrbrrt lirowiiell, Jr Nitflit Kdltor Edward llmk Niirlit Kditur Katharine von Mlm-kwit ... Society F.dilor Cltarlvii .Mitelu'll Sport F.ditor John HolliiiRKWorth fiports F.dilor AHidMant Kditurm Frank HflNfr, Ger trude l'atlcrsoii, and Howard C rondull. Assistant MhI.'I.v Fditors: ZHIn Fill more, (.ei'trude tiould, and Xalon Hull liiBer. i Women's Athletics: Sue Stllle. KxchaiiKe F.ditor: Mary Mieldon. Dramatic Kditor: Ayrll C'ooinhs. Military Kdltor: Leonard Cowley. Feature Writers: Mary Tliomus, Bud Kaln' , , Alice Stevens Typist Room SUA "l " Hall. Office hours: Kditor-ln-chlef nnd Mun ttcliiK Kdltor Three o'clock dally. Ill SIXKSS STAFF JAM KS KIIMMHK Hiislnesn Manacer C'hauiicev Kinsey Asst. Business Ur. Clifford Hicks Mr. Manner Nlltlit Kdltor for this Issue KI.DKIDl.i: LOW K IT'S TOUGH, BUT I LIKE IT. The attitude of the majority of the students towv.rd their work is very commendable, but there aie u few that have the wrong idea. Oecasion ally we liLar the niiiark, "How I do hate that subject." Tha chances are that "that subject" is a hard one and tiiey besiudge the time that is required in the preparation of the as signments. It is foolish to expect all that is undertaken to be easy or that it should all .readily unfold before your eyes. What a queer world tnis would be if everything wt.8 eay! Oh, ye of little nerve! elevator does not work and you refuse to take the stairs. A difficulty cannot bo over come nor a high goal attained un less you use your own power and put on plenty of gas in the form of hon est endeavor. ten! And before we leave tin in we aro ready to second everything said. Or the reverse of this hap happen Wo start the day feling half hick, woirioil, nnd depressed. Wo are thrown with people who radiatu health, and pep, and good cheer. Im mediately we buck up and ooon find ourselves tolling a funny story in stead of going to the doctor or shed ;i.ig tears of self-pity In our h.indker chic fs. Tor cheerfulness is just as coiitag ions as the blues! " " The Exhaust I L UNI NOTICES J Wayne Club. The Wayne club will meet Thuis day night, October 20, at 6:30 in U hall, to discuss their social activities fur the coming year. Alpha Kappa Psl. Alpha Kappa Psi will hold a weiner io.'.sL at the caves Friday evening, October 21. Members should meet at the social science building at 4:30. There will be a meeting of all den tul and pre-dentaf students in the lecture loom of social science Tues day evening, October IS, i;t 5 o'clock. THE CHICAGO PLAN. In a recent issue of the University of Chicago Daily, a piaa was proposed whereby greater friendliness would be brought about among members of the student body. The idea i.-s so simple that it is queer that we have not used it here in Nebraska in the years past. It is proposed that every memboi of a class consider himself introduce to every other member of that class. vVith the exception of the formal in troduction they are, for the membci3 of a class know the. names of their classmates, they listen to :.n expres sion cf their ideas, they are' all per plexed by the .same problems, in fact have many things in common, and yet in many caacs do not speak to each other when they meet on the campus. A cheery "Hello" biightens tne walk between classic a wampanion as you walk downtown or back will n.ske the walk shorter, and pel haps the actual discussion of the points bi ought out in the classrooms will be beneficial from a scholastic .stand point Lets all try to speak to all cur classmates today to see if it wou't make the day a little brighter f'Ji us and perhaps chejr up some one t'.iat needs a little brotherly sympathy. Palladian. The Engineers' program, Friday eening, promises to be a worth while auair. A short Uil will be given by Dean Ferguson. The prog, am in ciudes high frequency phenomena and mathematical tricks given by two E. E. Seniois, and a bridge building eeinonst. atiou by a local boy scout ; roop. Friday, October 25, a special convo catio will be held at the Temple thea ter for Prof. Shaler Mathews. Ag. Club. The United Ag club meeting has been postponed until Tuesday eve ning, October 18, 1921. Union open meeting Friday, Octo ber 21. All welcome. Zoological open scnunar will be held Tuesday afternoon at 5 o'clock in Bessy hall 201. Prof. IL B. Salti nier will speak on "The Growth of a White Leghorn Chicken." Business administration students interested in Bixad football team meet at social science auditorium Thurs day 11 a. m. ' Omaha Club. The Omaha club will hold weiner roast next Saturday afternoon at Ep worth park. All students from Oma ha are cordially invited to come and to meet at the Terminal building at 4 o'clock or come straight to Ep worth park. There will be an election of the minor class officers of the sophomore (lass in Law 101 at 11 o'clock this mornin. All sophomores are ured to i.ttend,. Signed, NEWTON WOODWA.HD, President Julius Caesar had his Brutus and tho Haskell Indians had their Ne braska. Definition In M. E. 110. A hug is energy gone to waist. The Engineer. Slogan. "Wo must stick together," Asso ciated manufacturers of gluo. One of our stellar co-ods when nar rating her social activities of Friday, Saturday and Sunday was heard ut tering the famous line "It's a grei-t life if you don't week-end." Weill Weill Willie: Mother, my Sunday school teacher never takes a bath,. Mother: Why, Willie, who told you that? Willie: Sho did. She said she "Save the surface and you save all," quoth tho laundry queen as she ap plied a second coat of paint to her nap. 'Tis a wise cork that knows its own "pop." Some of the low-brows of our alma mater find amusement at the football games in "razzing" the cheei leaders. Wo must ask you for their pardon. These "rah rahs" might better ma triculate i.i the oatmeal school of thought. THE BUTTON BUSTER" AWGWAN'S GRAND DAD AS HUMEROUS PAPER Didn't know it had one did you? Well 'way back in the early 80's some of the Palladian "Pep" bubbled out in the form of the University's first humorous publication "The Button Blister." Unfortunately none of the copies have beon preserved but two of the gems published therein have come down to us, and in spite of years, do not seem to be as antique as some of the jokes one hears on the campus these days. "From a Soph's Album.". "May your life glide down The stream of time Like a bobbed tailed chicken On a sweet potato vine." "Our Favorite." "She's a tall, slim girl, without bang or curl But garbed in becoming apparel. She can give you askance a withering glance As sour as a vinegar barrel." Tuesday, October 18. United agriculture, t:15, S. S. 107. Pre-Medic meeting, 5:00 p. in., Bes sey hall. Mystic Fl.di meeting, 7 p. in., Ellen Smith. Episcopal club meeting, 7 p. m., S. S. 161. Wednesday, October 19. Mechanical Engineers society, 7:30 p. m., M. K 206. Civil Engineers society, 7:30, M. A. 102. - American institute of electrical en gineers, 7:30. Zoological society business meeting, 5 p. m., general lecture room, Bessey hall. Thursday, October 20. Silver Serpent meeting, 7:13 p. ni Ellen Smith halL Phi Omega meeting 7:13 Thursday, club room, Law building. , Green Goblin meeting Thutsday evening at 7:30, Phi Gamma Delta house. i Agricultural club initiation, 7:30 p. m., Horse barn, college of agriculture, v Friday, October 21.. Acacia house party. D Ua Tau Delta hardtinies party chapter house. Lutheran club meeting, 8 p.. m., Art hall. Saturday, October 22. Alpha Tau Onloga hard times party, chapter house. Alpha, Chi Omega house party. Bushnell guild fall party, the Lin coln. Alpha Omicron Pi dance, home of Delia Meyers. ti, K "Rag" Deliveries. Beginning next Wednesday all de livering of the "Rag" on the cam pus will be at "U" hall alone.. De liveries at S. S. must be discontinued because of too much "Rag Picking." J "I'd sure like to be , in that chap's Shoes!" "How so?" They're MAGEE'S new winter oxfords $10.50 to $12.50 Quality Clothes PROFESSOR TO LECTRE AT DUCHESNE COLLEGE Prof. J. P. Senning will deliver a lecture today at Duchesne College, Omaha. His subject will be "The Evo lution of Government." This lecture is the second of a se: ies arranged by the department of political science. Only the best of eggs and milk can be used in making any of the pastry sold at the Sunlite Bakery. Ever eat one of those pies? CONTEMPORARY OPINION (University Dairy tvansr i) MENTAL HYGIENE. There is no disease in e ittii.ce that is as contagious as our i:;oods. JV.ey i-ic men- catching ti'd'; the flu. The .line will ccme when we will be careJU! t" pa as much at tenti : (, mental liyricn as we now do to i'';olcal hygiene. The. when i we ptitcivo that we "re suffering j from . grumpy, grouchy l-jelin . ac- j companied by a dark brown pessi- j misiic taste and otner such symp toms, we shall be humane t;uough to quarantine ourselves in our ioon.9 and hang out a sign on ou- door io warn other people away till the at tack is over and the danger of in fection past. Nonje of us are immune to the moods of those about us. We start out In the morning reeling well and cheerful and convinced that this is a wonderful world to live in. Then we meet two or three people who tell us that they think It is going to storm, or that diptheria is spread ing fast, and unconsciously, we be gin to feel cooler and our throats feel Just a little sore. Then anothei friend comes along afflicted with the worst of the many varieties of "blues" Before we know it our mouths sag at the corners. Then comes along the pessimist who v-b3cs on to us great clouds of gloom. the country's going to the dogs, the old school isn't what it used to be, the Professors are all hard boiled, ail men are crooks and all women arc liars everything's rot- DANCE A return engagement of the BAND JAZZLAM Introducing that new Chicago Walk Time at the Rosewilde Party House RIDAY, OCT. 21 Admission $1.25 including Refreshments, War Tax and Checking. 1 1 1 OCR. Co., 1921 The Prince George Has Style and Individuality HERE is an overcoat with style and quality in every line. Made of rough, soft, fleecy fabrics, it has the roomy luxury of true comfort you should have in your winter overcoat. This is the newest Stratford model. Use it for your guide in deterrnining the style tendency of the day. It pays to buy the best. COHN RISSMAN 6? COMPANY CHICAGO The new Slraljord styles for Fall and Winter definitely attest to the fact that Stratford designers are anticipating America's style trend. Stratford Clothes are distinguished by several vitally important and exclusive designing and tai loringfeatures. For instance, the life of Stratford overcoats is greatly prolonged by the Kamsirr Method, a process of strengthening the texture by totally stitching the cuffs and continental patch pockets with very fine silk. The new Fall and W inter Styles ere now on display sat I