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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1920)
he Daily Nebraskan V01TXX. NO. 35. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1920. PRICE FIVE CENTS. HUSKERS MEET RUTGERS TODAY Nebraska Team Makes Debut in Eastern Football Circles in Clash with New Jersey Eleven. Arrive at Metropolis Scarlet and Cream Squad in Excellent Shape Schulte Praises Rutgers Clan and Expects Hard Battle. Nebraska's warriors wake their debut into eastern football cycles this afternoon when they mis with ,;,P fast Rutgers team at the Polo rounds in New York City. The game promises to be one of the hardest fought contests seen in me east this year on account of the fn- that an eastern team does not like :o bow to a western team. Today is a holiday in New York and one of the largest crowds that ever attended a football game is expected to throng the Giants' home. The Cornhuskers are in good con dition after their four days trip and are ready to give Rutgers one of the hardest battles that school has had this year. Nebraska has suffered only one defeat so far this year and that was at the hands of the for midable Notre Dame team. All of the men are anxious to keep up the good work and are going to fight all the harder to keep from being de feated. Rutgers have been defeated in a number of games this year but all of their defeats have been by some of the foremost teams in the east. Coach Sanford of the Rutgers crew is noted for the "fighting spirit" his teams have displayed in their former games and he has promised the followers of the Rutgers clan that Nebraska will have to fight for every inch of grouniTthe Huskers gain in the battle. Schulte Not Confident. The Cornhuskers were met in Niagara Falls by Coach Schulte who saw the Rutgers-Cornell game Satur day. Tie has been giving the squad the dope on the New Yorkers. Final instructions were given the men yes terday. Coarh Schulte does not seem confident of winning the game but intends to give the easterners a real battle. Thf following report has been received from Niagara Falls and will rive the loyal followers of the Corn huslcrs some idea of how things stand with the team. NIAGARA FALLS. Nov. 1. Over confidence in Cornhusker ranks in th ability of the Nebraska fooiball warriors to trim Rutgers college on Tn. -Tiay in the gridiron buttle at the I'olo Grounds, New York, was rudely jarred S?unday morning when the Ne braska party arrived in Niagara Falls Head Coach Schulte, who scoute.l the Cornell Rutgers game Saturday at Ithaca was at the Michigan Central station when the Huskers pulled in from Chicago greeting them with the warning that Rutgers has a real foot bull team and will be hard to beat. "Rutgers has one of the biggest teams in the east." said Schulte. "Coach Foster Sanford btr.rted the f. a son with several green performers in the lineup, but the class of foot ball which Rutgers displryed against Cornell convinced me that the Rut ( Continued on Rage Four) Candidates for Graduation. Candidates for degrees or certificates at the dose cf the ptesent semester, please report your intention to the office not laur than Saturday, November ft. unless you have previously done so. (Signed) FLORENCE 1. MoGAHEY. Registrar. UNIVERSITY DIRECTORIES GOING ON SALE TODAY. The 1920 University direc tories are going on sale today. The books are complete in every deil and contain much valuable information regarding campus organizations and ac tivities. They are selling for the nominal sum of fifty cents. The sales campaign will con tinue Wednesday and Thursday only and the editors advise early purchases. The Sirec- tories WW be sold at th fol lowing places: Social Science building, University hall, Law library, College Book Store and " th wett en of th Armory. Law College Schedule For Second Semester The Law College schedule for the second semester, together with a pro gram of classes, has been announced by that department after a meeting of the faculty. Schedule Spring 1921. First year: Contracts 2 Torts 2 Crimes 2 Prop. I 2 Plead. 1 2 Lecture l 13 Second year: Evidence 2 n. and Tr. 2 2 Prop. 2 2 Sales 2 Lecture 1 Second and third year: Courses marked may be entered as new courses. Bills and Notes 2 Conveyancing "2 Irrigation 2 Mining - - 2 Public Service 2 Suretyship 2 Trusts - 2 Third year: ; Conflicts 2 Corporations 2 PI. and Pr. 3 2 (Continued on Page Four) AL L REVEL AT Election and Football Returns Are Features of Program at Chamber cf Commerce. Hundreds of alumni and ex-students of the University will revel at the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce to night at 6 o'clock, when their annual get-together banquet is planned. Th? entertainment will depart from the more staid and dignified alumni ban quets cf the -past. The commitft-e has promised that the only serious part of the evening will be the elec tion returns and that thei will not be serious to everybody. The go even so far as to prophesy that Ne braska will win the Ruigers game. The plot of the evening is laid about the presidential candidates who will each tell in a talk not to exceed ten minutes just how they happened to be elected. The candidates have all accepted at least men who look like future presidents have accepted. The guests will be divided equally into the various national political parties in order to Insure vociferous applause. "Yearly Shock to Appear." Another feature of the evening will be the appearance or the first yearly newspaper known as "The Yearly Shock." It will be filled with ridicu lous personalities regarding the great :,nd rear-great among the alumni and former student! at the University. Any reader who finds a word of trut h in the newspaper will be awarded a prize. The board of editors has al ready left town, it is reported, in order to escape assault and suits for s'aider and libel. Songs, stunts, football and election returns, along with Nebraska yells, will reign until o'clock, alter which th rcti or the evening will be spent in dancing. It- nervations for places at the feast n-,y still be made by telephoning r.r,.r:.ri or consulting Miss Annis -v."Urn iilmrni secretary, at the Administration building. Citizenship Meetings Held Among Women According to Director A. A. Heed. Clarissa Delano of the Popir.u;ent ol IVIitica! Science and Edna Bullock of the Legislative Reference Bureau are co-o.perat irg with the league of women voters and the University FvtenFien Division in holding citizen ship meetings at Wausa and Bloom- ' this werk. . lecture group has been formed at Blue Springs and will be supplied with a series of six programs by the Un;versity Intension Division Lecture Bureau during the winter months. The first number will be the Kobi-Upton-Rocd musical trio, opening th" serir s November 19. Four lectures by members of the University faculty will follow as numbe.s n the ser! s. Trofessor Grummann of the Fine Arts Department is arranging with members of that school to furnish musical numbers occasionally in the lecture bureau's programs. BANQUET NEWS OF First Sinn Feiner Executed at Dublin. DUBLIN. Kevin Barry, an 18-yaar-old Sinn Feiner, as hanged here yes terday for alleged compllciling in the murder of three British soldiers. Shortly after the execution a notice was posted at the prison gate an nouncing the penalty had been ex acted and giving the details of the hanging. The notice was torn down as soon as the guard had re-entered the gate. Four Killed in Train Wreck.- STANTON, la. Four men were killed and a score injured in a collision of two Burlington passenger trains and a freight near here this morning. The wreck occurred when No. 10, a fast passenger train ran over the rear end of the freight. The wreckage fell over onto the west bound track, and No. 1 west bound, crashed into it at a high rate of speed. NEBRASKA'S "COMMONER" TALKS TODAY IN TEMPLE Hon. w. J. Bryan Will Adcress Uni versity Students Returns to Lincoln To Cast His Vote Nebreska's fi.mous "Commoner,.'' William Jennings Bryan, 'speaks to University students at a special con vocation icday at eleven o'clock in the Tempie Theater. This is Mr. Bryan's first appearance before a University audience since last January when he spoke on the fundamentals of right living, before a gathering or students so large that scores were turned away from the theater. The subject of Mr. Bryan's addicss has not been announced. It is nit known whether or not he has chosen a subject. His message will be for students and everything he will have to say will be of the utmost value. Classes will not be excused st this hour, but those students who have no recitations at eleven o'clock today are urged to hear the speaker. Dur ing all his years of public sprvioe Mi. Bryan has maintained his Nebraska residence. He is reluming today to cast his ballot in the presidential election. He will speak elsewhere in Lincoln during the day. SIGMA DELTA CHI ELECTS TWO MEN TO MEMBERSHIP Orvin B. Gaston and Gregg McBride to Be Initiated Sunday LeRoss Hammond Goes to Convention. At a meetinf of Sigma Delta Chi. men's honorary national journalistic society. Sunday afternoon, October 31, in the Daily Nebraskan office. Orvin; B. Gaston, '23, and Gregg McBride '23. were elected to membership. Orvin B. Gaston is a Sopnomore at the University and has been con nected with the Daily Nebraskan for two years as reporter, sports editor and news editor. Gregg McBride at tended Wesleyan Universi'y until this year. He was formerly edi'or of the Wesleyan student publication and is now one of the news editors of the Daily Nebraskan. (Continued on Page Four) Tam Covers Multitude of Sins As Co-Ed Runs to Eight O'clock No longer are we able to recognize our feminine friends by their dis tinctive hats. No longer do tliey dixnlav their tasie and individually bv attractive headgear. The feathers bright-colored ribbons and soft silk flowers of former days have gone The big droppy brims under which som shy maiden hid her Mushes, and the small close-fitting turbans, both with their threatening hatpins have Kivcn way to big. jaunty, careless lams. Brown ones, blue ones, em broidered ones and plain ones all have their place in each co-ed's ward robe. With their air of complete "carefreeness" they are pulled to one side or the other, or back from the face, as each wearer desires. But what is the cause of the sud den mania for tarns? Why does every girl consider one a necessary part of her wardrobe? Perhaps the desire to be in style and their attrac five rrice has something to do with it But only the owner can know and realize their true worth and use fulness. . What multitude of sins a tam THE DAY Campaign Methods Are Satisfactory. MARION, O. As the .campaign reaches its end Senator Harding feels not only complete confidence in its result, but especial satisfaction in the methods which we. have followed. He prcnises to restore to the coun try thr methods of constitutional gov ernment; to make and keep the gov ernment representative of the national purpose together with the declara tions of policy in the republican plat form will constitute their covenant with the nation. Six Policemen Killed in Ireland. LONDON. Six British policemen ere killed and ten wounded in a great week-end outburst of violence in Ire land, the Irish office announced to day. According to the Irish office statement at least fourteen attacks were made against military and con stabulary in Ireland, the mo.l of them in Tipperary. ROOSTER COMMITTEE OF OMAHA CLUB ANNOUNCED Purpose of Advance Enthusiasm in Organization Members Will Meet Wednesday. The members of the Booster Com mittee oi the Omaha Club were an nounced by President Harry Latow- sky Monday afternoon. This division of tht organization is representative of every fraternity and sorority end will be under the joint chairmanship cf J. Wilbur Wolf and Geraldine Nus baume. The committee is composed of one member from each sorority and fraternity in school, together with five members from the student body. The purpose of the committee is to inslil enthusiasm into the club activ ities and to see that all meetings and social events are well attended. This croup will act as a nucleus in m.-'king the different members of the organ ization batter acquainted with one another. Why Committee Is So Large. "A larbe committee of this nature is necessary when the fact is taken into consideration .hat there are some four hundred Omaha students in the Universitv," said President Hr.ny La- (Continued on Page Four) CORNHUSKER STUDENTS TO STAR IN COMEDY Dorothy Doyle, Florence Garbutt and Joe Iverson Play Leads in Farce, "Katcha Koo." Dorothy Doyle, '21. Florence Oar butt. '24, and Joe Iverson, '23, will play "leads" in the catchy musical comedy to be presented November it under the auspices of the 7Y. W. C. A. The purpose of the play is to raise funds to send the girls to the indus trial conference next spring. The name of the farce is "Katcha Koo" and it has been presented maiij" times in various towns throughout the state with success. A production of "Katcha Koo" by Nebraska City talenf at lhat city in 1919 was note worthy. (Continued on Page Four I cn cover, especially when one is hurrying to, an "eight o'clock." Per haps she has lost a necessary hair pin: hut it is all hidden under a tam and she goes merrily on her way. Or Boreas, with his band of cold breezes ;s busy, and the co-ed wishes to pro tect her brown tresses; then too. Fhe hides Ihcm under the protecting tam and each smooth wave remains in its proper place. Some Fine Arts student with fond hopes of being the leadine artist of America wears one in order to affect the atmosphere or Green wich Village. How unhappy is the girl in an automobile when rhe mu.-t hang on to her hai with both hands, and how embarrassed she is when she sees it go rolling down the street; but a tam removes these difficulties. How sorrowful is the g'nl to whom tarns are not becoming. To her they become sour grapes. Terbaps to those belonging to the great sister hood of tam wearers they become tiresome and ugly, but how blest is the designer and originator of these freaks of millinery by each apprecia tive owner! HARDING RECEIVES OF SEVENTY-ONE STRAW ME ON Republican Nominee Scores 201 Againts 130 for Democratic Candidate Only 339 Votes Cast Debs Gets 7. Polls Center of Activity All Day Monday Eastern Schools in Inter-Collegiate Preference Give Senator Big Majorities Richmond College Goes Strong for Governor. Results of Nebraskan Straw Ballot Warren G. Harding - 201 James A. Cox - ...130 Eugene V. Debs - 7 Senator Warren G. Harding, repub lican candidate for president, received a plurality of seventy-one votes over Governor Jaes A. Cox, democratic nominee, in the straw vote on the presidential election that was held at the University of Nebraska Monday, November 1, under the auspices of the Daily Nebraskan. Two hundred and one votes were polled for Harding, as against one hundred and thirty for Cox. Debs, the socialist candidate. SGOn RE-ELECTED AS CHAIRMAN OF GREEKS Inter-Fraternity Council Again Bans Flowers at Formats and Limits Party Expenditures. Prof. R. D. Scott was re-elected chairman, and Ward Rar.dol, '22, was elected secretary, at a meeting of the Inter-Fraternity Council which was held Sunday afternoon. Problems hich are now facias frtt jrnities si Nebraska were discussed, many of which were deferred until a later meeling. It was decided that the rule regu lating the amount of money which fraternities may spend upon their formal and representative parties be re-enacfed and enforced during this school year. Two hundred fifty dol lars may be expended for formal parties and one hundred fifty dollars for representative parties. The chair man was granted authority to appoint a committee to investigate and report the expenditure of fraternity parties. The sending of flowers by fiaternity men to co-eds for formal parties will again be prohibited. The rule passed last year in regard to transfer mem bers from other schools applying to initiation was abrogated. Transfers who have the required number of hours may be initiated at the dis cretion of the fraternity to which they are pledged. Will Appoint Publicity Committee. Chairman Scott was also authorized to appoint a pubhci'y committee. Those who will be chosen to serve will be announced at a later date. With reference to initiation, the Council wishes to call attention to the rules which were passed last year. whereby every Freshman to be e'ici hie must he registered for at lent twelve hours for the current Fr,me average above that of a'l'male t'.i ter and must pass every hour with r.n dents of the Universi'y the preceding . mester. The ivcr.'T of In ft somes er was about 70 per ceil. This r;0e 'P vitrl to Freshmen and will b frjrlly enforced by the Inter-Fraternity body. 3aby International Is Pattern Chicago Show Thr? Bahy Intrmatiorol. the r.nnual exhibition of :he stock prepared by the Coll. ge of Acrienlture ffv thf International Livestock Expsit'on. will be staged at the University varm the evening of November J. Th show is patterned after the big Chi cago event r.d is given for the pur pose of displaying to the public th" stock whichw the state will send lo the International Exposition. Th" show also gives the students of the College of Agriculture an oppo:tun ity to fit and display stock rnder con ditions similar to those of the show ring. Students prepare and show all astock. Including cattle, hores, hops and sbeep. Several hundred people usually attend the Biby Interrrtifnai. PLURALITY BALLOTS IN received seven votes. Chrisu-nsen, of the farmer labor party, and Watkins. the prohibition candidate, received no votes. The total number of votes cast was 339. One ballot was declared void be cause the voter placed an X after the names of both Harding and Christen sen. The straw vote was open to only those students who are sub scribers to the Daily Nebraskan. Members of the staff of the paper were on hand in Station A all day to check subscribers' names off the lists and to aid students in casting their bai.ots. The small number of votes cast can not be considered as a true represen tative indication of Nebraska opinion on the campaign. However, enough ballots were marked to afford a fair ly accurate barometric test of the students' views. Harding received slightly over 60 per cent of the total number of votes cast. Cox received something over 39 per cent of the total, and Debs three-hundredths of 1 per cent. Results in Other Schools. In the inter-collegia'e straw vote in which a large number of eastern schools participated, the republican nominee lead by a substantial margin. Every one of the eighteen participat ing colleges gave Harding large plur alities except Richmond Colk-ge, Rich mond, Va., which went to Cox, 171 to 32. Syracuse rolled up the record number of votes for the senator, giv- (Continued on rage 3) University Calendar TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2. Vespers, 5 p. m., Ellen Smith hall. Special gym lecture, 5 p. m., Chapel. Green Goblin meeting, 7 p. m.. Silver Lynx house. Convocation, 11 p. m., Temple. Phi Alpha Tau special meet ing, 7:45, Law 204. Alumni banquet, Lincoln Chamber cf Commerce. WEDNESDAY. NOVEVEER 3. W. A. A. meeting, 7 p. m., Ellen Cmith ha'l. Botany Seminar meetirg, 8 p. m., Bessey hall. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 4. Roscoe Pour-d c!ub meeting. Playlets, 3-5 p. m.. Temn'e. Omaha cli b. 5 p. m.. Social Ccience. Etuo'ent Courc ! meeting. 7:30 I-. rt., Fscui'.y rial I. E'ackstone Law c'ub meeting. 7:30 p. m.. Acre a r.-.use. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5. Acac;a hri'-e ra"t.v Pi Kappa Fh, c"?"?e. Art c'tb ei.-n r r-,'-- Art Alrha Treti Ch; hove c'mce. Xi Delti te-s. Kanpa Gww VI party. Lined ! hr:'. SATURDAY, .' OVEBE? 6. Phi Delta Theta d.mce. Lin coln hctel. Block and Brid'e dub dance. 8:30 p. m., Armcry. Chi Cmeoa h us, Black Masque party, Ellen Smith hall. Final girls' tenns tourna ment. University co'."ds. W. A. A. party, 2 P- m.. Ellen Smith hall. Law-Engineers foo'.ball game. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 7. Menorah Society meetirg 8 p. Faculty ha'l. Sigma Delta Chi meeting, 3 p. m P.' Delta Theta houe. ELECTION