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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1920)
The Daily Neb as KAN VOL. XX. NO. 34. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1920. PRICE FIVE CENTO. SNf ME FOR PRESIDENT TODAY Daily Nebraskan Subscriber Ballot on Choice for High Position. Will Polls Clos at Six O'clock Part of Plan of Number of Colleges ti Ascertain Favorite of Uni versity Students. Today the Dally Nebraskan la coiv ducting a straw vote on the presl dentlal election. At the top of this paper students will find a ballot con Uining the names of the five candi dates. Only Nebraskan. subscribers will be allowed to vote, because the number of papers published daily at the University is not equal to the total number of students at Nebraska When the Nebraskans are handed out from the University postoffice this morning, names of subscribers will be checked off the subscription list. This will prevent students from voting more than once. Students should tear the ballot out of the paper and after placing an X in the box after the name of the candidate for whom they vote, deposit the vote in the ballot box which will be in a con spicuous place In the Station A lobby. Seventeen eastern colleges have conducted like votes with . marked success. The schools who have tried out this plan include Harvard, Drown, Princeton, Williams, Syracuse, Rich mond, Rochester, Hamilton, Dart mouth, Colgate, Columbia, Trinity, Amherst, M. I. T., Middlebury and Cornell. All votes must be cast before 6 o'clock this evening, when the polls close. Ballots received niter that time will be void. Results' of the election will be known Tuesday and will appear in the Daily Nebraskan for that day. University Chorus Is Preparing Convocation The University Chorus under the direction of Mrs. Carrie B. Raymond is preparing a special musical convo cation to be given shortly before the Thanksgiving recess. Classes wi!! be dismisjiedv The Chorus will sing "The Pilgrims." As there are nearly 2fi0 voices in that organization this year, more than ordinary inteist Is attached to the first appearance ol Nebraska's singers. Wednesday even ing after rehearsal, Mrs. Raymond provided a social hour for the mem bers. Flansburg Praises Law As Professional Career ' r "I advise the pursuit of law as a profession, but I would do all in m power to- discourage it as a means or securing the almighty dollar," said Hon. C. C. Flansburg at the sixth general law lecture period In tho Lav Building Friday morning at eleven o'clock. Mr. Flansburg lhas been prominent as an attorney in Lincoln for many years and the Law College took advantage of the opportunity to learn some of the problems in con nection with yaw us a profession. He explained that It, Is up to the lawyer to solve the industrial problems of today and to solve the quesllons arls- nectlon with law as a profession. ,He also discussed the "Workman's Com pensation Act," saying that it was formed to abolish suit and to award compensation to the laborer. The Law College vr.lued the talk because of tthe fact thnt it was based on actual experience. Judge Flansburg gave many valuable bits of informa tion that will help the students In their future work. In closing he Bald, "The success of the lawyer lies in securing the confidence of their clients and in order to do this he must prove worthy of the trust that the client places in him." TEAR OUT THIS BALLOT NEBRASKA UNIVERSITY STRAW VOTE ON PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES FOR "RAG" SUBSCRIBERS. For president of United States: NEBRASKA CORMuSKERS A IV E III NEW YORK READY FOR BATTLE HARDING COX DEBS CHRISTENSEN WATKINS WITH ES POLO GUI S Students Throng Burlington Station to Give Squad Big Send-Off When Team Leaves for Eastern Invasion. Big Crowd To Attenr Election Day Game Scarlet and Cream to Meet Pick of Coast Grid Exponents In Pair of Contests at New York and Penn State. Mark an X in the box after the name of the candidate for whom you vote. Tear this ballot from the paper and deposit it in the ballot box In the University postoffice lobby before C o'clock today. All ballots received after 6 o'clock will be void. PLANS EH 1PLET0 Book of Songs By Students and Alumni E MEETS EXPECTATION Booklets Will Be Sold on Campu Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs day for Fifty Cents. 50c Announcing 50c 1920 STUDENT DIRECTORY Several New Features on the Campus Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday 50c ONLY 50c Reese Memorial Soon Ready For Shipment The memorial tablet In honor of Judge Reese, formerly Dean of the Nebraska Law College, is to be shipped from Chicago November 4, according to a letter from the artist, Mrs. Elizabeth Tuttle Holsman, to D. J. Flaherty. The tablet will be placed in the Law Building and prob ably will be dedicated during com mencement week. Friday Football Colleges. Wesleyan, 40; Peru, 0. Omaha, 14; Cotner, 13. Hastings, 20; York, 14. Chadron, 14; Spearfish, 7. Midland, 28; Nebraska Central, 0. High Schools. Lincoln Reserves, 41; Unl. Place Reserves, 7. Edgemont. 27; Crawford, 14. McCook. 31; Curtis. 7. Wymore. 74: Fairbury. 0. Teeumseh. 28; State Farm, 0. University Tlace, 40; Fremont, 0. Edgar. 60; Blue Hill. 6. South Omaha, 33: Nebraska City, 0. Norfolk, 17; York. 9. Peatrice. 31 ; Omaha Central. 0. Rroken Bow, 76; Ravenna, 0. Rethany, 10; Cathedral High, 0. Wakefield. 80; Randolph, 0. Fairfield, 13; Hastings Col. R., 6. Grand Island. 53; Hastings, 0. Friend, 37; Clay Center. 0. Beatrice Reserves, 40; Adams, 0. Sidney, 40; Alliance. 7. Sutton, 6; Geneva, 7. Albion. 115; Fullerton, 0. West Point 47: Stanton. 0. Alma. 40; Minden, 0. Red Cloud, 72; Beaver City. 0. Aurora. 13; Nebraska Central Ac, 7 North Platte. 61; Kearney, 0. Ansley, 73; Loup City. 0. Gothenburg, 24; ScotUblurt, 6. Aurora High, 13; Seward L. Col., T. The new student directory will sell for fifty cents on the campus Tues day, Wednesday and Thursday, ac cording to announcements made by the editors Saturday. This price for the 1920-2 1 manual meets the expecta linns of the students. The price, i not high when the increased cost of print paper is con Mdercd. Every student will be able to purchase a pamphlet. The new directory embraces many new features. In spite of the fact that the booklet contains much addi tional information, it will appear earlier this year than for some time. Last year thp handbooks did not make their appearance until Novem ber 24. The editors, John Burley, '21. and Peter Frederlcksen, '21, are to be congratulated upon its early campus debut, at the same time keeping the booklet's price within the range of every student. Final arrangements have been made for a three-day campaign to sell direc lories on the campus. Tables will be located at the following places: Social Science hall. University hall, west entrance to Armory, Law building and College Book Store. Members of the V. W. C. A. will aid in the sale of the book. The directory Is especially valuable to the new students at Nebraska, be cause or tne lntormation u gives about student affairs, organizations and the student body itself. Com plete Information about the Greek- letter memberships will be a handy guide for Freshmen, according to the editors. Discussion Groups To Be Held On Wednesday Th first of the men's discussion groups, which are being organised by the Committee of Two Hundred, will be held at the rooming places of students next Wednesday even'ng. The group leaders expect to visit all Freshmen men before that time and to explain the plan to them and ask them to enroll. The Freshmen men have been grouped into geogra phies! districts according to their rooming places and each leader has been assigned a district. The groups will normally meet on Thursday evenings, from seven-thirty, but they will meet this week on Wed nesday because Fred Rindge will be here then. The normal training classes for leaders and assistant lead ers will meet at seven p. m. each Tuesday In FaeuUy Hall. Topics of current interest will be discussed. Nebraska students and other football enthusiasts throntred tin. Burlington station at 4:30 p. in. Friday to speed the fijjhtiii" Husker on their way towards New York wher they will play Rutgers Tuesday. The squad arrived in New York this morning anil will take a light workout on the Polo Grounds this afternoon. .Saturday t lit Nebraska delegation saw the Ohio state eleven eliminate the ( 'hit-ami team from winning the western conference championship when the Ohioans in the last few minutes of play defeated Chicago, 7 to fi Tomorrow is the day of the Nebraska-Ilutgers battle. s Wide Publicity Given Move of Nebraska Committee to Compile and Publish tomorrow is election day, many banking and business houses will 1 closed in New York City. The Nebraska-Ilutgers game should there fore be well attended as it is the only athletic contest in the citv on that date. Followers of the Nebraska team watched with interest the outcome of the Cornell-liutgers game staged at Ithica, N. Y I Saturday. The Rutgers elevpn wi-nt down to defeat, to the tune of 24 to 0. Although the New Yorkers have been defeated several times this season, they have been beaten only by the strongest squads in the east and have given everyone a race for the money. Eastern critics give Nebraska a slight margin over Rutgers, but prophecy a hard - fought battle, no matter who wins. Penn State Mighty. The Penn State aggregation with which the I Tuskers will battle Satur day, won their fifth consecutive vic tory this season when they defeated Pennsylvania, 28 to 7. Without a doubt the Quakers have one of the Organixations Giving Financial Support . Societies of University Asked to Furnish a Guarantee Fund to Secure Success of Undertaking Innocents Behind Activity. Plans for the Cornhusker song book are rapidly ncaring completion. The movement is receiving wide publicity and meeting approval all over the state. Already University organiza tions are backing the book wkh donations. Not only is the Daily Nebraskan helping with the publicity, but the Lincoln and Omaha papers and other papers throughout the state are help ing, both in their news and editorial sections, to make this book a success. Clarence Haley, president of the Innocents Society, stated the stand taken by the organization as follows.: "The Innocents endorse and hearti ly approve of the work planned by the Cornhusker song book committee and are ready and anxious to back this committee both financially and by co-operating in every possible way to successfully publish a song bo6k for the University of Nebraska." Financial Plan. Ruth Kadel, Ruth Lindsay and Russell Bailey, in charge of the financing of the book, have outlined the plan to be followed. It is decided that! each organization in the Uni versity will be solicited for the sum of $10 to form a guarantee fund In order that the work may commence at once. This plan was elected because ' it would not affect individuals and would be too small a sum to affect an organization materially and would give students an opportunity to back up a worthy proposition. As soon as each organization has been solicited a list of those con tributing will be printed in the Daily Nebraskan, and it will appear in the song book when it is published. The fund secured in this way will be handled through the Student Ac- tivilies office, and a financial state ment will be published at a later date. GIVE TEAM SEND-OFFS University Band Heads Procession to Depot to Witness Departure of Special. Several hundred Cornhusker foot ball enthusiasts gathered at the Bur lington station Friday afternoon to give ttie tootball team a send-off on their eastern trip. Twenty-five members of the team, along with Director F. W. Luehring. made up the Husker group. Others SIransest, ir not the strongest, squads in tne east and lr Nebraska defeats her, the Cornhuskers will be recog nized as being one of the best teams in the country. Since the Notre who accompanied the team were J. T Lets, provost; Dr. and Mrs. O. W. Everett, Eugene Dinsmore and Ardin Godwin. The train, which had been marked by some of the students, "the Nebraska Special to New York to Dame game the Huskers have become efficient in the aerial game as well as Beat Rutgers and Penn State," pulled in stra'Sht football and the coaches FIVE HUNDRED ATTEND ALL-FRESHMAN PARTY Armory Decorated in Hallowe'en Colors for Fall Event of First-Year Class. Five hundred students of the class of 1924 attended the first all-Fresh man party of the year held at the Armory Saturday evening at 8:15. Students attending Nebraska for the first time responded to this oppor tunity to get acquainted with other members of' the class. The mixer, whica was a Hallowe'en party, was under the direction of sev eral committees headed by Dick Bab- cock. The chaperons were Dean Amanda Heppner and Prof, and Mrs. Barbour. The Armory was decorated with (Continued on Page Four) ALUMNI FALL FROLIC believe that if the breaks are even, the nuskers will enter both games on an equal footing with their eastern rivals. See Ohio State Victory. CHICAGO, Oct. 30. The Corn- Banquet, Stunts and Ail-Around Good Time Planned for Former Huskers. out of the station at 4:35, and wait ing crowds gave one last cheer for the team. The band started the celebration by forming for a parade at 4 o'clock at the corner of Twelfth and R streets. Accompanied by a few of hllf;ker Varsity squad and supporters the students, they marched to the "aU a tlu,ot tr'P from Lincoln to Chi station, where the crowd had already cag0- Tlle usuaI r "f friends assembled. After the band had played accompanied the team to Omaha after for a while, "Skipper" Bailey lead the an exceptional send off by the band students in cheers. After the chant was sung, there were calls for a speech from Captain "Bill" Day. Winning Spirit Prevalent. Resnondine- to the rails. Cant-iin university oi iNeorasKa graduates i T, . , .,TI. , I Day said, We are going east with the spirit of victory'- The team has a greater winning spirit right now than at any time this season. We and ex-students will hold their first annual fall frolic de luxe Tuesday, November 2, in the Chamber of Com merce building, under the auspices of the Lincoln Alumni club. A banquet u v.n. y. .... . u- best we have." by a program of varied stunts and skits. Walter F. Wilson is chairman ana ottier supporters. The party reached Chicago at 9 o'clock Satur day morning and immediately boarded a suburban train for Chicago Uni versity where the team had a forty- flve minute brisk and snappy prac tice on Stagg field. The morale was high and the weather put extra snap into the play. A muddy portion of want every one in Lincoln to be back ,ne fle,d ,naJe forward parsing very of us and we are out to give the very difficult, requiring extra precaution (Continued on Page Four) The team crowded the back plat form of the train while the crowd of the committee on attendance, and cheered and yelled with a spirit of mis. unaries KODerts, Mrs. u. a. Grubb and Mrs. Lynn- Lloyd will victory which seemed to be prevalent everywhere. Confidence in the ability assist him. The program committee Qf the Huskerg to down Rutger8-on includes Maurice iiyue, Mrs. j. n; Saturday Football Gavin and Guy E. Reed. (Continued on Page Four) NEWS OF THE DAY Want Governor, Impeached. BIRMINGHAM, Ala. The Alabama Federation of Labor in convention here Friday adopted by unanimous vote a resolution demanding the im- eachment of Governor Kilby for sending state troops into the coal trike district. In accordance with instructions contained In anolher reso ution, also adopted unanimously, at torneys for the federation will be re quested to start proceedings for the mpeachment of the governor on the ground that he has violated ihe state constitution' by interfering with the guarantee of free speech and as semblage. No Escape for Profiteers. WASHINGTON, D. C The Depart ment. of' Justice will continue its drive on profiteers "wherever and whenever found", regardless of the dissolution on Monday of the fair price organizations, according to a statement issued tonight by Robert T. Scott, assistant to the attorney gen eral, who formally announced the dis banding of the fair price committees. In a review of the organization's work, Mr. Scott claimed credit for the department in forcing down prices of many commodities. Expects Ohio Victory. CHICAGO. George L. Scott, state chairman of the Ohio republican com mittee, after a careful survey of the the Polo Grounds in New York City tomorrow, was shown on every side. In the absence of Coaches Schulte and Schlssler, who had previously started, Director F. W. Luehring was in charge of the squad. "The team realizes its responsibilities." he said. 'The team has the fighting spirit and they are out to uphold the middle west against the east." Members of the Squad. Those who made the trip are as follows: Bill Day (C). center; Wade Munn, guard; Monte Munn, guard; Swanson. end; Pucilok, tackle; Weller. tackle; Scherer, end; New- situation in the Buckpve state Dre diets that Hardin and Pooling will man- Qrterback; Wright, halfback; iiaruey, iuiiDacit; Moore, nauoacK; Dana, end; Hubka, fullback; Schoep- pel, halfback; Hoy, halfback;' Crissel, end; Young, guard; Howarth, quarter back; Thompson, halfback; Dale, full back; Wenke, tackle; Tripplet, cen ter; Bassett, guard; McGlasson, quar terback; and Martin, end. carry seventy-six of the "eighty-eight counties in Ohio, and that the demo cratic national committee candidates will carry not more than twelve coun ties, with pluralities of not tr exceed 11.000. Red Cross Work in Europe. WASHINGTON. D. C. The esti mate made for the expenditures of the American Red Cross In its relief work in Russia is fourteen million dollars. Service was extended to millions of men, women and children and ranged from hospital care for the sick to food and clothing for the starving and ill clad. The work was carried on through commissions sent to Siberia, western, Russia and the Baltic states. CADETS ATTENTION! All cadets are required to be in uniform at drill Tuesday evening at 5 p. m. Those who have not received their unl. forms should arrange to get their issue before drill evening. Penn State, 28: Pennsylvania, 7. Cornell, 24; Rutgers. 0. Kansas, 14; Kansas Aggies. 0. Georgia Tech. 24: Center. 0. Notre Dame, 27; Army, 17. Illinois. 17: Minnesota, 7. Harvard, 24: Virginia. 0. Pittsburgh, 11; LaFayette. 0. Ohio State. 7: Chicago, 6. Nevada. 14: Ut in. 7. Drake. 7: Grinnell. 7. Indiana. 10; Northwestern. 7. Iowa State. 24: Washington. 7. Holy Cross. 3; Syracuse. 0. Oklahoma. 2S; Missouri. 7. Yale. 21; Colgate. 7. Morningside. 6: South Dako'a. 3. Michigan. 21; Tulane. 0. Wabash. 14: Purdue. 19. Navy, 47; Western Reserves. 0. Gettysburg. 21; Dickinson. 0. Dartmouth. 34; Tufts. 7. Colorado Agcies. 21: Utah Aggies. 0. Oregon Aggies. 7; California, 17. Brown. 35; Vermont, 0. Idaho, 21; Whitman. 7. Stanford, 10: Oreson, 0. Columbia, 20; Williams. 14. Princeton. 1": West Virginia. 3. Amherst. 30: Hamilton. 7. Vanderbilt. 20: Kentucky, o. University of Georgia. 7: Auburn. 0. Unl. of North Carolina. 0; Western Mary, 13. ... North Carolina State. 0: Virginia M.. 14. .. . , Washington and Lee. 13; Virginia Poly, 0. Unl. of North Dakota. 14: Norm Dakota Aggies. 7. Texas, 21; Rice. 0. . Arkansas University. 14; Missouri S. of M.. 0. Marqustte, 13; Creightoc. 0.