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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1918)
The Daily Nebraskan VOL. XVIII. NO. 46 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 2G, 1918 PRICE FIVE CENTS DIBECTIDNS T III THREE WEEKS juth Hutton, '19, Editor of the 191819 Book Announces -Publication Plans preparation u. fhis Year's Book Delayed by Serious Interruptions S. A. T. G. MEN VOTE ON DISBANDING UNIT Mustered Out ! Men nierce, after having been a student at lite university of Lille, where he paus ed a great competitive examination, leading candidates from all parts of France. He Joined hid regiment Auh Ml 2, I9H. and fought at St. Mihiel. the heights of the .Mi-use and at Ver-j Jim. After four months in the hospital 'ie entered h 'raining camp to become) a machlii" uunner. While in charge of a machine gun platoon he look pail J in bloody ! ;iti! s around lead .V?' I ,11111. during tin- great drive on 'er- dun. For his conduct there he was j .lied for bravery and decorated wit It ; 'he war cross. Sent to America j i in isi, ne was ordered to America ! ftn.l onfawl on litelriilni tt lif a 11 t- ot ! .. ' ' I which their future status for the re-1 , I amp Wheeler. Macon. Georgia., 1 , Since April 8. 1917. he has been de- j inder of the year will largely de-1 student directdrles at last 1 ,aiIe, 10 "ah'nRton as a speaker and Pend. These two questions which they , T 1 War Probably Either January 4 or J June 30 ! . I Department Gives Men Choice of Time to Be j Discharged i S. A. T. C. men last evening were j faced with two serious questions upon 10 HELP WHIP. NOTRE DIE Afttr a period of continued Interrup linns ann fniuus uiij "i p.iunvu iioa of the ms a certainty. A committee from , ""3 Z Y W C. A. has been appointed to j anv "nlversitles ' in this capacity has made addresses at had to answer on a signed ballot fo!- over the country, j iow: At this convocation the university uieiharge of the annual publication, ' j l. Do you prefer to be discharged ,.. i. , .. . i norus win give several selections, for this ear and -actual work has now .,...,,,.. , ' trem the S. A. T. C. at the end of the begun. Ruth Hutton. '19. has been i ippointed editor-in-chief and she will be assisted by associate editors. Helen Doty. '19. and Mary Waters. ;. Al tlouch the preparation of material for the book presents greater difficulties (tin in former years the editorial staff j i plans to nave the directories ready for j jktrihutlon within three weeks. 1 work Present. Difficuitie. ( Group of Picked Men Will Be on 1 are issuing thes ouestion In an efforl i the governor's Thanksgiving proclama tion will be read and the Pan-Hellenic ; Present term or at the end of the pres-, v holarship pins will be awarded. ' ent school year? 2. If you are discharged at the end MILITARY POLICE CORPS :of ,he present Mrter' wouM you re- . main in school the rest of the year? i nr un nnniunrn iirnr i DC nU UnbAri ICU nCnC Tne university authorities in co-op-1 ' e rat ion with the military department The problem of tabulating the long bst of students names Is unusually perplexing this year because of the osettled condition of affairs at the j cniversity and the change brought Duty Four Days Each Week iboul by the establishment of the S. ! Announcement was made at army to obtain the w ill of the men. They ! j will then transmit the will of the ma-j I jority as the vote of this unit. The j ,' war department is expected to act j upon the matter at once. Cornhusker chances against the mighty Notre Dame warriors on Turkey day have been soaring way up In the upper atmosphere since the announcement yesterday afternoon that Paul Dobson. last year's prenomeual halfback and member of the first All-Valley eleven had pulled Into town and was ready to take up his studies and don his football togs in time to help pluck the plums on Thanksgiving. Just as the gloom clouds were settling down over the Husker camp and chances for victory next Thurs day seemed as far out of sight as the price of butter and theater tickets, here came a brilliant arc light and banished the fog from the premises. Other rays of hope were exposed in the arrival of "Zip" Cypreanson from Camp McArthur and the probability that naif back McMahon. who has been on the injured list for the past month, and Jobes, who had his knee wrenched last week, will be In shape to take their positions in the lineup. Dobson was given an honorable discharge last week and returned yesterday morning from the Massachu setts institute of technology at Cambridge, where he has been in the chief quartermaster's school. He en listed in the navy early last summer and was first sta- ioned at the Great Lakes camp. When the football season rolled around Dobson was oa the job and broke Into the Jackles' lineup in the opening game of the sea against the Iowa Hawkeyes. The 7 to 0 victory of the Blue Jackets was due largely to the former Cornhusker's I long punts and great defensive work. Complete Outfits to Be Issued toj Before he was transferred to the PV'U -1 ARMY UNIFORMS ON WAY FROM OMAHA Q. M. DEPOT A. T. C. unit here. The decision to headquarters yesterday that military It seems to be the popular, opinion police corps had been organized in the ; of most of the men who have private pblish the directory was reached only g A T qt of pn . e h o gupport ,hemseIves S. A. T. C. Men in a - Few Days a few days ago. The appointment o a permanent staff at the first of the jar was delayed with the result that sidents have missed that popular lit tle volume which ordinarily makes its jppearance early in October. The jresent staff have now completed their pirns and will put the hook on sale in the shortest possible time. orcing army regulations. In school that they could do their Lieutenant Hotchkiss. acting quar- The personnel of the new corps has school work more effectively if They termaster of the Nebraska University net been announced as yet, although j were not living iu the barracks. (students' army training corps, an it is certain that Lieutenant William Disbanding Not to Effect Drill 3. Murphy is to act as military police : It is probable that the war depart officer and is to be assisted by four ment desires to keep the men in sergeants, eight corporals and sixteen 1 school but also would like to do away privates. with any unnecessary expenses since The new- organization Is to be on the armistice has been declared. i eastern school, Dobson participated in j the Great Lages lllinois battle and the t only touchdown of the game was cred- ited to the Nebraska boy, who crossed j the opponents' goal line after a twen ; ty-five yard run and then kicked goal. To Bolster the Back Field '! With "the prodigal sons in the lineup nonnced yesterday that he had receiv- j yesterday, prospects took on a more ed a communication from the Omaha j encouraging aspect and the back field. depot regarding the shipment of equip- j hieh has been doing so nobly without ment for members of the local unit, i the assistance of veteran material. I Shipment has been made frcm Omaha, j will become one of the bulwarks of the n.. nri nf tho Imoh w ill ttrobahl v i "... . i snd in all nrobabilitv win arrive in ; Hugker attacK. DODson provea nim- . mty ednesday and t nday evenings, ( If tne S. A. T. C snould be disband- r , ? ,, o1i nH Mrinrmr in th be higher than usual this year, al- . . - ' ! A . .k time for issuance the latter part of self an all-round performer in the Lh the management has made no 5a,Urday afternoon and . ed at lhe end the Present tuarr-, fh- week : back field last year and starred in the thouch the nianagement has made no aU gu Men have been rec-" which would be January 4. the men '.th'8 week" . ; .. 1)mkin nuntinsr and forwani deCnite announcement to this effect. ommendrf com-would still be required to drill nine ; Wth thermometer rnZTnT Bids for the publication have not yet , nande; thjs fervce hours a week whkn jg lhe amount of ; around the zero point, and p.rcin Ing departments. bn received. , , ,riII U(. 1nr tha sf.hp, wind sweeping down upon them, ap- Notre Dame a Worthy Foe proximately twenty -five hundred mem-: The Indiana Catholics are touted to Address Books on Campus In order to obtain the correct ad iress of all students, address books HI te placed about the campus in a few days. These will be found at the library, armory, and the chemistry j (Continued on page 2) Lieutenant William G. Murphy and the X. U. M. P. will commence opera tions Wednesday evening. FRESHMAN COMMISSION TO ENTERTAIN NEW MEMBERS i ule to be put into effect soon. Extracts from a letter received by Acting Chancellor Hastings from the war department, follow: "Assuming an equitable financial ar il range men t in case your contract is discontinued at the end of the first quarter, and assuming that if contin- bers of the local students' army train- be opponents worthy of Nebraska's infi corps have become somewhat im- best mettle and resources. Their 25 PASSES FOE SOLD1EKS . The girl of .he outgoing freshman . reguIallon of aca,Iemic work by THAliXSGlVING DAY co .-...-r-a,,. (U , be war department min abandon- AcriCiincement was made at S. A. T. i commission -at six o'clock Tuesday ed and military work reduced to nine , patient while awaiting the very tardy arrival of their winter uniforms ami overt-cats. Some of the men are still wearing the relics of their summer civilian clothes; other have purchased uni forms and overcoats from haberdasheries, and all of to C victory over Purdue university last Saturday puts them in high stand- ing in both the east and west. Notre r Dame tied with the Great Lakes and the Sailors beat the navy, which Is one of the strongest teams in the east. Lincoln I Cipp and Bahan are stars in their Section : class and will give the Cornhuskers no C. headquarters this morning that all j tre evening at the Woman's hall. The : hours weekIv, do yolI wgh IO have nsen-bers desiring to visit relatives - . l K I irtTMllIlaU tUUIUliaSIUU WB9 UIS1 Uldll I ized in the fall of 1S17. It is composed ' your collegiate unit, exclusive of nic-d- j "B" is clad in light summer khaki. Men having been home during ; end of trouble, the Coaches Kline and Schissler were TUnxsgiving would be granted passes of lwenJne frehman girls and one Wednesday evening at j fix o'clock and concluding at taps I ThBrsday evening. sophomore, who acts as chairman. ical students, ISIS?" continue to June 30, ! week-end report that practically every ' using Notre Dame formations and secondary college in the state having i plays asainst the varsity last night in The following girls year's commission: comprise thi TO SPEAK TOMORROW Henrietta Stahl Kathryn Wills Cora Yost Marie Prouty Betty Ridded Martha Kenyon Be mice Allen Margery Parsons Eva Hunt Marion Jeffries Dorothy Wrigtt Jean Hudson Lucille Andrews FORMER EDITOR WITH NEW ORLEANS PAPER Big Program is Planned for the Atonal Thanksgiving Con vocation Wednesday Lienterant Robert Renard of the Frejuh army, who is on a speaking iaar for th committee on Dubllc Infor- tio!. will rive an address at the U? QuInn Tkaoki giving convocation Wednesday OttT-oon at 4:30 o'clock in the Tem-He- Lieut Renard U both a soldier !d a t holar. He has en over thre !wV of active service at the front Lfeut Renard was formerly pro-1 lxnard W. Kline, ex-'IS. w rites to friends in The Daily Nebraskan office ' that he is very busy once more 'mid j : the smell of printer's ink and the click of typewriters. Kline was editor-in- P s.hief of The Daily Nebraskan during J the first part of the semester, but was an S. A. T. C. unit has been issued ; necessary winter equipment. Omaha' papers have headed their columns,, "Nebraska Beys Freeze at Drill." and have carried glowing reports which do not speak well for the Nebraska unit. preparation for the fray next Thursday. MEN NOT TO BE DISCHARGED NOW Lieutenant F. J. O'Neil. adjutant. ) announced yesterday that a telegram NEBRASKA ALUMNA uixo in VUuvaivuw naa been received from Washington -with reference to discharges from the ; K. A. T. C. Accordlne to the official ;was called away from school in Octo- j dcih at VAhb Lyon. '18. a graduate j announcement no individual requests He went to an officers training , of hft bome ecoaomic department would be accepted for resignation MacArthur, Texas. J . r ... a trr.m iKk .ini.niit' armv f ralnlnr em I ine was g memwr oi unuciun .-u. uu ; - n Helen Hovland Esther Posson Efther-Perkins Kathryn I la it ley Katberine Brenke Mary Herzing .'fcr of Engllih in tb Lycee ot MarT Brownell. Jttl!:e and the School of Com-J Soph. Chairman ber. ' camp at Camp ' which- was discontinued after the armistice was signed. Kline went to New Orleans, where he Is located at; of her department. : r.r.pnf He iff workine on the New ! chr. wa techlne in Colorado when n ium .him hp . , . S by the adjutant-general of the army, as Orleans Item and wrire that he is , M e contracted Influenza, and after; ' ' , . . .ell satisf.ed w:th loth the work -and , , , , t . . af ; u'h requests merely crowd the mails. - he environment that he has decided I hvr ,U, " hrouut l brT &l j Announcement will be made through . .k .ih nnrth null i Madison. Nebr.. for burial. The funeral ; ofTcial channels should there be any nji i fj i ' i"i - - -j - - -- second Mir.M.ifr. was active In all of the many Interests; at this time. A special request that no person send in his resignation has been made i w ill be held today. change In the ruling. FOOTBALL NOTRE -VS.- WEB CSASKA STUDENT RESERVATIONS AT COLLEGE BOOK STORE TuDaoullsgovoinig Pay GAME CALLED AT 2:30