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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1917)
T HE DAILY NE BRASKAN c ROY TillLLEf?, For Foot Comfort - 11 a aVab tam rival ftf Pnrna ami Tnn iimim a XT ; 1 Adjustment of nuen . . COMFORT SHOES 410 Ganter Building B-3781 nilVER THEATRE T....M. Tu.... Wd .nd M.U Phone B5398 . . OEiPIKIEU V3 WESTERN VAUDEVILLE Mon., Tue$., Wed., Oct. 15, 16, 17, 1917 Fifth Episode "THE SEVEN PEARLS" A Smashing Pathe Serial (Read the story in the Sunday State Journal.) Vaudeville Monde & Sella "Finder- "Singing and Keepers" Dancing" . , .., (Female lm- Le"on , ' n. personators) Every Day Life Lewis Piotti A Day of the Olga's Leopards East Side" a Big Animal Character Sing- Act ing . Orpheum Con Universal News r Weekly cert Orchestra Matinee Every Afternoon at 2:30 Any Seat 15c, Nights, 7:15 and 9 Sharpy Seats 25 Monday and Tuesday The International Beauty and Theatrical Favorite MAXINE ELLIOT IN "FIGHTING GOODS" Written By Roi Cooper Megrue ana Irwin S. Cobb ' f r The Strand L. M. GARMAN, Mgr. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOWS MONDAY AND TUESDAY The Universal Presents MARIE WOLCAMP IN "THE LURE OF THE UNATTAINABLE Second Episode "THE RED ACE" GHAPIU 008S. I27 So. I3ih St. Flowers ALL the Time ! Have your EYES examined and classes fitted by W. H. MARVIN, O. D. Thoro, Up-to-dte Methods 1234 "O" St. Opp. Miller A Paine o Almost Booked Solid SCIIEMBECK'S XBAND -B4577 L5354 Always Preferred SOCIETY SOCIAL CALENDAR October 18 Silver Serpent hike for Junior girls. October 19 Am. Society M. E. meeting. Mystic Fish initation Chi Omega house. Alpha Tau Omega dance Art hall. October 20 United Agricultural society meet ing Farm campus. Sigma Nu dance Lincoln. October 2 " Alpha Phi freshmen House dance. October 27 Xi Delta party for sophomore girls Temple. October 12 Kappa Kappa Gamma entertained forty couples at a house, dance, chap eroned by Mrs. N. A. Miller. Kather ine Gardner, of Omaha, was an out-of-town guest. Twenty-five couples attended the dance at the Alpha Chi Omega house. Mrs. Tolf Hanson was the chaperone. Leota Combes, of Fairfax, S. D., and Katherine Gerhart of Newman Grove, were guests. Alpha Sigma Phi gpve a house dance, which thirty couples attended, chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. A. A.' Heffley, Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Kier, Mr. and Mrs. William Luke. Out-of-town guests were Frank " Allen of Tecumseh, and Lawrence Wyman,v of Enid, Okla. Miss Louise Munshaw and Prof, and Mrs. H. J. Young chaperoned the dance at the- Achoth house. Red and white flowers were used in decorations. About eighteen couples were present. October 13 Delta Delta Delta entertained thirty-five couples at a house dance, given in honor of the freshmen. Miss Ruth Dorsey chaperoned. Twenty-five couples attended the Sigma Chi house da.nce, which was chaperoned by Dean and Mrs. Fordyce, Lieutenant and Mrs. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rogers of Minden. Sigma Phi Epsilon had a house dance, chaperoned by Professor Eng strom. About fifteen couples at tended. Phi Delta Theta freshmen enter tained the active chapter at a dance at the Temple. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Roman, and Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Bunting chaperoned the forty couples who were present. John Fike, Clyde Smith and John Metzger of Omaha were out-of-town guests. Thirty couples attended the dance at the Delta "Gamma house. Miss Charlotte Lowe was the chaperone. The out-of-town guests were Vivan Fulton of Beatrice; Nell Youngers of Geneva; Charlotte Flynt of Spencer, la.; and Gretehen Swoboda and Katherine Gardner of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Chapin chap eroned the thirty couples who at tended the dance at the Beta Theta Pi house. Lawrence Peterson of Arlington; William Johnson of Omaha; Lyell -Shannon of Waterloo, and Wells King, and Delos Ander son of Crete, were guests. Miss Leila Corbin, an instructor in the Home economics department last year, was married to Searl Davis, Instructor in the Rhetoric depart ment, on September 29, in Dayton, Ohio. The couple motored from Day ton back to Lincoln, where they will be at home for the present. Miss Elizabeth Lacey, graduate of Simmons College, Boston, Mass., ani also of Goucher College, Baltimore, Maryland, succeeds Mrs. Davis. She la teaching the courses In food work. PERSONALS Lulu Mitchell, '19, visited in Mace donia, Iowa, Saturday and Sunday. Lulu Galbraith, '20, and Helen Larsen went to Des Moines to spend the end of the week. Helen Neumeyer, 21, spent Satur day and Sunday at her home in Lyons. Margaret Nichols, - '18, spent the end of the week in Omaha. Katherine Gerhart, '17, and irace Horner, '17, visited at the Alpha Chi Omega house Saturday and Sunday. Doris Arnold, '19, was in Omaha the latter part of the week. Evelyn Newbranch Is visiting her sister at the Alpha Phi house. Milrae Judkins, '18, spent Satur day and Sunday in Pawnee City. Mable and Frances Anderson, 21, spent the latter part of the week in Wahoo. Alleen Begley spent the week end at the Achoth house. Helen Possner, 'IS, went to her home in Omaha Saturday md Sun day. Valentine Minford, 'IS, spent Sun day at her home In Elmwood. Frances Capsey visited her sister Helen at the Alpha Phi house "Satur day and Sunday. Katherine Mellor, '18, of Clarinda, Iowa, is visiting at the Pi Beta Phi house for a week. Lucile and Florence Wilcox and Mildred Mc-Farland were in Omaha Sunday. UNIVERSITY NOTICES Dramatic Club There' will be a meeting of the dramatic club Tuesday at 5 o'clock in University hall 106. All members are urged to be present. Election of officers and important business. ALUMNI NEWS Mrs. Emmet Stanley of Humboldt has been visiting Miss Howell for the past week. For the past three or four years Mr. and Mrs. Stanley who both attended this school, have lived in California. BRIEF BITS OF NEWS Increase in Registration The de partment of enginering announces that in spite of the war, there are eight more freshmen enrolled in that department than there were last year. Professor Jenkins Goes Home Professor E. L. Jenkins of the de partment of animal husbandry drove to Kansas to spend the week end at his home. Xi Delta Vice President.--Genevieve Addleman was elected vice president of Xi Delta, honorary sophomore girls' society, at a meeting held last Thursday evening at the Alpha Phi house. Dr. Barker III Dr. Barker has been confined to his home since Thursday with a slight attack of la grippe. He resume his duties this morning. Receives Scorpion A small scor nion has been received by Dr. Wol cott. of the zoology department, from a person residing in North Dakota. Geographically speaking scorpions confine their habitation -to the trop ical regions, and such animals have never been known to exist in north ern climates. Dr. Wolcott is en deavoring to solve this mysterious problem but as yet has been unable to disclose any facts. It is thought that the animal was brought to that state by someone who there released it. A. S. M. E. A social meeting of the A. S. M. E. will be held at 7:30 o'clock Fri day evening, October 19, at 2118 Euclid avenue. All mechanical en gineering students are invited. Engineering Society A meetine of the engineering so ciety will be held in M. E. 206 Wednesday, October 17, at 7:30 o'clock. The meeting will be ad dressed by Prof. G. E. Barber of the Roman history department, wno will speak on the subject "Engineer ing in Ancient Rome." Ail engi neers and friends are invited to attend. Senior Class Meeting The senior class will hold a meet ing at 11 o'clock Tuesday, October 16, in Law 107. Class business will be conducted and officers for the semester will be elected. Junior Class Meeting The meeting of the Junior class called for Thursday morning has been Dostnoned until Tuesday morning on account of the football rally. JEAN NELSON, President. the flag to fly throughout the night. There is no uniform usage in the display of bunting, but it is just as easy to hang it in correct fashion. When buildings are decorated In bunting draped horizontally, the red Bhould be at the top, according to a letter from the war department pub lished in the New York Sun: There are no regulations prescrib ing the method of utilizing bunting for decorative purposes, but good taste requres that the order shall be red at the top, followed by white, then blue, in accordance with the heraldic colors of the national flag. FLAG ETIQUETTE When Dewey's fleet returned to New York over the Battle of Manilla Bay, a Swedish janitor in a large de partment store hoisted an American flag with the Union down, and flew the signal of distress throughout the celebration. A patriotic citizen would hardly have made so flagrant an er ror, but in displaying flags or bunting there are many fine points to be ob served, remarks Harry Lee King, deputy commissioner of Boy Scouts. In the New York Tribune he gives these rules for flying the national colors: 1. The proper time for raising the flag is sunrise or after, never before 2. The flag must be lowered at sunit. 3. In draping the flag against the side of a room or building, the proper position for the blue fiield is toward the north or toward the east. It is a mark of disrespect to' allow Successful Program Given By Union Literary Society The Union Literary society held its regular meeting Friday evening in Union hall, Temple. The program included musical selections, a talk on Japanese amusements, and a debtfte on the University vacation question. After the program games were played and refreshments served. nnrniiiiiiHitiniummttunuuitmimmmnnniimwnmtravniminnHmimmj I iHcreistheAnswenm VEBSTElfc I New International g The Merriam Webster I Every day In your talk and reading, at I home, on the street car. In the office, shop g and school you likely question the mean- B ing of soma mew word. A friend asks: g 'iiti,., n..lru tnnrtor thnrpn?" YOU Seek M a thelocationofeAITafrtneorthepronun- S !-.-" J.. J.. Who la MMlZ7 E B This New Creation answers ell kinds or 1 questions In Lnguage,History,Biography, 3 t-::-. cnMiM, Wnnla. TtuHml Arts and m - n. nun, ui v. i ft ii ..... " '" ' S sciences, vim wuii wHwnw. I 400,000 Words. I 6000 Illustrations). S Cost $400,000. 2700 Paces. the new dioidedpaae. char es . . i -. i. acienzea as aouvu i H Genius." H India Panar Edition: S On thin, opaque, strong, 3 India paper. What a satis s faction to own the Merriam f Webster in a form so light Ij and so convenient to use! j s One halfthe thickness ana. g weight or Keguiar numou. g Regular Edition : E On strong book paper. Wt 6 inches. S Writ, for iwcluwa yft Mention thia pubUoattaa 5 udnain rasEkn 6 Bup. I c&c g KERR1AM ' 1 CO, I SprtagrWd. M iiiiiuuiiuuvmuniiiuuiiniu 11 ' B JV ''"l HI Jz& J Vi I I " i " . ' - '-A b I - V -sw u- .- Scene From Richard Walton Tully't Spectacular Play "THE FLAME" At the Oliver, 3 Dayt Commencina Tonight, and Including Matinee Wednesday dm