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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1913)
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN QJljr atiy Nrhraakmt Property of THE I'NUKIvSITY OF NKHKASKA Lincoln M V KKKD FOOTBALL FACTS By fc H V HARLAN Pugaree" Bands KHtrlnChi..f Gips n t(ic Color Lme MauhkIiir Kdltor Kenneth M. Snyder StlU ,,.. raised an awlul hullabaloo Aociato Editor Frv( N. Wellfl MV,., ,,( , ,u.--,t ion l allowing N'ebras A--iMi;iH' l-:d it i ' 1 :i i in 'I' Spiel !( (() PX Husv., their negro lineman ' I'll!' J.ivliawks were I'M'II willing tn HKI'dllTDUIM. STAI'T ,.,,,.. -I tin- game Last Satuiday thev II II. ill. in llil' ins )1;Vii1 Wj, chimin iiml nut .1 pee p w:i- Ktlnl itulil Women (.iMI ,lln ,(. Kjihsjiiis ! 11-,.. tin. Until S'lUiM", H'di'it I Iill;iinl. I.oui- , li.ilmiK pl.i 'il ll;iid. tln-ir nemo Ili,nii., (;m.i linld- t'.l'-ii i;'-it . L-u.iid IH.iK'- liflplm r, I., is w 111 i' N!,i'' 1: lsnilp.ll M.l It. Kill (IoViMI'.I I. Hint 1 II I'tf ill Missouri ;,p il Weeks .mil CiiVillliit lloell'es ill ,ili.;. Ii.ivi- A, 1 I'.u.- Mum ri.uik s ' 1 win- ( 1(11 '..itlllll M .111.1 U'T . c r.i.;uii SubM ription pnee '' '"I P r 1 :ir, pa a Km' 111 advance Singh1 CnpK"-. ' 'iits em 11 Knt. !(! nt tin- postnllti at l.iiu "In. Nediuihka. al m ' ond class mail inaitei. under Mm- 1 "f ,mj;i-s- "T Man li 3 1879 ( dm d.i . oe ndx-i I'1. I1'' ' Student Directory Sale Rapidly Nears Limit of 1,400 Copies ;;;; been 111 it 1 il tn In- pi"1' ''lit at t he Mi sul l . ! I ,1 llllllll.ill r.lllle .it I'nllllll I ' 1 1 1 1 I . -. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 M.nunn Cone he:. Lc3i Confute U it 1 1 1 If r-iiiii.ii ' 1 1 i ' ' lll Is. i ill III L'.l 'I'l .; 1 1 , (I 1 . I ' ' ,!l 1 III I lll '! l nl ( ll ,1 .1 'I ' 1 ! 1 . !i 1I1H th. 1 1 in in I if 1 'in 11 ' 1 " ll. M 111 ill nt. 1 ".il.'- I"" 1 nl t ! 1 u I. u .11 ' "il 1 1" '." pit il 1 t ' ' .1 1 ' il 1.1 n ,1 ppi'.i I'd i'ii tin' In id ' M 1 1 uti In II is rmiit U 11 - w.i- t w 1 : d tnw .1 i-il tin1 1'inl nl t In M nun ii' . .1 "ll' ,111(1 It Is (lullllt I 111 ll IH' Will I'l' in ' ninl ,t urn to pla v Sat urd.i I li l'i U.l I ili'd .is olii' nl till' hi'sl ii-iis I 1 - mi t In- maroon ci' i'ii s, iii, li'i t 1. 11 Kit- alsu siiiii-t I'd 1 1 inn .1 they're new at Harvard they're new at Yale they're new at Nebraska they're new Everywhere on Hats of All Colors $3 w ri'iii In il shoiildi'i' and i mild not (.! Mils 1 .11 s 1 - in m 1 urn 1 tipn-s 1 H pan in 1 1 1 signal pi.niiii' . o e n , ,.. lit I 1 1 Till v 1 t -i t bell..: SlllKK. Wll was III last w,eh 1. , ,, , inn i- iimi c 111 .11 1 1 vi' 1 li.u ge hspu-i'il ut and those wlin aii' s.ivin.. It W'isi oiisin 1 an 1 oinr li.u U and s 1 mi "ohil; to -el one ' will hai ii-.iiu iinu deli at Chu ago nnt Saturdnv thera..' tn .Id sii mioii (ii hold tin 11 pi'.K ' i' i,,,. championship honors m tin- I tin Hn tall to get oik- KiglH liniidii'd ,, unu . M ,, Impedes, iiinddl.' ' hooks i'i. Mild on iln- Hist dav and )(,,,t t,,. ,my solution 111 that ase In- otln'i si hiiiidi I'd an- last ilwui would . to tn- both Minnesota and dling ,111.11 Those wishing 10 mtup' Chicago lor hrst hmior.s This would, .mi' ot the tew ( opH's loll ina do -o ml, ,.raska (m ,, p,,r with the two it the ottli i' 111 the Temple hlllldill-. ,.j,,,.rv nt the western ( on I erelK -. or at tile olhce ol the Celieial Sei 1 c , taiv. Mi Kwmg Here's a Startlin Bit of News." in chaige ol tin- w 01 k ol get ANN I i )R. .Mich. Nov. 17 It' lug out the dueitoiv claim that i"'M. . c wishes it.s name with tin 1 ear the hook will 1"' on the niaikct fniversity ot Michigan to he a chain-! several weeks ealllel Milch cela IS pi,,nslilp instead ol a practice minic l caused each car because ot the wait ,,, t1(. mture. the Annies will have to mu ten cliiiimcs ol addi esses ol ilie ,iam;e their eligibility rules to con liateinit pledues but heie.ilter .11 lunn with those ol the lainer col raimements will be made to h;ie al' leges -.ts Coach 'lost. but that p.ut ol the wink done in t pi,.-,ent. M . A C plas ireslnneii 1 .idaine loiirvear nun and traiisi-r men To u-'l a i I1.1 nipioiislnp or twoclollai VARSITY WORKS IN SECRET game with the. ol ei nies dies, 1 C1111I lllliecl l'lcun 'aX ih I would have to be barred Detroit . w -I'urdv. Kiitlierloril, Caiueion and the n, Hun. the Mulligan gi n lilt lira I ither cripples are m pi line shape Tin , nlb-ge plas ireslnneii. lourear men whole team is goim.' to be in meat ,,,,d tr.uisiir men and did not pla um condition to humble the HawUeye- der reuular i ollege eligilulit their di The mime promises to I in- ol the ,,..,, ,,, Wisconsin Any .Michigan lastest ever plaed mi Cm iihusKer U()t p,,rtn ularly siiriirising not note held. wortliv. liicler these circumstances their erstwhile claims to the allwe-t Mis. Charlotte Cole, te.niier i;io 1 1 11 title do not amount to a helovalot 1 ution Dramatic Art Coaching l'las 1 S jicc i.i 1 1 l.7IJ."i Tliosi ,,i ha w kers .ire s()m,. i . , n nkestes Said the Daih Is. 111 111 11. O A 7 YfTcy ''"' SM"' "' November 11th.. in lai-,e Or Y t3vJ I C)! headlines. Wallop CnrnhusKei s In Signal I'r.utice .lavhawker Tight In h()W abOllt a nice piece )f ..nnnrj Ko.s In Cood .Monday Work Jewelry for Her for Christ- 't. rhe artn i.. go.s .M t,. .,v mas? Why not select it "('"111'' "" leiiows. snnppv s "d nowwhile the stock is com- "",""' ' uu" ;i "" "" J' , . . 11 1 -ii ker eleven, running signals last ught, plete. A small deposit will hlt hMt tIlrlcIi. 1()I. tiMI xanls- Xou hold it until you want it. Armstrong Clothing Co. GOOD CLOTHES MERCIIASTS The University School of Music Established 1894 Second Term begins Monday, November 17th There is still some time left with some ol our instructors. Register at once. Willard Kimball, Director Eleventh and R Streets School Supplies TYPEWRITERS Office Equipment Supply Co. 117 So. 12th St.-Funke Bdg. Everything tor the Office" tt HALLETT Kstab. 1871 Univ. Jeweler 1143 O Mastin' ' Ten yards were reeled (,n around right end. "Cameron's n,.: (Continued on l'age Four ) ,lSP A" Try the Y. M. C. A. Lunch Room Cafeteria Plin City Y. M.IC. A. 13th and P MISS STERKEL Hair Dressing, Manicuring and Switch Making LADIKS AM) GENTLEMEN li-4420 Room 412. Brownell Blk.