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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1913)
The Daily Nebraskan VOL XIII. NO. 15 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1913 Price, 5 Cents OLYMPICS TO BE SATURDAY FRESHMAN SOPHOMORE SCRAP SCHEDULED FOR MORNING OF AGGIE GAME. CLASS RUSH THE BIG EVENT Medicine Ball Scrap for Fifty Picked Men May Check Names of Side-line Athletes. The inspon-ibilily of piloting their respective classes through the annual class crap is- the first that will fall upon the elected presidents of the lower classes. For the date of tlie annual Olympics has been set loi the coinir.c Saturday, October 11. Tins annoiin inent was made at .Mm iresaiiHian coin ocation, so the now el.i- hiih hud time to think over the error ol theii ways and plans for then immediate betterment in the future. The Oljmpks, following tradition, will consist of several tests of the skill and strength of picked men, fol lowed by the t-ig scrap in which every man takes j..ut and woo bo unto those who s-'ay away. Final plans have not bf-:i announced, but it is understood there will be wrest- ling and boxj.g matches to start the day, these lo come either early in the morning w as space fillers ilui- hip the event1- Med cine Ball Rush. A new dep.'Muie in the way of a picked scrap, -aking the place of the I football gam of last year, will be a. nmdwme lie 1 scrap. A good-sized nn tiicinc ball a ill be placed on top of a pole, abon- which twenty-live ol the picked in n of each class will bo tinned loose to do their worst. The game will oo-j-ist in getting the ball over a lino and although it ma" I sound easj o" paper, the determined i opposition ol nvonty-tive men playing ! football with, ir rules will make the outcome doul ' ; ul. Following '.'lis, and probably pre coded b n match to give Mum for the men ' . U'M up will come the class rush. ' he rush is the distinc tive part ol Mm Olympics, the other events being : lportnnt but secondary, li is a man to- nan scrap, with unnec estii iouglim-h eliminated, and dur ing the seveifii minutes of its duration each lighter v. ill be tested to his ut most. Somewiiai after the plan of last vear, but with The weak points of that plan lota out, Miis year's rush will be a roeordbroa ',' ior enthusiasm, both on the ol the spectators and those taking part. Details of the Class Rush. The classt b vill bo lined up oppos ing each olt.r, separated by about leiit yard- and turned loose at a bignal. At the end of a certain time Mu rush will h" conceded to the clasr which has succeeded in holding down the greatest number or its opponents, after pushing them back of their own line. Las! year a man pushed over his line was ruled out of the contest. Continued on page 2 SPHARO STYX COMPETITION NEXT SATURDAY MORNING Dramatic Ability Alone Considered Sixty Places Open All Good Ones. The formal announcement of com petition for places in the cast of the minstrel and vaudeville, show, soon to be produced by Spharo Styx, was made Monday. This -competition is open to both the men and women of tnc universit, and will be held in the Temple Saturday morning at 10 HO o'clock. While the production is to bo a minstrel and audevllle show the tr.-outs Saturday morning will not be a lest of the competitors vocal abilitv hut w hoh of their dramatic capabili ties Suggested selections may In st' in ed al the Daily Nebraskan How ever if any of the successful have good Voices they will be given a chance to use them later when re he. irsals begin. A matter ol no small importance to the co-eds, and the fellows as well, is I he fact that there are about t w on tv live "fern" parts. Although Mm number of those parts Is largo yet thev are all good ones and any girl who i successful may consider her sell luekv. The parts are oiignal and Will afford groat opportunities for tal enieil voung women. Regarding the men's parts there is an excellent chance for the blossom iim Mmspian. There are about thirty veil balanced places open and the lortunates will have no need of pro tes.'.ional jealous. Although a large number of the freshies and sophs will be busy Satin day morning with the Olympics tlmy need have no fear of losing the chance to compete as time cards will be given to any one who will be engaged in mortal combat. GIRLS WILL RALLY THIS MORNING IN MEMORIAL HALL Prominent Women of University Wi.l Make Rousing Speeches. The Hist football rally of the year will be the "All University Girls' Foot ball Rally' this morning at 11:30 in Memorial Hall Tim Black Masque girls who several years ego arranged to have the gills' section at the game.; and always boost for the team, are in charge ol the mooting today. It has been arranged to have the band out in full force an dhave foot ball songs and speeches to arouse the enthusiasm of all university girls. The advisability of providing a giii rooting section will be considered. Miss Gitlings, Mrs. Raymond, Gladys Runt and Mm Rood are among the speakers of the hour. TCvery wide ivvako girl in school should be pres ent To catch the football spirit and prepare to be a live tue coming season. booster during Lillian Schruni of Omaha spent the week-end at the Acbath house. ORDER OF SPEAKING GIVEN OUT FOR DEBATE COMPETITION Date as Yet Not Absolutely Certain Althougn probably Wednesday Afternoon and Evening. The dale of the proliniinurv debal-' to select the members of the semlnar of lifteen who will be Mm squad from which is takon the university debat ing team was not definitely settled last evening 'I ho number of candi dates has grown so largo that it was found noeessarj to make two dlvl sions. probably the time being Wedn esday alteinoon and evening, place to bo announced later. Fourteen selected the alllnnatlve and ton the negative of the question winch Is that of the Central Debut hit, league That immigration into this country should be further re stricted by moans or a literacy test." I he older of speaking, which fol lows was selected by lots drawn by I'ioI II W Caldwell. M. M Fogg and Guernsey Jones. Affirmative. I Samuel (' Zimmerman, '1". Lin coln L Gilbeit Kldredgo, '17, Omaha :. Harold A. Prince. '11. Law 'la. Gi. mil Island. 1 Paul Good, 'i:'. (Anihurst). Law 'Hi, Lincoln. 5 Ra M Higgius, 'R! 1-iw 'la, Hartlington. t; Donald G. Barnes, 'lfi, Albion. , HM. Noble, '11, Law '14, Lincoln. S Hugh Agor, 'M, Omaha. !i Ralph O. Cannday, '15, Minden. Id H. K Rush. "14, Rushville. 11. Reed R. Dawson, '14, Lincoln. 1I. Silas M. Bryan, 'in, Lincoln. i:(. (' A. Soronson, 'M', Law 'If!, Loup City. It O. K. Perrin, '11, Sargent Negative. 1 Maurice C. Clark, '17, Omaha. L'. Robert R. Waring. '17, Geneva. :!. John C. Beard, '15, Lincoln. 4. Harold J Schwab, '1(1, McCook. 5 Homer P. Hewitt, '15, Sargent. ;. R. K. Khk, '15, Kearney. '. . 11. M. Diers, '14, Madisn. S Frank lli.xenbaugh, '17, Omaha. !. Harvey VV. Hess, '14, Hebron. 10. Paul L. Martin, Law CANDIDATES Senior Class. Robert Flory. Sam Grimn. W. A. Rockie. Junior Class. Cloyd Stewart. Sophomore Class. Arthur EtrJey. R. W. Gentzler. Freshman Class. Ray Doyle. Harold Morgan. Brian O'Brian. "NOT ALL ON FATHER" UNIVERSITY EMPLOYMENT BU REAU SHOWS THAT MANY HELPED THEMSELVES LAST YEAR $104,000.00 TOTAL SUM EARNED This Does Not Take In What Women Students Received For Their Work Which Also Is Larger A great ninny people think that a voting man nt school Is an expensive article, and it must be admitted that in certain cases this Is a hard fact, yet statistics show that there are more men self-supporting, or partially sr, than the average observer of college life and alfalrs would realize. In Nebraska State University recent statistics show that : I'hghtoen men earned the equivalent to $1581 70 washing dishes. Fifty-four men earned the equival ent to $.'575:! lin tending furnaces. Niimlvslx men earned Mm equival ent to $7'.H'li !u waiting tables. Kighteen men earned the equivalent to $.'! 5 50 l house work Fil'lv three miou earned the oqtiival eiu to $j:!l".i 7,2 bv odd Jobs I'his does not lake into considera tion the amounts enim-d by student wlio clerk in stores, play in musical organizations, or those doing assistant leaching. Taking those amounts into consideration wo have an estimato-l sum of $101,000 0(1 actually earned b students attending the university. What is true of Nebraska Is no doubt true in all other state Institu tions, and also to some extent In Mm small colleges throughout the coun try. These figures do not include the sums earned by the; women students which in a j ear's time will total a surpiising amount. The University of Nebraska main tains a separate and distinct depart ment which looks after worthy stu dents who want work. Positions are secured and men are sent to fill them. 'I he department Is open at all times and receives calls for student help It experiences no trouble in linding a man to (ill the job as there are awas nian.v men anxious to help Mmnii-elves and thus relievo "Father at home on the farm," or wherever he may be striving to obtain the vvherevvithall to keep his boy in schoo). The Kinplovnmnt Bureau Is associated vith the University Y. M. C. A., in tin Temple building and its services are free both to employer and student. Alioadv this year quite a few men have been supplied with permanent and temporary Jobs. Work of all kinds is taken care of and calls are very u uch appreciated. Dr. Fletcher L. Wharton will speak at the Association Vesper Service Tuesday afternoon at five in tho Y. M. C. A., rooms. Mrs. Edith Lucllo llobbins will sing. ELECTION TODAY-MEMORIAL HALL