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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1913)
inunmii THE DAILY NEBRASKAN lj? Satlg Nebrafikatt Property of THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA Lincoln. M. V. REED Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Afisoclate Editor AfiRoclato Editor Kenneth M. Snyder John L. Outright Fred N. Wells HufllnoBB Manager ABHlBtAnt Manager J. L. DriBColl Frank S. Perkins Subscription price $2.00 por year, payable in advance. Single Copies, 5 conts each Entered at the postofllce at Lincoln, Nebraflka, aB Becond-claas mail matter, under tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1913 THURSDAY CONVOCATION. Music. A string quartet with tho organ will give a program in Memorial Hall on Thursday morning at 11 o'clock. The program follows Andante cantabile (TschalkowBky). string quartet. Capricclo Italien (Tschalkowsky), strings and organ. Edw. J. Walt, first violin. Mrs. August Molzer, second violin. Mr William T. Quick, viola. MIbb Lillian Elche, Velio. Mrs Raymond at the organ. UnlesB something else of Importance intervenes a muslcale similar to this will be given every Thursday at convocation. usual, and the number out to vote seems to thoso Interested tho smallest in years, tho followers of tho gome will be on tho sidelines to tho finish, and the work of the clans will be apparent on the surface, as usual And in tho end the final count will show that a goodly number voted after all, whereupon tho names of tho successful candidates will bo re ported In tho "Rag," for future ie ference when their success has been forgotten by tho rank and file, and the clans will resume their warring with one another. GOOD FOR WASHBURN. The students at Washburn Univer sity are already planning a special train for the trip to Lincoln when tho Sons of Ichabod meets the Cornhusk ers on Nebraska field this fall. The school down at Topeka seems to b behind Its eleven from the start this 4-foJ-ftnd-aU4iniiffhlha gnmn idIQ, fnn THE CAFETERIA OF THE UNIVERSITY Y. M. C. A. Please have as nearly the correct change as you can. Please do not bring bills to change, it is an incon venience to those who are behind you. Please do not handle such articles as bread, rolls and fruit. Some one else will probably have to eat what you have needlessly handled. If you are very busy you can get your lunch much more quickly after 1 2:30. THE CAFETERIA In The Temple Cornhu8kers Is three weeks distant subscriptions are already being taken up bj the Athletic Management to engage the train. That is the school spirit that makes a football team fight to the last whistle for Its students, and although Jayhawker rooters have always stood behind the Red and Blue whenever the occasion demanded, nevertheless we'll have to give it to the Congregationalists for their early display of "pep." Kansan. ENFORCEMENT BY REPETITION. We learn In rhetoric that enforce ment may bo secured by repetition. A central theme, repeated with varia tions, catches tho attention of the reader or hearer and is held in the memory after other less emphasized statements have been forgotten. That being the case, tho freshmen who wero at the rally yesterday morning will understand why Dr. Condra was Introduced as tho "Father of Nebras kan Spirit" For a number of years he has taken this Biibjoct, "Nebraska Spirit," as his theme, and convoca tion after convocation, rally after rally, freshman class after freshman class, have heard the vigorous in junctions of this "red-blooded Nebras kan." And every hearer has felt tho force and sincerity of his remarks, and been moved, in greater and lessor degrees, toward reaching the ideals of tho Scarlet and Cream. No better advice could be given to students sot adrift In a large university at this time, than to think carefully over "Doc" Condra's advice, and to act In the spirit of his words. Statement of the Ownership, Manage ment, Circulation, Etc. of Daily Nebraskan, published five days por week at Lincoln, Nebraska, re quired by tho Act of August 24, 1012. Editor, M V Rood, Station A, Lin coln, Nob. Managing editor, K. M. Snyder, Sta tion A, Lincoln, Neb. Hiisimss manager, J L Drisooll, Station A. Lincoln, Neb. Published. University of Nebraska, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. Average number of copies of each issue of this publication sold or dis tributed, through tho mails or other wise, to paid subscribers during the .six months preceding the date of this statement (This information is re quired from daily newspapers only ) 1,(100. J L DRISCOLL, Manager Sworn to and subscribed before mo tins 2!)lh day of September, 1913. MAX WESTERN! AN, Notary Public. (SEAL) .My commission expires August 'A, 1915. THE GATHERING OF THE CLANS. With the announcement of class elections, to be held next Tuesday, there may be expected to come the hasty gathering of the clans. And tho little campus work will of course quiver with tho excitement of the coming contest? Well, hardly. Poli tics, striped of all Its ornaments by the relentless Australian ballot, Is now numbered among tho minor sports. With tho reservation, how over, that It is leading the minors. So, the word "quiver" will hardly ex press the probable attitude of the cam pus. And yet, the classes go on as Miss Edith Lucile Robblns of the University School of Music will give a singing recital at the Temple to night Everybody cordially invited Admission free. Engage formal music now. Hagensick. GIRLS' CLUB TAG DAY. Today is a record day for the Girls' Club. The Girls' Club is an all-University affair and every girl on the campus should becqme a member. The annual duos are 35 cents a year. Don't fall to join today. Men may become honorary members by paying the regular fee. The Universify SclidotfMusic Established 1894 Offers the highest class of instruction in all branches of music. Students may enter any time. Anyone expecting to study music will do well to get information concerning this school before choosing an instructor. Willard Kimball, Director Ask for new catalog -:- -;- Eleventh and R Streets We are too busy to write ads, but not to wait on our customers. University Book Store Special Afternoon and Evening Classes liN ALL COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS at hours to suit University students. We enroll manv University students each year. You are invited to visit the school and get particulars. NEBRASKA SCHOOL OF BUSINESS The Business School Training School with the University Atmosphere Cor. 14th and'O Sts. Electric Building Patronize our advertisers "SPA" Try tho Y. M.JC. A. Lunch Room Cafeteria Plan City Y. M. C. A. 1 3lh and P EB Riggs Drug Cutter 3 STORES i321,? ?. store ww"" Cor. 16th and O Su. 27th and Randolph I itr- Mgqgy? yr.V ?&mswfloP .