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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1913)
The Daily Nebraskan VOL XIII. NO. 11 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1913 Price, 5 Cents VI Ki'll tH SCRIMMAGE YESTERDAY JOY IN CAMP OVER RETURN OF ROSS, LEFT GUARD. WASHBURN'S STRENGTH MYSTERY First Game of Season Saturday Promises to Be Stiff. THOSE RED TAGS-HELP YOUR FEM-FRIENDS TODAY Thr Cornhuskers football stalwart put in a hard practice yesterday aft ernoon at the State Farm. With gratl fying results. The exercises ranged fro in a to izzard. from elementary loot ball to a twenty-minute scrimmage. wlTti tho freshmen. Amr-thr Munnyr shinning, scinlilating outcome was due to the tact that no more cripples were added to the overburdened hos pital list, and that that line of ours looks more and more like a winner. Clint Ross, Lineman, Back In Moleskins. Another cause of joy was the ap pearance of Clint Ross in his old stamping ground, left guard. Ross was a tower of strength in last year's mighty machine. His two hundred pounds will bolster up the line in great shape. Stiehm, the wonder worker, is put ting the squad through Its stlffest paces They aro on the jump from start to finish The W. W. played both Ik'ck and Tov.le at the executive job With Towle at quarter, Beck holds down left end. And with Beck in command, Howard moves from full back to left end, Coffee working at full. Varsity Scores Two Touchdowns. The varsity-freshman scrimmage was snappy and fast. The cornhusker team, while kicking a good deal of the time, found time to walk through the freshmen for two touchdowns. The line is gradually smoothing off the rough corners and at times was able to rip great holes in the fresh men defense. It is a joy to watch that back field plunge through the line and romp around the wings. Purely and Ruther ford make a great brace of ground gainers. Both Howard and Coffee are plajing a fine game at full back. As ai" also Beck and Towle at quarter. Washburn's Strength Unknown. With the Washburn game but three days off, little is known of the strength of the team from Topeka. The Congiegational lads have it on us as far a practice is concerned, for Washburn started a couple of weeks sooner than the University. The Cornhuskeis are not looking for a snap and probably would bo very much surprised if they did. Wash burn can be counted on to put up a stiff game. Washburn has an oc casional habit of besting Kansas and Missouri. The game promises to be well worth the seeing. The line up for the first game is problematical. Rutherford and Purdy are fixtures at the halves. Howard will probably start at full and Towle at quarter. Erwin at center, Shields and Halligan at tackles, Ross at left guard, Mastin and Beck at ends will undoubtedly fill the line up, leaving one guard to be accounted for. Thirty-five Cents Each Proceeds Take Care of Sick Co-eds. What is it? It's tag day. T'wont be long and you'll see. The tags are red and every young woman Is sup posed to have one. The only consider ation is a payment of 35 cents which is for a purpose that will be of great benefit to young ladies in school who take sick and nre not able to take care of themselves. This University Girl's Club is now six years old and had a membership ;lee:clubmembers selected by competition Mandolin Club Also Begins Year's Work with Election. Glee Club tryouts were held last night In teh Temple music hall. Be tween fifty and sixty men competed tor places, and In the Judgment of some of the older men of the club there had never been a more promis ing group of singers. The judges were Professors Roseborough, Scott, Mills, Carter, Miller, and Percy Janes The successful members will be notified of four hundred last year but by this evening Miss Graham expects to have developed the number to six hundred. The Tags Are Red. A big luncheon feature is being pre pared to take place on October 18th. This affair is to be similar to the Corn husker banquet held for the young men each year. I After the University removal ques tion has been decided the club hopes to bo able to interest the state legis lature in the question a women's building, such as is found at most of the large universities. The red tags may bo secured In the library from young ladles of the Black Mask, In University hall from members of the Silver Serpent, on the campus from members of the I Gin's Club and also at the office of Miss Graham In the Temple. Don't forget, there're red. XI Psi Phi Announces Pledges. The Xi Bsi Phi. professional dental fraternity, has moved from 311) South , Twenty-sixth street into its new home 'at 1809 N. It has nledeed eiuht men this year John Barry, Robert W. Cas per, RoBcoe Aldritt, James B. Marshall, Logan A. Clopine, Julius Parrlngton, Rae J. Brigham, and Philip Collins. The fraternity originated with the Alpha chapter at the University o'" Michigan in 1899 and is now comnosed lot" twen'y-three chapters The Psi ' chapter at Lincoln was organized in I 190G. I I I I ' I I I I I ELECTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that -fc the general election for select- - ting the presidents of the four - respective University classes - will be held on Tuesday, Octo- -- ber 7, in Memorial Hall. The fc polls will be open from 9 to 12 -yt and 1 to 5. Each candidate is - required to file a written state- - ment of his candidacy in this - office before 5 p. m. Friday, Oc- - tober 3. No candidate shall be entitled to election whose name -fa is not printed on the ballot. - There shall be no soliciting of - votes by cards or otherwise at -fa polls or in the building In which - the election is being held during -fc election day. fc E. M. RUTLEDGE, Registrar. by phone before the end of the week and public announcement of the re sults will follow later. At a meeting of the club held Mon day night its organization was perfect ed, and the plans for the year were briefly outlined by Paul Grlswold, presi dent of the club. The coming trips to Denver and Omaha were dlBcussed, most of the members thinking It ad visable to visit the latter city as soon as the two clubs were in shape. Plans were also laid for a dance to be held in the near future Mandolin Club. At the first meeting of the Mandolin Club held last evening W C Kaan was elected manager of the musicians for the coming year, and he will start at once to put the men In shape for an early concert. Tryouts will be held Tuesday, October 7, at 7 p. m. in the Temple music hall. All who can play the mandolin, mandola, guitar, or banjo should appear at this time. A president and director will be se lected at the meeting. All old mem bers are requested to bring their in struments for first practice on Tuesday. ARE IN NEED OF ACTORS SPHARO 8TYX OPEN8 COMPETI- TION FOR PLACE8 IN CA8T OF MIN8TREL SHOW. PLACES NUMBER OVER SIXTY Both Girls and Men Wanted Many Very Desirable Positions Open. POPULAR NEBRASKA GRADS TO BE MARRIED THIS EVENING Miss Cornelia Lindsey, '11, and Mr. Arbor Barth, '13, Will Take On Bonds of Matrimony at Home of Bride. The marriage of Miss Cornelia Lind sey and Mr. Arbor Barth, two former Nebraska students, is to take place this evening at the home of the bride's parents at 1933 B street. Miss Lindsey was very prominent in the girls' ac tivities in the University, being a member of Black Masque Society and of the Delta Gamma Sorority, and tak ing her degree in '11. Mr. Barth was a student here for one year in 1900, after which he attended Harvard Uni versity for a year. He took his degree from Nebraska last summer through extension work. He was a member of Alpha Tau Omega. NOTICE. Thqro will be a very Important meet ing of the executive committee and sub committees of the United Agricul ture Society Thursday October 2, 1913 at the Temple, at 7:30 p. m. All committee-men please be there. ROBERT E. STEELE. Spharo Styx, the organization of University men which came into exist ence last spring with the purpose of staging a high clasBl minstrel and novelty show early this fall, will hold "an elimination competition n wevk from next Saturday, October 11 ac cording to a advice given out yester day to the Dally Nebraskan. Impar tial Judges will preside and all unl verslty men nnd women aro eligible to the cast. All contestants are urged to use either of the two librettos furnished by the management and which may be obtained from the Daily Nebraskan after Saturday morning. These will be of such n nature that any one can take the parts and will help the Judges to decide as to the comparative ability of thp contestants. However, if any one desires to use any other part or playlet which he may already have used they will not be barred from competition. As there are a number of parts requiring vocal ability those who can sing are especially urged to make an attempt at the first try outs. An opportunity will be given later for those who wish to take sing ing parts alone. About twenty five girls and thirty men will be necessary for the show. The affair is expected to appear about the first of December and prepara tions have been going on ever since the early part of May. Manuscripts, songs nnd specialties aro written by University men and Prof. J. T. Prince of the Conservatory of Music Is In charge of working the show into prop er shape. Prlnqe is well known all over the west for his dramatic coach ing although this will be his first ven ture with a University production. Those who have seen tho general plan nnd read the manuscripts are very enthusiastic in their approval of its spice and novelty. This Is the first attempt ever made to bring out novelty production and it promises to be one of the most pop ular of the University dramatic en tertainments. The co-eds are espec ially asked to enter the tryouts as there will be as many Important wo men's parts In the show as aro ar ranged for the men. All Engineers Out Tonight. Tho first meeting of all the students of tho Engineering College is to be held tonight at 7:30 in room 20G of the Mechanical Engineering building. This is the first meeting of the Engi neering Society of this school year, and will be m charge of tho faculty of the engineering department. Several talks on many of the phases of engineering life bearirg upon stu dent as well as professional activities will be r resented.