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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1913)
T II E DAILY NEBRA8KAN 1 I I J SEASON A SUCCESS German dram, club banquet NEBRASKA SHOULD FEEL GRATI FIED BY WORK DONE BY BASKETBALL FIVE. STIEHM DESERVES CREDIT i Both Last Year and This Jumbo Has Worked With Difficult I Material. The iiniiual banquet of the CJerman I Draniiilic club was held in (ho Lin coin hotel Tuesday evening at 6 o'clock. Twenty-three members of the clul) were present. The members of the cast of "Die Journalisten" pre sented Miss Heppner with a siher beiry spoon in token 0f their appre ciation of her patient and etliclenf Missoml Valley championship u OI k coaching the play, laurels nie again resting with the , At s o'clock the club went to the University of Nebraska ' basket ball 'ome r Professor Fossler, where the team Ily their successive defeats of i monthlj business meeting was held Kansas in the postseason series Just i 'Vvn dollars of the money earned by over, the Cornhuskers have demon lm' PK'Hcntation of "Die Journalisten" trated their right to the title beyond wtr( appropiiated for the purchase E all hope of controversy. f Ji pietuie for the (Jcriiuin depart- m "SPA" Try the Y. M. C. A. Lunch Room .Cafeteria Plan City Y. M. C. A. -:- 13lh aid P CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th and O Streets -fc i P. A. Hall President -fr It F. H. Johnson Vice-Pres. -fc W. W. Hackney, Jr. Asst Cash. -fr Punch that more than satisfies Ice Cream and Ices of highest merit. Let us please you as we have pleased others. The Puritan Ice Cream Company Phone: B-6152 2026 "0" STREET "The Company of Guaranteed Service" In addition to winning the post- '"'. to be placed in a class room. ' season series, the Husker team went lll(1 ,,,M dollars were appropriated for through the entire schedule or Con- ,,u'. purchase of a cabinet for prop ' terence games with a periect score cities The club still has about ?25 winning from every Missouri Valley NiirpliiH from the pioceeds of the1 team they played, and losing durliw Pln'. j the entiie reason, only the two games Tuu new members, Charles Margeri played In Minneapolis with the Minne- i,,1(l l'('" Hinder, were voted into the sota aggregation . These two games club. weie p!aed early in the season and . BATTLE ROYAL BEGINS. (Continued from Page 1.) s ofhcinls who saw the two teams pla later in the season have declared th: Nebraska could defeat Minnesota in a post-season series. Fairbury s.' Trenton, 7:45, Chapel. Both ears that Coach Sttehm has1 Tecumseh vs Oakdale, 8::50, Arm been beie he has turned out a team or'' which has won the Missouri Valle Urand Island vs Elmwood, S 30, championship, in spite of the Tact that hPcl. he has been hindered at times by in- Uenkelman vs University Place, diiect knocks both from within and 8:4r. ('Impel from without the active student body Holdrege vs. Sutton, 8:45, Chapel. Last ear the championship was ills- Elgin vs. Albion, 9:30, Armory, puted by Kansas who was undoubted Kearney Military Academy s ly the neaiest rival, but when the end Schuyler, 1 : 30, Chapel, of the season came the southerners - pring Clothes Merchant Tailored. COME in and look over our superb line of woolens. We are now booking orders for early spring delivery. Easter will soon be here. College Tailors College View Phone B-0-X-48W Say you saw it in the "Rag." It helps. refused to play a post -season series As the best record was on the side of the Nebraska team, critics unanimous- number Friday morning ly gae them the title The team which made such a won der! ul recoid this ear was composed largely of veterans, who had been trained for two years, but in his search for heavier material, the coach succeeded in making several of his football team into first class basket ball players. Two notable examples of this meuunorphism were Hawkins and Hde, who prosed inwiluahle be fore the season's end. It would, be hard to pick the one man who shone as the most brilliant Notice. i "Awgwau" will publish its third. Notice. Companj "1" will have the Corn huskers pictures taken at 11:30, St. (Jeorge's studio Loeb's Orchestra, Phone L7G20. THE CAFETERIA Of the University Y. M C A. THE BEST PLACE FOR STUDENTS Breakfast? "to 8 : U) Dinner 1 1 to 1 : W Supper 5 : .40 to 7 :- THE TEMPLE -: Senior Pins For Sale - New Ship ment received The I'lmeisity Hook Store. The Xi Deltas held their monthly meeting with Marjone Kimball Tues- stur Captain Carrier was of invalu- (jav eVening able aid in assisting the coach to weld the into a lighting unit In addition to shouldeiing his end of the responsibility Carrier played a stellar game at lorward, and was one of the men who could be relied on for con sistenl plaing. Haskell Stryker and Underwood have all played a wonderful game throughout the season, and had no difficulty in outclassing any of their opponents in the valley. The game last night was the last in which at least three of this year's team will uphold the honor of the Cornhuskc-n. Captain Carrier, Hyde and Underwood have played their last game and will retire with honors. These men will leave places which will be hard to fill next year but there is a large amount of material in the freshman varsity team of this year, and also some good material in the ranks of the subs from which the coach will have to choose. It will be hard, however, to develop another team in which speed, teamwork and accuracy are bo well combined and so far developed. HOME MADE BAKED GOODS Cookie, Pies, Cakes, Holsum Bread, Fancy Pastries me f)IfM7ti J'W V'l7?fVV oyf .ei- A Cafe Open after the Shows with "GOOD THINGS TO EAT' 1325-31 N STREET " L. C. SMITH & BROS. BALL-BEARING TYPEWRITER Back space key models rebuilt like new. Guaranteed Typewriters. $40.00 to $60.00 Examine one of these before you purchase any make. RENT A TYPEWRITER, if you do not wish to purchase. We furnish a late model up-to-date machine. Typewriter supplies and repairs. yjiT-""' l',7"-ii'r-ii L. C. SMITH & BROS. TYPEWRITER CO. 135 North 13th Street, Lincoln, Nebraska V o "t W y. ' ., Wff W i'PWWIWBHWWWWt" i If ii linn -- Nwttooac: grjra Hi a,aa Afr-gtr-. ttHwhi i. imMMfayi i.',i in j BVWli3aBiUi'