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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1913)
T II E I) A I L Y N E H It A S K A N Y. M. C. A. STATE CONVEN TION OPENS TODAY THEATRES Will Last Four Days With Ten Sessions and Many Special Conferences. The Thirl second slate convention of the Young Men's Christian associa tion of Nebraska, begins today with the annual convention dinnei, which will he held at the reading room of the Y. M. ('. A. building, beginning at 6:30 The convention will la ft four days during which I line ten general ses sions will be held as well as- student conferences which will be arranged fv-r. All uer of the state are In iied lo attenc this great convention as there will be something of interest lor everyone, business ,i;i! profes sional men, college students, mem bers of boards of ui'vetrrs, commit-1 teemen, etc. A program fee of $1 will be charged to cover convention expenses. The headquarters of the convention will bo at the Y. M. ('. A. building and at the Fiist Presbyterian church Some of the convention speakers are: Chancellor Frank Strong of the I'nl- versity of Kansas, William F. Sweet, Denver, Col., Rev. S. II. Forrei of Erio, Penn.. C.eorge I). IMcDili of Chi- J cago, 111., A. (!. Knehel of New York I city, Arthur Cotton of New York city, and John V Nippe, Interstate Stu ' i dent secretaiy Artistic dance progiams and menus for particu'ar people George Urns. Printers, 1313 N street He It Kesohed. That we, the meinbeis ol the Senior Law Class oi the I'nheisity ol Ne braska, do hereby extend our heartfelt sjmpathy, to our class mate and friend, Harry C (Jog gins, for the loss of his beloved mother. He It Further Resolved, That these resolutions be published in the Daily Nebraskan and a copy of the same sent to Harry C Goggins. SENIOR LAW CLASS LATEST MILITARY PROMOTIONS Major and Captain and Quartermaster Announced by Commandant Bowman. The following promotions, appoint nienls and assignments are announced by the Military department: To be major, unassigned, Capt. E. J. Tayloi ; to be captain and quarter master, Lb'iit. A. B. Ballah. Ilagenslck's Orchestra, Auto B-2990. Senior Pins For Sale -- New Ship ment received. The University Hook Store. Home Made Bread COOKIES PIES CAKES tzJyZr0 """" Give us your next order for Punch. We' know we can suit you both in quality and in price I1IRI) STRYKFR EARL HAWKINS GRAHAM GETS GOOD JOB. R. A. Graham, '11, has received no tice of his appointment to the as sistant superintendency of the cement plant of the Superior Portland Cement company. The plant will Include a railroad, an eight mile canal, a Re publican river bridge, and a huge ce ment plant, all of which Mr Graham will have in charge. Notice. No swimming (not senior) class for women at Y M. C A. Thursday, March 13th or 20th. Season contin ued March 27. April 3, 10, 17, 21, and May 1st. TWO HEAD Ted Marrlner Cleaner, Hatter and Repairer. Auto B1799. 235 No. 11th. Freshmen as wen as older students will receive a hearty welcome, courte ous treatment, and the best of service at Green's Barber Shop and Bathhouse, 20 N. 11th St. Adv. Six Loafs for 25c 1-blUI Ms m. Hot Until IBVT JBA wL i LBS HYDE, a Vr.&g JKSSS'H CAPTAIN CARRIER CLASSIFIED COLUMN LOST Phi Delta Chi Frat pin. Find er return to 24-12 T or call I3-1G29 3-7-3t FOR SALE A tapestry bed couch 3x() ft. Lower part holds bedding, upper part made of haid and springs $15.00. 3-8 It Rflbn ft liMIIIIy . &:V MBMBBST run. nr,.N i j-fhiicu nun, m.-cjiiu iiuw. Th(, L (, SmUh & ,.0h T , u ,-mM- Urownell lilk. 1!390 feet; no hotter, ,H lllvalual)h. t() college students who tloor in city; elevator service, cloak wan, u m (),.(, ()- ,,.,,. ,.,.,. wol k af. rooms, toilet rooms, good piano; no ' ter irraduation public dance allowed in hall; limited j Wl, Kivt, sp,.(.jai attention to the to fraternity, sorority, club and pKyate needH of students We have typewrit dances; dates reserved; $8 a night. er8 to r(,nt( aH wt.n as to S(.u A few Both phones. .John Taylor, Brow- rebuilt machines at u bargain. n0" blk- ! L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter ii-ii ni.iv'i- l 1...1, ....I il.w.i FOUND-One black silk muffler Ini tial "G." Owner call at Rag office and pay for this ad. 3-11-lt LOST On Oliver stage Saturday night, large brown engineering book. Finder return or notify Rag office. 3-12-3t LOST Lady's gold watch, monogram M. R. H., with a pearl shatelalne pin. Rewaid if returned to Mable Hayes. L-301 or phone Auto. F-2131. 3-13-lt LOST On the editor of the Cornhusk- er's desk, a short stubby fountain pen, safety variety. Return to this office. 3-13-3t Oliver Theatre FRIJDAY NIGHT, MARCH 14 The Henry B. Harris Estate Presents ROSE STAHL In Her Comedy Success MAGGIE PEPP.ER Chas Klen's Department Store Romance Orch $2, $1.50. Gal 50c. Bal. $1 and 75c ORPHEUMj THE TOP O' TH' WORLD DANCERS MISS FLORENCE MODENA Lola MERRILL & OTTO Frank WOODS & WOODS TRIO WARREN & BLANCHARD CARITA DAY LEW HOFFMAN Bar. Mats at 2:15 Prices 15c, 25c. Night, 8:15 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c. LYRIC CRACKER JmoK FOUR Robert Lee's Manikins PHOTO PLAYS "THE INTERNATIONAL SPIES" "PATHE'S WEEKLY" "THE STORY OF LAVINA" "PUT YOURSELF IN THEIR PLACE " 3 SHOWS DAILY 2, 7 &. 9 P. M. Matinees, Children 5c, Adults 10c Nights All Seats 15c Preserve Your College Work!! Company 1 25 North 13th Street LINCOLN, NEBR. HAVE The Evans DO YOUR WASHING WHITMAN'S CLASSY CANDY Meier Drug- Co. 13th and O St.