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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1913)
T HE DAILY N E H R A S K A N Satly NrbraBkan Property of THE UNIVERSITY OK NEBRASKA. Lincoln KRKDERIC C McCONNliLL, Kdltor-ln Chief. University would be better Berved If the dlHHentlon which Ib manlfcBtlng It elf within the ranks of nominal Uni versity Hupportera was Icbb pro nounced The alms of the University were de feated two years ago because the leg Islatuie had no assurance that Unl- Managing Kdltor Merrill V. Reed ABBodate Kdltor. . Kenneth M Snyder , verslty people were united on the Is Associate Kdltor Cloyd L. Stewart ,, .,.,,, y(,nr ,,,,, Ham, n,HU ,B t0 Literary Kdltor. Chandler Trimble be feared If the regents and the chan- Buslness Manager C. C. Buchanan cellor are to have to combat a series ABBistant Manager J. L. DrlBcoll of objeetloriB to their plans for re circulation Manager I. S. liowon m0Vil SCIUHKS It would seem that a certain pre-' C. L. Yochum. J. L. Cutrlght, H. G. H,im,,ll()I1 (.xHt,,i n fnvor of the re Hewitt, W. l Ooodman, Winifred Soo- , , , , , , , gar, C. N. Brown, K. N. WcIIb, A. II. ,nt s Propona!. because their judg O'Hanlon, L. W. Home, K. A. Turnure, - ment on matters affecting University J. It. Wood, I. K. KroBt, Leon Samuel- (.(.hipment is, we believe, the most son, Clarence Spier, Bessie Mason, ,.,,,., ..,, tllir nnHmn rrtlllniv I the least influenced by personal or ulterior considerations We really fcal that is considerations of the lat ter type were set aside, a great deal1 of the oposition would fall. Lincoln Hull) Squires. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies, 6 Cents Each. TELEPHONES Olllce B-1888. Editor B-1821 Night Phono B-4204 alumni are blinded more or less be-Manuger-U-lXJ21 , (lw ,., ,,,, ,,, , . , - - V il l Wl III Ull. I ltH V II' J M (II V" Entered at the postollleo m Lincoln. ., ,,, ,lftV ()n Ml(l,r far ,. i Nnhrnnkn iik Rornnn-c iihh in nil mutter.1 under the Act of Congress of March 3, lTll(' 0,l111 n," ,ak( "' ,h, ,HH,,P , i879. Tiicsilsiy, .l;imtiiry H, ): CONCOCATION, MEMORIAL HALL. 11 A. M. DR. R. G. THWAITES. of the Wisconsin State Historical Society. Clouding the Issue. Through the activity of Universlt alumni, and a portion of the local and state preBS the question of University removal 1b being forced upon the minds of tho legislature long before it 1b ready to grapple with It. The local managers of tho alumni association are carrying on a persistent campaign against tho measure whllo another element of the association Is using the columns of one of the state's lead ing newspapers to air their grlevences against tho attitude of the Lincoln alumni. Incidentally the Lincoln Dally Star, assuming to represent the position of Lincoln people, is oppos ing tho regent's recommendation for removal, by publishing Interviews with University professors who are Insist ent upon a policy of city campus extension. The wisdom of wholesome discus- music slon on matters affecting the public; I... ,... (., .,. ... I... ,l..,,i..,l .,,.- I., ll,A lUHTll'ni. lo liui lu in in iinu iiui in iiij freedom of expression a fit subject for criticism. The parties possessing an interest in the removal question are of course at liberty to go the limit with a rush which betrays their petty antagonism to Lincoln folks, and there yon are None of these parties are doing the University any fundamental good Their judgment is not backed by mi) material amount of study or Investigation We recommend, even in our humble ness, that the Nebraska Alumni asso ciation through Its "Alumni Bulletin" and through the activity of Its Lin coln headquarters, lay less stress on the removal issue and more on Uni versity appropriations and that the Omaha Alumni association call off its indignation meeting Thursday night, forget Its grievance againBt the Lin coln association, and feed the Omaha Bee with something else besides scare heads and Injured feelings. This Is no time for the display of personal hostil ity, nor is it tho time for people to fight for their personal property when a great Institution like tho University of Nebraska Is hanging in the balance LAW HOP FRIDAY. Law Freshmen Give Annual Dance at Fraternity Hall This Week End. The KreHhmen law hop will be held at Kraternity hall, Thirteen and N streets, Krlday night, January 17. The dance has holm limited to sixty-five tickets which are now on sale by Chairman ('arse of the dance commit tee Jones orchestra will furnish the Ags Elect Officers. Saturday night the Agricultural club elected the following officers for the second semester: President, J. B. Kuska; vice presl- in presenting their views and are not, dent, J. K. Ludden; secretary, H. B. to bo restrained In their efforts to Pier; treasurer, L. A. Townsond. properly sustain their position. Can- Jones Orchestra Fraternity Hall Sfosljmatt lEaut ijnp January 17, 1913 Limited to 65 Tickets $1.25 ARMSTRONG'S JANUARY CLEARANCE High Grade Excello, Earl & Wilson and Yorke Shirtsjn Negligees and Plait Sale Price $1.59 For Excellos and Earl & Wil son's in Bedford cords and Woven Madras, formerly retailing at $2,$2.50, and $3. bale rllCe 9oC For Excellos and Yorkes formerly selling at $1.50. bale rnCe 9C For Yorkes and Armstrong's De Luxe formerly selling at'$l and $1.25. ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO. GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD Re-FRESHMENTSinthecity Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Fountain Pens $1.00 Safety Razors Student's 3-Course Lunch, 25c Geftih CtJlX dor compells us to state, however, that In our judgment the Interests of tho Only a few U. of N. calendars left at the Uni. Book Store. Adv $2.50 Tan Button Shoes That New, Dome Toe, Semi-Heel, Lace. BUDD 1415 O STREET Shoe Sale Beckman Bros. College Shoe Store 1107 O N Ice Skating 22nd and M B aseball Park ,H ' '