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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1913)
XI be SDailv IRebraehan Vol. XII. No. 71 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 15, 1913 Price 5 Cents ENG. HOLD OPEN HOUSE 1 delivers historical address STIFF WORK FOR SQUAD j in FAVOR OF REMOVAL fc SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, SET ASIDE FOR ENGINEERS' NIGHT BY STUDENTS WILL OPEN BUILDING TO PUBLIC Legislators, High School Students, and All University Students In vited to See Laboratories In Full Force. Ab a result of agitation by the stu dent section of the A S M. E and the Engineering Society, the faculty of the college has set apart the even ing of Saturday, Feb. 8, as Engineers' night The laboratories of the Me chanical engineering building, the Electrical laboratory, and the Ma terials Jesting Laboratory will be run- ning in full force for the Inspection of the public Invitations will be sent to each member of the legislature, and a general Invitation extended to the Commercial Club, the Lincoln high school, nnd all who may be interested. This will offer an excellent oppor tunity to see the engineering labora tories In operation The laboratories will be In charge of professors and In structors, and each machine will have one or more students In charge aB a demonstrator. Junior and Senior C. E's will have charge of the Materials Testing laboratory, Junior and Sen .lor E. E.'8 of the electrical laboratory, Freshmen and Sophomores the forge, foundry and woodworking laborator ies, and mechanical engineers the re mainder of the M. E. building. A heat will be run In the foundry room and the public will have a chance to see the process of making castings. Rumor has It that the elec trical engineers aro planning a spec tacular demonstration of their depart ment All engineers will be needed on thlB night, as the success of the scheme depends on the individual work of each man P. S Toney is chairman of the committee In charge. ENGLISH CLUB TO MEET. Special Meeting Called for Thi6 After noon In Prof. Buck's Office On Account of Death. A meeting of the English Club will be held this afternoon at 5 o'clock In Professor Buck's office in U 107 C. Tho meeting has been called for the purpose of taking action apropos the death of Miss Longman, who was a prominent member of the club. All Juniors and Seniors who want their pictures In the 1913 Cornhusk er will have the same taken at Town send's before February 1st. Three dollars covers the price of the photos and the cut. Dr. R. G. ThwalteB Tells of Early EventB of Mississippi Valley Exploration and Set tlement. VIVID PICTURES OF HARDSHIP Dr. H. (1 Tlnwiltes, secietaij of the Wisconsin State Historical Societj, de livered a very eloquent adieus of much llterarj value, before a fair sized crowd at convocation yesterday morning He chose as his subject, "Some of the Many Elements In the History of the Mississippi Valley" In a very graphic manner he told of the early explorations of the Mis sissippi river by the Spanish, the French, the Journes of the Jesuit missionaries, and the Franciscans, and of their toll and Belf sacrifice After this drama of the New France the cur- tain fell on the invasion of the invasion of British, resulting in the selling of Louisiana, which had become the po litical chessboard of Spain, France, and Great Britain Hut explorations I continued westward, ever pushing the Indian further and further into the in terior and in time conquered this race, believing that white man's might was right Then he told of the widening of the trailB by the emigrants and the Bufferings they endured, the disap pearance of the buffalo, which was suc ceeded by the cowboy, which in turn also disappeared. Then came the pic turesque river navigation, followed by the long and terrible war. Thus, Dr. Thwaites told of the history that this great river basin had played In tho events of this country. n closing, ho said: "It Ib a Btory of a splendid epic and should hope and rejoice for the time when the poet or artist materializes who can interpret these annals Into a beautiful romance." While In the city, Dr Thwaites Ib the guest of the Nebraska Historical Society, at whose banquet he will de liver an address. Wednesday night he will speak In the Temple under the auspices of this society. NEW OFFICE HAS BEEN CREATED Capt. Skinner Given Rank of Major Other Promotions Along Line In Military Department. Yesterday several appointments and promotions were announced In the military department, to take effect immediately, subject to tho approval of the chancellor. They are as fol lows: To be major (unaaslgned), Capt. Adj. L. T. Skinner. To be captain and regimental ad jutant, Lieut. A. L. H. Hickman. To bo second lieutenant, Company F, Sergeant Major H. R. Harley. To be regimental sergeant major, Color Sergeant L. It. Hudd. To be color Bergeant, Private E. C. Montgomery. In Anticipation of Stiff Game With Alumni Team Last of the Week. MAKE THE VETS. PLAY HARD Tuesday evening basketball practice consisted of tso llfteen minute pe riods of nt tenuous workout for the 'varsity and subs Every individual out was given a chance to demonstiate his ability at both basket shooting and cute h-as-catch can wrestling More of the lat ter predominated Hawkins, Meier, Koifer, and Howe are showing a decided improvement and give promise of making every vet eran work for his position. IteportB from Omaha bear the tid IngB that the ex-uni bunch are going to show the present "CornlniBkerB" that they can come back strong and the fact that Nagle may play with them will make the game even more i Interesting. Wesleyan is also working strenu ously In preparation for their game with the 'varsity Saturday. An Ink ling of their strength will be ascer tained Thursday evening when they play the University of Omaha team. WRESTLERS MEET THURSDAY Several Places on Team to Be Filled Plans to Get an Instructor Under Way. In view of the coming wrestling tournament to be held thlB apring tho University Wrestling club will hold a meeting Thursday to got a line on all available material. Bealdes tak- nnrt In t h o Iniirnnmanl It la planned to have those who make tho team take several trips to compete with teams of neighboring schools There are several men to be chosen thero Is a good reward In sight as for those who turn out. Fred Gunther, newly elected presi dent of the club, will preside at the meeting Thursday. IManB are being made to secure a first class man as Instructor He wil give both private and general instructions to those who decide to take part Much material is thought to be available which has not shown up yet, and every man pos sible should turn out. if Applications for positions on if -A- the Editorial and Business staffs ir of The Dally Nebraskan will be received by Prof. Aylesworth, if secretary of the Student Publl- if if cation Board any time before r if Saturday noon, January 18, 1913, if if Applications are to be made on if if blanks obtainable either at the if if secretary's office, U. 103, or at if if the Nebraskan office. if PHI ALPHA TAU PASSES RESOLU TION ENDORSING RE GENTS' STAND. CREATE STUDENT SPIRIT Member of Public 8peaking Organiza tions Find Strong Arguments for Campus Change Urge Stu dent Support. A resolution endorsing the Hoard of Regents' recommendation for Univer sity removal and committing the or ganization to that policy was passed by Phi Alpha Tan, the honorary debat ing and public speaking fraternity at Its monthly meeting held last evening at! the Lincoln Hotel. The resolution wan presented by Ernest Hahn, a Sen ior in the law college, and was the subject of an Interesting two Iioutb' discussion, In which every member present took an active part Woul Foster Unity. Most of the speakers confined them bcIvcb to arguments in favor of tho removal proposal, the principal point advanced being that It would Insure a greater unity and concentration of University activity (' A Sorenson in answer to tho assertion that removal would discourage student employment, urged that u greater per cent of farm students earn their way through col lege than do Btudents on the city cam pus, and that In many cubcs the prin cipal work done by students wub per formed on Saturday. He referred also t,o (the employment of Cotner and Wealeyan Btudents In the city as tend ing to Bhow that such employment waH "ol "" " ibiun .,," !.,. if ,, il. !(., L .. ..1 1... 1.1 .. l.......,l . ' "' u "- ,lJ Students Unsociable. Anon Raymond pointed out that what the students needed mostly waB sociability with ,and ijmong them- olves, and that under the present so- called "city system" they were prac tically denied any of this He favored removal as a means toward the crea tion and establishment of a more thor ough and unified university spirit. Several of the speakers observed that removal did not mean the com plete segregation of the students from all things earthly and material. Ho was assured that in time, the "Sara toga" would move to the farm, and that like It, the other atributes of the city would soon be within hailing distance of the students. C. L. Clark spoke against the meas ure, contending, with former mayor, Don L. Love, that an elllclent educa- tlonal plant could be built and maln- talned without tho accompaniment of a pleasing campiiB, that the same could bo built on the present quarters, making unnocoBsary the acquisition of new land. ( Investigation Thorough. The general sentiment expressed at the meeting was that the regents had (Continued on Page Four)