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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1912)
pomnffvimpi Qhe Batl IRebrasfcan VOL. XII. NO. 24 UNIVERSITY OK NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUKSDAY, OCT 22, 1912. Price S Ccntfr ',! PURDY GAINS FAME CORNHUSKER HALFBACK CAUSES COMMENT IN GOPHER CAMP. NEBRASKA SUFFERS EMPTY LOSS Gopher Victory Comes After Interven tion of Convenient External Cir cumstances McAlmon Stars for Minnesota. A costly tnalty and an intercepted forward pans proved the undoing of Nebraska's football eleven Saturday in its annual clash with the University of Minnesota. The score was ill to n, but this margin is not a fair barometer of the merits of the two teams. Hut to have seen the notable contest gorfernlflhlp fhnt the ball was advanced from Nebraskn territory to within tin shadow of the Mirlnosotn goal posts As to the signal for a forwaid pass, it need merely be said that he was work inn under orders from a Higher author ity and was therefore not at liberty to use better judgment Good Rooting Done. A feature of Saturdays contest which can not be overlooked was the excellence of the Minnesota rooting It was demonstrative, yet really itnpres she, and must have been no mean inspiration to the (iopher team Kspe eially is this true of one of their novel ties Whenever a Minnesota man was hurt or the Minnesota goal endan gered, the great crowd would rise with heads uncovered and remain standing while the band played the strains of the Minnesota "Alma Mater" Nebraska s band far excelled the work of the Minnesota organization. i on Northrup Field Saturday afternoon would have impressed the most candid ."'"""" numbering half as many me. and impartial observer that seldom. (U mmU' !1 K"otl ""Pn-sslon ami was ever, have two more evenly matched onlisillv applauded b the local root tennis, in both weight artd ability, been rH' brought together in mutual contest It I " must rtot be denied that Minnesota has a wonderlul or at least a good team Dr Williams" two weeks of practice FIRST JUNIOR METING NODAY Minor Officers Will Be Elected Com mittee Appointments Made Will Be Announced. The (list meeting of the Junior class will be held this morning in Memorial Hall at II :t() At this time minor oflieers will be elected atrd routine business transacted President Clark Dickinson will an nounce the following appointments Junior Appointments. I'loni Weed Dawson (chairman I , .1 I, Driscoll (master ot ceremonies), Ralph W (JaHrett. Fli.abcH h Hyde, Isabel M Coons, Raymond Smith, Wil ham K Kavan, Ruth Hridonhuugh, Julius C Harpham, llyrne C Marcel lus, Helen M Jess, Fred R Trumbull Hop Kirk Fowler (chairman), mas ter of ceremonies to be announced OLYMPIC PLANS OUT INNOCENTS GET LOWER CLASSES STARTED TOWARD SCRAP. BATTLE ROYAL OVER CANVAS Different Plan from Pole Scrap of Lnt Year Privilege Will Be Granted Winning Class Held No vember 16. Two Inrroi cuts, two sophomores, and two Ireslinieii a lew days ago hold n solemn conclave ami between them biouglit into being the olllelal program for the llftb gioat Olympic ot tlio under ( las-sinen, to lie held Novem ber If, As has boon the custom foi several years, the side seoiing tin gioatost i ...... i . . . . ... . ,. l.-.i...- lie., .1 it.l,l,..- Mil.lro.1 Km ! '""'''' pomi s mil oi a possuue iuw CLOCK GIFT OF 1912 ARRIVES behind closed doois, locked and sealed, ' Will Be Placed in Arch Over Library U())(M.(S lor, David Reavis, Hird Strykor, Don Wood, Margaret Long. Joe Johnson, ithur lln, VJasta Steiba, Harney V ( : ill thletics Leonard Purely ((hair man). (Jeorge Uaeoh, Kd A Nal.igei, Fieri Cunther, Koswell Haskell, Paul was not spent in vain Out of that ag gregation of so called green men ho developed a most surprisingly, ellicient machine For new material such men as McAlmon and Krdall made a re nun kable showing Steps Soon No Presentation Exercises. The clock which was given b the class of 1!U2 to the I'niveisitv finally arrived It was given its first The Minneapolis papers have al jhath of Nebraska air yesterday after ready sought to class the former with noon in the lowly carpentei shop be .Ik, Capion, and McGovern. men .10 have helped give Minnesota her enviable reputation in the football world, arrd before the season Is over it is not to he doubted that their olassifi cation will bo found correct Purdy Stars. Hut in Nebraska, students have noth ing to bo ashamed They have yet to see the like of such wonderful work as was done bv Leonard I'urdv He is the hind University Hall. It will not be long, however-, before it will stand high above the heads ot co eds, fussers, profs, janitors, and so forth, as a silent witness to the fact that "time flioth " A niche will have to be made In the arch above the library steps before the clock can be raised to its last resting place No formal presentation of the present will bo made, as the class has scattered too much The firm from which the clock was one man that stood above them all, .ordered is responsible for the tact that and for whom the Minnesota stands, ' the clock was not delivered in time to wins the contest Tin- program runs. as follows. Cross counti y inn The fust three places scoilng In, C, ami I points, re spool l ely Hoxing In the Hue.' weights, scor ing . points each WroMling In Ihi- thiei weights, scoi nig . points e.K li I Ten nun on t It side. 'counts li points I I log i ie 'I he old i nut n !i e 1 1 esh linen and live sophomore, ea h strlv ,.nnfwto 'J ie. i he othei, ((tun's In points SOCIETY I l'a1, M" "'" ,''-1' ""' ''it'll'- "y"l III is planned that the struggle will bo ,over a pie e ot canvas Two men from Engineers of City Unite With College , ,,..,, ,,. ,,,,, ,,,,. SjlimiSi all(l al a Oh mpics I l.uold M lller (( hail man). Tryon Shepherd, Joseph Foi inanek. O T IVterson. Heibeit Muni iiu II C Collins NEW ENGINEERING of Engineering in Forming Impor tant Organization. A mooting of engineers representing the College of Kngineering, city engi neor's office, railway commission, trac tion company, gas company. Hurling ton railroad, state engineer and sev oral commercial engineers of Lincoln for the organization ol an engineers' society whose purpose is to discuss (intent engineering topics and ah , gives signal they are joined by their respective sides, and the side that first succeeds In pulling the other hack into their out territory stand winners; counts LT) points Heretolore the winning class ban held the privilege of wearing their class caps and colors It has also been a custom for the wiilners to parade down the principal streets, thus adver tising their victory to the world It "(I been definltelv decided what right in the heat ot the contest, stood be given over by the class at the time r,:'1 '-"'lM'iiMH " ,llf' '" ' I"'1'' special ptivilego v.iV. bo gi,;n.V-fJ the it the engineering building ol the I in veisity on Friday evening 11 cit J N Miidgmau was chosen temporary chairman and C 11 (lerbei face of Minnesota's first touchdown I "' '" n,1'- ' ' see he took the principal interest in plant Co,d wat"e'- "-eaves Semi-Flnals Un- rotary (! A Montgomery and A W inir the ball within striking dlstnnco of' played Should Be Finished Soon. 'Andrews were appointed on the exeeu aghast giving applause toi his brilliant of -rad nation last yeai. performances on. the field He showed , his fighting spirit and injected the ' FROST BOTHERS TENNIS SHARKS same irrto the team, and when in the ! hol'leis ol the laurels on the lfith 01 next November, but the Innocent promise that it is something big. FRESHMAN HOP DATE SET. the Gopher goal Captain Frank proved a good second to Purely, and together with Mulligan did good work in making Nebraska's gains The line was weak, disappointingly so, but not without cause, as Harmon's and i'earson's injuries attested. The Though the tennis tournament was supposed to have boon finished last week, the cold weather has caught the racquet sharks with all of the semi finals to bo played Williams defeated Deemer, (-(), fi-1, and will play off his semi-final match with Sussrnan, who also placed in the semi finals These live committee to act with the chair Will Be Last Class Hop Before Chrlst- report got out that "they got through" two wl pIay aH HOOn llH lhl. weuther Alien occasionally i is true, but m.rmltH. Tne b,.lter )layor of theH(J only when the Minnesota quarter piit;two wl ,)lay elther Schm,,lt (r Flll(1. three men on the job. ,uy who a8 y,t Mav(l n(), p,aye(, lher In Its account of tlie game the State 'match. Journal gives credit to Max Towie for Nebraska's failure to score when the ball had been placed on Minnesota's three yard line. The fact of the mat ter is that the Journal had no repre sentative at the game and took Its re port from a Minneapolis writer. An apparent injustice 1h done to Mox when it is considered that it was under hlB It is desirable that these final games, be played as soon as possible. Hereafter the editor, managing edi tor and news editor of the Daily Palo Alto of Lelaud Stanford University will receive medals for participation in Htudent activities. man In the completion of this organiza tion Nearly thirty engineers were pres- jent and the organization promises to bo of considerable importance. The next meeting will be held on Novem- Iber lfi OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o o O OFFICERS' MEETING O O O O There will be a meeting of all O O commissioned officers in the cadet O O regiment at 5:45 tonight in the O O officers' room at the east end of O O the Armory. All officers are ex- O O pected to attend. O O C. J. LORD, Colonel. O O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO mas Holidays. December 14 has boon definitely act as the date ot the annual freshman 'hop, which will be the last University social event before the Christmas holi days. The dance is to be held at tlio Lincoln Motel Tickets to the number ! of 100 will be placed on sale about the first of December ThiB is absolutely a limited dance, and only 100 tickets will be printed. Raise Money for Suffrage. To raise funds for the woman suf frage cause the young women of tlio University of Wisconsin are selling u "Votes for Women" button this month. Clog dancing is a part of the physi cal training course for men at the Unlr veraity of Michigan. K V, Ukiil'yl-i ayX4'itLJlUl fara&.;Wiai& S&-JLMt&&$JWuAkA h . --. . .. j . .. R i ', t .T...1 i - .. J