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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1912)
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN NOTICE8. K. m I- v 1 ENGINEERS PLAN FESTIVITIES Engineering Society Behind Plan of Promoting 8chool and College Spirit. A movement ls on f(K" ft'"onB the engineers to work vi p more Nebraska and KnglnecrlnK College Hplrit thl semester than hnH existed before 'I'lie engineering norlety is behind the movement, and Ih aHklng for the co operation of nil Hie rn"n In tho college Ah a means I" 11h n(I a smoker Ih beiug pin n ned for. to be held In the near future In pat yearn this open ing Hmokor hnH been a red letter day for the engineer to pet together and work up whnt spirit 1b nocosHtiry for their organization It affordH the up per claBRmen nml freHhmen an oppor tunlty to get acquainted The date and place of the Hmoker will be an nounced In a few lfys At the smoker the date of an Orpheum party will be announced and further planB for the year will be dlflcloBcd. The committees In charge of those affairs are men prominent in tho engl neerlnR society Kor the membership and smoker committee I. R Owen. S. A Swnnfion. S K Clark, M (' Evans, and H K Lyman will act J O Shultz, II H Harmon. K Kolls, C 0. Keirle. and C Wohlford are the committeemen for the Orpheum part Suggestions from those Interested will be received by those men Preparation for the first number of tho Blue Print, the semi annual pub llcatlon of the enRineerlng society, are under way. Editor Carter and Ruhi neBB Manager Krause are RettlnR the affairs of the paper in shape bo that there will be no hitch In the matter of publishing It Wilson Men Meet. There will be a meeting of the Unl erslty Wilson Marshall Club at the chibrooniB nt 1220 N fltreet Thursday at 7 4f p in to make final arrange ments for the club's participation at the reception to be Riven to Governor Wilson at the depot and at the Temple, where he will probably addresH the students Rhetoric Books Needed. There Is a marked scarcity of text books in tho rhetoric department, and all students having old or second-hand books can easily dispose of them at either tho University book store or tho Co op P. E. O. Notice. Chapter K, P E O, earnestly re quests every University of Nebraska Rirl who is a P E O or the dauphter of a P E O to send a card bearing her name and Lincoln address to Mrs Charles Kordyee, 1921 C street, city, on or before October 5. Tennis Men Meet. All tennlB men (freshmen Included) meet in II 102 at 11 o'clock Thursday Permanent organization will be effect ed, and arranRoments made for the usual fall tournament WILSON TO SPEAK (ConXlnuod from PaRo One) The local Wllaon-MarBhall Club wil' eecort the candidate to tho Temple and it Is expected will be assisted b tho band Definite arrangements aB to this feature of tho program will be made at a later date TICKETS TAKE WELL ON CAMPUS Members of Boosters' Committee Find No Difficulty In Disposing of Season Tickets. Aldrlch to Speak. Gov C H Aldrlch will address the newly organized Progressive League Saturday evening at a special meeting in the University Temple Field Geography Notice. Those registered in field geography 21 Bhould see Instructor before 5 p m Wednesday. N A. BENGSTON Classified Column FORRENT Light modern furnished rooms at 636 North 16th St. 5t THE person who was seen to take rain coat from Temple Hldg Friday noon of the 27th will return same at once to escape legal action Berkley A Thomas jL Tho number of season athletic tick eta Bold yesterday ban not et been ascertained, as only a few of the coin mittee have reported Manager Heed, however. Is confident that the sale will exceed by far the results up to this time In any prolous year The red tags were conspicuous all oer me campus, and members of the boosters' committee could be seen ever where MiBB Igerna Montgomery was the first one to report all her twenty tick ets sold She will receive a season paBB for her promptness Other mem bers of the committee came in later, reporting that it wub an easy matter to dispone of the tickets, aB every one realized the value offered Owing to the fact that not all who desired tickets had a chance to pur--vse them yeBterda, it has been de nied to continue the boosting cam paign until Friday Over 1,300 ticketB have been distributed to the commit tce bo far. Manager Reed will prob order another lot of tickets to- iat all may bo accommodated. FOR RENT Suite of 3 nicely fur nished large connecting rooms on third floor, suitable for six boys that wibh to be together Call 1425 S St Campus Notes Don Steenburg, Pip Cook, Buck Belt zer, Johnnie Dudgen and jack Farley have visited at the Kappa Sigma house the past week Ladies' clothing cleaned, remodeled and repaired by an experienced dress maker Satisfactory work at reason able prices Mrs Bricka, 315 8oiiii 17th Auto B-4844 Adv 10-2 It Jones' Orchestra. Phone L-8605 F R Wedge. '08. dropped in the Nebraskan otllco yesterday. Wedge was formerly a boxing instructor in the University He haB recently given up the game and 1b now a traveling evangelist Meet me at Green's, 120 North lltb For Sale Second Hand Books 15 Watson Physics 15 Clark and Blanchard Practi cal Speakers 9 Judd Psychology 7 Adams Finance 6 Hertj'ig Zoology 3 Parker and Harwell Zoology 6 Cheneyney History of Eng land And many other books used this semester. We also keep the latest University novelties. The University Book Store 340 N. 11th Street D. B. GILBERT, Manager. LINCOLN, NEB. STUDY MUSIC in an establish school whero tho BtandardB of instruction are given tho same careful thought as In tho beBt departments of the University. THE UNIVER8ITY SCHOOL OF MU8IC offers splendid Instruction in Pipe Organ, Pianoforte, Voice, Violin, Clar inet. Flute, Saxaphone, Cornet, all Theoretical branches and Public Music. Department of Dramatic Art Apply for full information at School building 11th and R StreotB Opposite tho University THE UNIVERSITY MEN'S TAILORS Wa could make them "Cheaper," but we "Won't " WaVould malt e-them "Better,'' but we "Can't." LARGEST STOCK OF WOOLENS IN THE WEST AND AT POPULAR PRICES, TOO. 1 RUN JY OLD U. OF N. MEN CLEANING PRESSING REPAIRING Auto 6007 Jones & Bailing, 135 No. 11th 0JI?r jffltrrrljante jCamt&ry Wnulu likr ynnr Horh. TRY THEM" 240 &a. 1 lttr &t. Vtnroln. 3Nrb. iNtlNTIHG; WE WILL UBCOUt-HM. DIE STAMPING FOR YOU GIVE US A CHANCE 128 N. 14th See ou r Sample. R A Killlan, ex '13, of Wahoo, Is vlBiting University friends in Lincoln Ho expects to remain in the city dur ing the rest of the week Call Roy O. Warde, dance orchestra, Auto 7186, L-8152. The night classes at the Nebraska School of RusinesB, corner Fourteenth and O streets, start this week Sev eral U of N men hae registeied You can get shorthand, typewriting, penmanship, bookkeeping corporal jii and bank accounting Ad lOL' i Word has just been received of the marriage, on September 22, of MIbb lOlBie Adams, class '08, to Alvah Lynn Weaver, midwinter class 'Oil, in Glen dale, Cal Mr. Weaver is the district superintendent of the Pacific Tele phone and Telegraph Company, with ofllees In Los Angeles, and after the wedding trip to Santa Barbara Mr and Mtb Weaver will make their home In Glendale ..c i.aveme dest woikman, the laig most Banitary and modern bather hop and bathhouse in the city Stu dent pratronage kindly solicited Green's, 120 North Eleventh Hear ex-Mayor Seidel of Milwaukee Friday, October 4, UniverBity Temple, 8 p m Adv. 10 2 3t After three weeks of practice with bis squad, Coach Williams of Ames is still sending out bear stories and pre dictions of disaster and defeat Tho material at hand is not satisfactory to Williams, tho number of veterans Is too small, and the new rules, ho thinks, have damaged his proapets. Hagenslck's Orchestra. Auto 9042. ! ttfr 'fSrmioBmamKau . C ilwMMHi