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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1912)
Ebe SDatlx) IFlebrasfcan ( Vl VOL. XII. NO. 11 UNIVKRSITY OF NKHRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, OCT. t, 1912. I'ricc 5 Cents MAKE GOOD START Bohemian depwnt honored GOPHERS EXPRESS FEAR FRAT LINEUP BEGINS Count and Countess Luetzow Present Department with Flag, the Na tional Emblem. Searle Holmes Writes About the Gloom that Hangs Over Gophers' Camp. FIRST DAY OF Y. M. C. A. BUDGET CAMPAIGN BRINGS RESULTS. PROF. ENGBERG ANNOUNCES RAT ING OF FRATERNITIE8. SOLICITORS REPORT SUCCESS Professor Hoffman Speaks at Red Room Dinner, Comparing Budget of Y. M. C. A. to "Overhead Expense" of Factory. "The University Y. M. C A. is the natural socinl center for all Univer sity men and might well be called the young men's club of the Univer sity. At this club every man, re gardless of nationality, social posi tion or creed, is welcome. Every normal man needs an outlet to his social nature and ought to come in contact with his fellows in a social way, Many a man has been a fail ure because of his inability to mix with his fellows The association offers a Bplendid mixing place for University men. "The Y M. C. A cafeteria Is prov ing to be a fine place where Uni versity men can gather around a common board, and is solving the high cost of living for the Univer sity man. "The association can be made an increasingly greater force in the moral and social life of the Univer sity and deserves the moral and financial support of every man who is truly interested in the highest welfare of the University. "Asst. Prof, of Zoology." "PROFESSOR BARKER, The first official day of the Univer sity Y. M. (' A financial campaign closed last night at the workers' din ner in the red room of the city asso ciation Team leaders turned In their reports at this feed The contribu tions of the first day easily equaled the daily average which must be main tained in order to raise the budget. A number of the solicitors related their experiences for the benefit of each other A number had secured contributions as high as $10, and some of these amounts came from freshmen Tho meeting closed with a talk by Professor Hoffman, who answered an objection met bo often during the day, "I don't get any benefit from the Y. M. C. A and so why should I help pay its bills?" The professor Btated that no student can escape the benefit from the Y AI C A because Kb influence surrounds and envelopes all University life, forms ideals, fills a social need, tones up the very air we breathe "The expense of the association is analo gous to 'overhead expense' in facto ries; while, very essential it can not be charged to any one account nor in dividual, but is divided equally among all. So this Y Al C A. budget is overhead expense' in this institution and must be borne by all, for it affects all, directly or indirectly." The Count and Countess Luetzow, who last spring were gueBts of the University, have presented the Bone mlan department with a large flag It is now in the local customs office and will be delivered to the school some time this week, and placed on exhibi tion in room 106, AI A This flag is the national emblem of Bohemia and is really a work of art; a silver lion rampant on a scarlet field It Is the second gift which the department has received from Count Luetzow, the first being a complete set of his own works, both In English and Bohemian. Miss Hrbck displays with pride a number of clippings from foreign papers in which the Count speaks very favorably of his visit to Nebraska University. WILSON WINS IN WALKAWAY Laws Elect New Jersey Candidate by Substantial Majority Roosevelt and Taft Outclassed. Wilson. Roosevelt, Taft such 1b the verdict of the irrepressible laws on the presidential race. At 'a straw vote held in the law headquarters yesterday morning the New Jersey candidate fin ished strong, with his nearest competi tor Roosevelt, 23 votes behind, and Taft left far in the rear. The result, in figures, is: Wilson 30, Roosevelt 7, Taft 2. Alinnesota looks with apprehension upon the approaching football clash between the Cornhuskers and the Go phers This Information comes from Searle F Holmes, who writes from the home of the Gophers "I am delighted to hear of the rose colored atmosphere which hangB over the football field at old Nebraska. It is a marked contrast to the predoml nance of gloom and mutterlngs which characterizes AllnneBota's football ac tivities. After the South Dakota game the local papers even went so far as to criticise the lack of spirit among the students, and to characterize the root ing as 'weak and lacking in spontan aclty.' "NeedleBB to say, these develop ments have filled me with fiendish glee and a growing desire to see the Corn huskers. Of course, the Gophers are now receiving a thorough shakeup, and the moBt strenuous kind of coaching under Williams, Tom Shevlln and Ale Govern, so they may develop wonder fully. One thing, however, is certain they are anticipating tho Nebraska game with more genuine fear and trem bling than has possessed their souls for several years." Holmes was editor of the Nebraskan last Bemester and graduated from the University with Phi Beta Kappa hon ors. Ho Is now located with an advertis ing establishment In Minneapolis. RECORD OF LAST YEAR'S WORK Table Shows Standing According to Scholastic Records Alpha Theta and Acacias Lead in Differ ent Semesters. GLEE CLUB TRIALS MONDAY Annual Tryout for PlaceB In Singing Organization to Be Held in Temple. The annual tryouts for the Univer sity Glee Club will be held next Alon day evening, October 7, in the music room of the Temple. Last year there were over 100 applicants for places in the Glee Club circle. It is expected that the competition will be just as keen this year, especially in view of the possibility of the club making a coast trip. The tryout will commence sharply at 7:30 Candidates muBt furnish their own music. Scandinavians to Meet. The organization of a Scandinavian club of the University of Nebraska considered next Alonday even ing at 7:30 o'clock in University Hall 108. Swedes, Danes, Norwegians, Iceland ers and others interested are urged to be present. The rating of the fraternities In tho University, based on their scholastic records of last year, haB been propared by Professor Engborg and Is given be low A list of tho fraternities and Bororltles, giving their records for tho two semesters of last year, was prlnt ed In one of tho first Ibbuob of tho Nebraskan, but this Ib the first list which has been made giving their rat ing to oach other BOWMAN SPEAKS TO CADET8. Says Army Officers In Favor of Peace, But Nations Not Ready to Arbitrate. Tho University Cadets were given a welcome surprise last evening, when Commandant Bowman announced that for once tho weather condition would not nermlt ontslek drill Ah n re ' suit the three battalions were seated in the chapel and were given a thirty minute lecture by the commandant He answered tho main objections to drill aB proposed by the Btudents whose out conscience bothers them on peace questions, and outlined briefly the present status of the United States in regard to war and arbitration. He said In part: "There are some things that a nation can not arbitrate and at the same time keep Its Belf-respect There are no men more -in favor of universal peace than a group of pro fessional army officers, and yet they believe that the day has not arrived for all nations to throw down their arms " In closing he pointed out the advantage of strict discipline and urged the cadets to work earnestly. Cotner and Doane meet In the first game of the season next Saturday on the Cotner field. Cotner has a large bunch of green material, for It is their second year of football, but they have been working hard the paBt two weekb and hope to make a good showing next Saturday. Acting on tho request of several fra ternity men, I have prepared tho fol lowing table, showing the relatlvo scholastic standing of the fraternities. In order that all of the grades might be considered I used the table of grade percentages, weighing them aa follows- E weight 4, G 3, Al 2, P 1, A 0. I 1, C 2, F and D 3 Take, for instance. A:p!lfl Theta Chi. this glroa 4 X 19 1 -I 3 X 28 7 2 25 f. IX 17.1 1 X3.9 2X3 13 X 2 4 230 8 17.3 213 5. FIRST SEMESTER. Theta Chi 213.5 Phi km,,-" ;, 73-4 Sigma Nu '.' . 161.2 Delta" Chi loft-"4 Acacia 154.8 Phi Gamma Delta 127.0 Delta UpBilon 126.9 Alpha Tau Omega 114.5 8lgma Chi 103.0 Kappa Sigma 93.7 Delta Tau Delta 92.7 Sigma Phi Epsllon 92.6 Sigma Alpha Epsllon 87.6 Phi Delta Theta 81.3 Beta Theta Pi 79.4 SECOND SEA1ESTER. Acacia 239.3" Alpha Theta Chi 186.9- Phi Kappa PbI 162.3 Delta Upsllon ' 162.2 Sigma Alpha Epsllon 156.2 Sigma Nu 148.1 Delta Chi 129.6 Kappa Sigma 126.3 Alpha Tau Omega 125.4 Sigma Phi EpBilon 123.8 Phi Gamma Delta 112.1 Phi Delta Theta 110.5 Beta Theta Pi 109.7 Delta Tau Delta 105.1 Sigma Chi 104.1 (Signed) CARL C. ENGBERO. Geography 9 Notice. All members of the class in field geography for women, course 9, meet in U 7, Saturday morning, 8 30 DONEE GRIFFITH. E. A. Wiggenhorn, '98, of Ashland, was a visitor In University circles yes terday. He 1b passing through Lincoln en route to tho West. 1 Ml i :l V.J " A .0- Ya x M-XJt - v t 'tis til Ullt.i ,'tt.tmtif &i&.ter.i -, rtA A 9 r