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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1912)
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN ! MULLIGAN LONE MAN BEATRICE MAN A CANDIDATE FOR SENIOR PRESIDENCY. FILING CLOSES THURSDAY Class Politicians Slow in Getting Ma chinery into Action Other Filings Expected Soon No Names Later than Thursday. chooHo the right man from the many applicants, not to cIiooho the nppll cantH from the many In the clans, and in all probability this year's class will bloBsom o"t in time. Prospective candidates are warned that If they wish to have their names on the ballots they must have their applications (lied with the Registrar before Thursday No names will be considered at a later date The "general election" in University politics is but one week away, yet there is only one man at whom you can point your finger and say, "There's a candidate " Harold It Mulligan, of Beatrice, has announced that he is in the race for the presidency of the senior class. He is well known among the students of his class, made his "R" in football last year, and is slated for a place with the Cornhuskers this season He is a mem her of the Delta Tau Delta fraternity Other candidates for the honor will not be lacking, in all probability, as the time for the election draws nearer, but at present no others have signified their intention of placing their names on the ballot Among the juniors there is a sup pressed air which indicates the llve ness of the subject, but as yet no one has been announced for the race. It is thought that before the day is over one candidate at least will be announced The junior plum is one which usually falls after a hard light, and those who contemplate running are probably un willing to act hastily in their plans In the two lower classes there seem to be no signs of life, which, consider ing the spirit that these classes usually show. Is rather strange With Thurs day the last day on which it will be possible to file applications, the time for organization or even spontaneous action is growing limited, and there will have to be a mighty upheaval in these classes when anything Is started. Lincoln and Omaha were both repre sented in the presidential chair of the freshman class last year, so it is prob able that an effort will be made to unite on some out-state man for the first semester of the sucond yVar Among the freshmen the luck of in terest shown denotes the absence of leadership or initiative, and It evident ly evolves upon some of the ex-high school spellbinders to gather up the wandering elements of the class and effect an organization of some sort In the past the difficulty has been to FRAT RUSH BEGINS (Continued from Page One) "pulled off" on the unsuspecting fresh men They run all the way from a long-distance auto ride to Omaha for the Ak-Sar-Hon festivities to "peanut lunch" In the Univorslty cafeteria Freshmen before they can pledge any fraternity must be registered for at least twelve hours in the Univer sity, and able to present twenty-eight University entrance credits FASHIONS APPAL MERE MEN (Continued from Page One) The fair damsels appear to be con stantly watching for a "young Lochin ar to come out of the west" (apolo gies to .Miss Howell) We fellows in our last winter's "hand me (low n" blue serges feel simply outclassed, that's all Is it any wonder that so many of us (?) are forced to become stu dents instead of fussers? A. S. M. E. to Meet. An important business meeting will sure be held tonight in M V. ljut; Ker mechanical engineer is urged to be present. P. S. TONKY, Chairman Rooting Section Enlarged. As an inducement additional to the financial one, the athletic management lias arranged to reserve the best seats of both grandstands for the holders of season tickets. The girls' section will consist of the entire "D" section, the middle part of the north stand, while the men's rooting section will be In the middle part of the south stand The rooting section this year will be almost three times as large as that reserved last year, in addition to be ing in the best place The holder of a season ticket, therefore, will be better off than the fellow who occupies a re served seat. May Reserve Seats. Reserved seuts, however, may be secured by the fellow who wants to take "her" along by the exchange of his ticket and a small amount of cash extra. No regular reserved seat sea Think of the Money Wc can save you on your new fall suit and overcoat. A select variety await your careful inspection. : : FULK CLOTHING CO. 1234 O LINCOLN L SYSTEM CLOTHES not only look well in front the first time you put them on, hut they look well from every anjjle as long as they last. The reason is that I, SYSTKM makers spe cialize in making dis tinctive clothes for young fellows to compete with tailor made garments. LSYSTKMdothisaiuf do it successfully they never fail to delight the young men who wear them. Stop and let us show you some live new models for fall $14.50 to 30. MAGEE & DEEMER THEATRES ..OLIVER THEATRE.. TO-NIGH I" nnl ALL THIS WEEK ChnnKC of Play Every Night Gertrude Ewing Company To-night .-"A Divorce Cure" Wednesday Matinee - "Eaiy Lynne" Wednesday NiRht---"Miin I till n e d Devil" Night, 30c, 20c, and 10c Matinee, 25c SPECIAL I'lES BETWEEN ACTS ORPHEUM Advanced Vaudeville Minnm, ricrpi MumUyi 2 Mi FeniMjiit8 11 llrll I'liotir 'lUi Auto M2H VENITA GOULD THE DAVIE8 FAMILY Tommy Kelly &. Lafferty Mamie C. S. Winslow &. Bessie 8tryker BOBBIE AND DALE THE STANLEYS BECK AND HENNY Matinees, 2:15 Prices 15c and 25c Night, 8:15 Prices 15, 25, 35, 50c LYRIC TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY COLE, RUSSELL & DAVIS In a Comedy Plnyet "THE TWO BOGUS NOBLES" FRANCIS AND LEWIS Sensational Luropean Artiat Photo Play. DAUGHTER OF THE S Y Magnificent Two Reel Feature "THE GRIT Of THE GIRL TELEGRAPHER" A Pioduition full of Thrilli THE WATER WAGON GLUED ' Two Sltle Splitting Cornehe 3 Shows Daily-2, 9 and 9 P. M. ALL SLATS 10 CUNTS Visit the most enjoy able and up to date Moving Picture. Programmes given at Hon tickets are being Hold this year The demand for them last year wuh ho small that the management decided to drop them. It is whispered by those who know that In spite of Coach Stiehm's "bear stories," the CornhuBkers will still be able to show how they used to do It. To the upper classmen. It is not neces sary to say that the Kansas game will be worth the price of two season tick ets, but a word to the freshman buy a Beason ticket, Join the rooting squad, and show every one what is meant by "A Loyal Cornhusker." W. P. Goodbody, last year'B tennis "shark," has been In tho city for a few days, and he expresses disappoint ment that the work on the tennlB courts has progressed bo slowly. w ml ' W r .f aaW " m 1329 0 Str., South Side. BEN GREET PLAYERS COMING, Will Appear on Y. M. C. A. Entertain ment Course In Connection with Other Attractions. University students and instructors will be IntereBted In the coming ap pearance of the famouB Ben Greet playorB, Shakespearean actprs, and nine other great attractions on the city Y. M. C. A course. The big ten number course will bo bigger and bet ter than ever tlila season. Season tickets, one dollar, on sale at the city Y. M. C. A. Prof. It. A. Emerson leaves Tuesday for a trip to the western part of the Btate, where he will look after some horticultural intereBtB. i! M. r a; y .... i t. t aaMblUttaaaV tuLl j 44T