Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1912)
It-' ' ' fV THE DAILY NEBRASKAN l'J i" .- POTTER BACK WITH SQUAD Many Changes In Lineup Monday as Result of Saturday's Game with Freshmen. Classified Column I I . 1 1 Monday night tin- CornhuHker squad started hack to work with un addod Impetus In tht appearance of Horbert Potter, last year's rival with Jerry Warner for iuurttrback Coach Stlfhin appeared to have diBcovered some of the woak plact'H in Saturday's poor Bhowlng, for ho made a number of changes in the lineup of the regulars GlbBon was Bhlfted from end to con ter, Howard from quarter to end and Potter taking Howard's place Har mon was out In uniform and worked with the line, giving them practice in charging and tackling The Varsity spent moBt of the even ing in running signals, which was done with lotB of ginger and accuracy. LaBt Saturday's game brought out many defects in tho Cornhuskcr ma chine. The backfield played a good, consistent game, but were unablo to make good galnB owing to tho Inabil ity of the line in opening holeB for them Ernie Frank made three touch downs and kicked one goal, making all of tho Varsity Bcores. All of the touchdowns were made from long runB. Howard, tho Btar quarter of last year's freshman team, handled the VarBlty fairly well, but lacks experi ence. His punting whb of a high class, and 1b at present running "Jimmy" Qibson a close race for punting honors Tho lino Is now giving tho coach more trouble than anything else. Tho freshmen did not seem to have a groat doal of trouble In breaking through, and several times caused tho VarBlty to punt or ubo tho forward pasB to mako up ground loBt in lino plunges. Tho freshman team played a strong game on tho defenso, but was weaker on the offense. In tho back field Rutherford was easily the star performer for tho freshmen, several tlmoB carrying the ball for long gains Ho is a good tackier and a strong player on the defensive. MANY NEW BOOKS FOR LIBRARY. FOR KENT - UKi,t modern furnished rooms at G3 North Kith Ht. fit WANTED- Girl to wait on table For particulars apply at Deltn Gamma house, 1410 Q St. THE person who was seen to take rain coat from Temple HldK Friday noon of the 27th will return Hiune at once to escape legal action Berkley A. Thomas. 2t FOR SALE CHEAP Complete trans lation of Cicero's OratlonH. in good condition. Call at the Hur office 9-lt LOST A Judd Psychology, a Shake spenre's "As You Like It," and a small white purse; owner's name in the latter two. Return to this office and receive reward 9-lt l D O P E r Jones' Orchestra. Phono L-8605. Meet me at Green's, 120 North 11th Hagensick's Orchetra. Auto 9042. Call Roy O. Warde, danco orchestra, Auto 7186, L-8162. FOR RENT Suite of 3 nicely fur nished largo connecting rooms on third floor, suitable for six boys that wish to bo together. Call 1425 8 3t We have the best workman, the larg t. moBt sanitary and modern barber hop and bathhouse In the city. Stu dent pratronage kindly solicited Green's, 120 North Eleventh. Tho Kansas Aggies have practically the same team as last year, with the addition of several now men In the bafk field ThlB will Klve the Aggies two BetB of backs thiB year and the same advantage we had last year. Put on Shelves Farm Will Get Important Parliamentary Reports Are a Departmental Library. Over 3,000 books have been cata logued by tho library since the pass ing of the 100,000 mark late last spring making a total of 103,000. This 1m mense amount of work has kept Dr Jewott and his corps of assistants hard at work all summer. One thousand nine hundred and eleven magazines have been bound and can now be ob tained from the shelves. By far the most Important of the now books put on the shelves are three complete series of Rrltish Parliamen tary papers These include "Invest! gatlon and Inspection of English Fac tories," "Investigation of the Public Health in Great Britain," and two im portant reports of British royalty com missions The State Farm will receive a lorge consignment of books for secondary school work as well as a large number of reference workB This will par tially relieve the congestion In the library on the city campus. Minnesota lost the 11 rat game of the season to South Dakota by a score of 10 to 0. The Gophers had only one veteran in tho lineup, and that was Tobin, fullback For two-thirds of the game the ball was in Minnesota terri tory with the Gophers playing on the defensive. For Sale Second Hand Books 15 Watson Physics 15 Clark and Blanchard Practi cal Speakers 9 Judd Psychology 7 Adams Finance 6 Hertwig Zoology 3 Parker and Haswell Zoology 6 Cheneyney History of Eng land And many other books used this semester. We jalso keep the' latest University" novelties." The University Book Store 340 N. 11th Street! BRS I). B. GILBERT, Mznzzcr.ZZZZ ZZLINCOLN, NEB. Kansas plays itB first scheduled game of the year with the Haskell Indians on the HaBkell gridiron this afternoon. This contest will no doubt bo a walkaway for tho Jayhawkers, but it will give tho coaches u lino on the weakness of the Kansas machine Coach Griffith of the Drake football team has announced an innovation to be introduced In tho gamcB played at the stadium this fall A megaphone announcer will explain penalties and keep the crowd Informed as substi tutes enter the game. This is a good plan and might bo used to a good ad vantage, for it ia rather hard to dls tingulsh plnyera in armor, and a great many rooters are not well enougli versed In the finer points of tho game to understand all penalties. STUDY MUSIC in an establish school where tho standards of instruction are given the same careful thought as In tho bcBt departments of tho University. THE UNIVER8ITY SCHOOL OF MU8IC offers Bplendld instruction In Pipe Organ, Pianoforte, Voice, Violin, Clar inet, Flute, Saxaphono, Cornet, all Theoretical branches and Public Music. Department of Dramatic Art Apply for full information at School building 11th and II Streets Opposite tho University HaTheUniversity Men's Tailors ;W could make Um "Cboapar." but wa "WonV'd !T" . W would malia them "BetWr, but we "Ca't."I 1 LARGEST ST0CK.ORWOOLENS INJTHE WESTNDTATTPOPULAR CLEANING iJJJrBnJby oldlu. of nmenj REPAIRINGgLTWP- jj 135-No- llthBP Auto 6O07 JONES! &LDALLING H. G. HEWITT D. D. MARCELLUS ... H E Students' Suitorium WE CALL IFOR AND DELIVER AUTO B1294 BELL F3438 Suit Pressed, .... $ .50 Suit Sponged and Pressed, . . .75 Suit or Overcoat Cleaned and Pressed, . 1.25 Tickets for Four Suits, or Three Suits and One Overcoat, .... 1.50 Let Us Furbish Up that Overcoat 504 N. 15 A"