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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1912)
r. ..wtMw.. .,,..- . rrTnTTntfifMiiTniimMmn f'f Lbe H)atl$ IRebraehan VOL. XI. NO. 139 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1912. Price 5 Cents Mtwi.jf..J u. .. Bnwtt-fr-fia I INTER-FRAT COUNCIL PERFECTSJRGANIZATION PROFE88OR J. T. LEES RE-ELECTED CHAIRMAN. THE PAN-HELLENIC DANCE MAY 2IST Rules and Rushing Committees Ap pointed Inter-Fraternity Ban quet Not To Be Given. The inter-fraternity council, recent ly re-constructed by authority of the board of regents, met last evening In tho Temple for the first time under the new order of alumni control Twenty five of the thirty nino mem hers were preBent and transacted con siderable business Verno Hedge, presided. Professor J T Lees, for several yearB chairman of the inter-fraternity council. waB reelected, not without. ooDosition. however and H It. .Mu! ligan was selected as Heoretar of the body Professor Lees is an alumnus of Heta Theta Pi, and Mr Mulligan is an active member of Delta Tan Delta Upon motion it was decided to elect three men to constitute a Pan Hellenic dance committee, those re celving the highest otes being 1n Woodward, Krnio Frank, and H J Rirmingham Tuesday. May 21dt, was the date Bet for tho dance. It was also decided to withold the gling of the Inter fraternity banquet this year. Tho following committees were ap pointed by the chairman: Rules for proceduie -Foster, Thorn as, Led with Rushing rules ('utter, E Frank, Carroll The session adjourned to meet on Tuesday, May 1Kb. ART SESSIONS BEGUN PAINTINGS OF BERG HARRISON PROVE FEATURE OF THE MEETINGS. The annual exhibit of the paintings of Rerg Harrison and those owned and kept by the Nebraska art aBBO elation opened yesterday, and will be open to tho public for tho next two weeks ending May ISth. From year to year Mr. Harrison has added a few more paintings to tho collection, until now thero aro twenty six in all. Ho is known as ono of tho greatest modorn landscape painters, and his BceneB aro mostly taken from snow covered IiIIIb, though one of his most famouB plcturea Is the painting of a road near Santa Bar bara on a hot mid summer day with tho sand blowing A cast by Daniel French, tho fain oub sculptor, wn8 presented to tho so ciety last winter Wo aro doubly In terested in Mr. French's work when we know that he Is tho sculptor to whom tho work of making tho Lincoln monument for tho city of Lincoln waB Kiven This cast, named "Death and tho' Sculptor," is also on exhibit and may bo seon by those who bu the season ticket for 25 centB, or single admission of 10 cents Theso rates aro for studonts, a Bllghtly higher feo being chargod to outsiders. All members of the Kosmet Klub are requested to meet In the Rag of fice tonight at 7:15, sharp. Important business. GIRLS HOLD TRUCK MEET TO PROVE ATHLETIC PROWESS IN THURSDAYS CONTEST. Nebraska co-ci1b will hold their an mini truck and Held moot ThurBda, Ma 9th, on Nebraska Field. For tho (IrHt timo in the history of the University, the meet will bo opon to all coeds, whether they aro taking Kjinn.'iHliim or not Tho meet will bo given as a test of gtrlB athletics i"wllo W!lH Hected to the order In 18J)1 the I'nivcrjy If onough girls show ut KutberB college, New Jersey, was their interest by entering tho moot, itinited by courtesy of the Nebraska ih probable that an out-door field will I chapter. be provided for tho co-eds' ubo noxt j ear I lie meet will be held from three to lio. As in former years only worn. mi will bo admitted. Tho gates, how. or, will be open not only to the women of the University but also to the women of Lincoln All girls aie! e used from three and four o'clock i d.ibsen on Thursday by older of the, ( hancellor. i I'he following piogram will be I gien ! UiiHt !k the inning baseball game In t ween the freshmen and the sopho moies Outdoor rules, but indoor ap i ),l! .it us Second Individual competition Kn tiieH for this ma be made any tune en ednesday No professional train ' nig ih required, except ror mo nigu jump Under this will bo a 10 yard tl.inh a tW) yard dash, a basket ball throw for distance, and a high jump , Thud- Inter class relay. Teams' lioin each of tho classes, of ten girls ' each will be chosen Tho relay race is also open to tho entire coed body I Kiitues should be made Wednesday ( Banners to Winners. Hauliers will bo given to tho win ning classes in the ball gamo and ro la races Cold, silver and brone medals will be piesented to the null v id tin! vv Miners in the irack events Miss (Sittings, Miss Heghtol and MiHH Day will act as olhcials, togethei with advanced students in the normal class An admission fee of ten cents will he charged to cover tho coBt of the medals MOSICINJEMAND HEAVY SALE IS REPORTED ON CONNOR'S VERSION OF "THE DIPLOMAT." Musical scores of "Tho Diplomat," j the comic opera given by tho Kosmot Klub aro selling rapidly. I Ono of tho principal music, BtoreB down town Ib entirely sold out. "There1 ia a very heavy demand for this ' in uslc," Bald another merchant yester day "Almost every other perBon who comoB into the Btoro wants one. Sat urday wo had two girls wrapping thorn, and even then they could not keep up with tho demandB " Tho scores, which were supposed to bo in Lincoln tho night of the opera, did not arrive until tno next day Tho hoavy sales since then, how ever have more than made up tho loss incurred by tho delay. Tho music for tho opera, writ ton by C. L. Connor, was published by Mr. Connor and J. Frank Mead. PHI BETA KAPPA INITIATES NEWLY ELECTED MEMBERS ARE GIVEN THE KEY AT AN- NUAL BANQUET PPhl Heta Kappa held its annual initiation for new members and the annual banquet at the Tomplo Satur day evening Thirty seven of the thirty eight students elected to the Phi Heta Kappa honor this spring were invited V. A Whltenack, pro fessor of Gorman at the Peru normal A five course banquet was served in the new cafeteria room with plates for Beentyfhe The company was largely made up of faculty members who are active in thlB chapter of Phi Heta Kappa I)r Hesse, president of this chapter acted as toastmaster Professor Hessey gave the Intro ductory toast in his customary hi usque stle, explaining the obliga tion of the newly elected members to the state and to the University of Ne biaska Other toauts were responded to b Professor Pool, ice president of the ,t(tie chapter for the coming year, Ralph Carrett, who was (hosen hv the newly elected members to speak in their behalf, and Dr Hessey, closing with a short address in which he urged the new members to wear the ke with pride. CHANGES IN STAFF. Resignation of E. H. Taylor causes Vacancy In Editorial Force. Following the resignation of Karle Taj lor, formerly managing editor of the Ncbraskan, some changes In the editorial staff will be necessary Fred McConnell, who has been an associate editor for tho pimt year, is now acting in tho capacity of man aging editor, and in all probability. ' will hoou receive a permanent berth j in that position This change leaves I, i acancy in the office of associate ' editor which will be filled in tho near luture from the present reportlal staff HARD LUCKJOR RACELY STAR ATHLETE SUFFERS SEVERE INJURY IN MEET WITH KANSAS. Geoi go Racely, football player, base- ball star, and track athlete, is per- hapB tho unluckiest athlete that has graced the Nebraska field for some ,e.,rH MHl fnll after worklng COnBclon- tloiiBly throughout tho early practice, arrd having overcome tho diBadvan tage of light weight by an umiBual ox hlbition of speed, ho terrorized tho minor opponents by his spectacular dashes Ho ran ringB around tho Kansas Aggies, and had a similar be ginning in the Missouri game, when ho tore a ligament In IiIb ankle for the remainder of tho schedule ho had to content himself with Bitting on tho sidelines and watching the other players win glory and their lettors. Undaunted ho turned out for track. As if still pursued by the unlucky fate ho waB rewarded for his effortB in the meetatDra ' (Continued on page 4.) PROSPECTS BRIGHT FOR JAW BARBECUE FESTIVAL TO BE REPLETE WITH NOVEL ENTERTAINMENT. GRANT MARTIN SPEAKER OE THE DAY Huge Ox to Roast All Night and a Sumptous Repast Awaits Excur sionists Ball in Afternoon. At nino o'clock tomorrow morning tho Uwh will begin the celebration of their Becond annual barhocuo Tho committees In charge of tho difforont partB of tho day'B program havo fin ished their plans and tho outlook promises a varied courso of enter tainment. Tho Hill of Particulars is as fol lows: 1 Tho Information, !) to !) 30 Tho Ijiws will gather around the sacred precincts of the new law building. 'Hero tho laws intend to make a dem onstration that will inform Jho en tire school of the fact that they aro to have a new building and one In which they may he supreme 2. Tho answer, it .'50 to 10 00 In answer to the queries as to the ex traordinaiy excitement on the campus tomorrow morning and what it means, the laws will board the cars In full view of the girls whom they will leavo behind for ono day (in care of a cer tain department isolated on the other side of tho campus) and hie away to Capital Reach. 3. Tho evidence, 10 to 12 30 Tho Iaws, upon arriving at tho Roach, will glvo evidence to prove their nthlotlc ability by competing in an athlotlc carnival which will contain the fol lowing events- 100-yard dash, sack race, three legged race, married men's race, faculty race, alumni race, fat mea'B race, wheelbarrow raco, egg race, potato race, class relay raco, broad jump, hop, skip and Jump, and baseball throwing for distance. Tho judges for this great Olympic contest will be A Schmidt. O Frank, W. Hates, and G jslleed 4. Tho digest, 11 30 to 1 30 Then comes the big event of the day tho "oats," and thero will be "some feed." Tho roaBt ox, which will have been cooking all tho night before, will bo laid out on the table along with tho buns, bread, butter, milk, coffee and cream (yes, real cream), cookies, and tho Ico cream, and tho boys will then eat as only laws can eat, and If any ono goes hungry It will be because ho was blind or an invalid. 5 Tho arguments, 1:30 to 2:30. Attorney General Grant Martin has been secured to deliver the principal argument of the day, while tho gover nor will follow with a few remarks along with the general Bplrlt of tho day Several of tho alumni will bo called upon for talks, but tho commit tee has been authorized to make tho Statement that If Dr Maxey Is called I upon ho will not speak over thirty or forty mlnutoB. 6. The verdict, 2:30 to 5:00. Tho verdict will bo reached when tho base ball games, between tho threo differ ent classes, hav been playd. Those will bo tho crowning events of tho day, and it is expected that thoro will bo many a sore finger and many an aching back when tho scorokoopor has tallied up the totals. It is thought that several scorers with adding ma chines will bo needed in aomo of tho (Continued on page 4) -AjJglhgfc ?M&f&X - v - n J&