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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1912)
. ., .rtLwMw.iJw. ...... V.r-... TT.n.rn ."(m-ni- uwiMwnMWdmiMirmiMiiiiffi TLhc IDailp IRebrasfcan k VOL. Xl. NO. 140. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1912. Price 5 Cents fc jm-A ,,wn gig ..A ifcigj i Mfc -l '. , ) P DANDELION DAY CUSTOM GAINS FAVOR ON PACIFIC DAILY NEBRASKAN SPREADS THE IDEA TO OTHER STATES. DATE IS TO BE BEFORE ENCAMPMENT Chancellor and Committee of Stu dents Making Effort to Repeat Last Year's Novelty. A picture postal of a great pioces Hion of (lulilien canving two tons ol dandelions which the had dug up from their school vard law n in Forest rjUnne, Oregon, was ieceied last week h Dr Walker fioin a 1 1 lend on the Pacific coast The little eplana tory note which accompanied it said that a Daily Ncbiaskan had drifted out theie last ear and that they had noticed the account ot the Dandelion day which we had oiiginated at Ne biaska The lawns of this Tactile coast town are particulai l effected bv the el low pest, and our novel mode of light nig it so appealed to them that thev tried the same plan with iemaikably elllclellt lesults Prizes Offered. The offered prizes to the childien and served iefieshments just as we did here 'I he w liter of the article, the president of a woman's club out theie, expressed her warm thanks to Nebraska for oiiginatmg the idea When wo reflect how iapidly the idea bpread last car to Wesleyan, Cotner, the cemeteiy, and many other Binall colleges and schools throughout the state, and when we now learn that it has reached the Pacilic coast with in a ear of its oiigination, wo can well expect the custom to become na tional No Arrangement Yet. No been ear, more, definite airangoments have yet made for Dandelion daj this but Dean Hessey, A 11 Dins S () Cotner, the originator of the custom, and other prominent stu dents are living to make arrange ments for the day between now and cadet encampment Chancellor Avory thinks the custom is a good one for Nebraska spint and he is in faor of it if a major it) of the students want it WEDDING BELLS FOR EDO. Cornhusker Cartoonist Marries Inez Moore of Lincoln. ICdo A Anderson, a student in tho School of Pharmacy, and chief car toonist for the Cornhusker this year, surprised his friends Sunday by tho announcement of his marriage to Miss Inez Moore of Lincoln on Thursday, April 25. Mr. Anderson Is well known around the campus for his curtoon work dur lug tho last two years; Miss Moore is the daughter of Mrs Anna Moore of Lincoln. She Is a past student at the tho University School of Music An doraon became acquainted with Miss Mooro during tho present school ear and their sudden decision to be joined in wedlock came us a startler to all their friends. Tho wedding took pace, on the way homo from Tabor, MIbb Mooro'B for mor school town. Although known to tho bride's mothor. It was not an nounced until Sunday. OR.WILLIAMS SPEAKS TONIGHT WILL DELIVER THE ANNUAL PHI BETA KAPPA ORATION AT THE TEMPLE. Dr Talcott Williams, the noted ora tor, scholar and journalist of New ' York City, will deliver the Phi Heta I Kappa oration at the Temple theater j tonight at S o'clock. His subject w ill ( be, 'The Learning of the Old World and the New " This address will be free and eveijone is invited to at Und Morn in Turkey the son of a mis sionary, educated both in the schools and universities of Kuropo as well as America, a worldwide traveler, one ot the most prominent journalists of the count rv, having been connected with tire Kan Francisco Chronicle, the New York World, and the New lork Sun, and at present director- elect of the Puliter School of Journal- ism at ( olunibia 1'iiiveisity, Dr. Tal- (ott Williams, is one of the most stnkinglj Interesting speakers in Vmeiica todav He comes hero di lectlv from Wisconsin and Minneso ta where lie was engaged to deliver Phi Met, i Kappa orations at those in st itutions In view of the fact that the I'ni eisitv arranges lor this address only once eveiv two veal's, arrd that it is free to eveivone, and that Di Wil hams eiijovs so uniiiie a reputation as an orator, it is expected that he will address a crowded house this ev ening LAWS SOON TO REST LAW STUDENTS WHO DRILL WILL HAVE ONLY EIGHT DAYS MORE. I'm haps the law students who are .lulling do not l ealie that their school is .almost ovei for this ear With the law picnic and the live das spent ai camp, from M.iv 11 to IS, there an- oiilv eight moie dajs ot actual, school loi them, excluding, of course, Suudavs and holidavs Mc ginning with next week there will be only fourteen das until the laws will get a chance to see how much the have foigotten this semebter, as the regular examinations stait on May " However, on May la the 1 rush man laws will once more get a shot at their old friend, common law plead ing This will start tho ball rolling in good shape and ought to start them right, as this subject by many is con- sulci ed the baidest course Accord ingly, after working up for this, they will be in training tor tho rest PETITION OUT FOR YATES. Officers and Men Show Appreciation of Commandant'a Work. A petition asking for the retention of Captain Halsey F. Yates as profes- sor of military science at Nebraska or another year is being generally Igned by tho olllcers and cadets of he University regiment, and will be 'orwarded to Washington in a few lays Captain Yates has brought the nilltary department up to a high do ?reo of ofllciency during his three ears aB commandant, and every of ort will bo made to retain him an ther year to complete the reforms which ho has begun here. BOARD ELECTION POSTPONED MAY 20 SET AS FINAL DATE FOR ELECTION OF STUDENT MEMBERS. The following communication wiih received jester day from Dr Clapp, secretary or t ho athletic board At tho special meeting of the alh letic board held Monday evening, it was oted to extend one week tin time allowed for liling notices of can didacy for student member ship on the 'athletic board The date of election was also postponed one week, and w ill now be held orr Mondav, May 20 Fil iugs of candidates for this election must be in the hands of the seer etar v of the athletic board before 12 (-U o e lock noon, Mondav, May 1.! The '' 'lies published last Satuidaj relative to tire athletic board election did n t include a later revision which limiu eligible voters to male students of, at least, one semester's residence who completed twelve or more hours ot university work during their last pie v ions semester. (Signed) It. U. CLAP", Secretary. Notice. There will be a meeting of the Mathematical Seminar Wcdnesdav, laj s, at I .!() p in , in M ,!()7 Piogiani Sixth chapter ot Lebes que s Monograph Dr Lofsehet HKXIIY T JOHNSON, Secretary. "THE GATE OF LIFE," FRANCO LEONI'S CANTATA TO BE PRESENTED AT THURSDAY'S CONVOCATION. The (late ol late," Franco Leotu s lainous cantata, is to be presented at invocation Thuisela morning bv tin 1 rnveisitj (lioius with bolorrsts and an oichestia This great musical masterpiece1 is one of the heaviest tilings ever attempted b the chorus and as the have been working on it lor manv weeks It will be a beautiful .tuil impiessive affair Tile action centers about tho tragic dealtli of a band ol Christian martvrs in the eit of Koine in the third cen tin The choius is to assisted by I he following soloists and orchestra Soloists Di Winifred Hyde, so piano, Mr Reuben Walt, tenor; Mr ('has H Miller, bass. Orchestra Kddie J Walt, first violin, Luc Miller, second violin, William Quick, viola, Lillian Elche, 1 'cello, Allen Crosby, double bass, Dr Pierce, clarinet, Stephen Jellnek, I cornet, lOdith Muiiingum, piano, Louise Zuinw inkol, organ. BAND CONCERT TONIGHT. Regimental Musicians Will Play for students on Campus. , Tll second weekly concert of tho ie-girnental baud will bo held this , evening on the campus from seven j until leht The following program will bo given: March Tho Southerner. Waltz Vienna Boautles, Ziehrer. Venetian Lovo Song.Novln. Frozen Bill Rag, Pryor. La Paloma, Yradler. LIFE PASSES GRANTED TO ALL VARSITY N" WEN ATHLETIC BOARD TAKES ACTION ON MONDAY. THI8 DATE EOR ELECTIIfl IS POSTPONED Board Meets and Transacts Routlno Business Also Ratify the Elections. An important meeting of tho athletic board was held last Mon day evening at which much Import ant business was transacted Krnlo Flank's election as football captain for t ho coming vear and Sam Carrier's election as basketball captain for next season were approved by the board and the election of lrew members of the boaid tor the coming year waa postponed one week. Several days ago Frank was unani mously chosen as the leader of tho football squad for Pi I 'J by the ten iicmhcis of last ear's team who aro still in school, but as this number was not a majority of last year's squad then choice had to be ratified by tho boaid in order to legallc the lormer elect ion Because of a mlsundei standing in the date of the election of new mem bers to the boaid, the date for the 111 ing of applications and the time of tho election were postponed a week, mak ing the election on May lit) Instead of May FJus was previously announced. Life Passes to "N" Men. Life passes were voted to all pres ent and past "N" men who would pay the slight cost of the aluminum med ad planned A coinmltteo composed of Dr Clapp and Frnie Frank was ap pointed to investigate the cost and design of various forms pioposed. These passes will admit the bearer to the contest but do not Include grand stand or field privileges Wrest ling "Ns" were voted for Ruby, Miller and Phares for work dorre irr contests entered into this year It was decided to increase the sfzo of the minor "Ns" fiom .'! 4 inches to 1 x ." This was done becauso of the present insignificant appearanco of the minor sports emblems Varsity Schedule Approved. The football schedule as published in the "Daily Nebraskan" last week was presented by Coach Stlehm and formally approved by tho board. There still remains an opening during the month of October, but in all prob ability this will be filled with Utah or some other western school. Tho condition of Nebraska Field wan referred to tho buildingB and grounds committee, with power to make rules for Kb use. This action was taken becauBO of tho dying off of tho sod during tho last few days of hot weather H. M Swit.ler was elected as a member of tho athletic board to fill tho vacancy for the rest of tho year, caused by the resignation of II. It. Ankenny. Tho proposed changeB In tho ath letic board constitution woro roferrod to tho administrative committee with orders to report for action at tho next mooting. Tho new members to bo elected on May 20th will not take any part In the actual working of tho board this year, but will organize and bo ready for work immediately upon returning to school next September.