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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1912)
mumniiii'n,im J I THE DAILY NEBRASKAN i nj I N 8 iPI Datl He'Jbrashan PubllRhod by the Student Publica tion Hoard of tho UnlvorBlty of No brneka. EDITORIAL 8TAFF Editor SKAHLB F. HOLMES Mannglng Editor. EARL.E H. TAYLOR AHHorlato Editor... F. ('. M'CONNELL AsHodato Editor... HURTON 8. HILL BU8INE83 8TAFF Matmgor C. C. BUCHANAN ABH't Manager J. V. MORRISON Circulation Manager LEO BREEN SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, S Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. Night Phones Auto 1888; Editor, Auto 1035; Manager, Auto 1821. Kntorod at the postofllco at Ilncoln, NrtiruHku, as hc.coihI-class mall matter, under tho Act of Congress of March 3, 187U FRIDAY, MAY :t, l'.MU. DIFFERENCE OF A FEW MONTHS. TIiIh Ih tlic season of ':( year which demands will power. It wiih cany enough to outer the warm regioiiH of the Library lam winter when the biiow swirled about the corners and the 'lectric lamps within cast a cheer ful glow over the faces of the absorbed students. Hut now, the warm and en ticing -.ej)hrs have supplanted the swirling snow, the glow of the elec iric lamps is eclipsed by the beams of the lunar planet which revels In the charm of the May evening The trees cast a soft and mysterious shade over the moonlit campus, the imp corn wagon hovers about the gates like a vulture, the call of the soda fountain is like that of a siren, the girls look particularly charming, and all in all, the outdoors seems to offer the only logical inducements Thr faithful one labor hard through all these dllllculties, and him whose conscience pains him equally as much as it did last fall, when he went un prepared to classes, who grits bis teeth and wades through the pagoB of Blank's treaties on "The Theories of How to Study," is one not only to be pointed out as unusual, but one to be admired. A DESERVED SUCCESS. The first band concert was a suc cess in every respect. The music was good, the crowd was gratifying and in spirit and everything turned out re markably well, considering that it was the Initial attempt. One of the most encouraging Incidents of the evening occurred when the band played that well known air, "IT, lT, UNI " and the whole crowd took up the tune and sang it lustily; those who couldn't sing yelled or whistled and the atmo sphere was rent with such enthusiasm as is seldom evinced outside of foot ball season You remember that HKJ FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION Well, It won't HOLD A CANDLE TO "THE DIPLOMAT." You had better get those tickets before it is TOO LATE Corgeous cost nines, great music, good lively cast- .V! Col ding it. I'm go ing All students should visit tho "Col lego Inn Burber Shop at 127 North 12th. S L Chaplin, Prop. Stout in New Office. Prof () V. P Stout, lately made j dean of the engineering college, has j fitted up and moved Into a new office on the second floor of mechanics art hall. A novel feature of tho furnish ings Is that all the pictures are to be of locations and construct ions by for mer Nebraska students. A Lucky Man. Henry Van Wesep, a senior at Mich igan, within a single day learned that be had been elected to Phi Beta Kap pa, that he had been offered a $:HlO fel lowship In philosophy nt Michigan, and finally, that he bad been awarded a similar fellowship at Princeton uni versity worth $r0(l. Thornburg's Orchestra. Auto B-2fff. Big Crowd at Convocation.'s clarinet quintet at convo cation Thursday morning drew one of the largest crowds that has attended the chapel services since the last foot ball rally. The musicians were: E. 0 Walt, first violin; E. L. Harrison, second violin; W T Quick, viola; Miss Lillian Eiche. cello; E. W. Evvlng, clarinet. Acoths Entertain. Acoth sorority entertained nt the chapter house, 111 10 E street Thurs day afternoon, the kensington of Elec tra chapter, (). E. S. Between seventy-five and one hundred guests were present. The hostesses served light refreshments For your orchestra call O. L. Jones. Auto L-8605. Phi Gams Still Winning. Phi damnm Delta defeated Sigma Phi Epsilon in an exciting game ves terday morning by a score of S to 1 Leslie Lewis, who caught for the Phi Cams, had two fingers painfully hurt CALENDER. FRIDAY, MAY I!. Union Palhulian Kosniet Klub play. SATURDAY. MAY 1. Tegner. Students' Debating Club. Delta Zetn formal party. Plii Beta Kappa initiation and sup per. Beta Theta Pi banquet. Subscribers to the Rag have had three months since Tag Day to pay their subscriptions. Please pay up at once. Engraved dance programs done in Lincoln. Ocker Engraving company Brow noil block THE FIRST SAVINGS BANK 4 pir omt Intirut m " pb' $100 Opons on Account With the Tint National Bank, Oor. 10th aad O. WALT Stands for the latest and best in Sheet Music 1215 0 St. Capital Tailoring & Clothes Co. Suits cleaned and pressed by the month $1.50. High,Class,Tailoring Auto I. NjjS II40 O SSt. fiirk uith foot Come up ml vlsil my "P- Ulllo mill rCCI staiis sample shoe store BUDD, The Ladies' Man, 1413 0 St. Tomorrow Is the Finish 55c Saturday Fot Caps worth tip to $J.50 Sec out display in front show case Palace Clothing i4i9 Company o st. jtqgalSWSltjks '"ARISTOCRAT" Model AN exclusive "Custom Shoe" Style. May be seen (at $8.00 to $12.00 per pair) in the famous "made to measure" Shops of New York and London. Note the distinguished jlat forepart, the semi-narrow receding toe, the level sole, carrying wide shank, and low custom heel. These are the hall-marks of a 191 2 Stifle that is as correct wear with the fashionable Sets of London and Paris as with fashionable New Yorkers. The ''Aristocrat" model is incoming Style. SPECIFICATIONS Bind; Smooth Calf Oxford Roles 11 Sq. Singlo Also in Russia Calf Heels 98 Long Invisible eyelets Long Custom Stock No. 757U Heel $4.50 Speier & Simon Tenth and O Streets' S-ubscribe for tbe "Rag"' U m '" , ;; jjcaminnoinnn