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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1912)
THE DAILY NEBRASKA! The Watering Place. To whom tho credit belongs wo cannot Bay, but tho fact remains that tho fountain is running. The spar rows can now bathe, tho students nnd profoBBors enn drink, nnd the fuBsors will havo ono more placo about which to cluster while making arrangements for a stroll '" a r m mix P Iheyrefe - . 1 . N. Ik. . , A and theyreyyp All BtudentB should visit the "Col lego Inn Barbr Shop at 127 North 12th. 8 L. Chaplin, Prop. U0tL ussy U 5)ail tflebrashan Published by tho Studont Publica tion Board of tho University of No braska. EDITORIAL STAFF Editor SEARLE F. HOLMES Managing Editor. ERLE H. TAYLOR Assoclato Editor. FRED McCONNELL AflBoolato Editor... BURTON 8. HILL BU8INE88 8TAFF Manager C. C. BUCHANAN AflB't Manager... JAMES MORRISON Circulation Manager LEO BREEN SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 12.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, S Cent Each. Telephone: Auto 1838. Night Phone Auto 1888; Editor, Auto 1035; Manager, Auto 1821. Entered at the poBtoftlco at Ilncoln, Nobnifika, as socond-claaB mall matter, under tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. THURSDAY, April 4. 1912 GROWTH OF DRAMATICS. A wave of dramatic onthUBlaBm Booms to havo swept our University Whereas only n few years ago one or two playB constituted tho entire dra matic Bchodulo for tho school year, now the BtudentB have the opportu nity of attending from six to a dozen Tho Dramatic club, tho father of such organizations, was In former tlmoB accustomed to glvo but one big performance a year This, with the annual senior class play, held Just bo foro graduation, composed the extent of tho program Now tho Dramatic club gives one play each semester, tho senior class holds ItB annual performance nB usual, and tho junior class has entered tho ranks by Btaglng a drama equal In Importanco to either of the aforemen tioned. Tho Institution of University night last year gavo another opening for nmateur actors, mostly of tho Eddlo Foy type, and suggested the ldoa of burlesque and music MlnBtrel shows and takeoffs on various phases of uni versity life found a warm reception In the hearts of tho studont body, and encouraged certain male students to form tho Kosmet Klub, an" organlza tlon whose main aim is to present a musical comedy This club, like many similar ones In tho larger unlversl ties, proposed to Btage a production whose llneB and music should be writ ton by n student or alumnus of the University. This they have done, and are now working on an opera, which la to be staged In tho Oliver May II Tho Dramatic club, which held its second annual tryouts last Tuesday evening, 1b ono of the most exclusive nnd prosperous organizations in tho Bchool. The competition for placeB on the club Is keen, and Is each year more hotly contested. It has turned out sovoral amateur actors of no mean ability, somo of whom have coached high school playB ovor tho state Perhaps the snmo spirit has revived the interest in the ("Hoe and Mandolin clubs which Is making those bodies onco more powerful. Some Idea of tho Importanco at tached to University dramatics may be gained from tho fact that at least five all university dates aro to be ro served" for such evontB In next year's schedule If this tendency does not go too far It can accomplish much good, for an appreciation of the power of tho drama Is essontlal to an education. CALENDAR. Saturday, April 7. Togner Society. Student Debating Society. Sigma Nu banquet. Tegnor banquet. Medical Society danco Silver 8erpent reception. Sigma Tau danco. Sigma Phi Epsllon houso. NO CLEAN ATHLETICS7 Track Men Ordered Not to Bathe for Three Days. Coach Hamilton has issued an edict to tho track men and the general Im port of tho order Is that Indiscriminate bnth'ng preceding any track moot 1b Btrlctly tabooed. Tho coach well knows tho merits and good qualities of a refreshing bath after a hard workout In tho gym, but his two months' course In the School of Medicine preceding his un dertaking the athletic management taught him that showers and tub batliB are enervating Thereforo tho coach so orders that all men desiat from jumping under tho BhowerB for nt least three days before any meet, and that they should satisfy their aqueous desires by a simple little sponge bath followed by a igorous towel nib Dally Kansan SHE UPBRAIDS SCIENTISTS. Nebraska Alumna Says Agricultural Interests Are Neglected. MIsb Fayo Hartley, an alumna of Nobraska, class of 1909. Bpoke as a dolegate recently before tho Academy of Social and Political Science at Philadelphia. Miss Hartley, after gaining permia slon from tho chair to speak for flvo mlnuteB, upbraided the academy. She alleged that they were neglecting the agricultural interests of the country, tho most important of all tho inter ests, in her opinion. Miss Hartley's talk arouBod a great deal of discussion among the mem hers of tho academy. TEGNER SOCIETY TO BANQUET. Students and Faculty Members Will Respond to Toasts. Tho Tegner aocioty -will give a ban quet Saturday evening at 7 o'clock In tho University Temple Students and members of tho faculty will respond to toasts. Both present and former Tegnerlans will be In attendance Members and friends are urged to bo present It is the aim of the commit too to make tills banquet, if possible, even bettor than laBt year's event. Georgraphy 10. Members of clasB who aro working for two hours' credit meet In U 7 Sat urday, April C, ot 8:30 a in. DONEE GRIFFITH For your orchestra call O. L. Jones. Auto L-8605. t SAMPLE OXFORDS 2-SO IN LADIES' $5 VALUES - - AND i4i5 BUDD ost. 295 Ralstons are right in style, in quality, in fit, They're the shoes you should wear, for there is a Ralston built to the exact shape of your foot. Ralstons are tho shoes you will wear always if you once try a pair. Most styles at $4.00 somo extra special onos at a half a dollar more. Branthwaite 115 North 11th Street, Little Building CLASSIFIED COLUMN L08T 1 OST A pair of gra gloves. Finder return to "Rag" otuco. lJJot LOST On campus, Mooro'B non-loak-ablo fountain pen with gold trim mings Howard for return to No braskan ofllco. 114-5t 44 99 Try & lunch at tk Y. M. a A. Lm&oh Room. OafsterU PU&. City V.M.O.A. I3Lh an . U. of N. Y. M. C. A. CAFETERIA Meals at cost of materialsand service UNIVERSITY TEMPLE HAVE IN Do Your Laundry V. M. C. A. Merchant Tailor Shop Suits Cleaned, Repaired and Pressed Shop in Basement Y. M. C. A. Bldg. AT THE THEATRES Oliver Theatre Sat. Matinee and Night, April 6. GEORGE DAMEREL In the Waltz Musical Comedy "The Heart breakers" Mat., $1 to 50c. Night, $1.50 to 50c. Thurs. Mat. and Night, April 11. "THE SPRING MAID" With Mizzl Hajos. LINCOLN MATEEsacSpXT,0n:?oy) a:3- ORPHEUM E!,.u?58a. ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Week Com. Mon. Night, April 1st HUGH HERBEST & COMPNY Miss Norton and Paul Nicholson Carl Henry and Nellie Francis . BOUDINI BROTHER8 JUGGLING BURKE8 Will Roehm's Athletic Girls BERT JORDON PRICES Matinee, 15c and 25c Nights, 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c llrlTIMO; UHCOUI-tMlR. TTSee us for your f next job of printing. Personal supervieon enables us to make each job please. 128 N. 14 St X. V."-- )