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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1912)
n XLbe SDaih IRebraskan G VOL. XI. NO. 114. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY APRIL 3, 1912. Price 5 Cents - THIRTY-FIVE MEN OUT FIR BASEBALL TEAM BIQ 8QUAD PUT THROUGH GEN ERAL WORKOUT. MEANS A SCRAMBLE TOR POSITIONS Large Number of Candidates for Bat tery, Infield and Outfield, so Fast Team Seems Probable. GOING TO PHILIPPINES Allen T. Newman Is Appointed Lieu tenant In the Constabulary 8ervlce. Thlrty-flvo men reported for the first two days of baseball practice, and with these as a starter It Is thought that tho squad will Increase somo until the varsity team Is finally picked. Tho large numbor Is duo chiefly to the fact that Nebraska has not had a baseball team for two yearB This gives all of the men an oqual chanco for the team, as moBt of them are of an unknown quantity. Nb attempt has yet boon made to try any of the men out for respective positions, but the plan has been along the lines of a general workout. Each man Is being given a chance to work out just as suits his fancy, and after abput an hour or so the squad takes a run around tho field and then hikes Into tho gym. Next week will see the work begun In earnest, and the different men tried out in their various positions. Tho following men are now engaged In practice: Dozen Battery Candidates. Catchors Buol, Green, Krause, Pear son and Towle. PitchorB Armstrong, Carr, Purdy, Rodman, Schmidt, Wake and WItaon. Infield Andrews, Buck, Dlers, Guil foll, Hartwell, Haskell. Flory, Jones, Lofgron, Noon, Underwood and Whiso nand. Outfield Ballah, Drake, E. Frank. Hale, Harte, Hayes, Hyde, Lehr. Oliver, Parker and Smith. For tho backstop position Buol, Towle and Pearson seem to have tho edge. All three men havo had con siderable experience and Bhould bo able to handle tho receiving end of tho team. Buol and Pearson are both known In University baseball. For tho phchlng BtafT the team haB tvo known men, Carr and Rodman, both of whom are pltchors of varsity cali bre. JuBt what tho others will pro duce is hard to forecast. Underwood at first and Lofgren and Haskell for third aro tho only lnflelders whoso records aro known, as all three have played University baseball. The rest of tho men aro as yet unknown and a few surprises may develop before the end of tho coming week. In tho out field Ballah, E. Frank, Hyde and Oliver aro tho most promising, yet one or two fast gardonerB may bo developed out of tho remaining candidates In all It loks like a good squad, and as Coach Stelhm is now busy getting games for tho team, It will not be long before the University fan will have a chanco to wltnesB his favorite pastime. Allen T. Newman, '12, leaves school today to take an appointment which ho has received from Washington, D. C. The appointment makes him a lieu tenant In the constabulary In tho Phil ippine IslandB. He will leavo San Francisco about May 1. This 1b an honor enjoyed by very few men not yet out of college, and comes to Nowman as a rosult of a faithful work and great bucccbb In the civil service examination. New man 1b a member of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity and has been promi nent In tho military department of tho University. "BEANY" M'60WAN TO STAY lumorlst and Athlete Will Not Quit Cornhusker Team This 8prlng. IVY DAY TRYOUT8 FRIDAY. Three Men Left In Race for Senior Class Honor. Tho tryoutB for Ivy Day orator will be held in U 106 at 3 p. m. Friday afternoon. Boforo this year the orator haB been elected by the Benlor clasB In the samo manner as any class ofllcer would be elecled; this year, however, the as pirant for the honor miiBt show what he can do before tho position Is award ed him. ThoBe who will bo contestants in the tryoutB are D. M. Rogers, S. Cot ner, and C. L. Clark, who has recently entered the race. Waltor I. ("Beany") McGowan, hu morist and athlete, wllb remain at tho University and will participate In track athletics this spring. "Beany" had announced his Intention of going to Kansas City to train for tho Olympics with tho Kansas City Athletic Club. He had intended to leavo this wook. His friends, however, succeeded in persuading him to remain In school and glvo his efforts to tho Corn huskorB. Ho will continue his training for tho Olympics nevertheless, and will compote for a place on tho American team along with Guy Reed, who also at one time contemplated going to Kansas City this spring. GUY REEO IS ASSISTANT MANAGER OF ATHLETICS LA8T YEAR8 TRACK CAPTAIN APPOINTED TO P08ITION. HIS SALARY IS $500 A YEAR PLEDGING PLAN8 PROGRE88INQ. No Campus Rushing By Sororities will Be Permitted. Preliminary Steps Are Taken Toward Election of Basketball and Foot ball Captains. BANO TOJIVE DANCE University Musicians' Annual Will Be Held on Friday Evening. Hop Junior Class to Meet. A mooting of tho Junior class will be hold Thursday at 11 o'clock in tho Armory. Important business will come up for consideration. The editor-in-chief of tho Cornhusker will bo chosen at this meeting ana" amend ments to the constitution proposed. JEJIOMB R. FORBES, President. The band will give Us annual dance at Fraternity Hall Friday evening. The commltteo wishes to thoroughly ImproBB upon tho mlnda of the dancing public that this is to be a limited af fair; the ticket sale will cease after sixty of them havo been dispoBed of Inasmuch as thlB is to bo Good Fri day, and since several largo dances are scheduled for tho same evening, the matter of limiting will be Home what simplified. To those who have never attended a limited dance tho commltteo especially addresses its re marks and promises to produce tho phenomenon. , Jones' orchestra of six pieceB Is to furnish tho music, tho programs will be something out of the ordinary, and tho punch will bo much the same as prevails at other dances. Tickets can be secured from Paul Johnson, chairman; Georgo Racely, master of ceremonies; R. D. Reavls, or C. G. Beck. Progress is reported by tho Inter sorority council on planB for second Bemostor pledging next year. Rush ing will probably not begin until tho fourth week of school. No campus ruBhlng will be permitted except for two large fund. una given by each sorority, freshmen will only be Invited to dinner at tho sorority houses. Pledging will take place tho mlddlo of February. No freshman will be pledged who has not passed In all of her work. APPROPRIATION IS LEGAL Supreme Court Decides Case Involving Proposed $100,000 Medical Building. Guy Reed, last yoar's track captain, was appointed assistant managor of nthlotlcs at a meeting of tho athletic board yestorday evening. His Balary wao established at $000 a yoar. Both Stiehm and Rood will assumo tholr new positions after tho expiration of tho tenure of tho prosont athletic man agement on graduation day. It was decided at this meeting to allow tho basketball mon tholr cholco of sweaters, thus settling tho argu ment which had arisen over tho moth od of choosing tho sweaters. To Notify All Players. No election for tho football or basketball captaincy will bo hold until all the men eligible to voto for theao officers can bo notified and aro ablo to be present if they desire. The task of notifying all absent players was entrusted Into ttyo hands of a commlt te&whlch will begin Its work imme diately. The basketball election will be more or less a formality since Sam Carrier has already been choson by a straw ballot Ernest Frank, it is expected, will be soloctod to succeed Jerry Warner as football leador. Class Spirit Low, Other schools havo their class unity troubles, too. At Syracuse twonty freshmen out of a class of over a thousand attended a recent class mooting. DRAMATIC CLUB TRYOUTB. About Thirty Aspirants to Obtain HIs tronlc Honors. Tho supreme court has declared legal the act of tho logislaturo appro priating $100,000 for a laboratory building on the campus of tho medical college of tho University of Nebraska In Omaha. A decision written by Judge Lotton upholds tho law In every particular. The decision affirms the Judgment of tho district court of Lancaster county, which was that tho law was valid. Dr. Samuel J. Stewart of Hastings ap pealed from tho lower court to the supreme court. Ho alleged that tho act was unconstitutional because it amends prior statutes without repeal ing them or referring to thorn. It was alleged that tho act is class legislation because it will result in tho construc tion of a medical college building to the exclusion of certain schools of medicine. It was also alleged that tho act In effect amends an old statute which orovides that all University I buildings shall bo within four miles of tho state capltol building. On this latter point the supreme court says the logislaturo can enlarge or relax any building limitations it may havo established. ARRANGE FOR BARBECUE. Law Committees Named to Charge of Affair. Take About thirty aspirants tried out for tho Dramatic Club last evening in the Temple theatre. The list of the successful ones will be announced in tho course of a day or two. Don't Be Lazy! "Miss Blonde," said tho shy student at the other end of the sofa to the fair co-ed, "if I wore to throw you a kiBB, what would you say?" "I'd say you were tho laziest man I ever met." Ex , The barbecue committee from threo classes of tho Law College met yester day and appointed the following com mittees to arrange for the program: ' Program, Dean Hastings, Dr. Maxoy, Prof. Conant; sports, A. C. Schmidt, O. A. Frank, W. L. Bates, G. E. Reed; publicity, R. D. Hawley, C. C. Buchan an, C. J. Lord, S. P. Dobbs; commis sary, Prof. Conant, Prof. Ledwith, V. C. Hascall, B. P. Blade, G H. Wil liams; stunts, J.' A. Lawlor, E. 8. SchJolTelboin; grounds and transpor tation, Prof. Bobbins ; treasurer, V. C. Hascall. Tho dato for tho barbecue was set for May 8. Tho price of tho tickets will bo 60 cents, this being tho ap proximate cost for each individual. Barbecue day Is the day set aside for the Laws exclusively. There is to be no restraint upon their personal liberty, no one's feollngB will be re spected, and no fair co-eds will bo present. All loyal Laws are urged to keep tholr blood-curdling yells sup pressed till May 8, when all Joy will bo unrestrained. Tho committee, passed a resolution to the effect that the barbecue, since it is now to be an' annual affair, shall be held on the second Wednesday la May.