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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1912)
r T THE DAILY. NEBEASKAN ss L NEBRASKA MEETS AMES IN CHAMPIONSHIP RAGE IN BASKETBALL GAMES Nebraska has played more games in tho Missouri Valley Conferonco than any othor team and still leadB with a" porfoct score. Washington University comes next with two gamos played and a thousand por cent rocorri. Missouri has played four games and lost two. Amos has ono game out of threo to her credit, while Kansas and Drake arts nesting on a nice bunch of goose eggs. It looks now ,frs though Nebraska must go against Washington for the championship honors of the valley. The St. Louis aggregation has taken two games from Missouri, the only oiiob played this season. Missouri won from Ames twlco and, according to the dope, the southerners havo it on both Aggies and the Tigers. Nebraska leaves Thursday of thlB week for MJnnpapollB, whore, Friday night, tho team meets Minnesota in one. of tho hardest gamoB of tho sea son. Saturday night It plays Morn ingsldo college, but neither game will figure in the valley contest. Tho local squad was Joined during the week by "Oblo" Moyor, a fuBt player formerly with Wosloyan and with tho Lincoln Y. M. C. A. At tho present tlmo Moyor Is n freBhman, but next semes ter ho will step from tho class on whom tho ban has been placed by tho conference officials. In him Coach Stlehm hopes to dovolop ono of the faBtoBt forwards In tho middle west. The rocords of tho gamos In the con. forenco aB played to date are: Won LoBt Pet. Nebraska 4 0 1000 Washington 2 0 1000 MlBBourl 2 2 BOO Amos 1 2 333 Kansas 0 2 000 Drake 0 3 000 BASEBALL CLUB SAVED DON DESPAIN WIRES LINCOLN FANS NOT TO WORRY O'NEILL HELPS. The Lincoln league basoball situ ation, was relieved yostorday when ProBldont Don C. DoBpaln wired from Chicago Btatlng that ProBldont "Tip" O'NolU of tho Western loaguo was go ing to aid In financing tho Lincoln club. Tho following comment appeared last night In the Lincoln Evonlng News : "The asBuranco wired from Chicago by ProBldont, Dospaln that ho lias financed tho affairs of the Lincoln club and that ho will promptly Inaug urate a campaign of preparation for tho coming championship season is wolcomo news to tho fans, moBt of whom wore getting nervous over tho litigation and tho delay, which spoiled Uttlo short of a disappointing season "regardless of tho termination of th cwnoiship question. It takes tlmo to roorganlzo a baseball club and just now President Dospaln has none of that to spare." Illinois Bested by Gophers. Minnesota defeated Illinois by a Bcore of 22 to 16 at Minneapolis Satur day. Tho game was fast all tho way through and was marked by brilliant Individual playing on the part of Law lor, Whlpporman, Sawyer and Robbll' Hard, a llof Minnesota. This is tho aggregation that Ne braska must meet January 2G. Baskoball and athletic goods at the Lawlor Cycle Co'.'s store, 1423 O St. tf Sophomore Football. All who played on tho sophomore football team will meet at Town send'g, at I o'clock on February 3. All muat bo In football olothos. JOHN L. OUTRIGHT. The Nebraska quintette will moot tho flvo from Ames at Lincoln, Febru ary 2d and 4d. This is tho second series of games played by tho Corn busker team for tho championship of the northern section of the Missouri Valley Conference. Tho team Is playing much better ball than when It started on the Kan sas trip. Tho team work Is at least one hundred per cent better than It waB a few weeks ago and tho Indi vidual members are reaching tho baskets with more accuracy. The trip to Minnesota will bo mado on January 2G and will rub off what rough Bpots aro left. Ames has not had a very successful season to date, but tho material Is good and reports ( from tho Aggie's camp promise a hard game. CLUB ROOM FOR GIRLS THE UNIVERSITY Y. W. C. A. HAS PLACE FOR CO-EDS TO GATHER. Thero has beon a great deal of talk concerning the need of Bomo central gathering place on tho campus for tho ubo of University glrlB. Tho lunch room Is not an ideally delightful placo and glrlB are not allowed to lunch or to study In the rest room in Memorial Hall. 411 recognize tho need of more suit able rooms for a general gathering place and probably few understand that tho Y. W. C. A. room In the Tom pie is Intended for this. Whether or not you aro a member of tho Young Women's Christian Association, you are Invited to come to this room at any tlmo to rest, read, lunch or study. More About Baseball. Minnesota Is earnestly trying to se cure tho pasBago of some rule by tho Chicago conferonco which will re scind tho eligibility requirements so far as they affect tho playing of sum mer basoball and will substitute in stead a high grade of scholarship re tirement. Dally Star. Aggies Return Blue. They havo cause to bo blue, for not a single opponent met in a whole weok'B trip was courteous enough to allow tho Farmers to win! And tho Genoa IndlaiiB insisted on a defeat by GO to 5. New floors and lack of team work explain tho string of defeats. Aggies vs. Temple. Tho Aggie quintette will meet the Temple High School tomorrow evening at the City Y. M. C. A. gymnasium, Shoe Sale 10 to 50 por cent dis count on all shoos, oxfords and slip pers, except Walkover, Douglas and O. street. "Trail" Date, February 10. Yesterday's edition of tho Nobraskan stated that "Tho Trail" Is to bo given on January 27. Tho correct date 1b Saturday, February 10. Tho article omitted to mention that tho general chairman of "The Trail" is Miss Gerna Montgomery. George Bros., export printers, en gravers and embossers, 13th and N. Kenny Leaves School. ErnoBt F. Kenny, Sigma Nu, has withdrawn from tho University, and after visiting friends -and relatives in Falls City and Omaha, will leave for Los Angeles, Calif., where ho will en ter tho Lob Angeles School of Archi tecture. Shower baths at Green's Bartar Shop,. 120 No. 11th. FRESHMAN BASKETBALL JOINS LAME OUGK GLUB The freshman baskotball team 1b faBt taking its placo with tho come backs and tho lamo duck club. Every time tho men come out to practico thero aro fewer on the floor. The coach says that the BlckncBB started tho fever of being minus quan tity, and now it is a habit. "I would like to look into their faces just once," said Reynolds. "There must be several whose names I am fa&t forgetting." Aside from practice, the freshman team provides mareiial to take the olace of men vlio drop out each year on tho Varsity. Thirty cents pays for th Best Dim nor In Lincoln, at Baker's Cafe. Also high class a la carto service. Wo havo tho big Juicy steaks. Shlpherd at Farm. Rev. T. M. Shlphord spoke at the State Farm convocation yesterday on "Drudgery Is Work Without Thought." The address was well attended and much appreciated Weber Sultorlum, 110Q O St. By-laws Printed. The 1911 by-laws of tho Board of Regents, adopted December 12, have just beon printed In booklet form and are ready for distribution to the mem bers of the faculty. CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th and O StrU P. i). HALL. Prtldnt F. H. JOHNSON. Vlc-PrMnt W. W. HACKNHY, JR.. At. Cdu MB .;.,, ..,.A.vX.iWW!.JraXrf-v . v.vvv.MBBBSBBBBSWBBBSBBBBBBS HELEN LUTTRELL In Henry W. Savage's Pullman Carnival "EXCUSE ME" At The Oliver Today 2:30 Tonight 8:15 Try Our Luncheonettes They are always the best. We serve hot and cold drinks all winter long. LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN South West Cor. 14th O 99 Try a lunch at tho Y. M. O. A. Lunch Room. Cafeteria Flan. Cily Y.MC.A. 13th and P. WALT Stands for the latest and best in Sheet Music 1215 O St. HAVE EVANS Do Your Laundry THE FIRST SAVIN6S BANK 4 pir cint Interest m m ipesiti $100 Opens an Account With the First National Bank, Cor. 10th and O.