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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1912)
rrnreaJflncAH 95- &S t- . Wf Be . Pi'".. !?' KX y ?! - (. '' 41 UNIVERSITY MILITARY BANOJSIVES CONCERT ENTERTAINS LARGE AUDIENCE AT CONVOCATION. WILL PLAY FRIDAY NIGHT, JAN. 6 Band Has Risen to National Position Under Leadership of Director Cornell. The band again proved themselves the original noise blenders at convo cation yesterday morning. The pro gram was somewhat more classical than -that which thrilled the excited faces upon the bleachors last fall, but it waB played with the same zest and spirit. Their program was: March Niobelunger Wagner Intermezzo La Cinquantaine The Red Men Sousa Loose Lucas Successor to "Alexan der's Band." C. B. Cornell, '05, Ib the director of the band this year. .Ho has had con siderable experience in directorship, havlhg been chief musician of the band two years ago while an under graduate, the leader of the Peru band for thr.eo years, and the director of a cadet band at the Jamestown Expo sition. When Cornell was a senior, ho organized a band of local musi cians who won tho first prize of $300 at the National Encampment-of Mod ern Woodmen which, was hold at Mil waukee. Under tho direction of Mr. Cornell, the University band has at- CLASSIFIED COLUMN Easy picking get a good shirt at a price here this week. Big lot of $1.50, $1.75 and $2 shirts Empire, Calumet and M. & D. brands at one price 95c. Lewis underwear, warm woolen, heavy-weight cot ton and mercerized union suits $3 to $5 grades 1 -4 off. And speaking of warm things, don't forget our overcoats stylish and durable garments at a sub stantial saving. MAQEE & DEEMER Lincoln Aurora Red Oak LOST EXCHANGED BY MISTAKE AM Senior Prom, Honey for a bchooio dorby. Latter, initials H. M., now at Rag ofTlco to exchange for for mor. 73-3 Hickman Is Improving. L. A. Hickman, who has been sick with typhoid fovor at his home in Soward, Ib ablo to bo up and about tho house and oxpcctB to return to the University noxt semester. Thi Third Regular Term of the University School of Music Begins January 29th All Branches of Ap plied Music Taught Harmony, History of Music Theory, Analysis, Pedagogy and Public School Music AT THE THEATRES Oliver Theatre TODAY 2:35 TONIGHT 8:15 HENRY W. 8AVAQE OFFERS "EXCUSE ME" THE PULLMAN CARNIVAL MAT. $1 to 50c. NIGHT $1.50 to 50c THURSDAY NIGHT, JAN. 25 FINI8H WRE8TI1ING MATCH REIMER V8. 8CHMIDT DOPE OR GLASSES-WHICH? Why try to euro that which pills or powders cannot intluonco? Do you know that headaches aro brought about moro by tho EYES than by any othor agoncy ? If you Buffer evdr-80-.ofton with headaches it is doubtloss a caso of EYESTRAIN and not disordered stomach. ' BTmisHEom, HALLETT KE, talned a national reputation afc one of the best college bands in tho coun try and one of which any school might well be proud. The band Is ono of tho biggest boosters on the entire campus and has brought honor arid glory to the Scarlet and Cream wherever it has gone. It deserves the yery heartiest support of every loyal CornhuBkor, and opportunity is offered In tho an nual concert to bo given at tho Oliver Friday evening. . The annual concert last year was more or less of a financial failure, but it was only because tho students failed to-, appreciate a "good thing." Those who attended were treated to a real delight of muBlc, aside from the pleasure of boosting a bunch which has made more noise for Nebraska than any other which can bo found. There is no reason whatever why tho cpneert Friday evening should not be a big success. Tho music itself will b'o'a mixture of classical and rag time which will in turn thrill and riot through the soul of everyone present. College spirit and enthusiasm will reign Bupromo and campus songs and yells will give tho time of his life to the fly cop in "Uni box." Even tho verso, though not tho chorus, of "Tho Hamburger Show" would not sound Inappropriate, and all can yell, with truth, "Who did It? THE BAND." Yes, we might as well "sing, yell, and bo merry, for noxt week will bo exams. Bo Bure to remember tho Hampton Orchestra Club. Fraternity Bldg. Auto B-2011. AUTO DELIVERY CO. Dell 333 "8 North 13 St. Auto 333 Baggage :: Freight Glyo us a call LINCOLN MAT,NBBvEosfi,BNoci,,ino,i;"u- ORPHEUM V:.',?.1 ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Commencing Mon. Night, Jan. 22. ROONEY and BENT. ED. F. REYNARD. CARL WILBUR. HINTON and WOOTON. HARVEY and DE VORA TRIO VIOLIN8KY THE TO88ING AU8TIN8. MATINEE BEST 8EAT8 25c NIGHT 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c. Weekly shipmonts of tho best thoro is in chocolates. Huyler's lAhHmnn's Lowney's Anearotti's California violots frosh ovory day. Vleter Drug Co. 13th and O HERPOLSHEIMER'S CAFE Dinner Ui30 to Ji30 )(" Supper 5i30 to 7i30 ItOL Also Cafcterlan StyU Van Riper Leaves Wesleyan. Dr. B. W. Van Riper, professor of philosophy at tho Nebraska Wesleyan University, has resigned his position and will accept a similar ono in tho University of Boston. H1b resigna tion will bo effective at tho ond of tho present semester. Mr. Van Riper has boon connected with Wesleyan since 1909. Tho Hyde Printery, 1331 P St, up-to-date printing of all kinds. SENIOR MEETING TUESDAY. All seniors who expect to graduate February 15 will meet Thursday, Jan uary 25, at 11:30 o'clock in Memorial Hall to arrange for commencement invitations. Mako your dates early with Hagon aide's Orchestra. Auto B-2990. ' tf u the: band OfclV'ER THEATER printing; XCO m m UIKOlH-riCOR.; JPSgo us for your noxt job of printing. Personal supervison enables us to make each job plerfse. 128 N. 14 St. WARTHON'S Original, Electric, Shoe Repair Factory Always reliable and up to he minute 142 North 12th Street Tho College Inn Barber Shop. Stu dent trade solicited. S. L. Chaplin ft Co. 127 N. 12th. We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD RE FRESHMENTS in the city Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Foutain Pens $1.00 afety Razors Student's 3-Course Lunch 15c GeJfr'tih curl$7cr r J'J3M'7.-iw'J,j - Tm.m .- r V RENT YOUR TYPEWMTER NOW Any Make . :: Any Time 3 MONTHS $6.00 The Largest Stock in the West, Lincoln Typewriter Exchange Co. 25c January 26 25c 1406 O STREET 4 I v t f