Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1912)
THE DAILtf NEBRASKAN ,.H A ' i . i V 1 'i1?1 4' r 4T NEBRASKA TRACK TEAM PREPARING FOR CONTESTS ! After running away with the Cham pionship of tho Missouri Valley in football and having a fair look-in on tho basketball situation, it begins to look as though Nebraska would act tho wholo hog this year, and tako tho track championship for 1912. Every evening that tho Gym floor is not patronized by tho tossers of the round spheroid, it is being put to use by tho runners who are going to at tempt to bring homo tho bacon from tho dual meet which will detormino tho Missouri Valley champion for this year. An. abundanco of new and old ma terial has been showing up for prac tice, although only indoor work is al lowable as yet. Tho greatest loss to tho track this year is last year'B cap tain, Guy Reed, who is at present de voting himself to tho task of coach ing tho mon. Ho was a quartor-mllor and two-twenty man, holding records in each event. Among tho old mon back are Beck er, tho half-milor, who ran Hill of Minnesota such a close race, tho timo being lesB than two minutes; Art May, who tied tho intercollegiate rec ord for tho fifty-yard dash, and An derson, thlB year's captain, tho crack long distanco man of tho Valley. It is expected that Linstrum and Christ mas will don gym suits in the near futuro. There aro a number of former high school Btars among tho now men. Reavis, tho holder of tho Btate record for tho polo vault, is eligiblo for this year's team, as aro Brannon, a crack fluarter-milor from Lincoln and holder of tho Nebraska Indoor twonty-flvo-yard record; Kennedy, from Omaha, holder of tho state, mile record. Racoly, tho speedy football man and ex-Bellovuo sprinter, haB recovered from his football injury sufficiently to bo out for some light work. Roberts seems to be showing up woll in Ne braska's weak department, tho low hurdleB. Bo sure to romember tho Hampton Orchestra Club. Fraternity Bldg. Auto B-2011. Few Fresh Caps Left. FreBhmon who ordered class caps aro requested by tho committee to got them at once at Mayor Brothers' hat department. Tho caps now on hand, which are being hold for thoso who ordered them, aro also being sought by froshmen who failed to or der in advanco, but who now doBlro caps. Tho committee thoroforo be lieves it will bo justified in holding tho caps for only a reasonable time for tho original depositors, after which other mombors of tho class will bo allowed to buy thorn. TIiobo who ordered, but have loBt thotr doposit re ceipt, should securo a duplicate at tho Rag office, as tho receipt must be sur rendered when tho cap is secured. See LeB Hyde when In need of pro grams, menus and other printing. P. G. D. vs. P. D. T. Tho Phi Gamma Delta will play tho Phi. Delta Thota, Wednesday evening at C:30. Tho game wjll bo held in tho Chapel. . irtottlV M&CJSMRWR"' IIUMllllllinilUlM' TTTTTTUn" CLASSIFIED COLUMN wanted WANTED Three numbers of the 1910 Thanksgiving edition of the Dally Nebraskan. Will pay 50c apiece for same. Bring to Nebras kan office. 73-5 LOST When bananas are cheap it is usually because they are inferior in qual- ity. Not so with our clothes although prices have dropped the quality is as reliable as ever. Kensington blue serge suits stylish, serviceable, perfect fitting at 1-4 off. Also some big reduc-' tions in winter underwear Lewis union suits for instance at 25 off. MAGEE &. DEEMER Lincoln Aurora Red Oak The Third Regular Term of the University School of Music Begins January 29th All Branches of ftp- . plied Music Taught Harmony, History of Music Theory, Analysis, Pedagogy and Public School Music EXCHAiNGED BY MISTAKE At Senior Prom, Hofloy for a Schoblo derby. Latter, Initiate H. M., now at Rag office to oxchango for for mer. 73-3 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN A coin purse, containing two keys and small change, was taken from tho dcBk by the door in tho ofltco of English Literature, Library, Wod noBday afternoon, January, 10th. Loavo the purBo and keys at tho Librarian's desk, general reading room within tho noxt two days and avoid personal notice. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Splendid room for two, with prlvato family; woll lighted and boated; overy convenience; accommodations excellent. G30 No ICth St. Auto 7176. AT THE THEATRES Oliver Theatre Tonight at 8:15 "SEVEN DAYS" The Greatest Comedy In 20 years PRICE8 $1.50 TO 50c. WED. MAT. NIGHT, JAN. 24 "EXCUSE ME" MAT $1 to 50c. NIGHT $1.50 to 60c FOR 8ALE FOR SALE DresB suit, slzo 30, In good condition. Owner has out grown BuiU Call B-2989. Ask for P. S. P. 70-3 HAVE EVANS Do Your Laundry- AUTO DELIVERY CO. Dell 333 "8 North 13 St. Auto 333 Baggage :: Freight Glvo us a call LINCOLN MATBv,!EWaclp0C,',',J ORPHEUM KS.. ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Commencing Mon. Night, Jan. 22. ROONEY and BENT. ED. F. REYNARD. CARL WILBUR. HINTON and WOOTON. HARVEY and DE VORA TRIO VJOLIN8KY THE TO88INQ AU8TIN8. MATINEE BE8T 8EAT8 25c NIGHT 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c. Weekly shipments of tho best thoro is in chocolates. Huyler'B' lAhltmon's Lowney's Aiiefgrotti's California violets frosh ovory day. JW&i&r Drug Co. 13th and O HERPOLSHEIMER'S CAFE Dinner J JtSO to Ji30 )( Supper 5i30 to 7t30 LvL ., Also Cafeterlan Styl &yb Ipmntihg I S. r1 OA2 AM! ILIKCOLH.H'SR.l fSee us for your noxt job of printing. Personal supervisori enables us to make each job please. 128 N. 14 St. WARTHON'S Original, Electric, Shoe Repair Factory Always reliable and up to he minute , 142 North 12th Street Tho College Inn Barber Shop. Stu dent trado solicited. S. L. Chaplin k. Co. 127 N. 12th. Palladlans Enjoy Program. Tho now mombors of tho Palladlans entertained that society last Friday. Tho main nunbor on tho program was a playotto, "A Bunch of Roses." Thirty cents pays for the Best pin ner In Lincoln, at Baker's Cafo. Also high class a la carto service Wo bavo tho big juicy steaks. THE, BAND OLIVER THEATER We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD RE FRESHMENTS in the city Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Foutain Pens $1.00 Safety Razors Student's 3-Course Lunch 15c Gefrlt m " mm. m cunji&cr V RENT YOUR TYPEWWTER NOW Any Make . :: Any Time, 3 MONTHS $6.00 7 The Largest Stock in the West Lincoln Typewriter Exchange Co. 25c January 26 25c 1406 O STREET I