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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1912)
U THE DAILY NEBRASKAN JL THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Owned and publlnhod by t o University of Ncbrntika througn THE 8TUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD OhIccb Basomont tho Administration Building. Postoftlco Station A, CampuH, Lincoln, Nebraska. DayAuto 1888. TELEPHONES NightAuto 3145, Ed. 1036, Bus. Mgr. 4200 8AM R. BUCK, Editor-in-Chief EDITORIAL A. H. Dlntmore, Managing Editor F. C. McConnell, Assoclato Editor Searlo P. Holmes, Assoclato Editor Stuart Gould, City Editor E. Leo Updcgraft, Sporting Editor REPORTORIAL Merrill Rood L, A. Bechter Hugh Agor Winifred Harm Wlnnlfred Elclmr E. C. Nelson Henry Bull Henry Stubbo Wallaco B. Troup William O. Cooloy WOMEN'8 DEPARTMENT Ruth Mungor FARM DEPARTMENT Editor, H. Q. Hewitt Joseph MsCarthy John Harding W. A. Nolson J. Lovejoy Linn Kenneth M. Snyder Wlnnlfred Sccgar Robort Brlggs Hazel Westover Abigail McConnell BUSINESS VINCENT C. HA8CALL, BU8INE8S MANAGER C. C. Buchanan, Ant. Bui. Mgr. J. V.' Morrison, Circulation Mgr. Subscription $2.00 per year. Single copies 5c Faculty notices and University bulletins published froo. Entered at tho Postofllco, Lincoln, Nobr., as Bccond class matter under act of Congress March 3, 1879. TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1912 AGAIN THE "KNOCK." Again our attention has boon called to that worst of collogo posts the "inside knocker' tho froshman or sophomore who thinks ho has become acquainted with all our faults and weaknesses; who is dissatisfied with tho school, tho students, and himself; and knows Just tho collogo to attend whoro everything 1b lovoly. .. Needless to say, in his estimation this collego is not Nebraska. It was a well-known fraternity Jew eled who recalled to us a statement mado by one of our latest crop of a good many things that go to make up tho ideal conditions for a college, but our largest fault is in retaining in our midBt such brainless sausages as wo try to indicato hero,, who go about giving away our weaknesses to tho enemy, to tho good of no ono and to tho discredit of us all. Tho sort of collogo man who would make such a remark even thoughtless ly is of tho breed that spends one half its time on a pool table and the other on the cold end of a clgarotto. If thoso muckrakors would devote but five minutes a day to some sort of work tending toward tho betterment of conditions at Nebraska, there would shortly bo no foundation upon which' Cluctt Coat Shirts $1 Shirts 69c, 50c Shirts 29c $1.00 1415 0 BUDD Gloves 1-4 off freshmen in a fratornity houso at a neighboring Institution. This man has boon traveling the collegiate world for a groat many years, and probably knows or 'is in u position to know as much about tho colleges and universities of this coun try as is tho avorago froshman, and ho says that while ho does not think Ne braska is necessarily tho best college in tho country, which wo all know it is not, yet it is ono of tho few bottor. In other words, thoro may bo two or three or possibly half a dozen who oxcoll us in ono or more material ways, but thoro aro several hundrod educa tional institutions of slzo and influ ence that foil far behind Nebraska in tho lino of gonoral recognition tho country over. Speaking of tho utterance of this froshman, tho 3owoler qulto properly Bald: "Why didn't that follow go somewhere olso In tho beginning? Ho is manifestly out of placo hero, and you aro ovorcrowdod, Ho is doing a whole lot of harm, especially by 'knocking .among studonts of a rival institution." Unfortunately wo wore unablo to learn tho' namo of tho studont who mado tho remark, for wo would Movo to publish it, Ho has .jt coming to him, whoever ho is, and it woufd tickle us to lot him have it. Wp have our faults, and when close pressed we will admit them to a select few. There Is nowhere a perfect Institu tion of learning. ' Perfection may bo attained- only In tho comparative de gree. Here at Nebraska we are lacking In to faBton tho most pitiable "knock" of our most dear onomy. C. H. Froy, florist, 1133 O St. tf SPRIG, GEDDLE SPRIG. . . Sometime during tho darker Hours of our Last Chance to Sloop, old Boreas packed up his Icicles and hied Himself Hence. Not that any Bar rels of Tears have been Shed about It, either. On tho other hand, great Gobs of Joy yero seen on tho Campus at an early Hour Yesterday Morning, pre ceding equally great gobs of mud. Old Sol crawled out from his Win ter Shed, and Shed, his Rays promlBCU ouBly Abroad, and that Soft and Sj ductlvo Maiden, Chinook, turned on us tho fragrant Breath of tho South, and now all tho Suscoptlblo Younglings of tho Male persuasion are licking their Lips ahd hunting up last year's Mos-quito-bito euro in Anticipation of tho Joys of Goddlo Sprig. Meanwhile wo will wade mud. Thus endeth tho first book. The Hyde Printery, 1331 P St., up-to-date printing of all kinds. A DISCLAIMER. So much favorablo comment has boon receiver in thlB,r office upon tho appearanoo of an editorial upon tho ''Library StepB," that in justice to Mr. Holmes wo publicly indict him as the author, and It Is also only fair to stato that ho is responsible for most of the "good" stuff that appears In this portion of tho hand bill. Blue Serge Suits The Suit that is always right, fit for any occasion and for everybody's wear Our entire line of Blue Serge Suits Full line of Sizes Every One Guaranteed 25 OFF ?.u; BG5 I This Means Many Dollars Saved. Do Not Miss It We Are Also Giving 25 Off on All SUITS AND OVERCOATS This should interest you as it is a bonifide reduction Nothing marked up so as to mark it down Come and See With Your Own Eyes Thsse Values Speier & Simon WE SAVE YOU MONEY Cor. 10th and O Sts. Lincoln, Neb The moment you put on clothes made to your meas ure, you see the vast differ ence between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Besure to see our linef irst. College Tailors College View, Nebraska Phone -0 BASKETBALL NebrasKa vs. Ames Felb'y 2 amid 3 Inn formal Sat'y TicRets at Co-op. J. C. WOOD and CO. The Best is Always the Cheapest 1322 N St. Auto 1292 Bell 147 GLEANERS and DYERS fc.iS,Bv. CALENDAR. Weber Sultorlunv 1100 O St. Tuesday 11:00 a. m. Convocation. Band concert. Me morial Hall. 11:30 a. m. Missouri Club. Memorial Hall. Omaha Club. Memorial Hall. 5:00 p. m. " Dr. Anno Burnet on "Tho New Profession." Y, W. C. A. rooms. Rev. S. Mills Hayes. Art Hall. Thursday 11:00 a. m. Dr. Jenkins Lloyd Jones. Dr. Alexander. Art Hall. Friday 5:00 p. m. Convocation. Vesper services. 8:00 p. m. Band Concert. Oliver Theatre. Shower baths at Green's Barber Shop, 120, No. 11th., UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET YELLOW FRONT Your Palronagi Solicited ft 99 Try a lunch at the Y. M. O. A. Lunch Room. Cafeteria. Plaa. CityY.MC.A. 13taui. - K . .. ST-1 r r&t ,1 ft ' li..r yr