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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1911)
"WE MUST BEAT MINNESOTA!" TLhe 2atls Iftebrasfean VOL. XI. NO. 11. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN TUESDAY OCT. 10, 1911. Price 5 Cents. r J . Whole team stars in opening exhibition OVERWHELM KEARNEY NORMAL ITE8 BY SCORE Of' 1170. NEARLY BREAK OLD RECORD OF II9 T J y f f r f rj fj rj p v rj Speedy Backfield and Plunging Line Promise Much For Future Battles. In a gamo in which ovory man who woro a CornhuBkor jorsoy starred, and in which tho record for high scoro un der tho now rules was hard pushed, tho 1911 football season was oponed on Nebraska Field, Octobor 7, when Kdarnoy was snowed under 117 0. Tho gamo was tho first to bo played on tho now sod Held, and tho now re bbbbbbLbbLkI bBbbbbbbLF ubbbbbbbmp IjibbbbbbbIi MbBHHHHbBBV bIbbbbbbbbbViI ' bbbbbbY bbbbbbr WE ARE ALIVE! Just to show that we are live If not large, the "Rag" Is going to print real news from the football camps of Michigan, Minnesota, Mis- souri and Kansas, in the form of weekly letters' from capable corres- pondents who are in position to tell us things we would like to know. Watch for 'em. &. k k. k fe. k. k k k. c, k &. l c jk jk k 44AAJkJkJk a - - y GIRLS' ROOTING SQUAD IS FEATURE OF GAME GAILY CLAD CO-ED8 CAPTURE YELLING HONOR8 8ATURDAY. BAND SALUTES AND CHEERS THEN end of tho first quarter, and thus sot a gonoral avorago for quarters which was maintained throughout tho gamo, tho final count boing 117. Showed Great Promise. Tho gamo was intensely interesting to thoso thoro to seo moro than a sin glo football gamo, in that it rovealed not only what romarkablo progross Coach Stiohm has made to dato, but gave Indication of what may bo ex pected 'in tho futuro from Buch baak flold mon as Purdy, Racoly, Potter, Gibson and Russell, who aro playing their first year of Varsity football, and sonsequontly havo been unknown quantities undor flro. Of those flvo, every man showed up llko a Btar, and it would seem that Coach Stiohm should havo llttlo difficulty in building from thoso flvo, tho Prank brothers and Warner, a doublo backfield that will cross any goal lino in tho west. Racely Well Named. - Racoly is a converted track athlete, and can do a hundred on tho cinders In 10 1-5 seconds or less. Ho is scarcely that fast in football togs, but LOFGREN. Sturdy right end, who showed up well at receiving forward passes. sorvod aoat section of tho grandstand was for tho first tlmo in uso. It wub the flrst tlmo uIbo that the football fanatics of town and college had op portunlty to seo tho 1911 machino in action, and a goodly crowd filled both bleachers and stands. Endurance Contest. Promptly at 3:30 Referee Rathbun blow tho whistle, and the gamo was on. It was an onduranco contest from tho flrst. Four plays landed tho pig skin across tho final chalk mark in loss than three-quarters of a minute after tho wnlBtlo blow. Gains camo quickly and for long distances, Owj)n ana Ernie .Frank, Purdy and Warner, Shonka and 'Harmon, plunging and circling, tho ends almost at will brought tho scoro up to 29-0 before the AHBbHmbK VVH HHBLsF VfrXJyJ HBBHaBBHBBV -tr- AHIRsbBBBbIbm BBBBBBBBBBBBBBi is just fast onouglx that given an opon lng ho 1b apt at any tlmo in any gamo, to run off and leavo tho opposing back field. Racely weighs about 140 pounds, and 1b Bolidly built. Purdy and Potter are woll known to campus, followers of the gamo through tholr work a year ago. Thoy aro florco fast runners and oxport opon flold dodgers, as was ,ypry ovl dent Saturday. GIbBon and Russell aro hard workers, always trying and usually successful. Gibson is especial ly valuable for his punting, and "Rub soil for his oxcellent interference. Ho has a knack for piling up opposing ends that should help some. Veterans 8tar. Asido from theso now mon thoro aro of course, tho Frank brothers and Jorry Warner, tho veterans of last year's irivincibles. All- threo aro starB of tho flrst magnitude, and all through tho gamo made touchdown after touch down v with marvellous ease, Ernie Frank pulling off tho most spectacular play when ho took a kickoff tho length of the flold for a fiver. (Continued on Pago 3) Black Masks Sell So Many Seats, Eager May Have to Enlarge 8ectlon. Tho girls' Bquad made u brilliant be ginning at Saturday's gamo. Tho sec tion roaorvod for thorn was flllod be fore tho gamo began, and Judging from tho display of enthusiasm and tho uso of tochnlcal, gridiron terms, not a fow girls understood tho gamo. To make tho gamo hotter appreciat ed among "co-cdB" thoro is a plan HARMON. Capt, Chonka's partner In heavy line plunging, who made two touchdowns. AHHHHbV bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbT bbB f bBHHBbBHbI. BBBBBBBBBbV BBHBBBBBLB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBLflwiCfJUBBBBBBBBBCX- CHAUNER. Last year's All-Missouri Valley, left end, who played a beautiful game. IbTbIBIBIVm mm vSu nlXMBJ'l I IH E. FRANK. Hard hitting Halfback who made a sensational touchdown from the kick off In Saturday's game. " afloat to station girls who aro. up on all football matters, hero and thoro through the crowd for tho benefit of tho uninformed. Outlook Hopeful. Considering tho unimportance of Saturday's gamo tho Bhowing of girls make tho outlook moro than hopeful ,for tho really big games. If so many come out on tho llttlo advertisement that haB been possible so far, tho ath letic board may havo to build another grandstand. Thoy will do it. Mamv ager Eager viewed the crowd with a happy smile. "This Is going' some," ho said. "It (Continued.on Page-8) s 'L