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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1911)
"Virm r,$)x,-m j,-tt v ; " Tbe 3)aih IFlebraeftan h rim vv Lft- VOL. XI. ,NO. 10. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN SATURDAY OCT. 7, 1911. Price 5 Cents. i" 5Mt"rv"5vpjw 'flit1 Sr-'r "tf' vifi!2Tiuy'wit!xttvFtr V GORNHUSKER GO-EOS FOHMJOOTING SQUAD WILL RIVAL BLEACHERS IN B008TINQ FOR TEAM. BUCK MASK 01RLS TAKE CHARGE Are Selling Tickets and Will Lead the .Cornhuaker Girls at Games. rj yj rf fj rj rf rj fj rj rf fj rj ff jv fj rj rj fj y wj jj 7J wj p GIRLS' TICKETS ON SALE Season tickets are on sale by the Black Masks today, from tento twelve, In the library entrance. Before and after the game they will be on sale upon the campus. This will be a good opportunity for girls to join the "girls' .rooting squad." ik& k L fa. -k pbC ifeC k. i&C Afe ifeC psC aLi iS 12. jfa. t. jlf. . s. 1. AsV. Alf. .1S4. llf. .kfet. fV ! F ? T T T F T C i GORNHUSKERS FOOTBALL SEASONJMED TODAY GRIDIRON YEAR OFFICIALLY BE GIN8 THI8 AFTERNOON. PLAY KEARNEY NORMAL SCHOOL Nebraska Starts Hardest Schedule of History at Call of Whistle. QlrlB and athletics arc to bo lnsop abloB at Nebraska this year. In years gono by, glrlos havo boon pormitted to attend a game nonw and then, if Bomo nico boy asked them. But the coming season they are to ho the best part of the "show." Thore will bo no reason why ovory girl in the 'school cannot .attend every game, and fool as much at homo as Shonka on the gridiron. "When a scoro comes homo, and tho band plays and men throw up their hats and try to 'follow them, the girls will havo somothing to do beside giving a sym pathetic little fominino shriek, that sinks into oblivion 'ore it is uttered. Black Mask Busy. Tho Black Masks havo taken things in hand and aro laying oxton slvo plans to carry on tho idoa of a girls' "rooting squad." Thoy aro planning to profit by the1 exporienoe and things are going to ho oven bigger and better' so much so that to visiting schools, Nebraska and her co-eds will stand for a new era in athletics. Will Be Effective. TTho girls' -idea for tho "squad" is effectiveness, not necessarily noise, but an. effectiveness that will lot visi tors, and all outsiders, know that Ne braska co-odB have tho Alma "Mater's athletic prostlgo as much at heart as tho best of her sons. Tho Black Masks aro Industriously soiling season tickots. They consider it tho duty of every girl who can pos sibly afford tho price, to buy a book and swell tho ranks of tho squad. Tho prlco is $3.00, and thlB admits tho owner to ovory game of the. year, football, basket ball, and track. It is ridiculously low, considering tho price of one good game, or of any good amusement. Will Get Together. Tho Black Masks havo a plan, by which they hope to oncourago Fresh men and to got out girls who are not yet acquainted. Thoy ask all .such girls to raeot just before each game In tho girls' rest room, on tho first floor of tho Armory, whero soveral Black Masks will be waiting to intro duce thorn around and to escort thom over to tho athletic field. 'in fact, tho prospects ior the com ing athletic season looks aB bright from tho co-ed side as thoy wore wont In days gono by, to assume a hue of indifferent drab. FIND ENGINEERS JODS PROF. 8T0UT EVOLVE8 EMPLOY MENT BUREAU FOR HI8 ALUMNI. SAVED CADETS MONEY HAVE CUT ALL COMMI88ION8 FROM PRICE OF UNIFORM8. A now system of records has boon installed in tho Collogo of Engineer ing, so 'that tho graduatos of thjs college may be kept track of. Prof. O. V. P. Stout has boon Investigating the systems of employment bureaus in ubo in tho boBt schoolB of engineer ing, and this is tho result It is, a combination of parts of tho buroaus used In tho Ohio University and tho Porter Institute of Technol ogy. Thoro aro flvo files In tho sys tem, and through thom the college can keep In touch with all its gradu ates. Record of Graduates. Tho general file koeps a record of every graduate, while anothor filo haB tho active engineers who aro fair rep resentatives of tho University. Tho positions open and tho applicants, for positions aro kept In two other filos which constitute tho real employment bureau. Ono filo 1b rosorved for tho correspondence which the engineers sond In. Now Three Bureaus. Through this system, which includes ovory necessary point of Informa tion, tho department will bo able to follow the engineers In their work and place them in good positions. This makes three employment bureaus in use at tho University, tho others being the Teachers' College bureau and the bureau of tho College of Agriculture. A few easily complied statistics ro veal that during tho past flvo years undor tho administrations of Cap tain John O. Worklzor and Captain Halsoy E. Yatos, 5,600 havo boon saved Unlvorslty of Nobraska cadots in tho prlco of uniforms. In 1906 tho prlco of a bluo uniform was '$17.00. Captain Workizor cut this to $15, and when Captain YatoB came to take chargo ho lowered tho prlco flrBt to $13.50, then to $11.50, and this year by cutting out ovory cont of commis sions paid to anyone, ho was enabled to glvo tho now men complote outfits at $11.20. Pershlngs Out of It. For years tho uniform contracts wore handled by tho Pershing Rifles, who roceivod a small commission that came from tho pockots of tho cadots, but this -has now boon on tlroly dono away with, according to Chancellor Avory, and 'Captain Yatos, who havo takon tho matter In hand personally: It Is estimated by thom that 400 new uniforms aro purchased annually by new cadets. GIRLS' ATHLETKS PROSPER DEBATERS CHOOSE PLACES Varsity Basketball Team to Re-enter Field This Year. BULLETIN BOARD MOVED. Tho Registrar announced Friday that tho o clal bullotlns announcing convocation speakers and topics, would bo .posted on, tho faculty bulletin board at the, west' end of tho old Uni versity hall, , Miss Storey Returns. Vernon Story, 13, registered yes terday. Injuries received In a run away accident prevented her from re turning sooner. v Prospects for girls' basketball aro brlghtor than for some time past. Al though regular practice does triot be gin until after Thanksgiving, a largo number of Froshmen havo signified tholr intention of entering tho sport. Last year, because of a ruling of tho faculty that girls should not play In Intercollegiate games, Interest in basketball died out. Few girls tried out ifdr the class toams, especially in the upper classes. This year.- however, basketball will again be placed on tho schedule of' girls' sports. DECIDE ORDER OF 8PEAKING IN COMING TRYOUT8. In the drawings for places hold Thursday ovonlng In Prof. Fogg's of- flco, tho following order of speaking was decided upon for tho preliminary debate which is being hold this morn ing in Memorial hall beginning at 8:45 a. m. Affirmative Homer L. Kyle, Ar thur Errlckson, Anan R. .Raymond, C, S, Radcllffo, Bonj. Harrison, J. R. Forbos, L. A. Welch, Ralph W. Gar rett. Negative R. E. Halldorson, J. T. Swan, H. A. Princo, Z. C. Dickinson, Jos, Goldstein, H. J. Burtls, C. L. Rein, C. L. Clark, T. J. Hargravo, M. F. Wasson, B. B. Johnson, H. M. .Dlors. NEBRASKAN8 A8 WRITER8. WI8CON8IN HONOR8 HER DEAD. A great memorial arch Is to be con structed In Wisconsin this year in honor of the' civil war veterans. The University students are urging the project and are actively engaged 1b pushing it along. Pool and Montgomery Write for the Popular Science Monthly. iProf. Pool of the Botany Depart ment, and, Prof. Montgomery of tho State Farm are each preparing an article for the Popular Science -Monthly. Dr. Bessey was asked by the editor of this publication to pick two men for the purpose a&d his choice fell on Professors Fool and Montgomery, J Nebraska's 1911 football soaBon starts this afternoon on Nobraska Fiold at 3:30 o'clock, tho Cornhusk erB mooting tho football elovon of Koarnoy Stato Normal school in tho Initial gamo. Hard Schedule. Tho schedulo to bo started today is tho hardest that Nobraska has under taken In years, having Michigan, Kan- . sas, Amos, Missouri, Minnesota, on it aB tho big gamoB, and Koarnoy, Doano and Kansas Agricultural as the lighter ones. But on tho othor hand tho Cornhuskors aro looking in -splendid shapo this yoar looking alroady as If the wearers of tho Scarlet and Cream would bo ablo to hold for an other year tho championship of tho valloy. Kearney a Dark Horse. As tho Koarnoy toamt Is practical ly an unknown quantity the gamo to day may bo hard or easy for tho No braBka warriors. Koarnoy haB boon putting in many hours of practice and although tho toam is light It Is ru mored to bo spoody and porhaps Coach Stiohm's pupils will nood to put in. -some .hard licks to run jupa very largo scoro on the teachers. "" No announcoment of tho Cornhusk or lineup Is to bo mado until shortly boforo tho gamo. Coach Stiohm will probably ubo a varlod Hnoup all through tho gamo, especially in thq backflolu". With tho material on hand for tho four back positions ho has al most a comploto shift of players in back of his lino. Out at Farm Friday. Friday night tho team again trav elod out to tho Stato Farm grounds for a practice, no lot-up In work be ing allowed In spite of tho gamo to-. day. Drill work In tho woakor points of tho Cornhuskors, obsoryod by Mon tor Stiohm In tho Thursday gamo against tho Freshmon team, niado up a good part of tho day, with signal drill and light scrimmage work by all tho squads. Tho Thursday gamo was most in structive to tho coach, as to tho work ing powers of his mon. His shifts of lineup ,ln backflold and lino wore a good tost of how, tho team worked with the dlfforont players In, and tho samo program will bo continued to day. Although tho sale of tickets has boon a Httlo lighter than Manager Eager had expected, there will be a good bunch of Nebraska rootors out to witness the starting of tho season and to give tho team good cheer in the battle. Following Is the lineup of the team for the game: NEBRASKA. Cbauner,, , , , . .Left -.End Shonka, Anderson. .,... .Left Tackle Elliott, Hornberger ..Left Guard Hornberger, Elliott , . . .Center (Continued ok Page 3) i