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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1911)
? -...., fhlftw 1 V 3 leu fo- Jo.K ' ,y t r ' Jt-j TOe H)ail Utebtraekan Vol. X. No. 133 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, MAY 2, 1911. Price 5 Cents. .-V FT GQRNHUSKER HUMBLE AMES AGGIES 76 TO 30 CAPTAIN REED'S MEN MAKE GOOD TIME IN THE MUD. IMPROMPTU RELAY TEAM WINS first; Bristol, Ames, second. Distance, 20 Teet 1 1 J!-." Inches. 'Malf-inlle relay Won by Nebraska. Time, 1:8r :!.". Mile relay Won by Nebraska. Time. :i:37 !!-... PAN-HELLENIC BANQUET Christmas Gets Ahead of May in 100 Yard Dash and Anderson Proves Great Half-Mller. , Nebraska defeated Ames Saturday in the tlrst dual track meet of the conference series In which Nebraska has participated by the score of 70 to 250. Ail hough the victory was sweep ing. Ii is significant to note this is the first time In the annals of the two in stitutions that Nebraska has con quered Ames on the hitter's field. Con sidering the fact that the track was in miserable condition as a result of the rain the previous night, the rec ords are high markB, and If duplicated in the Kansas meet will mean no easy time for the JayhawkerB next Satur day. Elmlnating the high and low hurdles, the track events wore eas plums for Nebraska pickers, while the represent at Ives in the field events In created the already large number of points by winning all but the high jump ' In this Ames won both first atid eeeonl place j. In- nil yoJiifljjlj". won the first and becoiid honors in live events, including In this estimate the half mile and mile relays. The relay events were the most In teresting of the entire meet In one re spect. According to the runnerB, they did not anticipate entering the ball mile relay and selected their winning team only at the eleventh hour, com posed of May, Black, Powers and Christmas. With this team, already exhausted from another race, the Ne braskans cleared the tape far in the lead of the Aggie quartet. Christmas sprung a surprise In the 100-yard dash by imaging Arthur May, who recently tied the world's record In the Indoor no-yard dash. Llnstrum exhibited his usual form in the vault, winning first, with Itussell second, at the height of M feet S Inches. Anderson cleared the field of runners in the half mile, mak ing the except tonally good time ot 2:01. Captain Reed manifested great speed in the 220 and HO, winning both evonts by good leads. The summary of events is as fol lows: 100-yard dash Christmas, Nebras ka, first; May, Nebraska, second. Time, 10 2-5 seconds. Pole vault Linstrum, Nebraska, first ; Russell, Nebraska, second. Height 9 feet 8 inches. 'Mile run Anderson. Nebraska, first; Cockerel, Ames, second. Time, 4:4C. 120-yard hurdles Russell, Nebras ka, first; Walker, Ames, second. Time, 17 2-r seconds. Discus throw Collins, Nebraska, first; ' Vincent, Ames, second. Dis tance, 110 feet 8 Inches. 440-yard dash Reed. Nebraska, first; Anderson. Nebraska, second. Time, 30 4-5 seconds. t Running high jump Corey and Crawford, Ames, tied at 5 feet. Half-mile daBh-Anderson. Nebras ka, first; Becker, Nebraska, second. Time, 2J01. Shot put Collins, Nebraska, first; Vincent, Ames, second. Distance, 38 foot fl inches. 220-yarH aasir Reed. Nebraska, first; Christmas, Nebraska, .second. Time, 22 2-5 seconds. Broad jump Munson, Nebraska, GREAT EVENT OF GREEK SOCIAL WORLD TAKES PLACE TONIGHT. SOPHOMORES WIN DEBATE. Arrangements are complete for the Pan-Hellenic banquet which will be held at the Lincoln hotel tonight. The banquet will be In honor of the board of regents, and most of them aie In the fit to attend. Hon. W. A. Selleck will preside as toast faster. The following is the nigrum of toasts: University and City. Mayor Don .1,. Love. Progress, Chancellor Aery. Ancient Greece, George A. Adams. I Topes, Edward A. Maggi. Intorfraternlty Relations. Verne Hedge. Factors in College Life. C. S. Allen. Receive 2 to 1 Decision Over Univer sity of Omaha. The Bophomore debating team, com posed." or G. It. Mann. II. B. English and O. S. RadclilTe, won From The Uni versity of Omaha team Jy a two, to one decision. The debate was held at the United Brethren church in Om aha last Friday evening. The question debated was, "Rot-olvod. thai corpora tions doing an interstate business should be incorporated and controlled by the federal government." the con stitutionality of the question being waived. The Judges were Attorneys .Mac Donald and Lomltt and Superin tendent S eedy of the Poupoii schools (REIGHTON OVERCOME NEBRASKA TENNIS PLAYERS RE- TURN TRIUMPHANT FROM OMAHA. PROGRAM FOR BIG HOL IDAY IHLL COMPLETE LAST CHANCE TO 8ECURE TICK. ETS OFFERED TODAY. TWO MORE CASES. F. E. Wilcox and A. H. Hiltner Take the Smallpox. Two students were disrowred to have smallpox yesterday, and they we're taken to the isolatim hospital Tllcy lire1 IT-ICt Wilcox n-nd; A. H. Hiltner. Neither of the two are very tick. Several rooms where the stu dents had been lately were thorough ly fumigated yesterday. I'lilversily hull and the chemistry building wore almost uninhabitable late in the afternoon. BATES AND MUNSON OUT. Two Track Men Seek Places on the Athletic Board. 15. S. Munson and W. L. Bates have filed their applications for election to the nthletic board. The former is a member of the varsity track squad and holder of the university record In the li oad jump. He Is also a prominent wrestler. Bates Is a Junior, being president of his class last Foineeter He has been prominent In track work, having been a member of the cross country team last fall and of tho track team this spring. WHO MAY VOTE. Winning the llrst tournament in the last four years or Nebraska history, the varsity tenuis team defeated the Cielghton quartet last Saturday by a score of 7:1 (52. This was the first game of tho honson and oilers some grounds for determining the prospects of Nebraska In In MiHsoml Valley conference tournament to be held all Kansas City on May l! and 20. According to a pieious agreement, tire train winning the g-uKitost-nuuu. her ( f points should be awarded the tournament, In case the matches were tied Incidt ntally tills was the case, and Nebraska won by a close call. The local players won one double and 4 wo singles, tlicioby leaving (lie even drnw. The Nebraska players, both In singles and doubles, showed excellent form. Weaverlng and Smith, for Ne braska played the Catholics olT their feet and won easily by a 0-1 ti-2 tune Smytho and Shirley, considered the best of j he Omaha aggregation, op posed thoni.- Goodbody and Tate lost to Adams and Bqshuell by the score or i-7. (5-1, 11-0. This obviously was the closest contested match of the series. The results or the single events were recorded as follows: Weaverllng boat Shirley, 0-0. -2; Tate boat Bushnell. li-II. !-(); Smylhe defeat ed Smith, 00, (i-2. and Adams defeat ed Goodbody by IM, 5-7 and !. NEW RULES ADOPTED. Many Have False Idea that Students Are Prohibited. Students entitled to vote at the elections today are those who claim Lincoln as their residence and haye the other qualifications of the ordinary voter. The proposed bill to prohibit students voting did not pass the legis hit tire. Many seem to have the Im pression that it had. and a number did not vote at the i rlhmrles for that rea son. All those who have registered may vote and those who did not may do so by certificate, if ..they can furnish a valid reason for not having reg istered. The mere fact that one student at tho university does have any effect upon the matter. is a .nol Students' Publication Board Decides All Elections Be Held at Same Time. A now ruling in regard to the elec tion or student members to the stu dent's publication board was adopted at a meeting of that body Monday evening. It provides that student momhers be elected by the three classes on the Bame day and at the same hour, to ho designated by the secretary o? the board. The secretary ehu.ll also notify the president of each clasp at least elgfit days before the election, and a notice thereof shall be published In the Nebraskan live days boforo and on the day of the election. It waB also voted to give the editor of the Forestry Annual one hour credit. Notice. All students taking drill who are employed In the elections will be ex cused as soojljis government inspec tion 1b over. H. E. YATES, 'Commandant. The Matinee Musical last night pre sented Weber's opera. "Der File schut.,' at tho Temple. The boIos were excellent. The University chorus, numbering 100,-nlEO sang;, -There wns a line orchestra. Mrs. Carrie II. Ray mond acted aB director. A GRAND JOLLIFICATION KSTIVAL Ivy Day Oration by J. T. Votava, Glee Club Quartet, Dramatic Club Among Attractions. The last chance to secure tickets for the big ly day program will be of fered today, when students may pro cure the necessary pasteboards Horn committee memliers at various points on thy campus. Tables will be placed in tho Miliary and on the campus, where but the small hiiiii of twenty -the cents will admit you to the entire afternoon and eenlng program and albo to the luncheon at the state farm tomorrow afternoon. A program of excellent entertain ment has been arranged for the big university holiday, and with no clauses ' to Interfere tho entire student body Is planning to spend a day of recrea tion and Jollification. Fraternities and sororities and other university or ganizations aie planning to attend In a body. Picnic parties have been I binned and a feature of the day will be the serving of luncheon to all ticket holders absolutely free. No nMd to. go bacJc tuLlm:olin as von can gel a luncheon at I) o'clock and stay and enjoy the evening program. Innocents Announced. Promptly at i o'clock the members of l lie Innocents society, that honorary organization or senior men, will ap pear among the people who hnvo assembled, and tap the men or tho present Junior class on the shoulder who have been elected to the society and thus Inform them or their nom ination. The big IntorclnsB athletic meet will give the university men interest ed in this lino of activity an oppor tunity to win some beautirul medals and for one of tho four classes to win the beautiful cup, which is on exhibi tion in the University Book Store. The Dramatic club play is a "side splitter." Laughs from one end to tho other dominate, and "The Fair Eques trienne" promises to be a comedy wortli alone the price of admission to tho whole program. Glee Club Quartet, The luncheon will bo the best ever served at an event of this kind. This alone opsts the committee almost the nice of the tickets, tho surplus funds to be used to defray minor expenses such as medals, tickets and programs. Tho morning program will be held on the city campus and Is free to all. The senior class Is in charge of .this part of the big day's events, while tho whole university body will participate In the functions which havo been planned for tho afternoon and evening. Tho band and the glee club quartet will give concerts In the evening which will be worthy of tho attention of every Btudent. For all these events and more, the students are asked to pay but twenty-five cents to defray tho expenses of the day. The big program Is as follows: PROGRAM. Morning. 0:00 a'. m. pity campus- Song Glee Club Quartet. Class poem.' Ivy day oration J. T. Votava'. ClasB song-lee Club-Quartet; Continued on Pago 4