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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1910)
tf U t I r V . , V "'" v M THE DAILY NEBfeABKAN "X.. Wjjj'.' . , Xftgf ' ?'' ;t,.t $ P- " u 1,5 m: ; Oliver Theatre t6day2:30, T6NlQViT 8:1B "IinAEL MAT., ,25c. NIGHT, 25c to 75c THURSDAY NIGHT, NOV. 10 The Incomparable MLLE. PAVLOWA and M. MORDKIN And The And the Imperial Russian Ballet and Orchestra PRICE8 $2.50 to $1.00 I llinni II MATINEES (BxceplMtnday) 2:30 hlllUUkn HVtiNINUS BVGNINQS AT 8130 MDRPHEUM flfcJ&ttS ADVANCED VAUDVILLE Great Henri French Taylor-Kranzman-Whlte 4 Hanlons 4 Mr. and Mrs. Connelly Lem-Put Musical Stlpps and John 8. Reed Mats. 15o and 25c Evenings 15c, 25c, 35c nd 50c Simmons thePrinter PRINTING Engraving Embossing Auto. 23 1 9 3 1 7 So. 1 2th The First Trust and Savings Bank 4PfeR CENT INTEREST A $1 open an account 189 South 11th Btroot. X if it's PRINTING" WAHT Boo Ub Bbforo Ordoring Elsowhoro Programs, Menus, Announce ments, Stationery, Booklets VANTINE PRINTING CO. r Herpolsheimer's Cafe Dinner H:30 to J: 30 OCA Suppef 5:30 to 7i30 Lull K77ILSO OAFETERIAH STYLE Hot Waflts with Hapli Syrup 10c SUB iH mmmma, 7lff- CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th and O Streets P. L. HALL. Prcaldent F. B. JOHNSON. 'Vlco-proaldont BBMAN C. FOX. Cashier W. W. HACKNEY. JR.; Aast. Cash. Warthon's $2.50 Shoe Store and the Original Elect ric Shoe Repair Factory 142 No. 12th St. UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN' C. A. Tucker x JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET, YELLOW FRONT' Your Patronage Solicited Hot Drinks aro now in season. Do you know , any place whoro you can got as QUICK SERVICE as you can at our new store? JTo need of being crowded. , Lincoln Candy ON THE CAMPUS Capital Hotel Barber Shop, 11 & P. Donald Deonior, 1914, visited In Wy- more last week. Don Cameron's Catys, 110 So. 12th. 'Phi Gamma Delta held a houso party Saturday ovening at their chaptor house. Chapln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th. Guy Klddoo, 1912,' Phi Kappa Pal, visited In South Omaha Saturday and Sunday. Green's Sanitary Barber Shop, 120 No. 11th. Kathryn Yates, 1913, gavo a read ing before the Woman's club yester day. Try a lunch at tho Y. M. C. A. Spa, 13th and P streets. Dean Fordyco of tho teachers col logo was in Omaha Sunday, whore ho addressed tho boys Y. M. p. A. Sun day meeting. Havo your clothes pressed at Web or's Sultorium, Elovonth and O. tf Prof. Emoraon will Bpeak on "Oppor tunities in Horticulture," Wednesday, Nov. 9,Jftt 7:30 p. m., Horticulture hall. Georgo Bros., 218 South Thirteenth street, Printers. Calling Cards, In vites and Programs. Lloyd Denslow, 1908, Delta Tau Delta, has been visiting in tho city for a few days. While in tho university Mr. Denslow was a member of the football and baseball teams. Spe&ial-Diamond-Ringi $25 $35 $50 . Bluo White and Porfoct. Our absolutoly guaranteed, Established i87i HALLETT, Tho Lincoln Woman's club met yes terday in tho Tomplo. Tho history de partment had charge of the mooting. ProfeBBor Perslnger dollvored an illus trated lecture on "Frontier Days." 1322 N street both phones J. C. WOOD & CO. OLDEST LARGEST BEST Cleaners and Dyers Hiltner Bros., Floriata, 118 So. 12th St. Phones Auto 1894, Bell 330. Choice roses, carnations and chrysanthemums. Wo solicit tho university trade. tf One hundred and four now atool lockers are expected to arrive next week, and will bo rented to tho stu dentBr Thesd lockers have beeh or defed for a long time, tho delay in shipping being .caused by a strike In the contracting Arm. Tho entirely redecorated hall in the new Wilkinson block, Sixteenth and O, 1b now rented only for college and other select dancing parties. For dates see Rees Wilkinson. 122 North Eleventh. Auto 1217. tf v " , Notice. Meeting of Junior prom committee Thursday at 11:30 in TJ106. SATIN SLIPPERS , in black cn be worn with or without .. ankle itrnp. Very neat pattern v" . $3.00 a Pair YATES-PRENCH CO. Classified Column - Advertisements for this column should be 'left; at the business office, basement Administration building, bo tween 11 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. Want ads will positively not be In serted unless paid In advance, at the rate of 10 cents per insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of for the first insertion; three Inser tions 25 cents; five Insertions 40 cents. WANTED. Song for tho Ames-NobraBka game. Two tickets to tho gamo will bo given for tho best parody on a popular song. Send all songs to tho NebraBkan office at once. Y. M. C. A. Employment Bureau wants men to tond furnaces in private families for room. Wanted Man to do Janitor work for room and board. For Rent. ?6 rents any mako of typewriter with stand for three monthB. Rent applied if machine is purchased. Lin coln Typewriter ExcHango, 122 No. 11th. iiichardB block. You pass our Btoro ovory day. tf . FOUND. Found Pearl handled knlfo in U. hall. Owner may obtain same at Rag office by identifying and paying for this ad. 31-31 For Sale Duo bill on leading pho tographer In Lincoln. See Nobraakan managor. tt L08T. Lost Between 327 No. 13th and librarly, an Alpha Chi Omega soror ity pin. Reward for return to Nobras kan office. 32-3t $100 oxchnngo privilege wilh oach stono Uni Jeweler IM3 O Street LoBt Thirty-five dollars from gym nasium locker last Friday aftornoon. Liberal reward for return to Nebras kan office or for information concern ing same. . 32-3t We ciean anything from the ?aie.8ffc Chiffon to the heav- lest Suit or Overcoat. now is the time LoBt On tho campus or in tho bo tanical department, a Waterman's red fountain pen, safety model, Friday, November 4. 32-lt LoBt Phi Rho Sigma pin. Reward for return to Nebraskan office. 32-3 1 Educational. ; Learn Wireless and R. R. Telegra phy. Shortage of fully 10,000 operat ors on account of 7-hour law and ex tensive "wireless' developments. Wo operate under direct Supervision of telegraph officials and positively place all students, when qualified. Write for catalogue. Nat'l Telegraph ,Inst, Cincinnati,. Philadelphia, Memphis, Davenport, la., Columbia, S. C, Port land, Ore. tf Peking An official decree has been Issued announcing that an. imperial parliament-, the first in the history of China would bo convoked in 1913. NOTICE. Chemtitrya, Tho mld-somostor examination in chomlstry 23 will bo glvonodncBday. It will covor tho first six chapters in tho test, laboratory work and lebturo notes. 0. DORR'OWMAN. Notice. . Uniforms arc hero, Cadots should call for them rtt-onco. W. J. X.EMPICE, Chairman. Came To 8tudy Forestry. PonBocola. Hon. Hofreat C. Hotra cholc of Vlonna, chief of tho Austrian forest sorvlco, has arrived horo to bo gin an investigation of tho mothoda of forost preservation in- this country. In this section ho will pay particular attention to tho naval stores Industry to determine tho off cot of turpontino upon tho commercial valuo of tho treos for lumber. Ho plana to Intro duco In Austria our plans for utilizing stumps for fertilizing. Baltimore In a letter to tho presi dent of tho Amorlcan association for tho study and provohtlpn of infant mortality, President Taft expressed regrot that ho cannot bo prosont at tho opening session of tho annual mooting owing to hla departure for Panama. Lincoln Hotel Sophomore Hop November 18 CAPITAL CQAL Tms yrTvv o iney s ,-a v e r " HUTCHINS 8c HYATT CO. 1040 O ST. BOTH PHONES Talk With LUDWIG 1028 O STREET FRATERNITIES & SORORITIES We Want Your Coal Ordtrs. Give Us a Trial Order. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST COMPANY 1106 0 STREET TVPFWRITFDS ALL MAKES Rent applied on purcliaae x mm. m tan mmkm SQU) m gggp Two year written ? guarantee with every ma . Smith & Broe. visible. Call or write for catalogue and n e- T;MCAU nn . special price list. - . ' B- F- SWANSON CO., Inc. , Auto phone 2080. Bell phone 1299. i So. 13th St., Liciv Jkfcr.,, --- j CHRISTMAS Photographs are the 1 1 S?viSSa5ls!aflii HMBM"nTHBnMBiBdavasC?' C2 - . Too Bad You Lost That Election Bet but never mindit'll bo a pleasure just to" buy ono of our V. derbies. Thmr'rrvn. finn Int. ,w - w .-. ..-- m w v9 -. Made by manufacturors fam- i ,' t " , ous for their derbies. -jw Hawos Von' Gal Stotson English imported derbioB all stvles and prices. . A new lot of caps havo just v. arrived, They are all sizes and styles uiiu. jyju vYin luu ouiu ty. nuu just what you want. , MAOEE & DEEMER ' 1109 O Street 1 Walt's Orcbvestra Tickets $1.25 About Your Clothes AUTO 3228 BELL 234 -t i Lincoln Sanitarium Plunge The Brill StH Water SwhNriH Ptti XIOURS i Ladles, Mornings Kxeept Bandars. Uentlexnen. Afternoons and KrealBfS.'lAdlM and Gentlemen, Monday and Friday KreBlBgs, 14lh ad U Stmts. SfHclil TkHh ArruM far Most ApprfciatHl V , PRESENTS u S ) v ,'' 'fe-":"' A s t'. ..; :.. fl 'W ?" 1 'H r . . . jr 1 ,. y ' "V ' VI V w :-h- s. i il ' " . w' - - ' ' ' f ': ' i v , . ' '" ,l -X 1 ' 1 JJ- ' : .'! j "S v7 .. v.- i H H3 j? f -w .44 :A -ym r v. 1,1 vv : Kitchen 14th & O 1216 O - AUTO JWB1 DeQASTOty & BAUCMl '.v S. W. Center f K. V ,.. Jt-),-Vf,' . t.i i ,,; n i u( "-- - V ': -. ' .. .. J "v .. l" ; - t . .lr