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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1910)
jr A -- -'',-' f 1 ' " , . 1 THE DAILY 'NEBRAIKAN '. '-v f " ; ' ? "'s. ,.' X "i' ' ' V Vi;" . it r I I Attention rStdb- sctibcts Is called to the face that sub criptions for Ae-fet semes ter if paid by Dec 1 , are $ 1 ; after December i, are $1,2 5- Save 25 Cents Pay Now " fi 4' . BASEMENT Adm. Building 18 UY A BOX of Holeproof Hosiery Six NPair of Hose Guaranteed for six months. Men's Holeproof Half Hose Six Pair for $1.50. Women's and Misses' Holeproof Hos iery Six Pair for $2.00. Holeproof Hosiery are Guaranteed for six months. A new pair of Hose for every pair with a hole inside of six months. i . && r IWH M y Jloleproaftlosiery Lt Lpmpanu MtiwAimtl wil.UA. Mfleai " MAYER BROS. TELLS OF EUROPEAN TRIP DR. 8CHRAQ OF THE GERMAN DE PARTMENT LIKE8 BERLIN. MOST MODERN OF ALL CITIES FOUND ROME TO BE A VERY WON DERFUL CITY. Alps Very Beautiful Great Growth Expected by Residents of Berlin Plans Laid for Forty Years. In -tiir-intorviow DrrSchrngo f""tlRF Gorman dopartmont gave a graphic account of his European tour this Bum mer, nnd reported having Bpent a moBt profitable and enjoyable vaca tion. From New York, Dr. Schrag sailed directly to Italy, and the first impres sion he records is that the Italians aro not a race of unejer-sized men, as one might suppose, judging by their roproscntatlves.ln America.- And fur thermore, they aro about the hand somest race In existence. Dr. Schrag, continuing, Bays: Rome Up-to-Date. "Rome is a marvellous city. It is modern and up-to-date In every re spect. The ruins occupy a compara tively small space and are entirely kept apart from the new city. Prom Rome I traveled to Naples, and visited the Paestum, not far from Naples. Hero are the remains of an old Greek settlement of about 400 B. C. The massive ruinB are In a remarkable state of preservation. Particularly impressive woro-the ruins of two tem ples of. Neptune and Apollo. These ancient remainders of the greatness of Greece are, next to thoso at Athens, the finest in the world. I spent a short time at Pompey and crossed over to the Island of Capri to visit the world famous 'Blue Grotto.' Great Builders. "A 11 through Italy what Impressed me moBt was. that the Romans were the greatest builders the world has ever known. In tho two weeks spent at Rome this was, forced homo, upon mo. For Instance, there is no more wonderful, and scarcely a more beauti ful road in. existence tyiah the great Applan Way; and this, coupled with tho marvelous .ruins, and nearly ,ln credlblo , feats of engineering, attest to tho ancient greatness of the Roman empire, and lend an air of dignity and ancient triumph to modern Italy 4!At Florence I saw the .great art treasures. At Pisa, of course, the famous leaning: tower is Ihe attrac tion. In roy opinion, this remarkable edifice will not stand. long. The next important city. I visited, was- Venlco Krswlng Venice Jrom former trip, tho first charm waB lost. It is, how ever, a beautiful place. Tho most beautiful square in all the world, In my opinion, is hero. This Is St. Mark's square. It Is unique, as It is enclpsed on three sides by elegant shops, and on tho fourth by the church of St. Mark and the DogoB' palace. In the Alps. "Leaving Italy, I traveled north Into the Alps. It rained the whole time I was in tho renowned Oetz valley In tho Tyrol. Oberammergau was next on tho program, and here I saw the Passion Play. I enjoyed this very mucin There Is a great difference of opinion regarding tho play. Some designate It bb crude, others as a per fect piece of dramatic art. Personally it gave me a good idea of what tho old church 'mystery plays were like, and showod what development and evolu tion the drama had undergone. - "While in Munich I took a delight ful trip on the Starnberger 'See.' The next city, Nuernberg, is In some, re spects the most interesting or all German cities. It is mediaeval in char actor, and gives a clear Idea of what tho old 'free cltleB' were like. At present It Is one of the great manu facturing cities of Germany. Berlin Beautiful. "Berlin I found oven more beautiful and dolightful than two years ago. Taken all In all, it has tne reputation, world-wide, that 1t Is 'the most mod ern of modern cities,' and without any doubt it Is tho most beautiful city in the world today. In growth, of all the world's great cities, Chicago alone has equaled it. It has outstripped all others. As a placo to livo in, It Is wlthput an equal. One of the wonders of Berlin" Is the'ice Palace,' built en tirely of ice blocks. Here In tho mid dle of Bummer the young people como" to skate. One peculiarity of the city administration is that the, streets 61 tho city are ordered toNbo washed every night. "Berlin Is laying great plans for a. community of ten million Inhabitants. It is actually planning forty years ahead. There Is a. uniformity In tho. style of architecture , throughout the whole city that gives it a regularity of structure and a' masslveness of beauty that is very striking. The, "most beautiful street. in all tho world, coming to rank with the Applan Way In -fame, Is the avdnue 'Unter Den Linden.' It extends from the .lmper lalpaiace through the Tlergarten and tho Charlottenburger Chausse to Potsdam, lined the entire wal with' the most beautiful trees and flowers, It is six miles longr "In Hamburg I remained only one day, sailing from there the day after I arrived. The trip homo was Very pleasant, except that the boat was Very crowded.'' t it Directory of Advertisers Tho following merchants and busi ness men of Lincoln are anxious to serve the University students. By placing their advertisements In the columns of the Dally Nebraskan they show that they want your trade. And you may be sure that tho merchant who Is willing to make a little effort to get your patronage Is the one. who Is going to treat you honestly and considerately in attempting to keep it. So you as well as the Nebras- JsaJl wllLPJfl!.by tJ!ad!nflwJihthese people: BANKS First Trust & Savings BAKERIES Folsom BARBER SHOPS Green's Capital Hotel BOOK STORES . Co-op. University . . ' CLEANERS J. C. Wood & Cq. Weber's Sultorlum Windsor Sultorlum CLOTHING Farquhar Magee & Deemer Mayor Bros. Palace Clothing Co. , Speier & Simon Armstrong Clothing Co. COAL Whltebreast Hutchins & Hyatt ' CONFECTIONERY Lincoln Candy KItchonj 3 ". DRY GOODS 'T... J Miller & Paine " J-", - Rudgo & Guenzel - t"-" "S ",-"'' DRUGGISTS "' VkC ENGRAVERS ; ' " -; " .' ' ; ' Cornell ,': x '- $t t. FURNISHINGS -Budd FulU Mageo & Deemer. Jilayer Bros. , Palaco Clothing Co. Rudgo & Guenzel Speier & Simon ?.:' A- ? Armstrong Clothing Co.. HATTERS . .' - Budd " s 'Fulk" . Armstrong. Clothing Co. H,''' . v J.. ' Magee & Deemer Jtfayer. Bros. . . . Palace Clothing Co. Budge & Guenzel r Speier & Simon JEWELERS Haiiett fl ; J " - Tucker LAUNDRIES Hvass '. "H & 1-. ' . I' v.. (y .- ..x- I',p' ' 'i $4 "J '1 ') M i M- t " V ' :K U v v; -.V .t. 'V ;w. :0& .f 1.- ' -' r .V? !,( & r i , s, y ?. - tftv r fJ n: 'J&tf-C Mm!' '"' ,M',i&mmiBim 'I ttf ,J . V " i '". , wAv i' .t& '$ v,MVS -kyi,i-f u) .'- .I.V -. kjrf 7 - " Jl. .. .