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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1910)
K THE DAILY NEBRASKAN h" ?r- K v 4 OLIVER THEATRE TC;DAY 2:30. TONIGHT-HB;15 And Friday, Sat. A Sat Mat VERNON THE GREAT And His Laughing Hypnotic Show Night 30, 20 & 10c. Mat; 25 & 10c 1, ) i . WEEK CF APRIL 25 LORAINEKEENE&CQ. nays kvTBHVSfi Boytr-My Spring line of woolens are stunners. See them.! , L. J. HERZOG 1230 O St Fine Tailoring t))Camusik M. (gleanings W C. H. Froy, florist, 1133 O street Miss Ortbd Ncsblt Bpent Sunday vis iting friends In Ashland. Chapln Bros., florists. 127 Bo. 13th. PERITORIC LENSES Does Away With Reflection I SHAPED TO THE EYE HOWE - OPTICIAN 319 No. J2th The First trust t Sav ings Bank 4' ' Par Cent Interest A $1 spini an aooiuht Cmr 10th 8c O Stmtt the Owl Pharmacy Northeast Corner 14th and O Streets Hot and Cold Drinks at Our Fountain Phi Alpha Tau held a meeting In tlicTlcIenco 'halloT "thocmptoHast: night Thornburg's Orchestra Auto 5877. Webb Jones. loft today for Maryetta, Ohio, whore too, will . attend tho na tional convention of Delta Upsilon. Try a lunch at tho. Y. M. C. A. Spa. 13th and P Sts. - Max Wyman, '09,, Beta, of Bradahaw is spending a few days with his fra ternity brothers'. -- Now Hnyden' Studio, 1127 O St. Miss Katherlne Mllroy, Alpha Phi, who Is living In Omaha, has been vis iting In Lincoln. Eat at Don Cameron's Cafe, 111-119 So. 12th street. Miss Eula Bates lias returned to school after eeveral days Bpent at her home In Springfield. Qreon's Sanitary Barber Sbop. 120 N. 11th. FreBhman. hop . committee will moot In U. haU 112 Thursday al 11 o'clock. Domestic Lunch. J. McKensIe, 1230 -H. Miss Helen Dinsmore, Tri Delta. Who has been confined at homo for tho past few days, is able to attend classes again this morning. Cornell University Medical College AoollcgoileRreals required for ndtnlBston Advnuc diitunilliiK jrruutod students piVH-nt-Ing eotlorMUtory credential fronj ncorodltod myIcnl folloKes. Etdry It clltty tBlTnrcd to amlururuduutoMbOokinK tho decree t Doctor of Medicine. An plots IllHosnro uisoofloroil qualified grndiinton to jmrauo original Inventl Katl"P'ln iiuy doimrtmont. For .further iwr tlnnlnrH npplv to Tbt Dun, Ctrnill tlilttreltr Midlcil Collin, Pirat Avo. nndJMiu St., Now York City. Brln Your Neit Job of Printing to a - - " - n t i ' i , n - A. M. Troyor, 'Oi, who has boon I ....... L" ...... . ' ...J ii . ... lencmng agriculture in mo- uainoun colored school, Colhoun, Ala., Is start Ing a fruit farm and nursery at Fair hope, Ala. Beta Tlujta PI, Initiated Monday night Initiates wore Arthur Wherry qt Pawneo and Geo. Hanson of Fair bury. . W. JL Reynolds, '09, a cTiartor mom- ber of Dolta Chi, was on tho campus JCfif-tordnx... Reynolds, Js,now engaged In. the land business in South Dakota, Dr. Condra spent Saturday oxam ining Irrigation projects In eastern Wyoming. Ho returned early Monday morning. Miss- Grace Shallenbdrgor departed yesterday fcr Texas. Sho will accom pany her father on a weok's tour of tho Lone Star state. Judge William H. Snpll. '73, of Ta coma, Wash., one of" tho two first graduates of tho university, enter tnlned. tho Nebraska Club at Seattlo recently. A year ago a similar event was held, the occasion being the visit of Prof. Laurence Fosslcr to that city. i . Chi Omega sorority was entor taincd Friday evening by Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Doylo at their homo at 1810 D street. On Saturday evening Alpha Phi sorority was entertained at tho samo home. Tho danco programs were hand decorated and were tho work of Miss Kathleen Doyle. . . i The Germanlstlsche Vereln. Tho GermnnlBtischo' Vereln moots Wednesday evening promptly at 7:30 and will be out promptly at 8:30. Mu sic will bo furnished by tho German quartet, composed of Miss Koch, Miss Nelson, Mr. Von Nusbaura and Theo Kruger. An Interesting talk by Herr Dr. Schrag on "Berlin and dlo Ber liner" will be a feature of tho evening. r- WSvV 4sssV M- Jm m vT HflKm M ' New Uni Spoons and Forks Sterling Silver $1.00 to $3.00 Any bnilding. Frnt Honso or scono ongrnved In bowl of spoons at sl.ght additionul cost if wo are furnished with cut or photo. ESTABLISHED 1871 HALLETT 1143 O STREET VAH TINE PRINTING CO. ind Get Satitfactory Results 12S-130 No. 14th St. Auto 3477 I SEE OUR WOOLENS Elliott Bros. i TAILORS 142 SOUTH TWELFTH Cincinnati $2.50 Shoe Sore and Electric Repair Factory . New Location 142 North 12 Before buying your spring footwear let Bcckman Bros, show you their new snappy oxfords. 1107 O bL Mr. V. S. Culver will load the mid week meeting of the Y. M, C. A. and will take as his subject "A Message from Pike's Peak." Picnic days aro here. Wo make a specialty of putting up sandwiches, Balads, cakes and all tho dainties Unit help to mako tho day enjoyable. Dal rymplo's, 13th and M. tf Mies Otis Hassler, '08, Kappa Knp pa Gamma, and an Instructor In the Wahoo Tilgh school, spent Sunday at tho Kappa house. Tho Delta Upsilon fraternity will occupy tho house on tho northeast corner of Thirteenth and R streets next year. : Boula Jennings has bfeon elected to tako charge of tho Latin department at the Genovd nigh school for next year. Supt. J. W. Gamble of Plattsmouth has enrolled In tho university exten sion course in school organization, Mr. Gamble was in tho university somo years ago. Quality Counts ' thapswHy FRANKLINjS ICE GfeEAM ' IS SO POPULAR , JlTe majce a ipecialty of fan vcy creams, sherbets. Ices and punch, for Prat. & Sorori ty parties. Y nipping ureaia Portfolio Club Changes. Tho Portfolio Club has decided to meet every other Saturday Instead of every Saturday afternoon. Tlloro will bq no meeting next Saturday. The. U. of N. Ib strongly represent ed In the Wnhoo high school faculty. C. N. Walton, '05, Is superintendent, and Miss Otis Hassler '08, MIbb Mary Rnltle '09, and Miss Wllhelmlna Her old '08 are members of the high school teaching force. . Field Geology, Courses 21 and 22. Tho final field excursions of the year for men will bo taken Friday and Saturday, April 22 and 23. Studies- will be inado along tho lower Platte valloy from Ashland to Louisville. All who aro going should report at onco to Professor Boqgtson for Instructions. 120-2t Notice. A meeting of tho "Engineering Soci ety will bo held this evening nt 7:30. O. L. OLSON, Secretary. Miss Winifred Dillon of Omaha was tho guest of Miss Ruth Randolph Sat urday and Sunday. Miss Dillon at tended the Informal, masquerade held at tho university Temple Saturday evening. THE- JFrJFtff SHOfr. THE "F-F-H". DRILL SHOE MAPE ON OVJR FAMOUS "TRAMP" LAST I i.i The Highest Priced "Lotus Calf used in the uppers. Double Soles., "F-F-H" Qua'ity. The Nevr Grey Oxfords and Ties : The New 2-Ee ;; and 2-Button Low Cuts AN e W Hi-Arch ' r, , A New Hi-Toe in Tan, Gun-Metal aha Patent it. I -t ' V . n f : U vtr' I . Real College Shoes MENS BOOTERY C. V. Roberts 144 No. 12 St. ' TYPEWRITERS all makes . 9ULU UK KtNTtD Rent A on Purchuso Price Fiyo Days Free trial hofore you our list: 'Auto. 2080;, Boll 129U. B. F. SWANSON CO., Inc. it Applies o Xy. Tvyp ;ora gnanitoo wlien you purchase Easy Torma. Got 143 So. 13th St. v V . A-tvvil .951 . ! -..U.r -i.- tm Ivincoln Hotel i'i'-h-J v nop n".ii WeilVm OrcKeitra i ,ht. U ..v.r. u a- i fc.f i . f, m Tickets $1.50 m T i ". "A '.mt11 ! aj ways oa band, Repairing done W-tli,pipatcb.f.,... 1220 O STREET - Anto 0417 , Bo)l'01 Iff . v ,' Aqto Bill. 18liN8t.; 1 1 ?4 ( . J l - i, i ! TV f"i '. f ..' Bll 205. M i Advertiser Mairnnize uur PBM, PlSkfS' Ki tBSl4t4B4M-lP