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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1910)
, .- - ''--MII'imm'pinwwiimiiimWDWWMiIIiiIIIIJJJ1I bt nrniimniTirnwi'waMMifciitHiuLj mmeznat 'MmmmAmmm c T&E DAILY NEBRASKAN M- t 14- . The Daily Nebraskan THE UNIVERSITY OF NHflRABKA, Lincoln, Nobraaka. I' i PublfMicd" by .' . t TUB STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD EDITORIAL STAFF. j , , Kdltor K. P. Frederick Managing Miter i."tictri Ji Lod Associate Editor T. M. Edgecombe Associate Editor M i , . R. D. Hawley ,. ,.., , BUSINESS STAFF. fJianader .: Q. G. Klddoo Assistant Manager.. V. C. Hasoall Circulator. ....... j ... ... C, Buchanan , i ' "l n j i ) i ' ' ' " Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. ftostofflce, .Station fr, Lincoln, Neb. UBSCRIPTION. PRICE. 12.00 PER YEAR Payabla In Advance. Single Copies, ( Cent Each. .J4 ' "Telephoner Auto188, Night Phones Auto 1888 Auto 3844. INDIVIDUAL NOTICE8 will bo charged for at tho rutn of 10 conta tho Inaortlon for very fifteen words or fraction there of. Faoulty notices and University bul letins will bladly bo publlnhed free. ViTl', ii ii ii t ii 1 ii Sintered at tho postofjlca at Lincoln. Nebraska; na aeoond-olnno fnall matter under the Aot of Congroaa of March t, 1179. 1 Advertisements for" the want column should be left at tho business office, base I tent Administration building, between 10 .tm. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and B p. m. n Cash must accompany ail orders for ad vertising, at the rate of ten conts for each fifteen word or fraction thereof the first Insertion; three Insertions twenty-five ctntar five" Insertions forty cents. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1910. "TO GAIN POWER. Qpo, gopa to a unlvorslty not so mucjti to, gain knowledge as to gain ' ppwl nqf. sq much to journ to know ( things aa to learn to do things. W6 rauBi Jcrn things to enable us to roa 6pn, o, pnabjo ub to grasp problems. You got Just oa much out of your edu cation as you put Into It In energy. Tho largqr your Btart at college the )argor w)lj bo your caliber In later acblovqincnta, The main thing in the difference In m6n's succchb ia in their standards. Tho collego affords you v place to; apt for yourself high Btand ardB; ji placo- to measure yourself and . yqur standards. Groatjr, bettor, " higher than all you got from your 'col- LADIES lego career should bo yopr standard. If you1 havo not a high standard whon you havo finished you havo missed tho most essential part of your unlvor Bity 'education. Abbott Lawrence, president Harvard University. Kansas, through the editorial col umn of the Dally Kansnn, expresses her opinion of the- baHeball situation as follows? "Tho uctlcn or tho unlvorslty In can celling tho baseball, games with the University of Kansas because there aro professional players on tho Ne braska team was somewhat surprls lug, to say the leuBt. It Is absurd to Buppose that It Ib Impossible to find enough men at tho University of Ne braska to make up a baseball toam untainted with professionalism. It Ib moro likely that the action arises from tho bollof or tho Nebraska of ficlals Umt JLlio amateur requirements for college, baseball elthor cannot bo enforced or ought not to bo enforced. Thp frank request thaj. tho Unlvorslty of, Kansas suspend tho conforenow rules and play tho games as scheduled Indicates a deliberate attempt to break down tho conference rules. Tho University of Kansas can well afford to. spqnd considerable time investigat ing tho situation before It agrees to withdraw to any extent from tho re quirements it has succeeded in impos ing in. regard to amateur standing In all branches of sport." Kansas I Away off down there in yourxb.ed of sunflowers, wjth the blue gold haze of lazy springtime lapping tho cqrn stalk oa It waves majestic ally at your doorstep; ' with the cun ning Httlo.rabblt nibbling at your ear-laps as you water tho early crop or ;,'jImEon weed" Is it posslblo that you .do not, know that seven or your base . ball pjayejjs aro charged with having played professional or semf-profes-slonal ball? Is U not "aburd to sup poso'that if Is Impossible" for tho Unl iverslly,'dr Kansas '"t'o bake upVbW ball toam untainted with professional Ism"? And ho laughed Hoi Ho! ( And ho laughed Haw! Haw!. t 8IDI8 IS AN ATHEIST When a Srnall Child, Prodigy Would Not Listen to Progress. William Sldls, Harvard's boy won der, was 12' years old on All FooIb' day. When In tho grammar Bchool Sidis was horribly afraid of dogs and his mother had to accompany him to and from school. Sho generally comes as far as tho collego with him now. It 1b said ho has no idea of dircqtion and alBO lapsos of abaont-mlndedn.088. Ah a. little child he always placed his fingers In his cars when prayers wero said. Ho declared ho did not bollovo in Qod, which skepticism he retains to this day. Ho llkca .cats and has a pet one. Tho boy prodigy Ih a great nowspapei rendof, pursuing, tho local dallies be fore broakfast. He 1b also a student of Shakespearo and knows "JuIIub Caesar" and othor i)laya by heart. Young Sidis likes baseball and mar bles. Hans Wagner and Prod Tpnney aro his 'Idols of tho diamond. Ho If nolther a republican nor domocrat but bolioves that Bryan is a much mis understood man and tho greatest Amorlcan statesman of tho day. Chicago Intor-Ocean. FA8TEN8 RADIUM TO AIR8HIP. Harvard Prodigy Devises Plan to Reach Venus. William Sidis, tho 11-year-old mathematical prodigy of Harvard, has not confined his attention to the fourth dimension, but has been delv ing Into norlal navigation. From one or tho Instructors in tho physics de partment It Ib learned that Sidis be lieves ho has solved tho problem of navigating tho air. HIb plan Is simple and has to do with tho rays given off from radium. Get wise to my sample Shoe Shop its possibili- f 1 1 r f ties for the Goi geous Styles, Lasts and Qualitic s. K 1 1 1 1 1 1 The low price $2.50. The splendid fittings I UUV give you. Cc me up, I don't and my salesman 1413 O wont lie. UPSTAIRS Working .upon this basis, CIdls be Moves that by attaching a block of radium to tho stern of his airship the propelling power will bo derived from the force with which tho rays loavc tho radium, In tho same manner that a skyrocket s propelled through Bpace. Sldls thinks that such tor rifle power will bo gonqratod that It will take ono tp tho planot Venus In twenty minutes. Sldls has not decided just how much radium It will tnko" to carry out his Bcheino or how much tho cost of such a block would be. "HOW TO GET FAT OR THIN." Harvard Professor Says Choice of Food Governs Extra Flesh. "How to got fat or thin," was told by, Dr. Goorgo White 'In a locture at tho Harvard medical school recently. Among othor things hp said: "Some persons could never bo made thin unless you could change their character. Ordinarily tho supervision of a physician is necessary to prevent mistakes and for encouragement and1 discipline. "It is not safo to lose moro than two pounds a week, or twenty pounds In three months, ir you havo moro than this to lose, say fifty pounds, Is bettor to bring its loss about inter mittently "It doesn't mean, starvation, or nec essarily loss food, but a cholso of new foods, for Instance, replacing of roast b'eef by chicken and thickened soups by clear soups, Foods may bo rough ly divided Into three classes, strong, medium and light according to thelrJ values. "Tho strong foods aro ollvo oil, but ternuts, chocolate, cheeso, sugar cake, Ice cream, roast beef, nam, pork chops, bacon, gravies', cream,- candy puddings, pies, cereals, macaroni bread, figs and datOs. "Foods or medium fa value are cream, soups, thickened soups, fowl, beef round, veal, eggs, salmon, shad, mackerel, halibut, beans, grapes and bananas. "TJhe light foods aro milk, butter milk, 'clear soups, beef tea, broiled chicken, perch, cod, oysters, lobsters, potatoes, bcots, green peas, radishes, cabbago, celery, lettuco, spinach, apticfl, peaches, cherries, oranges and mclonB." JONE8Y MAKE8 SANDWICHES. Waitresses Won't Work for Domestic Science Department, ThO waitresses In tho lunch room department of the Columbia univer sity commons wont on strike recently Just In time, as they thought, to tie up tho preparations for the evening meal. . C. It, Jpnes, the student man ager, hustled into the work himself and assisted by half a dozen mon whom ho got from downtown on a hurry call fixed everything In first class stylo for the students when thoy camo In. Tho troublo came when Jones told tho wnltresBes that thoy would have to prepare sandwiches and other edi bles for an affair that tho domestic science department in teachers' col lego was to givo in the evening. Tho waitresses refused to touch a slice of bread. Jones fired the girls, sent a call for help to an employment agency, peeled off his coat and started in on tho sandwiches. Ho had them all ready on time. Rev. Burres Gives Baccalaureate Sermon. Rev. W. H. Burrus of tho First Con gregational church or Fremont, Neb., has been selected to deliver the bacca laureate address for tho university graduates. Ho has officiated before In tho capacity of baccalaureate ora tor, having delivered tho address to the class of 1892. Colorado University is to havo a pew sclenco and museum hall. The approximate coBt will bo $270,000. NEVER KNOW if you NEVER TRYl Wum you want to Kot Cloanlng nnd PrealnR Jono by lintul and, not by machinery bring VourolothoH to JOE The Tailor who Ih nlfso n Bpeclnllst on nlturing nnd roiltt iiiK your clothcu up-to-dute. MARGARET M. FRICKE Dressmaker of Style and Economy UPSTAIRS, 1328 O ST. LINCOLN University Bulletin APRIL. 20, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Engineer ing Society meets. - 20, Wednesday, 6:50 p. m.i-rY. M. C. A. megtlng: "A "Message from Pike's Peak." 21, Thursday Convocation. Iayor Love. ."The Unpaid Commission in Municipal Affairs." 22, Friday Agricultural school com mencement. 22, Friday "Faust" program. Univer sity chorus and orchestra. 22, Saturday,. 2 p. m. Dual track meet. Nobraska-Mlnnesota. Ath letic field. 27, Tuesday, baseball, Highland Park, vs. Nebraska, athletic field. 29, Friday, 5 p. m., Memorial Hall University band concert. 30, Saturday, 8. p. m., Temple AgrJ ? cultural Club. MAY. 10, Tuesday Convocation. Annual peace program. 11, Wednesday Ivy Day; All classes excused, IB, 'Saturday Dual track meet Nebraska-Kansas, at Lawrence. 17, Tuesday Convocation. Xnnual JunloV program, Our Punches and Ices are the Best THE DIVINITY SCHOOL eT HARVARD UN-IVE-RSI-T Y UNSECTARIAN "CLECTIVE courts leading to the University degten of S.T.B., A.M.and Ph.D. ""' Students paying the full lee may take without extra charge appropriate courses oliered In the, Graduate School ol Arts and Sciences and in Aodover Theolog ical Seminary. For particulars address The Dean of Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, Mamchucetls. Fraternities Sororities W can lave you 12 per cent on your fuel bills Semi-Anthracite $8.00 IS THE REASON urn.,. Gregory The Coal Man IM4ok Catchers9 Mitts The adjustable paddinh: hold the ball every time. Re ch M itts are used by such star catchers as Gibson, Schmidrj Moran. Kleinow. Dobin m fact all the catchers of the bin leagues. The Rgack Ball The official ball of the urcat American League and World's Series. Standard with all leagues ah.l ii me na'i used by nmes n c:iampionsnip games I2:g Reach Cj;:3r.tcti salhhclloa azdpctJtcl goods The Kcac'i Official llnnc Hall Oniric contain plnyliiK rulefi, schedules, ayerngcii. etc., nlso action ictntc anri history of WorM'H Scries in 01H: boot. loccntHnt ilcalrrH'orby mall. Ready about Mure i ijtli, Kcacli Ua!c Hall A. 4. REACH Ub, Tulip Ladies' and Men's Clothing Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired. lints Cleaned Blocked and Rotriunned L. BLUMEINTHVL Practical Hatter Goods Called For and Dellvored. azri Bo. UJtn at., Limioii Summer The University June 20 to August 12, 1910 Courses in Agrlqulturo, Anatomy, Botany, Chemistry, Education, Educa tional Theory add Practlco, Secondary Education, Normal Training, Elemen tary Education, English Language and LItoraturo, French, Geography and Geology, German, American History, Home Economies, Hdrtlculturo, Latin, Manual Training, .Mathematics, Me chanical Drhwing, Philosophy and Pay chology, Physical Education, Physiol ogy, Political Science and. Sociology, Rhetoric and- English Composition, Zoology. " SUBSCRIBE NOW ft TJie Daily Nebraskan . 1307 O STREET university Privileges arrangement and tlcen hollow the big college and university Trade Mark OFFICIAL American LeagueM catalogue PRBK. COMPANY. St., Phlla., Pa. t kimti and Clean or Boll Phono A-021, Auto Phono 0448 llotol, Lincoln. Nob. Session of Nebraska Special attention to subjects .re. quired for professional certificate. ' Nino hours of collego work possible. 1 Conditional admission on 22 points. Teachers 21 years or1 over may enter as Adult Special Students. Hlgh'School Courses in tho Teach ers' Collego High School. For bulletin or Information address THE REGISTRAR, The University of Nebraska, Lincoln K A T -p i I J